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R N A Polymerase-Binding and Transcription Initiation Sites Upstream of the Methyl Reductase Operon of


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J O U R N A L O F B A C T E R I O L O G Y , Apr. 1988, p. 1958-1961 V o l . 170, No. 4 0021-9193/88/041958-04$02.00/0

Copyright © 1988, American Society for Microbiology

R N A Polymerase-Binding and Transcription Initiation Sites Upstream of the Methyl Reductase Operon of

Methanococcus vannielii

M I C H A E L T H O M M ,1 B R U C E A . S H E R F ,2 A N D J O H N N . R E E V E2*

Lehrstuhl für Mikrobiologie, Universität Regensburg, D-8400 Regensburg, Federal Republic of Germany,1 and Department of Microbiology, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 432102

Received 19 October 1987/Accepted 30 December 1987

R N A Polymerase, purified from Methanococcus vannielii, was shown by exonuclease III footprinting to bind to a 49-base-pair (bp) region of D N A in the intergenic region upstream of mcrB. S l nuclease protection experiments demonstrated that transcription Initiation in vivo occurs within this region at 32 or 33 bp 5' to the A T G translation initiation codon of mcrB and 19 or 20 bp 3' to a T A T A box.

Although methanogens are archaebacteria, the structure and Organization of their polypeptide-encoding genes appear to be the same as those in eubacteria. Methanogen genes are often arranged in what seem to be multigene transcriptional units (Operons), ribosome-binding sites precede genes, and to date, introns have not been detected (5). However, methanogen-derived DNA-dependent R N A polymerases (RNAP) are very different from eubacterial RNAPs (8, 9), and a major unresolved question is therefore the structure of methanogen Promoters. We have cloned and sequenced the genes (mcrBDCGA) which encode the subunits of compo- nent C of methyl coenzyme M reductase, the most abundant enzyme in Methanococcus vannielii (1,3). Since these genes are all transcribed in the same direction and are separated only by very short intergenic regions, they appear to be organized as an Operon. To account for the large amounts of methyl coenzyme M reductase synthesized, these genes must be very highly expressed and are therefore likely to be transcribed from a very strong promoter. In this report we define the D N A sequence in the intergenic region immedi- ately upstream of mcrB which binds purified M. vannielii R N A P in vitro. We also show that this RNAP-binding site overlaps the in vivo site of transcription initiation and that it contains sequences which have been proposed as elements of Promoters for transcription of stable R N A genes in M.

vannielii (11) and in other archaebacteria (6, 12).

M. vannielii R N A P was purified and assayed as previously described for R N A P purification from Methanococcus ther- molithotrophicus except that active fractions from the hepa- rin-cellulose co.lumn (8, 9) were subsequently concentrated by ultrafiltration and further purified by passage through a molecular sieve (TSK3000; L K B Products, Bromma, Swe- den) and anion-exchange (MonoQ; Pharmacia, Inc., Piscat- away, N.J.) fast-protein liquid chromatography columns.

The origin and construction of the probes used to determine the sites of R N A P binding and transcription initiation rela- tive to the mcrB gene are shöwn in Fig. 1. Plasmid pET1400 (1) contains 1,240 base pairs (bp) of M . vannielii D N A cloned in pUC19 (10), including 274 bp of the intergenic region preceding mcrB. Plasmid pMRP5 was constructed as shown in Fig. 1. Plasmid pMRP4, obtained fortuitously from the same ligation reaction as pMRP5, was found to have suffered a deletion of 40 bp of M. vannielii D N A which removed all of

* Corresponding author.

the mcrB coding region and 9 bp of the adjacent intergenic region. The boundaries of the RNAP-binding sites on the D N A probes (Fig. 1) were determined by exonuclease III (Exolll) footprinting by using the published procedure (7, 13). Results of an experiment which located the 5' boundary with the BamHl-EcoRl probe (Fig. 1) derived from pMRP5 are shown in Fig. 2. Bound R N A P blocked Exolll digestion at a point which resulted in a D N A molecule of a length that indicated that the 5' boundary of the RNAP-binding site must be 62 bp upstream of the A T G translation initiation codon for mcrB. When the same procedure was used with the Hindlll-Pvull probe (Fig. 1) derived ffom pMRP4, the 3' boundary of the RNAP-binding site was shown to be 13 bp upstream of the A T G codon. The site of transcription initiation in vivo for the mcrB Operon was determined by the Standard S l nuclease protection procedure (4). R N A was obtained by hot-phenol extraction of exponentially growing cells of M. vannielii (9). The D N A probe was derived from pET1400 (Fig. 1). Transcription initiation was found to occur primarily at one of two adjacent bases (C and T) located 33 and 32 bp upstream of the A T G translation initiation codon (Fig. 3). The in vivo transcript must therefore have a nontranslated leader region containing the sequence previ- ously predicted to be a ribosome-binding site (1,5).

Our results defined the M. vannielii RNAP-binding site as being 49 bp in length, extending 29 bp 5' and 19 bp 3' from the in vivo site of transcription initiation (Fig. 3). Since the deletion in pMRP4 reaches to within 4 bp of the 3' boundary of the RNAP-binding site, sequences downstream of this point are clearly not essential for the R N A P binding. The results of this study also demonstrate that this archaebacte- rial R N A P does not require additional transcription factors to recognize and bind to specific D N A sequences.

There have been several reports cataloging conserved sequences upstream of archaebacterial genes (2, 5, 6,11,12).

The sequence 5' TATATA-(18 or 19 bases)-TGC has been proposed as a consensus sequence for promoters of stable R N A genes in both M. vannielii (11) and other archaebacte- rial species (6,12), with transcription initiating in vivo at the G residue of this sequence (11). Within the region of M . vannielii D N A which we have shown to bind M. vannielii R N A P (Fig. 3) is the sequence 5' A T A T A , located 19 or 20 bp upstream of the in vivo sites of transcription initiation. A T A T A box motif, —19 bp upstream of the site of transcrip- tion initiation, could therefore be a common dement of



V O L . 170, 1988 N O T E S 1959

Jf- Rsal(5-3 2P)/RI Probe for S1 Analysis







- a n d -




4 - r

Hill R|



•E.coll Transformation

- pUC19(Hindlll/Smal)

4 R //,

BHI R| Pvull

Mapplng 3'RNAP Boundary

• pMRP4:Hlll(5 32 Probe

• RNAP Binding

• Exolll Digest


Mapplng 5' RNAP Boundary

• pMRP5: BHl(5'-3 2P)/R»


• RNAP Binding

• Exolll Digest

Hill RNAP Exolll RNAP





• Electrophoresls •

F I G . 1. Probes and experimental protocols used. Plasmid pET1400 contains part of the mcrB gene (iffij) and the intergenic region ( _ ) upstream of the mcrB gene cloned in pUC19 (1,10). Restriction fragments, 5' end labeled by means of polynucleotide kinase and [7-3 2P]ATP, were subsequently cleaved by restriction enzymes as indicated to obtain the single-end-labeled molecules used as probes. Locations of 3 2P atoms are denoted by asterisks, and the in vivo initiation site and direction of transcription are indicated by the small rightward-pointing arrow. D N A which would be digested by E x o l l l activity in the presence of R N A P is also indicated ( ). Restriction sites are indicated by the Standard abbreviations except for Hindill (Hill), EcoRl (RI), and BamHl (BHI). The sequence of the M. vannielii D N A shown has been published previously (1). Standard techniques were used for the in vitro D N A manipulations, S l analysis, and Exolll footprinting (4, 7, 10, 13).


1960 N O T E S J . B A C T E R I O L .

G C — +

+ + I 1 1 -1

G A T C 56 28 56 28

F I G . 2. E x o l l l determination o f the 5' boundary o f the M.

vannielii R N A P - b i n d i n g site. R N A P - D N A complexes (+) prepared by the p M R P 5 - d e r i v e d BamYLl-EcoRl probe ( F i g . 1) were digested with E x o l l l (28 and 56 U o f ExoIII-reaction mixture), and the products were visualized by autoradiography following electropho- resis through an 8% Polyacrylamide sequencing gel. L a b e l e d probe D N A i n control experiments without added R N A P ( - ) was c o m - pletely digested by the added E x o l l l (28 and 56 U ) . D N A sequencing ladders produced from the probe D N A molecule, resolved i n the adjacent tracks, were used to determine the exact size o f the R N A P - p r o t e c t e d fragment. T h e in v i v o sites of transcription initia- tion are indicated to the left o f the figure.

Promoters for archaebacterial genes encoding both stable R N A (6, 11, 12) and Polypeptides (2, 5). The results pre- sented here show that this conserved sequence is part of a sequence specifically bound by M. vannielii R N A P .

This study was supported by N o r t h A t l a n t i c Treaty Organization Collaborative Research grant 0148/85, b y contracts F G 0 2 - 87ER13731.A from the U . S . Department o f E n e r g y and CR812774 from the E n v i r o n m e n t a l Protection A g e n c y to J . N . R . , and b y a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to K . O . Stetter and M . T .

W e gratefully acknowledge the support and interest o f K . O . Stetter i n this w o r k .


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co +

F I G . 3. I n vitro site o f R N A P binding and i n v i v o sites o f transcription initiation. T h e sequence o f the D N A Strand w h i c h serves as the template for transcription is s h o w n . T h e A T G trans- lation initiation c o d o n for mcrB is at the bottom o f the figure. D N A molecules protected from S l nuclease digestion (probe + S l ) (4) by hybridization of the Rsal-EcoRl probe obtained from pET1400 [ F i g . 1]) to R N A extracted from growing cells o f M. vannielii are shown adjacent to the sequencing ladders. D N A molecules i n control experiments containing no R N A (probe) were completely digested by the S l nuclease. The boundaries o f the R N A P - b i n d i n g site as determined by the E x o l l l footprinting are s h o w n at - 2 9 and +19 relative to the C residue (designated 0) at w h i c h transcription initiation occurs. The A T A T A motif within the region o f M. van- nielii D N A protected from E x o l l l digestion by b o u n d R N A P ( E S ) is highlighted.

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