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1Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo - Praça do Oceanográfico, 191, Butantan, São Paulo SP BRAZIL 05508-900, fax +55 11 210.3092

2Institut für Meereskunde an der Universität Kiel - Düsternbrooker Weg, 20, Kiel, GERMANY D-24105

3junedias@usp.br* Project MAR 27 - Brazilian-German Science and Technology Co-operation in Marine Sciences (MCT-CNPq/WTZ)

102 Sesión 2: Estudios sobre edad y crecimiento de calamares y peces Paulo state, with a Hensen net. Mean temperature

waters were 24.3 °C in the field. The samples were transported under constant aeration to the coastal station of the Oceanographic Institute -Univ. of São Paulo in Ubatuba. Sardine eggs were separated from the rest of the plankton and hatching occurred on the same day of the capture.

After the absorption of the yolk sac, larvae from days 4thand 14th were transferred to different aquaria and starvation experiments were carried out with 2 to 8 and 2 to 13 days. In the control experiments, larvae were fed with Brachionus plicatilis reared on the Tetraselmis tetrathele"ad libidum", twice a day. In the experimental group, larvae with different ages were kept without food for one or two days and collected.

For the sagittae otoliths analysis the measurements were performed using a digitalized computer-aided video system, with a CCD camera connected to a microscope. RNA/DNA ratios and tryptic enzyme activity were determined according to methods described by Clemmesen (1989, 1993) and Ueberschär (1988), on individual fish larvae, after measurements of total length. Prior to determination of RNA and DNA, individual dry weights for the fish larvae were taken after freeze drying for 24 h.


The results of the experiments performed with eggs from two sources (November 4th and 14th) were pooled.

The readings on the sagittae were compared with the known age of the laboratory-reared fed and starved sardine larvae and confirmed that increments are formed on a daily basis. The regression intercepts of larvae from the fed and the starved group indicated that the first increment is formed on the second day after hatching and after start of feeding. Based on linear regressions fitted into the data, the growth equations were calculated for fed and starved Brazilian sardine:

Fed larvae:

Y = 3.25 + 0.36X (r2= 0.76, n = 63, P<0.01)

Starved larvae:

Y = 3.41 + 0.33X (r2= 0.81, n = 48, P<0.01) Fed and starved larvae of the same age presented differences in the increment width, the fed ones showing greater increment widths (Fig.

1), although increment width showed an unexpected decline between increments number 6 and 8 in fed larvae.

Fig.1. Relation between number of increments and increment width from the otoliths of fed and starved Brazilian sardine larvae reared in the laboratory.

Sardine larvae showed mean dry weights ranging from 10 mg to 225 mg. Larvae deprived of food for 1-2 days showed a lower dry weight in comparison to the same age group having received food during the whole course of the experiment.

Tryptic enzyme activity measurements showed that from day 1 to day 5, only a slow increase in tryptic enzyme activity could be seen, but from day 6 to 13 a more pronounced increase in tryptic activity was observed with an reasonable decrease from day 7 to 8 in fed larvae.

The larvae which were deprived of food for 1 to 2 days showed a significant decrease in enzyme activity and more pronounced in older larvae (Fig. 2).

In relation to age, the RNA/DNA ratios of 1-2 days starving larvae always showed a decrease, whereas the ratios of fed larvae had the tendency to increase with larval age except for the reductions in the ratio found between days 5 and 6 and days 8 and 10 reflecting the situation found in the RNA-content (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Comparison between the results of tryptic enzyme activity, RNA/DNA ratios and otolith increment widths of fed Brazilian sardine .

Figure 2 shows that there is a clear relationship between otolith microstructure and biochemical indicators in the feeding group. However, the decrease in increment width between day 9 and 12 is coupled with a decrease in the biochemical parameters but occurred one-two days later showing differences in latency time. The observed decrease in biochemical indicators and otolith microstructure in the feeding group suggests that other factor than food availability was affecting growth and condition of the larvae, since food in sufficient amount was available.


Since 1985, several programs have dealt with recruitment variability of the Brazilian sardine using age estimations of larvae and juveniles through otolith microstructure and ichthyoplankton surveys (Yoneda, 1987; Matsuura, 1989, 1996).

More recently, the estimation of larval condition

through biochemical and morphometric indicators has been included (Dias, 1995).

The otoliths of fed and starved sardine in this study showed the typical otolith pattern described by Yoneda (1987), with deposition of the first ring two days after hatching. The deposition of growth increments followed a daily pattern, strictly related to chronological age, independent of growth rate and feeding conditions.

Increment widths were strongly affected by depletion of food supply. So, the daily increment readings in sardine otoliths are a suitable tool for tracing rhythmic patterns and environmental conditions fluctuations.

The tryptic enzyme activity analysis measures the amount of trypsin available, so its variations can be rapidly detected in the range of hours (Ueberschär, 1995). RNA and consequently RNA/DNA ratios indicate that the precursors of protein synthesis is not being transcripted in high amounts. The measures of these biochemical indicators have different times of reaction and this could explain the delay detected (Ueberschär &

Clemmesen, 1992).

The specific pattern of enzyme activity of fed sardine larvae is mainly due to ontogenetic development and appears in the same manner in other species (e.g. herring, cod and turbot) (Ueberschär, 1998). But the period to pass certain enzyme developmental stages needs only half of time compared to the species adapted rather to temperate areas. This affect also the time needed to reduce the enzyme activity in starving larvae.

Consequently, high temperatures reduce the ability to survive under low food availability.

The RNA/DNA ratio showed a significant decrease compared to fed larvae after 1-2 days of food withdrawal. In fish larvae of temperate waters the reaction time of the RNA/DNA ratio to food deprivation is in the range of 3-5 days (Clemmesen, 1994, Ferron & Leggett, 1994). In this study the effect of higher temperature caused a faster reaction in the decrease of RNA/DNA values reaching the same minimum values necessary for survival (Clemmesen, 1994) but in

104 Sesión 2: Estudios sobre edad y crecimiento de calamares y peces 1-2 days. Since higher temperature causes higher

metabolic rates, starvation induced mortality in species living in these high temperature regimes can very likely affect recruitment outcome, and potential survival due to starvation could be very low as could be shown by the fast reaction time of the biochemical indicators and the otolith increment width reduction.

Our results showed that between ages 7 and 12 an oscillation in all 3 indicators (otolith and biochemical analysis) takes place suggesting some energy consuming events involving structural and metabolic changes (Bergeron, 1997) occurring during organogenesis. At 7-10 mm Brazilian sardine larvae is in the phase of notochord flexion (Kurtz, pers. comm.1) and these lengths are in the range of the ages mentioned above. This is a very important event in the life history, increasing the swimming capacity and the probability of capturing food (Blaxter, 1988).

Normally notochord flexion is accompanied by rapid development of fins and notable increase of the muscular mass. The values of the employed condition indicators showed that after that age conditions were improving, but at different time scales, with otoliths showing delayed response.

The results described above show that otolith microstructure can be validated by biochemical indices as a tool for accessing larval growth history and nutrition but with a time lag of 1-2 days between the reaction of otolith growth and RNA/DNA ratios and tryptic enzyme activity in the Brazilian sardine.

It was shown that under poor feeding conditions in the laboratory, sardine larvae experienced low growth expressed by dry weight, lower RNA/DNA ratios and tryptic enzyme activity, and narrower increments in the otolith microstructure.

1Dr F. W. Kurtz - Univ. Santa Úrsula - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


We would like to thank the Instituto Oceanográfico (Universidade de São Paulo), the Institut für Meereskunde (Universität Kiel) and FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - Proc. N° 98/03492-0) for their support in this co-operation. We are grateful to the Brazilian-German Science and Technology Co-operation in Marine Sciences (MCT-CNPq/WTZ) for making this study possible.


Bergeron, J. P. 1997. Nucleic acids in ichthyoplankton ecology: a review, with emphasis on recent advances for new perspectives. J. Fish. Biol., 51 (suppl. A): 284-302.

Blaxter, J. H. S. 1988. Pattern and variety in development. In: W. S. Hoar and D. J. Randall (eds.): Fish Physiology, pp. 1-58, Vol. 11, Part A. Academic Press, London.

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Clemmesen, C. 1993. Improvements in the fluorimetric determination of the RNA and DNA content of individual marine fish larvae.

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Clemmesen, C. 1994. The effect of food availability, age and size on the RNA/DNA ratio of individually measured herring larvae:

laboratory calibration. Mar. Biol., 118: 337-382.

Dias, J. F.1995. Avaliação da condição nutricional das larvas de sardinha-verdadeira (Sardinella brasiliensis (Steindachner, 1879)) - Clupeidae e da anchoíta (Engraulis anchoita Hubbs &

Marini, 1935) - Engraulididae, da Costa sud este do Brasil. Ph. D. thesis, Univ. de São Paulo.

Ferron, A. & W.C. Leggett.1994. An appraisal of condition measures for marine fish larvae.

Adv. Mar. Biol., 30: 217 - 303.

Matsuura, Y. 1989. Synopsis on the reproductive biology and early life history of the Brazilian

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M a t s u u r a , Y. 1 9 9 6 . A p r o b a b l e c a u s e o f recruitment failure of the Brazilian sardine Sardinella aurita population during the 1974 /75 spawning season. S. Afr. J. mar. Sci., 17:


Rossi-Wongtschowski, C.L.D.B., S.A. Saccardo

& M. C. Cergole.1996. Are fluctuations in Brazilian sardine catches related to global -scale climate changes? An. Acad. bras. Ci.,68 (sup.1): 239-250.

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Ueberschär, B. & Clemmesen, C. 1992. A comparison of the nutritional condition of h e r r i n g l a r v a e a s d e t e r m i n e d b y t w o biochemical methods - tryptic enzyme activity and RNA/DNA ratio measurements. ICES J.

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Yoneda, N. T. 1987. Criação em laboratório de larvas da sardinha-verdadeira, Sardinella brasiliensis, e estudo dos incrementos diários nos otólitos. M.Sc. Dissertation, Univ. de São Paulo.


La composición por edades es uno de los datos básicos imprescindibles para el uso de modelos estructurales de evaluación y manejo de recursos.

En 1994 se comenzó a evaluar el recurso merluza considerando dos stocks: al norte y sur de 41ºS, sobre la base de numerosos estudios relacionados con la diferenciación de ambos grupos.

Resultados y discusión

Los estudios sobre la edad que fijaron el criterio de lectura usado actualmente se iniciaron en 1986. Se trabajó en principio con ejemplares juveniles (estadío sexual juvenil), cuyas tallas no superaban los 40 cm (Renzi y Pérez, 1992). Se realizó un seguimiento de la formación de los anillos hialinos de los otolitos a lo largo del año relacionándolos con las modas observadas en las distribuciones de tallas. Las edades adultas se validaron a través de la correspondencia entre los

grupos de edad y las modas de las distribuciones de tallas, especialmente con las clases fuertes. Se estableció la fecha de cumpleaños el primero de enero teniendo en cuenta el momento del desove principal. Con este criterio se ha determinado la edad de los otolitos procedentes del muestreo de desembarco (1978-actual), del muestro de observadores a bordo y de campañas de investigación (1993-actual).

La merluza es una especie de vida relativamente larga, se han llegado a determinar 18 años de edad en hembras y 13 en machos.

Como en la mayoría de los gádidos el crecimiento es diferencial entre sexos con un coeficiente metabólico mucho más alto en machos (Renzi, Ms) (Fig. 1 y 2). La edad de primera madurez es 2,6 años, correspondiéndole una talla de aproximadamente 32 cm en machos y 37 cm para hembras (Simonazzi, 1999). A partir de la madurez sexual las tallas medias por edad se

