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Improving the Force Structure

Im Dokument DEFENSE WHITE PAPER (Seite 144-149)

Section 3

1. Directions of Force Structure Development

The MND will establish a sophisticated force system based on information and knowledge, which will guarantee victory in war, and secure ZHDSRQU\DQGHTXLSPHQWZLWKKLJKFRPEDWHI¿FLHQF\7KLVZLOOEHDFKLHYHG in the following ways.

First, following a reevaluation of the priority of the threat, it will develop a force structure composed of forces to combat local provocations, those to serve in an all-out war and forces to combat potential threats by order.

Second, it will enhance its early warning capabilities and real time battlefield surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities not only on the Korean Peninsula but also in the surrounding areas.

Third, it will boost its network-centric warfare capabilities by establishing a command, control, communications, computer & intelligence (C4I) system DQGEDWWOH¿HOGQHWZRUNLQRUGHUWRVHFXUHWKHFDSDFLW\IRULQWHJUDWHGFRPEDW

Section 3. Improving the Force Structure


Fourth, it will improve its ability to execute long-range precision strikes and prompt three dimensional operations on land, at sea, and in the air and reinforce its defensive capability.

Fifth, it will gradually expand investment in research and development to shape the defense industry into an economic growth engine, mount various types of equipment on the same vehicle and lengthen the lifespan of old equipment by improving its performance.

2. Strengthening Combat Capabilities

| 2010 Force Improvement Program |

The entire defense EXGJHWIRULVLQFUHDVHGE\WR.5:WULOOLRQIURP 7KHIRUFHLPSURYHPHQWEXGJHWLVLQFUHDVHGE\WR.5:WULOOLRQ IURP7KHFRVWRIWKHPDMRUSURMHFWVSURMHFWVWKDWZLOOFRQWLQXH LQWRLV.5:WULOOLRQ7KHEXGJHWIRUQHZSURMHFWVSURMHFWV is KRW 77 billion. As part of the follow-up measures to the attack on the ROK Ship Cheonan, an additional KRW 14 billion was earmarked for four projects, including an underwater surveillance sonar project. The major combat capability reinforcement projects are shown in Table 6-1.

K-9 self-propelled artillery K-21 infantry fighting vehicles

Advanced trainer (T-50)

Kwanggaeto the Great III class destroyer

Jangbogo II class submarine

Classification Continuing projects New projects

Surveillance, Reconnaissance, Command and Control


- Airborne Warning and Control System

- Ground Tactical C4I System

- Harbor Surveillance System - Mobile Underwater

Surveillance Sonar

Maneuver and Fire Capabilities

- K21 Infantry Fighting Vehicles - K-9 Self-propelled artillery

- Korean Utility Helicopter - Improving the performance of

K-55 Self-propelled artillery Marine and Landing


- Kwanggaeto the Great III class destroyer (Aegis)

- Jangbogo II class submarine

- The 2nd Minesweeper Project - Next-generation mine laying

ship Air Combat Capabilities - F-15K Fighter

- Advanced Trainer (T-50)

- Improving the performance of the C-130H

Research and Development

Intermediate-altitude unmanned aerial vehicle, division-level UAVs

Table 6-1. Major Force Improvement Projects (as of 2010)

| Mid-term Force Improvement Plan |

The MND will pursue DWRWDORIIRUFHLPSURYHPHQWSURMHFWVIURPWR,WFRQWLQXHV its 183 existing projects, including the K-2 tank project, next-generation landing ship project and F-15 project (2nd project), and sets about 110 new projects, including the Battalion Battle Command System, personnel landing craft project (2nd project) and the Boramae project. The objectives of these projects are shown in Figure 6-7.

First, the MND will upgrade the sonar equipment on patrol combat corvettes (PCC) and frigates in order to detect encroaching enemy submarines and install sonar sensors suitable for long-range detection.

It will also field improved TOD, monocular night vision devices, day and night scopes or sights for personal weaponry and machine guns in SUHSDUDWLRQIRUHQHP\LQ¿OWUDWLRQE\ODQG

Second, surveillance and reconnaissance assets will target the capacity to obtain early warnings, to conduct real time surveillance on and around the .RUHDQ3HQLQVXODDQGHVWDEOLVKUHDOWLPHEDWWOH¿HOGVXUYHLOODQFHWKDWZLOO meet the strategic requirements of each echelon within individual units.

Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS): early warning, aerial control and real time intelligence dissemination is possible across the entire Korean Peninsula. Command, Control, Communications,

Computers & Intelligence

Kwanggaeto the Great III class destroyer

Jangbogo II class submarine Intelligence Communications

Infrastructure Strategic C4I

KJCCS Figure 6-7. Force Buildup Programs

Army C41


C41 Air Force


Section 3. Improving the Force Structure


Projects related to the airborne warning and control system (AWACS), tactical reconnaissance intelligence collection system and medium-altitude unmanned aerial vehicles will be carried out to enable surveillance and HDUO\ZDUQLQJDWWKHVWUDWHJLFOHYHO,QDGGLWLRQGLYLVLRQOHYHO8$9VZLOOEH developed to bolster the surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities of the divisions.

Third, the Command, Control and Communication System is aimed at supporting jointness and the smooth operation of network-centric warfare.

The Joint Tactical Data Link System (JTDLS)1 and Theater level Joint Fire Operation System (JFOS-K)2 will be developed to ensure the distribution RIGLJLWL]HGWDFWLFDOLQWHOOLJHQFHLQMRLQWRSHUDWLRQV7KH*URXQG7DFWLFDO C4I System will undergo a second round of improvements. Also, the Battle Command System for battalions or lower level units and Ground Tactical Data Link will be developed to ensure real-time distribution of real-time tactical intelligence to small units. The Tactical Communication System will XWLOL]HWKH7DFWLFDO,QWHOOLJHQFH&RPPXQLFDWLRQ1HWZRUN7,&13 which will allow for the distribution of large volumes of multimedia information.

Fourth, long-range precision strikes and three dimensional air-sea-land rapid mobility will be improved, and war capabilities to reinforce protection ZLOOEHVHFXUHGDVZHOO,QWHUPVRIJURXQGIRUFHVWKH.VHOISURSHOOHG DUWLOOHU\ODUJHFDOLEHU0/56.LQIDQWU\¿JKWLQJYHKLFOHV.DVVDXOW ULÀH JUHQDGHODXQFKHU.WDQNDQGDQWLDUWLOOHU\GHWHFWLRQUDGDUZLOOEH

¿HOGHG1HZZKHHOHGFRPEDWYHKLFOHVDQGXSJUDGHG0/56SURJUDPVZLOO be developed. In terms of maritime power, next generation frigate (FFX), next generation patrol craft (PKX), next generation landing ship and an amphibious assault vehicle will be secured. A Kwanggaeto the Great III class destroyer (Aegis combat system), Jangbogo II class submarine (1,800 tons), and ship-to-ship guided missiles will be acquired. Landing platform helicopter and landing ships fast (LSFs) will be additionally obtained.

In terms of aerial combat capabilities, air-to-ground missiles, the F-15K (2ndSKDVH.RUHDQ8WLOLW\+HOLFRSWHU6XULRQWUDQVSRUWDLUFUDIWDQG light attack aircraft (FA-50) projects will be continued. New projects for a heavy attack helicopter and the Korean attack helicopter, and the Boramae

1. Joint Tactical Data Link System (JTDLS)

A tactical information distribution system between the Army, Navy and Air Force, which employs major weapons systems, including tanks, helicopters, destroyers and fighters.

2.Joint Fire Operation System-Korea (JFOS-K)

A counter fire operational system centering on the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

3. Tactical Information Communication Network (TICN)

A tactical intelligence communications system that combines wired and wireless mobile communications.

K-11 Assault Rifle & Grenade Launcher - Capable of precision strikes with the

use of a laser distance measurer.

- Capable of precise aiming at night with the use of a thermal observation scope.

Korean Utility Helicopter (Surion)

project will be launched. Short range anti-air guided missiles, next surface to air missile (SAM-X), and a newly developed decontamination vehicle will commence service in order to reinforce the nation’s protection against chemical, biological, radioactive and nuclear threats.

Fifth, outdated and obsolete combat weaponry will be upgraded. The Army will improve its K-1/K1A1 Tanks, K-200 Armored Vehicles, and K-277 Armored Command Vehicles, K-55 Self-propelled Artillery, and counter-battery detection radars. The Navy will improve the submarine warfare capabilities of its surface combatants (beyond the patrol combat corvette (PCC) level). And the Air Force will improve the war capabilities RILWV)DQG.)¿JKWHUV

Counter-battery Detection Radar: a system that locates enemy launchers by detecting enemy shells whilst in flight.

Section 4. Building Up Strong Reserve Forces


Section 4

The reserve forces and standing forces, which act to as a deterrent to war, are a prerequisite for any nation’s survival. The Ministry is modifying the laws and institutions concerned and improving the mobilization system in order to streamline the reserve forces and have them become just as strong as the standing forces.

1. Modifying the Statutes Related to Mobilization


%LOORQ:DUWLPH5HVRXUFHV0RELOL]DWLRQJRYHUQLQJWKHPRELOL]DWLRQFRQWURO and operation of personnel and material resources during a war. The Bill RQ:DUWLPH5HVRXUFHV0RELOL]DWLRQLVD:DUWLPH6WDQGLQJ$FWWKDWFDQEH declared by the deliberation and resolution of the National Assembly or by Presidential Emergency Order if the convening of the National Assembly is LQIHDVLEOH$VWKHPRELOL]DWLRQRIKXPDQDQGPDWHULDOUHVRXUFHVFDQEHFRPH protracted during war, the bill is limited to times of peace only. Efforts to modify the bill are under way in consultation with the Ministry of Public Administration and Safety and the Ministry of Government Legislation. The PRGL¿FDWLRQVZRXOGDOORZWKHQDWLRQWRFRSHZLWKDQ\QDWLRQDOHPHUJHQF\

WKDWPLJKWDULVHGXULQJSHDFHWLPHWKURXJKWKHPRELOL]LQJRIKXPDQDQG material resources for a limited duration and scale. In addition, the nation’s

Building Up Strong Reserve

Im Dokument DEFENSE WHITE PAPER (Seite 144-149)