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Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES)


5. Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES)

Institution und Leitung

The Higher Education Academy, Innovation Way, York Science Park, Heslington,

YORK YO10 5BR, United Kingdom

„The Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) is a development tool provided by the Higher Educa-tion Academy (HEA) to any of our subscribing higher educaEduca-tion instituEduca-tions (HEIs) that wish to participate.

Along with the HEA’s well-established and longer-running Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES), PTES allows participating HEIs to collect information from their postgraduate students about their learning experiences in a confidential, comprehensive and user-friendly way.”

(PTES_report_2011.pdf, Seite 2)

„PTES is the only national survey of postgraduate students in the UK. It allows institutions to collect feed-back on the experiences of their taught postgraduate students.”

www.heacademy.ac.uk/ptes-home, Stand 30.4.2014)

Auftraggeber und Finanzierung

„PTES is run by the Higher Education Academy in conjunction with participating institutions. The HEA provides the national online template, as well as guidance, resources and support, while the survey is imple-mented locally, with institutions able to add their own bespoke questions and decide on survey timing within a four-month window. PTES is overseen by the PTES Advisory Group, whose members include both senior decision-makers and operational staff from HEIs and other sector bodies, including the National Union of Students. Participation in PTES is included as part of institutions’ HEA subscriptions.”

(PTES_2012_report.pdf, Seite 7)

Aufgaben und Zweck

„PTES gathers information, not only about students' satisfaction with their educational experience, but also about their motivations for study, and their reasons for their choice of HEI.”

(PTES_Report_2013_Final.pdf, Seite 3)

„The survey collects feedback from postgraduate taught students in a systematic and user-friendly way, ena-bling you to pinpoint areas of teaching strength and identify areas for improvement.

Results are anonymous, allowing comparison against the sector and within benchmarking clubs, with a focus on internal enhancement rather than league tables.” (www.heacademy.ac.uk/ptes-home, Stand 30.4.2014)

Erhebungscharakter und Durchführung

Die Erhebung findet landesweit seit 2009 jedes Jahr statt. Im Jahr 2013 wurden 58.679 Absolventen von 89 Hochschulen befragt; die Antwortrate ebenso wie die Anzahl der befragten Studierenden und die Anzahl der teilnehmenden Hochschulen hatte sich im Verhältnis vom Vorjahr erhöht und lag jetzt bei 26 %. Soziale Merkmale werden im Fragebogen erfasst.

„PTES ran for its fifth consecutive year in the UK in Spring 2013, with 58,679 students from 89 institutions taking part, and a national response rate of 26.0%. This continues the increase from previous years (54,640 students from 83 institutions had taken part in 2012, with a response rate of 24.7%).”

(PTES_Report_2013_Final.pdf, Seite 4)

„PTES 2014 is taking place in a flexible window between 3 February and 19 June 2014. Postgraduate stu-dents will receive invitations to participate directly from their own institution. 100 institutions are currently taking part in PTES 2014.” (www.heacademy.ac.uk/ptes-home, Stand 30.4.2014). Die Ergebnisse von 2014 liegen vor. (www.heacademy.ac.uk/node/10081, Stand 3.12.2014)

„Now in its sixth year, the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) paints a truly comprehensive picture of the diverse, often highly international population of postgraduate taught (PGT) students studying

in the UK. PTES has recorded its highest ever number of respondents (67,580) and highest number of partic-ipating HEIs (100). The overall response rate has risen to 28.3%, though many institutions achieve a far higher response rate than this. The survey has captured a broadly representative group of students, by sub-ject, by domicile and by mode of study.” (PTES_Report_2014.pdf, Seite 3)

Fragebogen und Indikatoren

Der Fragebogen ist zugänglich und ein Vergleich zum Fragebogen der AG Hochschulforschung möglich.

Der Fragebogen besteht aus vierzig Fragen vor allem zum Hochschulzugang und zu inhaltlichen und didakti-schen Fragen der Lehre (ptes-questionnaire-2014-with-changes.pdf).

(1) Hochschulzugang, Studienmotive und Erwartungen

20. My main motivations for taking this postgraduate course were:

21. I am studying for this qualification at this particular institution because of:

22. Would you agree or disagree that the information provided by your institution (including course specific information) to help you choose your course was…

23. If you have any further comments on the information provided by your institution, please provide them here. Please be as specific as possible:

31. I am registered for the qualification of:

32. Please indicate which of the following most closely matches your discipline.

33. *** Which Department do you belong to? ***

26. When did you start your course?

34. What are you currently registered as?

35. I am: (i.e. Primarily a face to face learner [e.g., based at my institution])

(4) Studienanforderungen, Regelungen und Prüfungen

5. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding assessment and feedback on your course?

6. If you have any further comments on these issues then please provide them here.

7. Are you currently planning, undertaking, or have completed, a dissertation or major project as part of your course?

8. What stage are you currently at?

9. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding your dissertation / major project? (if you have not had experience of an item then please select ‘Not applicable or Too soon to say’) 10. If you have any further comments on these issues then please provide them here.

11. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the organisation and management of your course?

12. Overall, the workload on the programme is:

(6) Situation der Lehre und Studienqualität

1. Overall, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding teaching and learning on your course?

2. Overall, how would you rate the teaching quality on your programme?

3. To what extent have you been expected to undertake the following activities on your programme?

3. Overall, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding engagement on your course?

11. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the organisation and management of your course?

13. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the learning resources and support services at your institution?

15. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the development of skills on your course?

17. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement about your overall experience of your course?

18. Please comment on one thing that has been most enjoyable or interesting on your course:

19. Please comment on one thing that would most improve your experience of your course:

(7) Studentische Lebensformen und soziale Situation

37. Prior to your current PGT course, how long has it been since you completed an academic course (at any level)?

38. Are you currently in paid employment?

39. Please indicate all the ways that you have funded your course fees and living costs while studying (leave blank or mark 'not applicable' if you have not used a type of funding)

(14) Demographische und bildungsbiographische Daten 24. What is your age?

25. What is your gender?

26. Do you consider yourself to have a disability (for example dyslexia, mental health difficulties)?

27. Do you consider yourself to be fluent in English?

28. For fees purposes, is your normal place of residence registered as:

29. Where is your normal place of residence?

30. What is your ethnic group? (Please choose one option that best describes your ethnic group or background):

36. When you started your current course, what was your highest qualification:

37. Prior to your current PGT course, how long has it been since you completed an academic course (at any level)?

Ergebnisse und Befunde

„Reflecting on the reasons for choosing their current course, more students cited career progression (58%) and improving employment prospects (55%) than were motivated by personal interest (47%) or because they wished to progress to a higher level qualification such as a PhD (38%). However, students also have multiple motivations which do not neatly fit into ‘employability’ or ‘academic’ classifications. Of the 55% of students overall who cited “to improve employment prospects” as a motivation, over half (56%) also cited “for per-sonal interest” and 41% cited “to progress to a higher level qualification (e.g. PhD)”. This suggests many courses should cater for multiple aspirations, rather than be exclusively ‘professional’ or ‘research’ fo-cused…

83% of taught postgraduates were satisfied with the quality of their course and this positivity continues across the range of dimensions of experience explored by PTES. Students are positive in the greatest num-bers about resources and services and the teaching and learning they experience (82% average agreement on both scales), while fewer (72% on average) agree with positive statements about assessment and feedback.

The majority of scales suggest an increase in positivity compared with 2013, but this is largely the result of the redesign of the questionnaire, and the 2014 scale scores should be treated as new baselines.

There are strong associations between each of the scales, particularly between teaching and learning and engagement. The teaching and learning scale (most likely including ‘engagement’) has the biggest causal influence on overall satisfaction with skills development and organisation and management also important factors. The same four dimensions, together with overall satisfaction, also contribute the most strongly to an overarching ‘student experience’ factor that captures most of the variation in experience between students.”

(PTES_Report_2014.pdf, Seite 4-5)

Dokumente und Reports

Der Fragebogen der PTES ist dokumentiert und konnte so für den Vergleich mit dem Fragebogen der AG Hochschulforschung verwendet werden. Ausführliche Berichte über die Ergebnisse der letzten drei Jahre – von 2011 bis 2013 – liegen außerdem vor.


The Higher Education Academy. Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey. PTES 2014.

(ptes-questionnaire-2014-with-changes.pdf) Reports

Wells, Pam. Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey. PTES 2011 report. (PTES_report_2011.pdf) Bennett, Paul & Turner, Gosia. PTES 2012. National findings from the Postgraduate Taught Experience

Survey. (PTES_2012_report.pdf)

Leman, Jason, Turner, Gosia & Bennett, Paul. PTES 2013. Findings from the Postgraduate Taught Expe-rience Survey. (PTES_Report_2013_Final.pdf)

Soilemetzidis, Ionnis, Bennet, Paul & Jason Leman. The Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey 2014.

(PTES_2014_Report.pdf) Links

www.heacademy.ac.uk/ptes-home, bzw.

www.heacademy.ac.uk/consultancy-services/surveys/ptes www.heacademy.ac.uk/node/10081