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(1)EXTRA English 27 Can You Live Without


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EXTRA English 27 Can You Live Without … ? Grammatik und Übungen

I wish

You can use I wish to express regret about past actions.

I wish I'd known (had known) that he was a police officer!

I wish I hadn’t told that joke.

You can also use it to express wishes about the present situation, or about someone's general behaviour.

 I wish the sun would come out.

 Hector! I wish you’d stop (would stop) chewing gum!

 Hector! I wish you wouldn't chew gum!

Sometimes, you can indicate that a situation is impossible.

I wish I could help you, but it’s not my decision.

NOT: I wish I can help you.

And you can also use it to express wishes about the future.

I wish we could go to the cinema tonight.

NOT: I wish we can go to the cinema tonight.

A. Rewrite these sentences, beginning with I wish …

1. It would be nice if it stopped raining.

___________ ________________________________

2. I don't like it when you fall asleep when I'm talking to you!

_____________ ______________________________

3. It would be nice to come with you, but I can't.

_________ __________________________________

4. I think Bridget talks about men too much.

________ ___________________________________

5. It would be good if you turned off the television.

_______ ____________________________________

6. It would be nice to get an ice cream.

_____ ______________________________________

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EXTRA English 27 Can You Live Without … ? Grammatik und Übungen

7. It annoys me when you eat with your mouth open!

______________________ _____________________

8. I don’t like Nick spending so much time on the internet.

______________ _____________________________

B. Write a second sentence, starting I / he wish(es) …

1. It's so cold in this flat.

______ _____________________________________

2. We didn't get invited to the party because you were rude to him.

____ _______________________________________

3. Marty Ross was shocked when he saw Bridget's photographs.

______ _____________________________________

4. There's a great band playing at the club – but the tickets have all been sold.

_______ ____________________________________

5. 'I can’t believe we agreed to do this,' said Hector.

____ _______________________________________

Verb + object + infinitive

We use the following construction after certain verbs.

I don’t want Orlando to see me looking like this!

verb (want) object (Orlando) infinitive (to see) NOT: I don’t want that Orlando sees me.

 I persuaded Marty Ross to get us on Can You Live Without ... ?

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EXTRA English 27 Can You Live Without … ? Grammatik und Übungen

Use the same pattern with these verbs.

advise allow ask encourage

help invite order persuade tell

A. Make complete questions in the past tense. Then answer them.

1. Why / Nick / ask / the others / appear on the show?

_____________ ______________________________

_____________ ______________________________

2. How / Bridget / persuade / Marty / help them?

____________ _______________________________

_____________ ______________________________

3. What / Marty / tell / Hector / live without?

________ ___________________________________

_____________ ______________________________

4. What / Marty / order / Bridget / stop doing?

_______ ____________________________________

_____________ ______________________________

5. What / Marty / tell / Charley / do?

_________ __________________________________

_____________ ______________________________

© 4Learning / Schulfernsehen multimedial 2007 3



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