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Klassenarbeit zu Grammatik [Englisch 6]


Academic year: 2022

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___ /4P

___ /8P

6. Klasse / Englisch

Klassenarbeit - Grammatik

since und for; Präpositionen; Herübersetzung; if-Sätze; Fragen; Diktat; Brief schreiben; Possesivpronomen

Aufgabe 1

Now be careful with since and for! Fill in the gaps!

a) I haven't been on holiday __________ two years.

b) Sheila has been learning __________ two hours.

c) David has been watching TV __________ hours.

d) She has been baking cookies __________ 9 a.m.

Aufgabe 2

Complete the sentences and translate them.

a) I see a horse ____________ the picture.


b) The supermarket is ____________ the right.


c) The boy is standing ____________ the two snowmen.


d) My sister's birthday is ____________ the 7th of April.


Aufgabe 3

Translate the if-clause in English.

a) (Wenn Amy Zeit hat), we will practise English.


b) (Wenn du müde bist), you can go to bed


c) (Wenn David einen Brief schreibt), Amy will be happy.



___ /3P Fill in the question tags.

1. I’m not late, ____________________?

2. Hi! You’re Jim, ____________________? Nice to meet you.

3. Robert isn’t at school, ____________________?

4. The cafeteria isn’t open at break time, ____________________?

5. The chips aren’t very good, ____________________?

6. Lisa is at the house with Baker, ____________________?

Aufgabe 5 Dictation














___ /8P Aufgabe 6

Now write a little text, whether you like Christmas how it is celebrated in Great Britain.

Or maybe you prefer Christmas how it is celebrated in Germany.











Aufgabe 7

Fill in it’s or they’re and a possessive pronoun.

Example: Whose is this pencil? - Ask Mrs. Brown. I think it's hers.

1. Whose is this umbrella? - Ask Ben. I think ____________________.

2. Whose are these shoes? - Ask Tom. I think ____________________.

3. What about this umbrella? –Oh, don’t take that. My parents need it. ____________________.

4. There are two white plates here. – We brought them. ____________________.

5. And the computer game here? – I brought that. ____________________.

6. Did you make these little cakes, Emma? ____________________, aren’t they?


___ /4P

___ /8P

6. Klasse / Englisch

Lösung Klassenarbeit - Grammatik

since und for; Präpositionen; Herübersetzung; if-Sätze; Fragen; Diktat; Brief schreiben; Possesivpronomen

Aufgabe 1

Now be careful with since and for! Fill in the gaps!

a) I haven't been on holiday for two years.

b) Sheila has been learning for two hours.

c) David has been watching TV for hours.

d) She has been baking cookies since 9 a.m.

Aufgabe 2

Complete the sentences and translate them.

a) I see a horse in the picture.

Ich sehe ein Pferd auf dem Bild.

b) The supermarket is on the right.

Der Supermarkt ist auf der rechten Seite.

c) The boy is standing between the two snowmen.

Der Junge steht zwischen den zwei Schneemännern.

d) My sister's birthday is on the 7th of April.

Meine Schwester hat am 7. April Geburtstag.

Aufgabe 3

Translate the if-clause in English.

a) (Wenn Amy Zeit hat), we will practise English.

If Amy has time, we will practise English.

b) (Wenn du müde bist), you can go to bed If you are tired, you can go to bed.

c) (Wenn David einen Brief schreibt), Amy will be happy.

If David writes a letter, Amy will be happy.


___ /3P

___ /8P

___ /8P Aufgabe 4

Fill in the question tags.

1. I’m not late, am I?

2. Hi! You’re Jim, aren’t you? Nice to meet you.

3. Robert isn’t at school, is he?

4. The cafeteria isn’t open at break time, is it?

5. The chips aren’t very good, are they?

6. Lisa is at the house with Baker, isn’t she?

Aufgabe 5 Dictation

Christmas is celebrated in many different ways around the world.

In Great Britain for example, the Christmas Day is on the 25th December.

Santa Claus and his reindeer come at night.

The children unwrap their presents and can play with them for hours.

Later on in the day they eat a typical Christmas dinner, with a big turkey, potatoes, vegetables and last but not least Christmas pudding.

Aufgabe 6

Now write a little text, whether you like Christmas how it is celebrated in Great Britain.

Or maybe you prefer Christmas how it is celebrated in Germany.

For example:

- I like how Christmas is celebrated in Great Britain, because...

- I like how Christmas is celebrated in Germany, because...

- I think it's better that we get our presents on Christmas Eve.

- Also I prefer our Christmas dinner, because...

- I wouldn't like it, that Santa comes at night, because I want to see him.

- Santa Claus is a part of Christmas Eve.

- We also eat dinner on the 25th of December.

Aufgabe 7

Fill in it’s or they’re and a possessive pronoun.

Example: Whose is this pencil? - Ask Mrs. Brown. I think it's hers.

1. Whose is this umbrella? - Ask Ben. I think it’s his.

2. Whose are these shoes? - Ask Tom. I think they’re his.

3. What about this umbrella? –Oh, don’t take that. My parents need it. It’s theirs.

4. There are two white plates here. – We brought them. They’re ours.

5. And the computer game here? – I brought that. It’s mine.

6. Did you make these little cakes, Emma? They’re yours, aren’t they?


Viel Glück!!

Viel Glück!!

Viel Glück!!

Viel Glück!!

Viel Glück!!

Gesamt: ____/40P

klassenarbeiten.de - Klassenarbeit 1774 - Hauptschule, 6. Klasse, Englisch

Note 1 1- 1-2 2+ 2 2- 2-3 3+ 3 3- 3-4 4+ 4 4- 4-5 5+ 5 5- 5-6 6+

Punkte 36 34 33 31 30 28 27 25 24 22 20 18 16 14 13 11 10 8 7 5



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