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Legal English Compact, Part 1


Academic year: 2022

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Sprachen Englisch, Bildungsprogramm 2021

OT-ES-E 317

Legal English Compact, Part 1

Constitutional law & administrative law

Content and aims

How does it work in Austria – and how do I say it in English? When you are working

internationally, the first question is usually much easier to answer than the second, isn’t it? In this compact course, you will learn how best to talk about fundamental aspects of Austrian law in English, ensuring you use essential legal vocabulary correctly.

In Part 1 we will talk about key concepts of public law, such as

• federalism and the separation of powers, e.g.:

Province, Region, State – which is the best way of saying Land, and why?

How do you translate Gerichtsbarkeit (and why is it not jurisdiction)?

• legislation and legal instruments, e.g.:

Verfassungsbestimmung, einfaches Gesetz, Verordnung ... and not to forget, the primacy of EU law

How can we say § 59 Abs. 1 BGD in English?

• public authorities and courts of public law jurisdiction, e.g.:

economy, efficiency and effectiveness, official liability & official secrecy ...

Bescheidbeschwerde & Revision – and what about aufschiebende Wirkung and ständige Rechtsprechung?

In Legal English Compact, you will get answers to all these questions – and many more. In addition, you will also give your spoken English a big boost, thanks to the tried-and-tested formula of terminology & communication.

Working method

• Interactive webinar – with group work and lots of speaking practice

• Integrated approach to terminology and communication

Technical requirements:

• PC / laptop / tablet / smartphone (possibly private) with camera and microphone as well as internet access, headphones are recommended

• Webinar software platform Zoom or similar


Sprachen Englisch, Bildungsprogramm 2021

Target group

People who want to build their legal vocabulary and practise using it in conversation.

This seminar is open to people with CEFR levels B1, B2 and higher.


Mag. Andrea Steiner BA

Time & venue

Length: 3 x 180-minute sessions Seminar number: OT-ES-E 317 New

Date: 4–6 May 2021, 9.00-12.00 each day

Venue: Online


In the hands of: Ursula Eder

Secretariat: Petra Ranzenbacher


For more English for law and public administration, see Legal English Compact, Part 2: Civil law

& criminal law and Yes Minister (both coming in autumn 2021).


Mag. Andrea Steiner, B.A., Akad. gepr. Übersetzerin

Expertin für englische Fachsprache und Kommunikation, Trainerin und Coach.

Arbeitsschwerpunkte: English for Law, Politics, Government & Public Administration. Studium der Anglistik/Amerikanistik, Germanistik und Linguistik. Vormals Lehrtätigkeit an der

Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien und an Fachhochschulen. Derzeit Studium der Rechtswissenschaften.




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In this compact course, you will learn how best to talk about fundamental aspects of Austrian law in English, ensuring you use essential legal vocabulary correctly?. In Part 2 we

In this compact course, you will learn how best to talk about key aspects of Austrian public law in English and how to use the relevant legal terminology correctly?. So let’s