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Wachsmann 1197


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Wachsmann 1197

M o ; concurr. 1967-68 Ford Found, vis. prof, M.I.T. From 1970 Frances and Jacob Hiatt prof, of Eur. hist, Clark Univ, Worcester, Mass. 1974-75 Guggenheim fel. Spec, in modern European history with emphasis on Russia; res. on the history of Ghana. Mem: Am. Assn. for Advancement of Slavic Stud- ies; Afr. Studies Assn; Am. Hist. Assn. A: (1981) Worcester.

Biblio: Leopold Ranke, the Formative Years (Princeton, 1950;

repr. 1970); Sergei Witte and the Industrialization of Russia (New York, 1963, 1969); Why Lenin? Why Stalin? (Philadel- phia, 1969; 2nd ed. 1971); The Global City (Philadelphia, 1969); co-auth, Unfinished Journey, a World History (Boston, 1971, 1974, 1978, 1981); Western Civilization: A Concise History (Boston, 1981); contrib. arts, to books and prof, journs. incl.

Slavic Rev, Journ. of Mod. Hist, and Bull, of the Atomic Sei:

biblio. to 1979 in R.F.J.I. arch. Sources. Hand, Qu. - R.F.J.I.

Vordemberge-Gildewart, Friedrich (August Wilhelm), painter, graphic artist; b. Osnabrück, Hannover, Ger. 17 Nov. 1899, d.

Ulm, Fed. Repub. Ger. 19 Dec. 1962. R: Protestant. Cit: Neth, fmly. Ger. E: 1937 Switz, 1938 Neth, 1954 Fed. Repub. Ger. F:

Heinrich August V, carpenter. M: Marie Louise Teepe. co 1932 Ilse Teepe. oo 1932 lise Leda, a: Rapperswil, Switz.

Att. sch. and carpenter's apprentice in Osnabrück; 1918 cert, of apprenticeship. 1919 moved to Hannover. Studied interior design, archit. and sculpture at T.H. and Sch. of Appi. Arts, Hannover under profs, von Debschitz and Vierthaler; early designs for abstract sculpture and reliefs. 1922- co-worker at priv. studio of Vierthaler's, executed archit. reliefs and sculp- tures. 1923 visit to Bauhaus Weimar, trip to London, first at- tempts at collages and drawings. 1924- own studio in house of Kestner Ges, Hannover. Co-fdr. with Hans Nitschke of the constructivist Gruppe K. Exhibs. Kestner Ges. and Sonnenhof, Bad Harzburg. Met Kurt Schwitters, Theo van Doesburg and Hans Arp. Mem. artists' groups, Der Sturm, Berlin and De Stijl, Leiden. Exhibs. in Paris and Gall. Der Sturm in Berlin (1925). Began writings "Raum-Zeit-Fläche" (Space-Time-Sur- face). Worked at film and photog. 1925 held film lect, Der ab- solute Film at Kestner Ges. Hannover. 1926 partie, with ab- stract works at: "Grosse Berliner Kunstausstellung" (G.B.K.),

"The International Exhibition of Modern Art" of Société Ano- nyme at Brooklyn Mus, and Anderson Gall, both in New York; travelled to London and Paris. 1927 co-fdr. with Schwit- ters, Nitschke, Carl Buchheister and Rudolf Jahns, Die ab- strakten hannover (br. of the Intl. Assn. of Expressionists, Futurists, Cubists and Constructivists). Partie, in exhib. "Wege und Richtungen der abstrakten Malerei in Europa," Städtische Kunsthalle Mannheim (1927) and "Abstrakte und surreali- stische Malerei und Plastik," Kunsthaus Zurich (1929). 1929 num. photog. exhibs, incl. Folkwang-Mus, Essen, Gall. Nieren- dorf-Neumann Berlin; partie. D.W.B, exhib. "Film and Foto"

in Stuttgart. 1930 in first group exhib. of "Cercle and Carré" in Paris, partie, in "Vision und Formgesetz," Gall. Möller Berlin.

1931 Ger. deleg. to "Congrès préparatoire du musée contempo- rain," Château La Sarraz, in Switz. 1932 founding mem. of the group, abstraction-création, in Paris. 1934 individual exhib. in Rome and Milan. 1936 works incl. in "Entartete Kunst" (De- generate Art) exhib. in Berlin; works confiscated from pub.

colls. Until 1937 in Berlin. 1937 emigr. to Switz. Partie, in Con- structivists exhib, Kunsthalle Basel. 1938 emigr. to Amsterdam with fam.(?). Work as designer; partie, in exhibs: "Abstract Art," Stedelijk Mus, Amsterdam, and "Exhibition of 20th Cen- tury German Art," New Burlington Gall, London. 1938/39 par- tic. in travelling exhib. of the Solomon Guggenheim Found, of U.S. and "Art of Tomorrow" in New York, as well as 2nd Sa- lon des Réalités Nouvelles, Gall. Charpentier Paris. 1938 indi- vidual show Koninklijke Kunstzaal Kleykamp, The Hague;

contacts with Max Beckmann in Amsterdam. 1942 fdr. and ed. of "editions duwaer" (Amsterdam); ed. of poetry-picture vols, rire de coquille (1941) by Hans Arp/Sophie Taeuber and II tableaux et 7poèmes (1945) by —• Wassily Kandinsky. 1944 partie. "Konkrete Kunst," Kunsthalle Basel and 3rd Salon des Réalités Nouvelles Paris. 1949 ed. own mono, époque néerlan- daise (Amsterdam). Partie, in postwar exhib. "L'art abstrait:

ses origines, ses premiers maîtres," at Gall. Maeght in Paris.

1950-52 Jubilee window decoration for the dept. store, De Bijenkorf in Amsterdam (Amsterdam-The Hague-Rotterdam), individual exhib, Magazijn de Bijenkorf in Amsterdam. Partie,

" D e Stijl 1917-1931," Stedelijk Mus, Amsterdam and Biennals Venice (1951, 1952). 1952-54 taught at Acad, of Fine Arts, Rot- terdam. First postwar retrospective at Gall. Möller in Cologne.

App. to newly founded Hochsch. für Gestaltung (Acad, for De- sign), Ulm: Until 1962 dir. of dept. of visual design, 1955 named mem. of Rector's coun. Partie, in num. group and retro- spective exhibs. of abstract and concrete art, incl. retrospective individual shows in Ulmer Mus, Ulm (1963), The Hague (1966), Basel (1967), Mannheim (1970), Cologne and Chicago (1971), Bremen (1972), London and Ulm (1975); group shows incl.Documenta I, Kassel(1955), "Albers, Glarner, Vordember- ge-Gildewart," Kunsthaus Zurich (1956), "Konkrete Kunst,"

Helmhaus, Zurich (1960), "Die zwanziger Jahre in Hannover,"

Kunstver. Hannover (1962). Reed: Second Prize, Biennal Säo Paulo (1954); Justus Moser Medallion, City of Osnabrück (1955); Hon. cit, Vinci, It.

Biblio: Ed, millimeter und geraden, poetry (Amsterdam, 1940); "abstract-concreet-absoluut," Phoenix (vol.1, no. 4, Amsterdam, 1946; Ger. trans, in Prisma [vol. 10, Munich, 1947]); "Vordemberge beantwordt vragen" (Dialog with M. Ledermann) in Een schilderij geeft ons evenwicht (pamphlet;

Amsterdam, 1950); "Kurt Schwitters 1887-1948," Forum (no. 12, Amsterdam, 1948); "Ont-moentingen met Max Beck- m a n n , " Elseviers Weekblad (Amsterdam, 20 Nov. 1954); for further biblio. see Gemeente Mus. cat. (The Hague, 1966);

Dietrich Helms, ed. Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart: Schriften und Vorträge (St. Gallen, Switz, 1976). Lit: Het vrije boek in onvrije tijd, Stedelijk Mus. cat. (Amsterdam, 1945); Jean (Hans) Arp, Onze peintres vus par Arp (Zurich, 1949); Richard P.

Lohse, ed. vordemberge-gildewart, illus. biog. (Teufen, Switz.

1959); Hans L.C. Jaffe, Vordemberge-Gildewart: Mensch und Werk contains biog. and list of works (Cologne, 1971); Diet- rich Helms, Vordemberge-Gildewart (Göttingen-Berlin-Frank- f u r t / M - Z u r i c h , 1972); Jean Arp, "On the Work of Vordember- ge-Gildewart, his Dutch Period," Leonardo (vol. 4, 1971); Wie- land Schmied, Malerei nach ¡94} (Frankfurt/M.-Berlin-Vien- na, 1974); Retrospective, Ulmer Mus. cat. (Ulm, 1975); Karl Steinroth, Photographen der 20er Jahre (Munich, 1979).

Sources: Autobiog, Biog, Hand, Print. — IfZ.


Wachsmann, Klaus Philipp, musicologist, music ethnologist;

b. Berlin 8 Mar. 1907. E: 1938 Uganda, 1958 U.K, 1963 U.S. F:

Fritz W. M: Mary Weinberg. •*> 1936 Eva Buttenberg. C:

Katherine Aider; Philipp John.

1926-32 studied at Univs. Berlin and Fribourg, Switz; 1936 Dr. phil, Univ. Fribourg. 1936 studied Afr. längs, at Univ. Lon- don. 1938 emigr. to Uganda. 1939-44 sch. supr, Church Mis- sionary Soc, Buganda. 1944-47 assist, mem, acting educ. secy, gen, Protestant Missions in Uganda. 1948-57 curator, Uganda Mus, Kampala. 1958 emigr. to U.K. 1958-63 sei. off. in charge of ethnological colls, Wellcome Found, London. 1963 emigr.

to U.S. 1963-68 prof, dept. of music and Inst, of Musicol, U.C.

L.A. From 1968 prof, Sch. of Ethnol. Music and Coll. of Arts and Scis, Northwestern Univ, Evanston, 111; also mem. fac, prof, of Afr. Studies. Ed.-in-chief, bilingual ed, Hornbostel Ope- ra Omnia ( Erich Hornbostel). Spec, in music ethnology, esp. Afr, and res. on ancient, sacred, and comparative music.

Fel: Royal Anthro. Inst, of Gt. Brit, and Northern Ire. (mem.

coun. 1962-63; Huxley Lect. and medalist 1973). Mem: Royal Afr. Soc. (medalist 1958; hon. life mem.); Intl. Folk Music Coun. (mem. exec. bd. 1947; pres. 1973); Intl. Inst, of Comp.

Music Studies and Documentation (v.-chmn, acad. bd, Berlin 1965-69); Soc. for Ethnomusicol. (pres. 1968-69). A: (1977) Evanston.

Biblio: Untersuchungen zum vorgregorianischen Gesang (diss.


1198 Wachsmann

Regensburg, 1935); co-auth, Tribal Crafts of Uganda (London, 1953); "An Approach to African Music," Uganda Journ.

(vol. 6, 1938/39); "Musicology in Uganda," Journ. of Royal Anthro. Inst, of Gt. Brit, and N. Ire. (vol. 83, 1953); Criteria for Acculturation (New York, 1961); "The Primitive Musical In- struments," Musical Instruments Through the Ages, A. Barnes, ed. (London, 1961); ed. and co-auth, Essays on Music and His- tory of Africa (Evanston, 1971); for extensive biblio. see Rie- mann. supp. vol. (1972). Arch: S.P.S.L. Sources: Arch, Hand.

— R.F.J.I.

Wachsmann, Konrad, architect, professor; b. Frankfurt/Oder, Brandenburg, Ger. 16 May 1901. E: 1933 Sp, 1934 It, 1938 Fr, 1941 U.S. Cit: 1947 U.S. famly. Ger.

1917 apprenticeship in cabinet-making and carpentry. 1922 studied at Sch. of Arts and Crafts, Berlin. 1923 studied with Prof. Heinrich Tessenow at Art Acad, in Dresden. 1924-26 master class student of Prof. Hans Poelzig at Prussian Acad, of Arts, Berlin; 1926-29 chief archit. at Christoph and Unmack, Eur.'s largest prod, of prefabricated wooden houses. 1928 de- signed standardized panel systems for schs. and hosps. 1929-33 own archit. off. in Berlin; built pub. and priv. bldgs. incl. hosps.

and houses (incl. house for Albert Einstein). 1932 reed.

Rome Prize of Ger. Acad, in Rome. Travelled to Fr, Aus, Gr, Yugo, Scand, Belg, Neth. and Lux. 1933 emigr. to Sp. Temp, as- sist. to city planner of Granada, Sp. 1934 emigr. to It. 1934-38 archit. off. in Rome; planned and built multiple story steel-con- crete bldgs. incl. 1936 plan for 1800-seat cinema and under- ground garage in Rome. 1938 emigr. to Fr. 1939 vol. in Fr.

Army. 1941 emigr. to U.S. 1942-49(?) fdr. and mgg. dir. of Gen- eral Panel Corp, New York. Until 1949 worked with — Walter Gropius in dev. gen. panel system. 1942 invented mobiliar struc- ture, a tube construction system for airport hangars of any size.

1944 developed a fully automatic plant for General Panel in Calif, for first nearly fully-automated prod, of prefabricated bldg. elements. 1944 show at Mus. of Mod. Art, New York.

1949- prof, and dir. of dept. of advanced bldg. res, Inst, of De- sign, Illinois Inst, of Technology, Chicago. Until 1956 res.

work for U.S. Air Force and the steel indus. 1951 dev. mod.

coordination and classification methods for efficient planning of large-scale bldg. progs, for the Fed. Housing Agcy, Washing- ton, D.C. 1952 guest semester in Oslo at the invit. of Norw.

govt. 1954 guest prof, T.H. Karlsruhe, Fed. Repub. Ger.

1955-57 rep. for U.S. Dept. of State, sem. and lect. tour of Asian and Eur. univs. (in Japan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, India, Isr, Fr, Aus, and Ger.). 1956, 1957, 1958 guest prof, at Sch. of Design, Ulm, Fed. Repub. Ger. 1956-60 held spec. sem. at Intl.

Summer Acad, in Salzburg, Aus. and dir. of construction dept.

1958-59 travelling exhib. "Construction in Our Day" subsi- dized by U.S. Dept. of State, and by museums in Vienna, Mu- nich, Zurich, Rome, Amsterdam, Delft, Neth, and Essen, Fed.

Repub. Ger. 1959 guest sem. on industrialization at Ecole Poly- technique de l'Université de Lausanne, Switz. Exhib. with Le Corbusier at the Nat. Gall, of Mod. Art in Rome. 1960 guest sem. at Yale Univ. 1962-64 plan for a 50-story steel bldg. for It.

state steel indus, plan of harbor and city for Genoa, It. 1965 app. to Sch. of Archit, Univ. Southern California, Los Angeles;

est. upper-level course on industrialization as well as doctoral prog, in industrialized construction; concurr. 1966-70 dev. a syst. of pre-stressed cable construction for city hall in Calif, city. From 1969 mem. bd. of Bauhaus Arch, W. Berlin. 1970 guest of govt. bldg. authority in U.S.S.R. 1971 travelling exhib,

"Konrad Wachsmann - 50 Years Living and Working for the Industrialization of Construction." First exhib. at Univ. South- ern California. Lects. and exhibs. at many univs. in U.S. Super- visor of trade journs. in U.S. and abroad. More than 100 pat- ents in industrialized construction. Mem: Am. Inst, of Archits:

Acad, of Arts, W. Berlin. Reed; Gold Medal, It. Senate, Re- pub. of It. (1970); Dr. h.c, Univ. Stuttgart, Fed. Repub. Ger. A:

(1981) Los Angeles.

Biblio: Holzhausbau (Berlin, 1929); "Construction: A Rev- olutionary Structural System," Arts and Archit. (Los Angeles, 1946); co-auth. with Walter Gropius, "House in Industry: A System for the Manufacture of Industrialized Building Ele-

ments," Arts and Archit. (Los Angeles, 1947); Bauen und Wohnen (spec, printing, team publ.); Wendepunkt im Bauen (Wiesbaden, 1959; Am. ed. New York-Toronto, 1961; It. ed.

Rome, I960; Hamburg, 1967); Aspekte (Wiesbaden, 1961). Lit:

John D. Entanza, "The Work of Konrad Wachsmann," Arts and Archit. (spec. no. 84, 1967); Wingler, Das Bauhaus (vol. 2);

Bailyn and Fleming, Migration: Robertson Ward, Jr, " K o n r a d Wachsmann; Towards Industrialization of Building," Am.

Inst, of Archits. Journ. (vol. 57, 1972); Konrad Wachsmann. cat.

(Washington, D.C. 1972; Ger. ed. 1972). Sources: Hand, Print.

- IfZ.

Waelder, Robert, psychoanalyst; b. Vienna 20 Feb. 1900, d.

Broomall, Penn. 28 Sept. 1967. E: 1938 U.S. Cit: U.S. F: Joseph W, businessman. M: Helene Mautner. °o I. 1930Jenni Pollack, 1943 div; II. 1946 Else L. Martens, soc. worker. C: With first wife, Dorothea Hellman, Marianne von Hippel; with second wife, David M, Catherine B.

1922 Dr. phil. in phys, Univ. Vienna. Briefly in bus; inventor and patentholder of process for increasing absorbent capacity of charcoal. 1925-38 instr, Vienna Psychoanal. Inst. Concurr.

mem, Vienna Psychoanal. Soc. and mem. of last o f - » Sigmund Freud's circles. 1930 reed, award Deut. Kant Ges. 1932 co-ed.

Imago. Nov. 21, 1935 delivered lect. on Melanie Klein's theo- ries before Brit. Psychoanal. Soc. expressing criticisms of Vien- nese psychoanals. and Freud's views. 1938 emigr. to U.S.

1938-41 lect, Boston Psychoanal. Inst. 1941-42 lect. in psychia- try, Bryn Mawr Coll, Penn. 1946-50 training and supervising anal, Philadelphia Psychoanal. Inst. 1950-67 training and su- pervising anal, Inst, of Philadelphia Assn. for Psychoanal; con- curr. 1953-55 pres, also chmn. of educ. comm. 1962-67 prof, of psychoanal, Jefferson Med. Coll, Philadelphia. 1961-67 mem.

fac, Cent, for Advanced Psychoanal. Studies, Princeton, N.J.

Spec, in the application of psychoanalysis to political and so- cial questions. Charter mem, mem. bd. of dirs, Psychoanal.

Res. and Dev. Fund. Mem: Am. Psychoanal. Assn. (councillor at large 1952-60); Intl. Psychoanal. Assn; Am. Psych. Assn;

New York Psychoanal. Inst; others.

Biblio: Psychological Aspects of War and Peace (Geneva, 1929; New York, 1939); The Living Thoughts of Sigmund Freud (New York, Toronto, 1941); Basic Theory of Psychoanalysis (New York, 1960); Psychoanalytic Avenues to Art (New York, 1965); Progress and Revolution: A Study of the Issues of Our Age (New York, 1967); co-ed. Psychoanalysis: Observation. Theory.

Application (New York, 1976); for biblio. see Grinstein (vol. 4, 1958; vol. 8, 1965; vol. 13, 1973). Sources: Hand, Journ, News, Print. - R.F.J.I.

Waelsch, Heinrich Benedict, biochemist, psychiatrist; b. Brünn, Moravia, Aus. (Brno, C.S.S.R.) 20 Jan. 1905, d. New York Mar.

1966. E: 1938 U.S. Cit: 1943 U.S. F: Emil B. W. M: Marianne Loew. For °° and C see wife, 1942 -> Salome Gluecksohn- Waelsch.

1925 res. fei, Univ. Graz, Aus. 1925(?)-38 at German Univ, Prague: 1928-38 mem. fac, 1929 Dr. med, 1930 Dr. phil. Con- curr. 1929-38 mem. fac, Sch. of Med, Prague: 1929-33 assist, in physiol. chem, 1933-38 Privatdoz. Also 1930-31 govt, fel, Kai- ser Wilhelm Inst, Dresden, Ger. 1938 emigr. to U.S. 1939-66 mem. fac, Columbia Univ. Coll. of Physicians and Surgs: 1939 res. assoc. in biochem, 1944 assist, prof, 1949 assoc. prof, 1954 prof, of biochem. 1941-43 civilian with off. of Sei. Res. and Dev, Washington, D.C. 1943-66 with N.Y. State Psychiatric Inst: 1943 res. in biochem, 1951 chief of psychiatric res.

1961-66 dir, N.Y. State Res. Inst, for Neurochem. and Drug Addiction, Wards Island, New York. Mem. var. comms. of N.I.H. and U.S.P.H.S. Mem. ed. bd: Intl. Journ. of Neuro- pharm. Journ. of Neurochem, Life Scis, Psychopharmacologia,

Brain Res, Exp. Brain Res. Spec, in intermediary metabolism, esp. of the central nervous system; H.W.'s hypothesis of com- partments of metabolism influenced the study of brain bio- chemistry. Mem: Am. Soc. of Biol. Chems; Am. Soc. of Pharm, and Exp. Therapeutics; Biochem. Soc. (Gt. Brit.); Am. Chem.

Soc; Am. Coll. of Neuropharm. Reed: Carl Neuberg Medal


Wagner 1199

(1953); Award, Assn. for Res. in Nervous and Mental Diseases (1965).

Biblio: Ed, Biochemistry of the Developing Nervous System (New York, 1955); Ultrastructure and Cellular Chemistry of Neural Tissue (New York, 1957); co-auth, The Chemistry and Metabolism of a L-formamidinoglutaric Acid (New York, 1957).

Sources: Hand, Print. — R.F.J.I.

Waghalter, Igna(t)z, conductor, composer: b. Warsaw 15 Mar.

1882, d. New York 7 Apr. 1949. R: Jewish. E: 1933 C S. R, 1934 Aus. 1937 U.S. F: Abraham W, b. 1841, d. 1905, musician. S : Henryk, b. Warsaw 1869, presumed d. in Holocaust, violinist, mem. orch, Warsaw Opera, music teacher, Warsaw Inst, for Blind and Deaf; Wladyslav, b. Warsaw 1885, d. in Ger. concen- tration camp 1940, violinist, concertmaster, Hofoper Stuttgart 1907-12; Deut. Oper, Berlin-Charlottenburg 1912-33; 17 oth- ers. oo Toni, b. New York. C: Jolante, b. 1912; Beatrice Freu- denthal, b. 1913; Ruth, b. 1914.

Compelled as a child to contrib. to family's support; hence mem. of several orchs. while att. Realgym. From age 13 wrote dances and marches. 1897 crossed Russ. frontier illegally, went to Berlin. Studied piano with Xaver Scharwenka, Kling- worth-Scharwenka Cons; composition with Friedrich Gerns- heim, Acad. Music. 1902 reed. Acad.'s Mendelssohn prize for his sonata for violin and piano in F minor. 1907-10 Cond, Ko- mische Oper, Berlin. 1910-12 cond, Stadttheater, Essen.

1912-23 gen. music dir, Deut. Oper, Berlin. Guest Cond, Eur.

capitals. 1924-25 cond, State Symph. Orch, New York. Re- turned to Berlin, guest cond, Berlin Staatsoper. 1933 gen. mu- sic dir, Nat. Opera, Riga, Latvia; unable to cont. career in Ger.

1933 emigr. to C.S.R, lived in Prague. 1934emigr. to Aus, lived in Vienna. 1937 emigr. to U.S. Conductor of gospel chorus, of physicians' orch. and others. Interest in Jewish music; wrote songs to Yiddish texts and arrangements of E. Eur. songs.

Works: Operas incl. Der Teufelsweg (Berlin, 1911); Man- dragola (Berlin, 1914); Jugend (Berlin, 1917); Sataniel (Berlin, 1923); Der späte Gast (Dresden, 1926); Ahasveros und Esther (Vienna, 1937). 2 operettas: Der Weiberkrieg (Elberfeld, 1928);

Wem gehört Helena?. Bibi, a vaudeville; a violin concerto; a string quartet, piano pieces, chamber music; for partial list to 1927 see Müller. Biblio: Aus dem Ghetto in die Freiheit, autobi- og. (Mariänske Lazni, C.S.R, 1936). Lit: — Hugo Leichten- tritt, Ignatz Waghalter (New York, 1924). Arch: Perf. Arts Res.

Cent, Lincoln Cent, New York. Sources: Arch, E.G.L, Hand, Print. - R.F.J.I.

Wagner, Albert Malte, prof, of German language and litera- ture; writer; b. Hamburg 16 Nov. 1886, d. London 1 Feb. 1962.

E: 1934 U.K., 1949 Ger. Dem. Repub. Cit: Ger.

Att. Univs. Freiburg/Breisgau, Berlin and Munich; Dr. phil.

Independent scholar. W.W.I milit. serv. 1919-24 Doz, Univ.

Hamburg; concurr. 1919-22 theater critic, Hamburger Frem- denblatt. 1924-34 ed.-in-chief, Nürnberger Zeitung. 1934 emigr.

to U.K. 1934- prof, Bredford Coll, London. Mem. Ger.

P.E.N. Club, London. Mem. of working comm, F.D.B, London (founded 1943). 1946 dir. of Army Educ. Dist, London. 1949 moved to Ger. Dem. Repub. 1949- o. Prof, of Ger. lang, and lit.

and cultural sociol, Univ. Jena.

Biblio: Lessing: Das Erwachen des deutschen Geistes (Leipzig, 1931); co-auth. Die Abenteuer von Paula und Peter: Ten Broad- cast Dialogues in German (London, 1937); "Die deutsche Uni- versität und die deutsche Germanistik," Mass und Wert (vol. 2,

1938/39); " W h o is the Author of Lessing's Education of Man- kind?," Mod. Lang. Revue (1943); for further biblio. see G.K.

(1950). Lit: Röder, Grossbritannien. Arch: S.P.S.L. Sources:

Arch, Hand, Print. — IfZ.

Wagner, Günther (for pseuds, see below), photomonteur, graphic artist, painter; b. Berlin 18 Sept. 1899. E: 1933 C.S.R,

1939 U.K. oo Czech wife.

Ca. 1920 studies graphic art, Art and Crafts Sch, Berlin- Charlottenburg and Acad, of Fine Arts, Berlin. 1924 co-fdr.

Rote Gruppe, publ. revolutionary graphics incl. caricatures, il- lustrations and photomontages in worker's newspapers and journs. incl. Der Wahre Jakob. Arbeiter-Illustrierte-Zeitung

(A.LZ.). Eulenspiegel, Roter Pfeffer, Die Rote Fahne, used pseud, gü. 1928 mem. K.P.D, worked on posters and brochures in agitprop dept. of the cent. comm. graphic studio Karl Lieb- knecht House, Berlin. 1928 co-founder A.R.B.K.D. (later B. R. B. K. D.) and head of Berlin group. 1931 partic. in exhib. of Photomontage Berlin. 1933 anti-Nazi activities, worked for ille- gal K.P.D. group journ. Hieb und Stich, then imprisoned. 1933 after release, emigr. to C.S.R. Partic. in anti-fascist activities incl. illustrations and caricatures for Simplicus (1934 Der Simpl), the exiled A.I.Z.d 936 Volks-Illustrierte), Der Gegen-An- griff (1936 Deutsche Volkszeitung), Die Rote Fahne, Prager Mit- tag and Prager Tageblatt with pseuds. Pjotr, signatures, wa-r, and w-r. 1937-39 mem. Oskar-Kokoschka-Bund (O.K.B.); par- tic. in meetings and exhibs, Apr. 1939 emigr. to U.K. via Pol.

and Swed.(?) with — Kurt Lade. Mem. F.D.K.B. and other orgs. 1939/40 interned. 1943 partic. in the Artists-Aid-Jewry Exhib. sponsored by the Jewish Cultural Union, Free Aus.

Movt. (F.A.M.) and F.D.K B. at Whitechapel Art Gall. During W.W.II worked as china-painter and bookbinder. A: (1979) London.

Lit: Olbrich, Künstler im Exil: Piltz: Karikatur: Jürgen Kra- mer, "Die Assoziation Revolutionärer Bildender Künstler Deutschlands /A.R.B.K.D.)," Wem gehört die Welt? (Berlin, 1977); Cats. Revolution und Realismus, Widerstand statt An- passung. Sources: Print. — IfZ.

Wagner, Martin, architect, professor; b. Königsberg, E. Prus- sia, Ger. (Kaliningrad, U.S.S.R.) 5 Nov. 1885, d. Cambridge, Mass. 28 May 1957. R: Unaffiliated. E: 1935 Tur, 1938 U.S.

Cit: 1944 U.S, fmly. Ger. F: Karl W, b. Königsberg, d. Königs- berg ca. 1926, Protestant, plumber, contractor. M: Johanna Hardt, b. Königsberg, d. Königsberg ca. 1943, Protestant. .S\

Karl, Paul, both born before 1885; Erich; one sister; all born in Königsberg, o« 1911 Gertrud Sandow, b. Berlin 1889, d. Bad Neuenahr, Fed. Repub. Ger. C: Irmgard, b. 1912, Abitur, a:

Fed. Repub. Ger; Bernhard, b. 1916, Abitur, studied E.T.H. Zu- rich, Harvard Univ, 1935 to Tur, later to Switz, U.S, archit, a:

Hamburg; Sabena, b. 1917, Abitur, journ, a: Fed. Repub. Ger.

Abitur, Königsberg. 1907-10 studied archit, city planning, econ. and art hist, at T.H. Dresden. 1912 Dr. Ing. in city planning, T.H. Berlin. 1915 Dr. Ing, Univ. Berlin. 1910-11 ar- chit. in Surface Bldg. Dept. of Berlin-Weissensee under Her- mann Muthesius. 1911 dir. of construction off. in Hamburg.

1911-14 dir, construction off. of City of Rüstringen (Wilhelms- haven), Oldenburg. 1914-18 W.W.I milit. serv; reed. E.K, 1st class. Head of dept. of city planning in Zweckverband Gross- Berlin. Pubs, on munic. use of open spaces, calculation of costs in construction of apartments, settlements, and others. 1919 ad- vocated nationalization of construction indus. 1918-20 munic.

surveyor of works in Berlin-Schöneberg. 1920-25 fdr, gen.

secy, of assn. of social construction cos, Deut. Bauhütten.

1925-26 dir, 1926- mem. bd. dir. of coop. bldg. soc. for civil servs, employees, and workers, Deut. Wohnungsfürsorge G.m.b.H. (D.E.W.O.G.). 1924- fdr. of mag. Wohnungswirt- schaft, Berlin. 1924-30 (?) mem. S.P.D. Mem. archits.' org. Der Ring, D.W.B, and Archits.' Union, Berlin. 1924, 1929 trips to U.S, also trips to London, Paris, Stockholm, Zurich, The Hague and elsewhere. 1926-33 Stadtbaurat in Gross-Berlin, fol- lowing public attacks on predecessor Ludwig Hoffmann.

Worked with Max and Bruno Taut, -» Walter Gropius, Hu- go Häring, — Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Hans Scharoun and the dir. of Gehag (Gemeinnützige Heimstätten-AG) Gut- schmidt and Hans Poelzig. 1925-31 initiated, planned and built large Gehag settlements in Berlin-Britz and 1926-31 Berlin-Zeh- lendorf and others with Bruno Taut. Rebuilt the Wannsee bath- ing beach. 1929 ed. of archit. mag, Das neue Berlin. Publ.

Städtebauliche Probleme in amerikanischen Städten und ihre Rückwirkung auf den deutschen Städtebau (1929) and others.

1930 worked on film about city planning, Die Stadt von mor- gen. Initiated Ger. bldg. exhib, "Deutsche Bau-Ausstellung,"

Berlin (1930) and exhib. "Sonne, Luft und Haus für alle," Ber-


1200 Wagner

lin (1932). 1930 trip to Moscow. 1931 mem. Prussian Acad, of Arts, Berlin (through collective app.). Feb. 1933 resigned in pro- test against the expulsion o f - * Heinrich Mann and Käthe Koll- witz. Mem. initiative comm. of cong, Das freie Wort, in Berlin with -> Werner Hegemann and Walter Gropius. Dismissed from post of Stadtbaurat. June 1933 partic. in Werkbund exec, bd. meeting in Berlin and with Gropius and Wilhelm Wagen- feld attempted to prevent vol. polit. coop, of D.W.B; Feb. 1934 first mem. of D.W.B, to be expelled after it joined Reichskultur- kammer (R.K.K.), defamed as "red" councillor. Spring 1935 emigr. to Tur. after app. by Tur. govt. 1935-38 in Ankara, coun- cillor for City Planning and prof, of city planning, communica- tion scis. at Acad, of Arts, Istanbul and Ankara. Worked on dams, factories, among others. 1938 emigr. to U.S. 1938-50 as- sist. prof, then assoc. prof, and prof, of regional and city plan- ning at Harvard Univ. 1941 reed. U.S. patent for prefabricated housing system (igloos). 1950-57 assoc. prof, of regional plan- ning; emeritus. 1952 visited Fed. Repub. Ger, pubi, critic of Ber- lin building exhib. Interbau in Polemkin in West-Berlin. Mem.

Am. Assn. of Arts and Sci; Acad, of Fine Arts, W. Berlin (re- newed mem. 1945).

Biblio: Die Sozialisierung der Baubetriebe (Berlin, 1919); ed, Wohnungswirtschaft (Berlin, 1924—); Städtebauliche Probleme in Amerika (Berlin, 1929); ed, Das Neue Berlin, vols. 1-12 (Berlin, 1929); Das wachsende Haus (Berlin-Leipzig, 1932); Die neue Stadt im neuen Land (Berlin, 1934); Wirtschaftlicher Städtebau (Stuttgart, 1951); Polemkin in West-Berlin (W. Ber- lin, 1954) contrib. to num. prof, journs. incl. Bauwelt and Deut.

Bauztg. Lit: Felix Schwarz and Frank Gloor, eds. Die Form - Stimme des Deutschen Werkbundes 1925-34 (Gütersloh, 1969);

Miller-Lane, Architecture and Politics; Huse, Neues Bauen.

Tendenzen der Zwanziger Jahre, cat; Joan Campbell, The Ger- man Werkbund (Princeton, N.J, 1978); Dresslers (vol. 2, 1930);

Vollmer (vol. 5, 1961); Schmidt, Künstlerschriften, vol. 2. Arch:

Harvard Univ. Grad. Sch. of Design Libr, Cambridge, Mass;

clipping file, Acad, of Arts, W. Berlin. Sources: Arch, Hand, News, Print. — IfZ.

Wagner, Richard, prof, of pediatrics; b. Vienna 30 Oct. 1887, d.

19 Apr. 1974. E: 1938 U.S. Cit: 1943 U.S. F: Moriz W. M:

Gisela Ratzersdorfer. oo 1943 Eleanor H. Culbert.

1912 Dr. med, Univ. Vienna. 1912-14 biochem. of Univ.

Strassburg. 1920-38 mem. fac, Univ. Vienna. 1920 assist, 1924 Privatdoz. Concurr. 1919-30 mem. staff, Children's Hosp, Vienna, 1919-20 Prince Lichtenstein Fund fel, 1920 assist;

worked with Clemens von Pirquet. 1938 emigr. to U.S. 1938-40 N.E. Deaconess Hosp. fel; concurr. 1938-39 Baker Fund fel.

From 1940 mem, dept. of pediatrics, Tufts Sch. of Med, Med- ford, Mass: 1940 Charlton Fund fel, 1942 rose from assist, prof, to prof, 1958 emer. prof; concurr. from 1958 sr. pediatrician, Boston Floating Hosp. Div, New Eng. Med. Cent. Hosps. Spec, in childhood metabolic diseases and discoverer of glycogen storage disease. Fel: A.M.A; Acad, of Pediatricians. Mem:

Am. Diabetes Assn. Reed: U.S.P.H.S. grant (1945); N.I.H.

grant (1947); A.E.C. grant (1975-60); Guggenheim fel.


Biblio: Co-auth. with Pirquet, Die Ernährung gesunder und kranker Kinder (Vienna, 1928; Eng. trans. Philadelphia, 1929);

co-auth. Die Zuckerkrankheit und ihre Behandlung im Kindesal- ter (Leipzig, 1932); "Die Speicherkrankheiten (Thesaurismo- sen)," Ergebnisse der inneren Medizin (vol. 53, 1937); Clemens von Pirquet, his Life and Work (Baltimore, Md, 1968); contrib.

arts, to prof, journs. Sources: Hand, News. — R.F.J.I.

Wagner, Werner Sigismund, composer, concert agent; b. Co- logne 3 Dec. 1927. R: Jewish. E: 1936 Braz, 1937 Arg. Cit: Ger.

F: Sally Hoffmann, b. Ger, d. in concentration camp, Jewish, businessman. M: Erna nèe Frank (now Wagner; div. Hoff- mann), b. Ger, d. Arg, Jewish, emigr. with son and 2nd hus- band. oo I. Ellen Elkeles, b. Hamburg, d. Arg. 1967, Jewish background, emigr. 1938: II. 1968 Maria Julia Pero, b. Bue- nos Aires 1930, Roman Catholic. C: Ronaldo, b. 1961 ; Claudia Bibiana, b. 1964.

1936 emigr. to Braz. as tourist. 1937 emigr. to Arg. Studied composition with Jacobo Fischer and piano with Berta Sujo- volsky. Pres, Assn. of Young Arg. Composers. Co-fdr, Union of Composers. Concert agt, Buenos Aires. Mem, Intl. Music Comm, U.N.E.S.C.O. Reed, prizes from munic. govt, Buenos Aires and Nat. Art Found. A: (1978) Buenos Aires.

Works: Orch. pieces incl. Rapsodia argentina (1962), Con- cierto de cámara (1968), Lamentaciones (1968), Improvisaciones sinfónicas (1970), Suite for string orch. (1961), piano concerto (1964); chamber music incl. 2 string quartets (1959,1962); piano music and Lieder incl. Suite de Canciones (1970); others incl.

Música a 12 for 12 instruments. Sources: Hand, Print, Qu. — R.F.J. I.

Wahl, Fritz (pseud: Fernando Fulano), journalist, author;

b. Wuppertal-Barmen, Rhineland, Ger. 7 June 1879, d. Zurich 13 Apr. 1971. R: Jewish. E: 1936. Switz. Cit: Ger. °° Anne- marie Moessbauer, b. 1899, d. 1971, author.

Studied law, Univs. Munich and Leipzig; Dr. jur. 1902-35 mem. staff, Frankfurter Zeitung: 1902- mem. ed. staff, corresp.

in Madrid, Morocco, Port, and elsewhere, 1910-22 head of Munich off; 1922-31 ed.-in-chief, Stadlblatt. Concurr: Con- trib. to Jugend and Simplicissimus. 1931-35 corresp. for Frank- furter Zeitung in Madrid to report on Sp. Repub, 1935 dis- missed as Sp. corresp. at instigation of Ger. Propaganda Min.

Author of several stage plays. 1931 mem. and pres, Reichsver- band der deutschen Presse. End 1936 escaped seizure by Gesta- po in Madrid by emigr. to Switz. Contrib. to Pester Lloyd and to Den. and Am. newspapers. Until 1949 forbidden to work in Switz. Then contrib. to National-Zeitung, Basel, Tages-Anzei- ger, Zurich and other newspapers. Author, translator; spec, on Iberian peninsula. 1945-52 fdr. and mem. bd. of dirs, I.S.D.S.

Biblio: Spanien unter der Diktatur ( F r a n k f u r t / M . 1926);

Spanien, ein Land der Gärung ( F r a n k f u r t / M , 1934); Kleine Geschichte Spaniens ( F r a n k f u r t / M , 1957); other works. Arch:

IfZ. Sources: Arch, Hand, News. — IfZ.

Wahrman, Jacob, prof, of genetics; b. F r a n k f u r t / M 1924. E:

1933 Pal. oo Batya. C: 2.

1933 emigr. to Pal. 1944—47 studied biol, biochem, geol, He- brew Univ. 1947-49 serv, Isr. War for Independence. 1949-stu- dent, then mem. fac, Hebrew Univ: 1949 sr. schol, 1951 M.Sc, 1952 jr. assist, 1955 Ph.D, 1956 instr, 1959 lect, 1963-65 chmn, genetics lab, 1966 assoc. prof, 1972 prof. 1968 res. assoc, Univ.

California, Berkeley. Mem. ed. bds: Cytogenetics, Genetica, and Isr. Journ. of Zool. Spec, in cytology and genetics. Mem:

lsr. Soc. of Genetics (fmr. chmn.); other sci. socs; A: Jerusalem.

Biblio: Studies in the Spermatogenesis of Mantids (Orthoptera:

Mantodea) (diss, Jerusalem, 1955); Chromosomes Today, vol.

4 (New York, Toronto, Jerusalem, 1973); contrib. more than 50 arts, to prof, journs. incl. Bull, of the Res. Coun. of Isr, The Lancet. Isr. Journ. of Zool, Isr. Journ. of Med. Sci. Science: for biblio. to 1973 see R.F.J.I. arch. Sources: Hand, Pers, Print. — R.F.J.I.

Waibel, Leo Heinrich, prof, of geography; b. Kiitzbrunn, Ba- den, Ger. 22 Feb. 1888, d. Heidelberg, Fed. Repub. Ger. 4 Sept.

1951. E: 1939 U S, 1946 Braz, 1951 Fed. Repub. Ger. Cit: Ger.

F: Ludwig W, teacher, oo 1922 Else Michaelis, Jewish, secy, 1940 to U.S. via It.

1907-13 studied biol. and geog. at Univs. Heidelberg and Berlin; 1913 Dr. phil; concurr. 1911 partic. in expedition to Equatorial Afr. 1914-19 expedition to S.W. Afr. 1920 Habil.

1922 o. Prof, of geog, Univ. Kiel. 1925-26 res. expedition to Mex. and southwestern U.S. 1929-37 o. Prof, of geog, Univ.

Bonn, 1937 compulsory retirement. 1937 priv. res. voyage to Mex, Guat, and Costa Rica. 1938 returned to Ger. 1939 emigr.

to U.S. at invit. of former student, Karl Pelzer; left on pretext of study tour taking along passport and return ticket. 1939-41 res. assoc. at Johns Hopkins Univ. 1940 joined by wife. 1940 appl. to Prussian govt, for permission to maintain resid. abroad denied, payment of pension discont. 1941-46 vis. prof, Univ.


Waiden 1201

Wisconsin, Madison. 1946 emigr. to Braz. 1946-50 tech. adv. to Conselho Nacional de Geografia, Rio de Janeiro. 1950-51 vis.

prof. Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis. 1951 returned to Bonn and Heidelberg.

Biblio: Urwald. Feld. Wüste (Breslau, 1921); Der Todesritt in den Karrasbergen (Reutlingen, 1927); Vom Urwald zur Wüste (Breslau, 1928); Die Rohstoffgebiete des tropischen Afrika (Leipzig, 1937); "White Settlement in Costa Rica," Geog. Rev.

(vol. 29, New York, 1939); "European Colonization in South- ern Brazil," Geog. Rev. (vol.40, 1950); num. pubis, in prof, journs; for further works see Poggendorff (vol. 7a). Lit: "L.W.

1888-1951" in Bonner Gelehrte (Bonn, 1970); Obits; Geog.

Rev. (vol. 42,' New York, 1952), Berichte deutscher Landes- kunde (vol. 11, 1952), Petermanns Mitteilungen (vol. 92, 1953), Erde (vol.4, Berlin, 1952). Sources: Arch, Hand, Journ, Print.

- IfZ. .

Waismann, Friedrich, reader in philosophy; b. Vienna 1896, d.

Oxford, U.K. Nov. 1959. R: Jewish fam. background. E: 1937 U.K. oo Dec. C. Dec.

Att. Univ. Vienna as an external student; concurr. tutor in math, lect. at Volkshochsch, Vienna. 1924 co-fdr. of a discus- sion group which evolved into the "Vienna Circle." 1929-36 as- sist. to prof, and philos. Moritz Schlick at Univ. Vienna. Con- curr. worked with philos. Ludwig Wittgenstein on book F.W.

was prep, to expound Wittgenstein's theories. 1937 emigr. to U.K. 1937-39 lect, moral scis. fac, Cambridge Univ. From 1939 mem. fac, Oxford Univ; reader in philos. of math, later reader in philos. of sei. Orig. a rigid logical positivist, F.W, following the change in Ludwig Wittgenstein's ideas, developed a less for- mal system. This was esp. true in relation to linguistic analysis, in which F.W. discounted any rigid logical approach in favor of understanding language as necessarily being flexible and vague in order to cope with the varieties of everyday experien- ces. F.W. also contributed to the philosophical study of the foundations of mathematics and science.

Biblio: Einführung in das mathematische Denken: Die Be- griffsbildung der modernen Mathematik (Vienna, 1936, 1947;

Munich, 1970; trans, as Introduction to Mathematical Thinking:

The Formation of Concepts in Modern Mathematics [New York, 1951,1959], also trans, into It, Turin, 1939, 1944); The Principles of Linguistic Philosophy (London, New York, 1965; Ger. trans, as Logik, Sprache. Philosophie [Stuttgart, 1976]); How I See Philosophy (London, Melbourne, New York, 1968); co-auth, Wittgenstein und der Wiener Kreis ( F r a n k f u r t / M , Oxford, 1967); Was ist logische Analyse? ( F r a n k f u r t / M , 1973); Philo- sophical Papers (Dordrecht, Neth, 1977); also contrib. arts, to schol. journs; for complete biblio. to 1973 see Was ist logische Analyse? Lit: Bailyn and Fleming, Migration: intro. to Philo- sophical Papers (see Biblio.). Sources: Hand, News, Print. — R.F.J.I.

Walbrook, Anton (until 1937 Adolf Wohlbruck), actor; b.

19 Nov. 1900 Vienna, d. Geratshofen near Munich 9 Aug. 1967.

E: 1937 U K, 1960s Cent. Eur. Cit: 1947 U.K, fmly. Aus. F.- Adolf Ferdinand W, clown (10th generation of circus clowns).

M: Gisela Rosa Cohn, Jewish, oo (none).

1912 reed, schol. to — Max Reinhardt's acting sch. W.W.I served on W. front; P.O.W. in Fr. 1920 stage debut in Berlin.

1920-26 acted in Munich, 1927-30 acted in Dresden, Saxony;

concurr. in first film Mater Dolorosa (1922). 1930-35 acted in

— Victor Barnowsky's Theaters, Berlin. 1931-36 in Ger. and Aus. films incl. Salto Mor tale (1931), Melodie der Liebe (1932),

— Reinhold Schiinzel's Victor und Victoria. Walzerkrieg (both 1933), — Walter Reisch's Maskerade (1934), Zigeunerbaron, Der Student von Prag (both 1935), Port Arthur (in Fr.), Der Kurier des Zaren (in Fr. version; Michel Strogoff) (both 1936).

1937 went to Hollywood to act in The Soldier and the Lady (Am. version of Der Kurier des Zaren). 1937 emigr. to U.K.

Tried to help many Jewish and "non-Aryan" actors and their families to come to U.K. Brit, film incl. Victoria the Great. The Rat (both 1937), Sixty Glorious Years (1938), Gaslight. Danger- ous Moonlight (in U.S, Suicide Squadron), 49th Parallel (all

1940), The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943), The Red Shoes (1948), The Queen of Spades (1949). London plays in which he acted incl. Design for Living (1939), Watch on the Rhine (1942), The Wild Duck (1948), Call Me Madame (1952), Man of Distinction (1957), Masterpiece (1961). Continental films incl. König fur eine Nacht (Fed. Repub. Ger, 1950), Wien tanzt (Vienna, 1951), 2 films by — Max Ophiils' La Ronde (1950), Lola Montez (1955); L'affaire Maurizius (Fr, 1954), oth- er films incl. Oh Rosalinda (1955), St. Joan (1957), I Accuse (1958). 1951 called to Düsseldorf by Gustaf Gründgens, acted in Schauspielhaus incl. Curt Goetz' Dr. med. Hiob Prätorius, and elsewhere in Fed. Rep. Ger. 1960s moved to Cent. Eur, mostly Fed. Rep. Ger, acted in Vienna and Berlin.

Lit: W. Holl, Das Buch von A. W. (1935); Kurt Loup, Die Wohlbrücks, eine deutsche Theaterfamilie (1975). Arch: Perf.

Arts Res. Cent, Lincon Cent, New York. Sources: Arch, E.G.L, Hand. - R.F.J.I.

Wald, Abraham, prof, of mathematical statistics; b. Klausen- burg, Transylvania, Hung. (Cluj, Rum.) 31 Oct. 1902, d. India 13 Dec. 1950 (plane crash on lect. tour). R. Jewish. E: 1938 U.S.

Cic 1943 U.S. F. d. in Holocaust, Jewish, baker, oo 1941 Lucille Lang, b. U.S. C: 2.

1921-27(7) att. Univ. Cluj. 1927 moved to Vienna. 1927(?)-31 att. Univ. Vienna; 1931 Dr. phil. in math, student of — Karl Menger. 1931-38 res. assoc, Aus. Inst, for Bus. Cycle Res; Stud- ied problems of appl. math, and credited with innovative res.

in math. econ. 1938 emigr. to U.S. 1938 fel, Cowles Commn. for Res. in Econ. 1938-46 mem. fac, Columbia Univ: 1938 fel, 1941 assist, prof, 1943 assoc. prof, 1944 prof, and head of newly est. dept. of math, statist. Res. for Off. of Sei. Res. and Dev;

dev. the method of sequential anal. 1946-50 est. and headed dept. of math, statist, Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Spec, in econometrics and statistics, esp. sequential analysis; also res.

in the theories of probability and differential geometry.

Worked with Henry B. Mann and others. Fel: Inst, of Math.

Statist, (pres. 1948); Statist. Assn; Econometric Soc. Mem:

Math. Soc.

Biblio: Berechnung und Ausschaltung von Saisonschwankun- gen (Vienna, 1936); Sequential Analysis (New York, 1947);

Statistical Decision Functions (New York, 1950); Selected Pa- pers in Statistics and Probability (Stanford, Calif, 1957); contrib.

num. arts, to prof, journs. incl. Annals of Math (Princeton), An- nals of Math. Statist, Econometrica, Ergebnisse math. Kolloqui- um: for biblio. see Poggendorff (vol. 7a) and Annual of Math.

Statist, (vol. 23, 1952). Lit: Pinl and Furtmüller, Mathemati- cians: Mai, Men and Ideas: Diet, of Sei. Bio. (vol. 14); Annual of Math. Statist, (vol. 23, 1952). Sources: Hand, Print. — R.F.J.I.

Waiden, Herwarth (fmly. Georg Lewin; pseuds. Georg Sturm, Walter Sturm, Warth, Doctor profundus, g.st. among others), writer, art critic, musician, journalist; b. Berlin 16 Sept. 1878, d. Sarato U.S.S.R. 31 Oct. 1941. R: Unaffiliated, fmly. Jewish.

E: 1932 U.S.S.R. Cit: Stateless, fmly. Ger, cit. revoked. F.- Jewish, physician in Berlin. S: Gertrud Schiasberg, d. Lands- krona, Swed.ca. 1975; Hans Lewin, d. New York ca. 1978, 1938 to U.S. oo I. 1901 - . E l s e Lasker-Schüler, 1911 div; II. 1912 Nell Anna Charlotta Roslund (1926 married Dr. Hans H. Hei- mann, who died in concentration camp; 1940 married Hanns Urech), b. Karlkrona, Swed. 1887, d. Berne 1975, organist, journ, painter, art coll, contrib. to Der Sturm, 1924 div, 1933 to Swed, then to Switz; III. Mila, b. Russ, d. ca. 1931; IV. 1932 Ellen Bork, b. Berlin 1912, trans, insur. agt, 1932 to U.S.S.R, 1941 returned to Ger. with dtr, a: 1981 Munich. C: Withfourth wife, Sina (Signe) Waiden, T.V. writer, a: (1981) Munich.

Att. Königstädter and Leipziger Gyms, in Berlin. Instead of book dealer apprenticeship which father desired, fled to Flor- ence to study music. 1899 returned to Berlin. Att. cons, in Ber- lin. Reed. Liszt schol; composed, played in concerts and gave music lessons. 1901 met Else Lasker-Schüler and became inter- ested in lit. and plastic arts. 1904- fdr. and head of the Berliner Ver. für Kunst (Art Assn.), 1909- involved in a forum of


1202 Waldinger

c o n t e m p . auths. incl. A. Holz, R . M . Rilke, F. W e d e k i n d , K. K r a u s , -*• Heinrich M a n n a n d -> T h o m a s M a n n ; org. read- ings. 1909 chief ed. of G . D . B . A . ' s j o u r n . Der neue Weg.

dismissed after pubi, w o r k s by Friedrich S t r i n d b e r g a n d -*• R e n é Schickele. Then ed. of the m a g . Das Theater where al- so dismissed without notice. 1913 org. of the Erster D e u t s c h e r H e r b s t s a l o n (First Ger. A u t u m n Salon), Berlin; it was the first exhib. to rep. all directions of Eur. art. Until 1921 e n g a g e d , with 93 exhibs, in a v a n t - g a r d e art incl. f u t u r i s m , cubism, Fr.

a n d Ger. expressionism, s o m e D a d a i s m a n d constructivism.

Exhib. w o r k s of artist g r o u p s like Brücke, Blauer Reiter, Pathe- tiker, a n d others. S p o n s o r e d y o u n g expressionist artists, incl.

August S t r a m m , — O t t o Nebel, K u r t Schwitters, -> W a l t e r M e h r i n g , Ludwig R u b i n e r , — O s k a r K o k o s c h k a , -« Alfred Eh- renstein. Pubi, o w n works on theory of art as well as novels, d r a - m a s a n d s y m p h o n i c p o e m s . Org. poetry readings. 1910-32 ac- tivities with artistic a n d literary g r o u p . D e r S t u r m : 1910-32 fdr.

of pubi, h o u s e a n d mag, Der Sturm, to which he contrib. polit.

satire, 1912 o p e n e d Sturm Gall, 1917 o p e n e d Sturm Book Store, 1919 fdr. of Sturm T h e a t e r , later fdr. of Sturm art sch, pubi. Sturm g r a p h i c folders, 1932 pubi, of m a g , Der Sturm dis- c o n t i n u e d . 1927 trip to U . S . S . R . 1928 o n 50th birthday, h o n - ored with establishment of the " H e r w a r t h W a i d e n action c o m m . " in which intl. artists a n d writers of intl. rank partic.

W r o t e in s u p p o r t of Prof. F r i e d m a n n ' s cure for tuberculosis.

1932 ed. of intl. m o n t h l y j o u r n , Der Durchbruch. Berlin. C o - e d . with P.A. S i l b e r m a n n , the anthol, Expressionistische Dramen vom Weltkrieg bis zur Gegenwart. M e m . U n i o n of Ger. D r a m a - tists; S . D . S ; Union of P r o l e t a r i a n - R e v o l u t i o n a r y A u t h s ; Soc.

of F r i e n d s of N e w Russ. ( m e m . a n d o c c a s i o n a l exec. m e m . 1924—); K . P . D . 1932 emigr. to U.S.S.R. with f u t u r e wife Ellen Bork. 1932-33 last stay in Berlin. 1933-41 in M o s c o w . T a u g h t at Fgn. Lang. Inst, M o s c o w , a n d collab. with D e u t s c h e r Staats- verlag in Engels; ed. a sch. libr. with w o r k s by Lessing, Freili- grath, G o e t h e , Heine, G o g o l , ->• E g o n E r w i n Kisch, a n d oth- ers. P r o o f r e a d Ger. trans. C o n t r i b . to exile mags. incl. Interna- tionale Literatur, Dieneue Weltbühne a n d Das Wort, M o s c o w ; 1937-39 contrib. with — H a n s R o d e n b e r g a n d -> Fritz E r p e n - beck c o m m e n t a r i e s ( " A n d e n R a n d g e s c h r i e b e n " ) u n d e r n u m . pseuds, in these mags, 1938 article " V u l g ä r - E x p r e s s i o n i s m u s . "

C o n t . to write novels a n d extensive etymological studies.

Books b a n n e d in Nazi Ger. M e m . C o m m u n i s t Party Soviet U n - ion. M a r . 1941 arrested in Hotel Savoy ( M e t r o p o l ? ) in M o s - c o w , wife a n d dtr. fled to Ger. E m b a s s y in M o s c o w , a n d f r o m there ret. to Ger. Libr. a n d possessions were confiscated. 1941 died in prison of a heart a i l m e n t in S a r a t o v , Volga. Rehabil.

a f t e r war by C o m m u n i s t Party Soviet U n i o n .

Biblio: Kunstkritiker und Kunstmaler (Berlin, 1916); Das Buch der Menschenliebe (Berlin, 1916); Gesammelte Schriften, vol. I (Berlin, 1916; n o other vol. a p p e a r e d ) ; Einblick in Kunst:

Expressionismus. Futurismus. Kubismus (Berlin, 1917); Weib:

Komitragödie (Berlin, 1917); Die Härte der Wehenliebe (Berlin, 1918); Kind (Berlin, 1918); Menschen (Berlin, 1918); Expressio- nismus: Die Kunstwende (Berlin, 1918); Die neue Malerei:

Aufsätze (Berlin, 1919); Unter den Sinnen (Berlin, 1919); Im Geschweig der Liebe (Berlin, 1925); a d a p t e d L.G. Terechva, W . G . Erdeli, Geographie, vol. 1, A . P . K l e i n trans. (Engels, 1934); ed, F e r d i n a n d Freiligrath's Ein Glaubensbekenntnis ( E n - gels, 1935); ed. J o h a n n W o l f g a n g von G o e t h e ' s Götz von Berli- chingen mit der eisernen Hand (Engels, 1935); ed, Heinrich H e i n e ' s Ausgewählte Dichtungen (Engels, 1935); ed, G o t t h o l d E p h r a i m Lessing's Emilia Galotti (Engels, 1935); co-auth. with H . W . a n d L. Riwkina, Deutsche Redensarten ( M o s c o w , 1935);

co-auth. with L. Riwkina, Lehrbuch der deutschen Sprache ( M o s c o w , ca. 1935); ed, J.S. T u r g e n e v ' s , Skizzen aus Aufzeich- nungen eines Jägers (Engels, 1935); ed, C h e r n y s h e v s k y ' s Was tun?Erzählungen von neuen Menschen (Engels, 1936); ed, M . E . Saltykov's, Die Kleinigkeiten des Lebens (Engels, 1936); C o m - positions incl: Der Nachtwächter ( o p e r a libretto, text by L. R u - b i n e r ; 1904); Die vier Toten der Fiametta (musical p a n t o m i m e , 1910); Zehn Dafnis-Lieder (text by A r n o H o l z ) ; further biblio.

in W i l p e r t / G ü h r i n g . Lit: L o t h a r Schreyer a n d Nell W a i d e n , eds. Der Sturm: Ein Erinnerungsbuch an Herwarth Waiden und die Künstler aus dem Sturmkreis ( B a d e n - B a d e n , 1954); E. H o f f - m a n n , "der stürm," a document of expressionism ( L o n d o n ,

1954); H a n s M. Wingler, Der Sturm ( F e l d a f i n g - M u n i c h , 1955); Lothar Schreyer, Erinnerungen an Sturm und Bauhaus ( M u n i c h , 1956); Der Sturm, Herwarth Waiden und die euro- päische Avantgarde. Berlin 1922-32, N a t . Gall. cat. (W. Berlin,

1961); Expressionismus: Neil W a i d e n , Herwarth Waiden. Ein Lebensbild (Berlin, M a i n z , 1963); "Exil in d e r S o w j e t u n i o n , "

Europäische Ideen (W. Berlin, 1979); C a t s ; Paris. Berlin:

1900-1933 ( M u n i c h , 1979); German Expressionism. G u g g e n - heim Mus. ( N e w Y o r k , 1981); Gall. La Boetie ( N e w York,

1981). Arch: Sturm Arch, in Staatsbibliothek Stiftung Preus- sischer Kulturbesitz, W. Berlin a n d Schiller N a t . M u s , Mar- bach. Sources: H a n d , J o u r n , Pers, Print. — IfZ.

Waldinger, Ernst, a u t h o r ; b. Vienna 16 Oct. 1896, d. Saratoga Springs, N . Y . 1 Feb. 1970. R : Jewish. E: 1938 U.S. Cit: 1943 U.S, fmly. Aus. F: S a l o m o n W, leather dealer. M: A n n a Spi- nath, b. 1872, d. 1962. S . 2 bros; 1 sister, oo 1922 Beatrice Rose Winternitz, b. 1896, d. 1969. C: H e r m a n n Valentin, b. 1923;

R u t h , b. 1926, d. 1969.

Att. G y m . 1915-17 serv. in W . W . I . 1917-21 studied Ger. lang, a n d lit, hist, a n d art hist; 1921 D r . p h i l . 1922-38 with Allgemeiner

Tarifanzeiger; concurr. auth. 1938 emigr. with f a m . to U.S.

Pursued var. o c c u p a t i o n s incl. libr. in W a r D e p t . E m p l o y e d by C . A . R . E . Contrib. to Die Tribüne. Apr. 1944 co-fdr. with — W i e l a n d Herzfelde of exile publ. co. A u r o r a Verlag, N e w York.

1947-65 prof, of Ger. lang, a n d lit, c h m n . of Ger. dept, Skid- m o r e College, Saratoga Springs, N . Y . C o n t r i b . to A m , Eng, G e r , Aus, a n d Swiss n e w s p a p e r s a n d j o u r n s . Auth. of poetry a n d essays. Trans. Am. poetry a n d poetry of the H u n g a r i a n writer E n d r e Ady. M e m : Aus. P . E . N . C l u b ; Ger. P . E . N . C l u b , L o n d o n ; Intl. G e r m a n i s t e n v e r e i n . R e e d : Julius Reich A w a r d of the Univ. of Vienna (1934); T h e o d o r K ö r n e r A w a r d (1958);

Poetry A w a r d of the City of Vienna (1960); H o n . A w a r d for Arts a n d Scis. (1961); G o l d e n M e d a l of H o n , V i e n n a (1966).

Biblio: Die Kuppel, poetry (Vienna, 1934); Die Gemmen- schneider, poetry (Vienna, 1937); Die kühlen Bauernstuben.

poetry ( N e w York, 1946); Musik für diese Zeit: Ausgewählte Gedichte ( M u n i c h , 1946); Glück und Geduld, poetry ( N e w Y o r k , 1952); Zwischen Hudson und Donau, poetry (Vienna, 1958); Gesang vor dem Abgrund ( G r a z , 1961); Ich kann mit meinem Menschenbruder sprechen, poetry (Vienna, 1965); f o r f u r t h e r biblio. see W i l p e r t / G ü h r i n g ; Intl. Biblio; Köttelwesch, Biblio. Hand. Lit: N o b e r t Langer, Dichter aus Österreich (vol. 4, Vienna, 1960); Autobiographien ( L o n d o n , 1968); Stern,

Werke. Arch: Forschungsstelle für n e u e r e Österreichische Lite- ratur, Vienna. Sources: H a n d , Qu. — IfZ.

W a l d m a n , Eric, prof, of political science; b. V i e n n a 21 Sept.

1914. R: R o m a n Catholic. E: 1938 U.S, 1966(?) C a n . Cit: 1943 U.S. F: Leo W. M: S o p h i e Blau. ~ 1944 J o A n n L o w d e n . C.- H e i d i ; Christopher.

1938 Dr. phil. in natural sei, Univ. Vienna. 1938 emigr. to U.S. 1942-49 capt, U.S. A r m y Intell; reed. W a r Dept. citation;

1949-66 lieut. col, U.S. A r m y Reserve. S t u d e n t a n d m e m . staff, G e o r g e W a s h i n g t o n Univ, W a s h i n g t o n , D . C : 1951 B.A. Phi Beta K a p p a , 1952 M . A , 1955 Ph.D. in polit. sei, 1952-55 lect.

in polit. sei; concurr. 1952-55 res. anal, W a r D o c u m e n t Proj, C o l u m b i a Univ. 1955-66 m e m . fac, M a r q u e t t e U n i v , Milwau- kee, Wise: 1955 assist, p r o f , 1958 assoc. p r o f , 1962-66 prof, of polit. sei; 1957-66 dir, Inst, of Ger. A f f a i r s , 1958-62 c h m n , d e p t . of polit. sei; c o n c u r r . 1957-61 m e m . b d , W o r l d A f f a i r s C o u n , Milwaukee. 1958, 1964, 1965 reed. Ger. govt. res. grants.

1960 N . A . T . O . a d v a n c e d res. fel. to Ger. 1961-62, 1965 Ful- bright sr. res. grant to G e r . a n d travel grant. S u m m e r 1965 vis.

prof, of polit. sei, Univ. M a r b u r g , Fed. R e p u b . Ger. 1966(7) emigr. to C a n . F r o m 1966 prof, of polit. sei, Univ. Calgary, Al- berta, C a n . 1967-68 consult, Res. Anal. C o r p , W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 1967-68, 1968-69, 1970 a n d 1971 C a n . C o u n . res. grants.

Spec, in G e r m a n political activities such as e x t r a p a r l i a m e n t a r y o p p o s i t i o n a n d d e f e n s e p r o b l e m s , also res. o n the foreign poli- cy of C a n a d a . M e m : A m . Polit. Sei. A s s n ; A m . C o u n . on G e r ; U n i t e d W o r l d Federalists (pres. M i l w a u k e e c h a p . 1965-66);

A . C . L . U ; C a n . Polit. Sei. A s s n ; others. R e e d : O r d e r of M a l t a (1949); B.V.K. 1st class(1966).


Wallach 1203

Biblio: The Spariacist Uprising of 1919 and the Crisis of the German Socialisl Movement (Milwaukee, 1958; Ger. trans.

Boppard, Rhineland, Fed. Repub. Ger, 1967); Soldat im Staat (Boppard, 1963, 1964); The Goose Step is Verboten: the German Army Today (New York, 1964); Notstand und Demokratie (Boppard, 1968); Die Sozialistische Einheitspartei Westberlins und die Sowjetische Berlinpolitik (Boppard, Rhineland, 1972);

Deutschlands Weg in den Sozialismus (Mainz, 1976); also con- trib. over 80 arts, to prof, journs. Sources: Hand, Print.

K i l l

Waldman, Frederic, conductor; b. Vienna 17 Apr. 1903. R:

Roman Catholic. E: 1936 U.K, 1941 U.S. Cit: U.S, fmly. Aus.

F: Edmund W, b. Vienna 1867, d. Vienna, Jewish, att. Hochsch.

for textiles, textile consult. M: Leopoldine Neuner, b. Vienna 1870, d. Vienna, Roman Catholic, sec. educ. S: Robert, b. Vienna 1896, dec, sec. educ, bank employee, emigr. to U.S;

Rudolph, b. Vienna, dec, univ. educ, biol, emigr. to Fr, then U.S. oo 1941 Alida Mennen, b. Emden, Hannover, Ger. 1906, Protestant, att. dance schs. in Luxembourg, Aus, prof, dancer, 1941 stayed in U.S. while on prof. tour. C: (none).

Att. Univ. Vienna and studied music privately. 1924-33 cond.

in Ger. Mar. 1933 ret. to Aus. 1936 emigr. to U.K. Active as pi- anist and cond. 1939 began concert tour to S. Am; 1941 emigr.

to U.S. when tour ended. 1942-44 mem. fac, Mannes Coll. of Music, New York. 1944-64 teacher, Juilliard Sch. of Music and music dir, Juilliard Opera Theatre, New York; also taught at opera workshop, Berkshire Fest, Tanglewood, Mass. 1952 fdr, dir and cond, Musica Aeterna Orch, New York; guest soloists incl. Milstein, Francescatti, -» Morini, Fuchs, Hess, Arrau, Fir- kusny, Sutherland, Prey, Arroyo, Stador, and Forrester. Pres, benefit concerts for Shaare Zedek Hosp, Jerusalem, at Carne- gie Hall, New York. A: (1980) New York.

Arch: Perf. Arts Res. Cent, Lincoln Cent, New York. Sources:

Arch, News, Qu. — R.F.J.I.

Walk, Joseph, historian, educator; b. Breslau, Lower Silesia, Ger. (Wroclaw, Pol.) 28 Jan. 1914. R: Jewish. Cit: 1938 Pal.

(Isr.), fmly. Ger. F: Matthias W, b. Jurburg, Lithuania, Russ.

(U.S.S.R.) 1883, d. Sedeh Yaakov, Isr. 1956, Jewish, bus. sch, bookkeeper, Zionist. M: Margaretha (Miriam) Lewinsky, b. Loslau, Silesia, Ger. (Wodzislaw, Pol.) 1891, d. Sedeh Yaa- kov 1958, Jewish, bus. educ, Jewish cmty. worker. S: Theodor Herzl [Binyamin Seev], b. and d. Breslau 1915 (diphtheria), oo I. 1935 Frieda Rivka Weyl, b. Czarnikau, Posen, Ger. (Czarn- kow, Pol.) 1913, d. Jerusalem 1958, Jewish, att. teacher's sem, 1936 to Pal, teacher; II. 1959 Ada Rzeszewski, b. Posen (Poz- nan, Pol.) 1915, Jewish, sec. educ, emigr. to Pal, librarian. C:

With first wife, twins, Binyamin Seev, b. Haifa 1937, M.A. in Jewish hist; Shoshannah, b. Haifa 1937, att. teachers'sem; Shu- lamit, b. Afulah 1939, att. teachers' sem; with second wife, Miriam, b. Jerusalem 1961.

1929- mem. and leader of var. relig. Zionist youth groups, incl. Zeirei Misrachi and Bachad. 1932-33 att. teachers' sem, Cologne; reed, teacher's cert. 1933-34 instr. of Judaica at Jew- ish elem. and sec. sch. in Breslau. 1934-35 youth leader and re- lig. teacher, rabb. sch. and yeshivah, F r a n k f u r t / M . Apr.-Aug.

1935 training as gardener in Gehringshof near Fulda, Hessen- Nassau. Feb. 1936 emigr. to Pal. 1936-41 youth leader and teacher for relig. div. of Youth Aliyah in Ir Ganim, Ahavah-Ki- ryat Bialik, and Sedeh Yaakov. 1941-51 elem. sch. teacher and principal at Sedeh Yaakov. Concurr; 1946-51 corresp. for Ha- Zofeh newspaper; 1946-47 youth group dir. for Youth Aliyah, at Marquain, Belg. Serv. in Haganah. 1952-53 sch. supr, Min.

of Educ, northern Isr. 1954-57 teacher and sem. dir, Tel Aviv and Haifa. 1955-64 att. Hebrew Univ; 1958 B.A; 1964 M.A.

Concurr. 1958-64 sem. dir, Jerusalem. 1965-66 dist. sch. supr, Jerusalem. 1965- mem. fac, Bar Ilan Univ, Ramat Gan, 1965 lect. and sr. lect, Sch. of Educ, 1974- sr. lect, dept. of Jewish hist, Inst, for the Res. of Diaspora Jewry. 1967-71 att. Hebrew Univ; 1971 Ph.D. 1975- res. at Yad Vashem, Jerusalem. 1979- dir. of L.B.I, Jerusalem. Partie, in Yad Vashem intl. congs, World Congs. of Jewish Studies, "Sühnezeichenaktion"

(1966-), and projs. with Württembergische evangelische Lan-

deskirche (1976—). M e m : Verband ehemaliger Breslauer in Isr;

HaPoel haMizrabi (1936-); relig. teachers assn. (1945-56);

Pub. Coun. for Culture and Arts (1975-); "Oz veShalom" (relig.

Zionists, 1976-). A: (1981) Jerusalem.

Biblio: Ze uLemad (Go Out and Learn; Jerusalem, 1954);

"The Torah vaAvodah Movement in Germany," L.B.I.Y.B.

(vol.7, 1962); ed, G. Kerschensteiner's Nefesh haMehanekh (The Educator's Soul; trans, by Y. Amir, Jerusalem, 1965);

"The Diary of Gunther Marcuse - The Last Days of the Gross- Breesen Training Centre," Yad Vashem Studies (vol. 8, 1970);

"Jewish Education Under the Nazis - An Example of Resis- tance to the Totalitarian Regime," Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust, M. Grubsztein, ed. (Jerusalem, 1971); ed, — Saul Esh, iyyunim belleker haShoa veYahadut Zemanenu (Studies in the Holocaust and Contemporary Jewry; Jerusalem, 1973);

ed, W. Israel's Als Jude in Breslau - 1941 (Ramat Gan-Tel Aviv, 1975); fflnukho shel haYeled haYehudi beGermaniyah haNazit (Education of Jewish Children in Nazi Germany; The Law and its Administration, Jerusalem, 1975(76?]); "Profile of a Local Zionist Association 1903-04. On the Social History of German Zionism," L.B.I.Y.B. (vol. 24, 1979); "Jüdische Kin- deraufsätze und -briefe in Nazi-Deutschland," Bildung und Er- ziehung (Oct, 1980); "Jüdische Schüler an Deutschen Schulen in Nazideutschland," L.B.B, (vols. 56-57, 1980); Das Sonder- recht für die Juden im NS-Staat: Eine Sammlung der Gesetzli- chen Massnahmen und Richtlinien - Inhalt und Bedeutung (Hei- delberg-Karlsruhe, 1981); also contrib. arts, to Enziklopedia ffl- nukhit (Educational Encyclopedia; Jerusalem, 1959-1968), and other colls. Sources: Hand, Print, Qu. — R.F.J.I.

Wallace, Frank Julius (until 1949 Wallach), mechanical engi- neer; b. Munich 22 May 1924. R: Jewish. E: 1939 U.K. Cit:

U.K, fmly. Ger. F: Max Wallach, b. Geseke, Westphalia, Ger.

1875, d. Auschwitz concentration camp 1944, Jewish, engr, un- able to obtain visa, 1942 deported to Auschwitz. M: Melitta Hollaender, b. Darmstadt, Hesse, Ger. 1894, d. Auschwitz concentration camp, 1944 Jewish, 1942 deported to Auschwitz.

S: (none), co 1946 Ruth B.l. Aronstein, b. Minden, Westphalia 1922, lab. assist, 1939 to U.K, teacher. C: Catherine, b. Bir- mingham, Eng. 1948, att. London Univ, med. practitioner;

Paul George, b. Birmingham 1952, med. student, London Univ;

Mark J, b. Bath, Eng. 1967, student.

1938 expelled from sch, Ger. Aug. 1939 emigr. to U.K. alone.

Aided by World Coun. of Churches Comm. for Ref. and reed.

Intl. Student Serv. Sch. Occasional work on farms. 1939-50 att.

Univ. Birmingham: 1945 B.Sc, 1947 M.Sc, 1950 Ph.D. 1951-56 univ. lect, Univ. Birmingham. 1956-59 group res. engr, A.B.E.

Ltd. 1959-66 mem. fac, Univ. Belfast: 1959-66 reader, 1965 prof, of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics. From 1966 prof, of engr, Univ. Bath, Eng. 1955-68 indus. consult, in U.S. and Can. 1971 D.Sc, Univ. Birmingham. Fel, Inst, of Mech. Engrs.

(past chmn. of combustion engine comm.). Reed: (3 times) Herbert Ackroyd Stuart Prize, Inst, of Mech. Engrs; elected fel.

of Am. Soc. of Automotive Engrs. for Outstanding Servs. to res.

and teaching in field of internal combustion engines (1981).

Biblio: "Wave Action in Diffusers for Exhaust Pipe Systems, with Special Reference to the Scavenging of Two Stroke En- gines," Proc. Inst, of Mech. Engr. (vol. 170, no. 39, 1956);

"Theoretical Assessment of the Performance Characteristics of Inward Radial Flow Turbines," Proc. Inst, of Mech. Engr.

(vol. 172, no. 33, 1959); "Performance of Two Strike Compres- sion Ignition Engines in Association with Compressors and Turbines," Proc. Inst, of Mech. Engr. (vol. 177, no. 2, 1963);

"Operating Characteristics of Compound Engine Schemes for Traction Purposes based on Opposed Piston Two Stroke En- gines with Differential Gearing," Proc. Inst, of Mech. Engr.

(vol. 173, no. 2, 1963); "Theoretical Assessment of the Non- Steady Flow Performance of Inward Radial Flow Turbines,"

Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics Conf, Inst. Mech.

Engr, Bristol (Mar, 1968). Sources: Qu. — R.F.J.I.

Wallach, Hans, prof, of experimental psychology; b. Berlin 28 Nov. 1904. R: Jewish. E: 1936 U.S. Cit: 1943 U.S, fmly. Ger.



Williams's original contribution to Arthurian legend lies in his develop- ment of the myths of K i n g Arthur and the Grail, their gradual coalescence, and the further history of

' This information is contained in a text which is attributed to Emperor Sung Li-tsung, see the translation below (LSYH 6a).. There are quite a few famous sources which this book

the name for the so-called Egyptian Lotus (see above), is given for alii and ämpal, whereas neytal is explained as "white Indian water-lily, Nymphea lotus alba, blue

any text or inscription written in the Middle Iranian languages; this should. not really surprise us as the extant texts, grosso modo, deal with

The stelae dedicated to Suchus "the lord of Smen", and of "the Imit-tree" , uncovered on the temple ground and thereabout.. were placed there by great personages,

In order to give as exact a picture as possible of the Congress, the Proceedings include the Programme, too, but of course as it actually took place according to conveners'

Hammerschmidt (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the XXXII Intemational Congress for Asian and North African Studies, Hamburg, 25th-30th August 1986 (ZDMG-Suppl...

Hammerschmiclt (Hrsg.): Proceedings ofthe XXXII Intemational Congress for Asian and Nonh African Studies, Hamburg, 25th-30lh August 1986 (ZDMG-Suppl... in Los Angeles in