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Academic year: 2021

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Liebe SchülerInnen der 7. Klasse,

die Aufgaben der Wochenpläne sind verbindlich für euch zu erledigen. Solltet ihr Fragen zur Lösung haben, könnt ihr uns gerne unter folgenden E-Mailadressen erreichen:

elisa.stange@osil.lernsax.de, katrin.ross@osil.lernsax.de, ines.khati@osil.lernsax.de.

Wir hoffen, ihr und eure Familien bleiben gesund und wir können motiviert weiterlernen.

Eure Englischlehrerinnen Monday

Aufgaben erledigt ! Ich fand es:


1. Let`s get started. Open your book on page 29 and do the multiple choice task

2. Open the grammar file in your book (starts at page 149).

Revise the tenses: Worksheet 1

Simple present, Simple past, Present perfect and will future.

3. Make a table with the four tenses. Choose the right signal word for the right tense:

already, 5 minutes ago, next week, every month, one year ago, never, yesterday, before, sometimes, often, always, in two hours, last month, in 2002, yet, this morning, just, tomorrow


Aufgaben erledigt ! Ich fand es:


1. Look into your book at page 23 and do number 8 and 9. You have to use the present perfect so look again how it is formed.

2. What have you already done today? Write down ten sentences about your day.

example: I have already done my English tasks.

Wednesday Aufgaben erledigt !

Ich fand es:


1. Open your book on page 39 and do number 4. You have to use will-future so look again how it is formed.

2. What will you do tomorrow and the day after? Write down ten sentences about the future.

example: Tomorrow I will work very focused on my English tasks.

Thursday Aufgaben erledigt !

Ich fand es


1. Please open your book on page 49. Do the number 4 and use the simple past.

2. What did you do last month? Write down ten sentences about your activities in February.


Aufgaben erledigt !

1. Please work on your presentation. We will start right after Easter break. Do some research on the internet and prepare your first steps (structure, keyword paper, poster,...)


PS: Bitte denkt an die bevorstehenden Präsentationen, direkt nach Ostern.









Aufgaben erledigt ! Ich fand es:


1. Let`s get this week started. Open your book on page 24 and do number 10 a). Please write new words into your vocabulary folder.

2. Look at page 38 and do number 3 a) and b).

3. There is also a task on page 39. Please do number 5 a) and b).

Please, write the solutions into your folder. These are also activities to practice and improve your spelling.


Aufgaben erledigt ! Ich fand es:


1. Hey there. Put the words into alphabetical order:

be interested, location, support, pitch, draw, to score, male, to spot, exchange, to enter, refer to, female, stadium, against, although, half-time, goalkeeper, venue, beat

2. There are some new words in this list. Please write the word and translation into your vocabulary folder. You can use your book to find the right translation

3. Don't forget to write down a new phrase.

Wednesday Aufgaben erledigt !

Ich fand es:


1. New day, new challenge. Please open your book on page 48 and do number 2.

2. The next task is number 5 on page 49.

3. Now look at worksheet number 2. There you can see a word scramble with 18 verbs. Find them and write down 10 sentences.

4. What do you think these text messages mean:

a) C u 2nite. b) R u ok? c) U r gr8. 4) C u l8r.

Thursday Aufgaben erledigt !

Ich fand es


1. Almost there. Like I always say Thursday is Friday's little brother. Today's first thing is to look at worksheet number 3.

Please complete the table, there is an example waiting for you.

2. Next thing, take out your book and open it at page 54.

Please do number 2.


Aufgaben erledigt ! Ich fand es


1. Yeah we made it. It is Friday. Today's activity is in your book on page 60. Please do number 2a), b) and c). Use your book on the pages 172 and 173. You can also use a digital dictionary such as leo.org or pons.de

2. That's it for today but don't forget: There is a presentation around the corner









Aufgaben erledigt ! Ich fand es:


1. Let`s get this week started. Open your book on page 49 and do number 6. Please write the complete text into your folder.

Don't look at me like this, It has to be done.

2. Use the linking words to write your own text (50 words) about the following information:

a) How are you today and why?

b) Do you like the situation studying at home?

c) What are advantages/ disadvantages about learning at home without a teacher?


Aufgaben erledigt ! Ich fand es:


1. Hello, we start with something easy. What is the weather like today? Write down three sentences.

2. Write a postcard from home. You can draw it or just write a text. You can use your London postcard if you need inspiration.

Wednesday1 Aufgaben erledigt !

Ich fand es:


1. Think about the last film you watched or the last book you read. Please write a little review with about 70 words2: a) Title/ author/band...

b) What was it about? (plot, characters,...) c) Why you (didn't) like(d) it.

d) Is there anything special Ms. Stange needs to know?

or do

2. Go to page 51 in your book and do the numbers 2 a)+b) and 3 a) + b)

Thursday Aufgaben erledigt !

Ich fand es


1. I promise you, no more writing texts the next days. Just reading and answering questions. Take out your book on page 44 and 46. Read the text and do the tasks 1 (a+b) and 2 (a) on page 46.

2. This task is voluntary3: Do number 3. Have you ever been in a situation like that?


Aufgaben erledigt !

1. Woohoo. It is Friday! Let`s do something easy. Write down five new commandos for Simon says.

2. Today's last thing. Open your book on page 48 and do number 2. I am pretty sure, that is a great last activity.












Aufgaben erledigt ! Ich fand es:


1. Hello again. Set your stopwatch1 on three minutes and write down as many Easter words as you know. Don't forget to check the spelling!

2. Explain the following words with at least two sentences each:

Easter Bunny, spring, egg hunt, Easter Fire

3. Find out, how Easter is celebrated in Great Britain. You can use the internet or books or anything you like. Make notes of the information you found.


Aufgaben erledigt ! Ich fand es:


1. Read the sentence fragments. Put them into the right tense (signal words). Write down a positive (+), negative (-) statement and a question (?)2.

a) Alex - celebrate - Easter - last year - b) We - go - to church - Easter Sunday c) Mary - like - paint - Easter Eggs

d) My friends - eat - chocolate - next year e) I - visit - Easter Fire - last year.

Wednesday Aufgaben erledigt !

Ich fand es:


1. Answer the following questions:

a) How do you celebrate Easter this year?

b) Do you like to paint Easter eggs? Explain why (not).

c) Name three typical spring flowers.

d) Name three typical Easter animals.

2. Complete the sentences with conditional II:

a) If I were the Easter Bunny, ___________________

b) If there was a chicken in my bed, ___________________

c) I would never eat eggs again, _______________________

d) If the Easter Bunny were real ______________________

e) If I a had a ton of chocolate, _______________________

Thursday Aufgaben erledigt !

Ich fand es


1. Make a word scramble3 for your classmates with 12 Easter words. Bring your scramble with you on the first day of school.

2. Look at the worksheet number 4 and complete the tasks there.

Liebe SchülerInnen der 7. Klasse,

ihr habt es geschafft, das homeschooling ist vorbei. Wir hoffen, wir können alle Aufgaben nach den Ferien gemeinsam besprechen und klären. Jetzt geniessen und du und deine Familie erstmal die Osterfeiertage. Wir wünschen euch vor allem Gesundheit und freuen uns auf ein motiviertes Wiedersehen nach den Ferien.

Liebe Grüße eure Englischlehrerinnen






Worksheet 1

Tenses: Timeline

Put the right tense into the right box of the timeline. Complete the other boxes with the right word.

Trage die jeweilige Zeit in die richtige Box des Zeitstrahls ein. Vervollständige die übrigen Boxen mit den richtigen Begriffen aus dem Lehrbuchtext

Past Now Future

Simple present

Mit dem Simple Past berichtest du über ________________.

Es drückt das Geschehen in einem ______________

Zeitraum aus.

Es bezieht sich immer auf die _________________ .

Mit dem Present Perfect ist etwas _______________in der _________________

passiert. Der genaue _______________ ist nicht _______________

oder unbekannt.

Mit dem Will-Future kannst du über die ___________

sprechen. Du verwendest es für _________________

und __________________.

Ebenso genutzt wird es bei __________




Worksheet 2

Word scramble: Verbs



Worksheet 3

Word building: Nouns and Verbs

1. Complete the table with the right word. There is an example waiting for you.

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2. Can you find other examples with a similar verb and noun?



Worksheet 4

Easter Activities

1.Complete the table with the right examples. Write down three words in each category.

1 Three Easter Days

2 Three Easter flowers

3 Three spring months

4 Three Easter foods

5 Three Easter animals

6 Three Easter traditions 7 Three Easter


8 Three easter decorations 9 Three egg


10 „Easter“ in three other languages

2. Odd one out. Find the word that doesn‘t fit and cross it out.

a)  bunny chicken lamb polar bear b)  egg hunt colour food paint c)  pumpkin orange melone papaya d)  grass flower bush forest e)  December May January February




Neben den Begegnungen im Alltag prägen vor allem die Medien (Fernsehen, Zeitungen) das Bild, das sich die Jugendlichen von den Religionen machen; ein Bild, das oft

Sie werden sich dafür einsetzen, dass ph akzente weiterhin eine attrak- tive Plattform für Diskussionen in der Bildungslandschaft bleiben wird..

Dies erfordert eine Verschrän- kung von zwei Erkenntnisebenen: erstens der empirischen Ebene – was weiss man über den Identitätsbildungspro- zess von Kindern und Jugendlichen,

1) Karten mit schwarzen Zahlen der Reihe nach auslegen. Jeder schwarzen Zahl eine passende rote Zahl zuordnen, so dass das Ergebnis immer 5 ist. 2) Karten an zwei Spieler


“Beating the drum” became the mantra for participants as pleas emerged for unity amongst Indigenous groups in areas such as treaty recognition; the acknowledgement of Section

2.25 Following the conflict in Libya, the Conflict Pool funded deployment of a Defence Advisory Training Team (DATT) to Tripoli to support the transition process,

Persönliche Assistenz ermöglicht Menschen mit Behinderungen ein selbstbestimmtes Leben, indem sie Aufgaben, die sie nicht selbst bewäl- tigen können, anderen Personen übertragen..