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3. Abelian Intertwining Algebras 69

3.2. Simple-Current Abelian Intertwining Algebras I

Let us return to the situation in Section 2.2 about simple-current vertex operator algeb-ras, i.e. letV be as in AssumptionSNa simple, rational,C2-cofinite, self-contragredient vertex operator algebra of CFT-type such that all irreducible modules are simple cur-rents. Then we saw that there is the structure of a finite abelian group onFV, the fusion group ofV, and a finite quadratic formQρ, given by the conformal weights modulo 1.2

It follows from results by Huang:

Theorem 3.2.1. Let V be as in AssumptionSN. Then the direct sum of the irreducible V-modules

A:= M



carries the structure of an abelian intertwining algebra associated with some normalised abelian 3-cocycle (F,Ω) onFV.

The abelian intertwining algebra structure on A is the unique one up to a normalised abelian 3-coboundary extending the given vertex operator algebra and module structures.

Remark 3.2.2. The uniqueness statement in the above theorem is to be understood in the following sense: the vertex operationY(·, x) onAhas to be composed of intertwining operators of type WWαα+βWβ

,α, βFV. These are unique up to a scalar. Hence, Y(·, x) may be multiplied by a function f: FV ×FV → C× with f(α,0) = f(0, α) = 1 for all αFV, resulting in a change of the abelian 3-cocycle (F,Ω) by the normalised abelian 3-coboundary (Ff,f). In particular the quadratic formQ is unique, as isB.

It is part of the statement of the theorem that the bilinear forms Bρ and B asso-ciated with the conformal weights and the abelian 3-cocycle (F,Ω), respectively, are the negatives of each other, i.e. Bρ =−B (as explained in item (2) of Remark 3.1.5).

From the theory of finite quadratic forms alone this does not imply that the quadratic formsQρ and −Q are identical because of the fact that to every bilinear form on FV, there are |FV/2FV| many possible quadratic forms with that associated bilinear form (see Remark A.1.3).

However, using the theory of modular tensor categories and in particular Huang’s con-struction of modular tensor categories associated with certain vertex operator algebras, it is possible to show that in the situation of Theorem 3.2.1 and under Assumption P the quadratic forms Qρ and −Q are indeed the same.3 This is the statement of the following main theorem of this chapter, which is Theorem 2.7 in [HS14] but was stated there with an incomplete proof, as was pointed out by Scott Carnahan (see introduction of [Car14]):

2We had to additionally assume thatV satisfies AssumptionPbut the result on the quadratic form does not depend on that (except for the non-degeneracy, cf. Theorem 2.2.7). Indeed, that the conformal weights form a quadratic form is part of the statement of Theorem 3.2.1 and will be shown in Lemma 3.2.5, which is needed for the proof of the theorem.

3Also, since we use AssumptionP in the theorem, we know that the quadratic form Qρ = −Q is non-degenerate, i.e. (FV, Qρ) forms a finite quadratic space (see Theorem 2.2.7).

Theorem 3.2.3. LetV be as in AssumptionsSNPwith fusion groupFV = (FV, Qρ).

Then the direct sum

A:= M



can be given the structure of an abelian intertwining algebra, the unique one up to a normalised abelian 3-coboundary extending the given vertex operator algebra and module structures, with associated normalised abelian 3-cocycle (F,Ω) such that

Q(γ) =−Qρ(γ)

for all γFV, i.e. the quadratic forms associated with the abelian 3-cocycle and the conformal weights are the negatives of each other. In other words: the finite quadratic space (FV, Q) associated with the abelian intertwining algebra A equals FV = (FV,−Qρ).

The level of the abelian intertwining algebra A is exactly the level of the finite quadratic space FV (or FV).

In the following we will present proofs of Theorems 3.2.1 and 3.2.3. The first the-orem is essentially well known and a special case of more general results by Huang.

Indeed, Theorem 3.7 (and Remark 3.8) in [Hua05] states that for a rational,C2-cofinite vertex operator algebra V of CFT-type the direct sum of all irreducible V-modules up to isomorphism admits the structure of an intertwining operator algebra. Intertwining operator algebras were first introduced in [Hua97] but Definition 5.1 in [Hua00] gives an equivalent characterisation of them as natural non-abelian generalisations of abelian intertwining algebras. From this definition on can read off that the intertwining oper-ator algebra from Theorem 3.7 in [Hua05] becomes an abelian intertwining algebra if we additionally assume thatV is simple, self-contragredient and all modules are simple currents, i.e. under AssumptionSN.

For reasons of comprehensibility it seems appropriate to include a direct proof of Theorem 3.2.1, which also heavily relies on results by Huang. This will be the rest of this section (Section 3.2).

For the proof of Theorem 3.2.3 we need some knowledge of modular tensor categories, in particular those defined by Huang associated with certain vertex operator algebras.

These concepts will be introduced in Section 3.3. Finally, Section 3.4 gives two inde-pendent proofs of Theorem 3.2.3.

Proof of Theorem 3.2.1

The following proof is largely based on notes by van Ekeren [Eke15] and uses results by Huang from [Hua96b, Hua00, Hua05, Hua08b]. Recall that we interpret fractional powers of complex variables as zn = enlog(z) where log(z) = log(|z|) + i arg(z) and 0≤arg(z)<2π (see Section 1.1).

We start our considerations with the following result due to Huang:

Proposition 3.2.4 (Huang). LetV be a rational, C2-cofinite vertex operator algebra of CFT-type. Let A, B, C, D, P be V-modules and Y1 ∈ VA PD and Y2 ∈ VB CP intertwining operators. Fix vectors aA, bB, cC and d0D0. Then there exists a V-module Q and intertwining operators Y3∈ VB QD and Y4 ∈ VA CQ such that the series

d0,Y1(a, z)Y2(b, w)c and d0,Y3(b, w)Y4(a, z)c

converge in the domains0<|w|<|z|and0<|z|<|w|, respectively, and are restrictions to these domains of a multi-valued function F(z, w), analytic on the domain {(z, w) ∈ C2 | z, w, zw 6= 0}. Moreover, there is a V-module R and intertwining operators Y5 ∈ VR CD and Y6 ∈ VA BR such that

d0,Y5(Y6(a, zw)b, w)c

converges in the domain 0 < |z−w| < |w| and is the restriction to that domain of F(z, w).

Proof. The proposition is a special case of [Hua00], Lemma 4.1. The result is also given without the precise statement on the domain ofF in [Hua96b], Theorems 1.8 and 3.1. In both cases the result is proved under additional hypotheses onV called “convergence and extension properties” (see [Hua96b], p. 210). In [Hua05], Remark 3.8, these hypotheses are shown to hold ifV is rational, C2-cofinite and of CFT-type.

The proof of the following lemma is similar to that of [Yam04], Lemma 3.1, where a special case of item (1) is proved.

Lemma 3.2.5 ([Eke15], Lemma 4.11). Let V be as in Assumption SN. In the situation of Proposition 3.2.4 letA=Wα,B =Wβ, C=Wγ andD=Wα+β+γ forα, β, γFV. Then:

(1) Qρ(α) = ρ(Wα) +Z, αFV, defines a quadratic form on the abelian group FV with associated bilinear form Bρ(α, β) =Qρ(α+β)−Qρ(α)−Qρ(β), α, βFV. (2) There is an N ∈Q, depending only onaA and bB, such that

(xy)N[Y1(a, x)Y2(b, y)− Y3(b, y)Y4(a, x)] = 0. (3) ForaA, bB, cC, d0D0 the series

d0,Y1(a, x)Y2(b, y)cιx,y(xy)−Bρ(α,β)x−Bρ(α,γ)y−Bρ(β,γ), d0,Y3(b, y)Y4(a, x)cιy,x(xy)−Bρ(α,β)x−Bρ(α,γ)y−Bρ(β,γ), d0,Y5(Y6(a, x−y)b, y)cιy,x−y(x−y)−Bρ(α,β)x−Bρ(α,γ)y−Bρ(β,γ)

are the images of a common element of C[x±1, y±1,(xy)−1]under ιx,yy,x and ιy,x−y, respectively.

By a slight abuse of notation we interpret Bρ(α, β) in a term like xBρ(α,β) as an arbitrary representative inQof Bρ(α, β)∈Q/Z.

Proof. For the proof we consider some expressions in terms of the complex variablesz, w rather than the formal variablesx, y. Fixa, b, c, d0 as in Proposition 3.2.4. By definition, Y(Wα, x)WβxBρ(α,β)Wα+β((x)) for an intertwining operatorY(·, x) of type WWαα+βWβ. The expressionhd0,Y5(Y6(a, zw)b, w)ci defines the multi-valued functionF(z, w) as a series inzw,w. By the boundedness-from-below property forY6 (see Definition 1.6.1) there exists anN ∈Q, depending only onaand b, such that (zw)NF(z, w) is regular atzw= 0. More precisely, N ∈ −Bρ(α, β).

We consider the series expansion

(zw)NF(z, w) =ιz,w(zw)Nd0,Y1(a, z)Y2(b, w)c

in the domain 0<|w|<|z|. Since (zw)NF(z, w) is regular at zw= 0, the series on the right-hand side actually converges for all |z|,|w|>0. It is a series in fractional powers of z andw but

zBρ(α,β)−Bρ(α,β+γ)w−Bρ(β,γ)ιz,w(zw)Nd0,Y1(a, z)Y2(b, w)c contains clearly only integral powers of z andw. Similarly,

z−Bρ(α,γ)wBρ(α,β)−Bρ(β,α+γ)ιw,z(zw)Nd0,Y3(b, w)Y4(a, z)c

is a convergent series in integral powers ofzandw. Since the functions defined by these two series are single-valued, so is their ratio

zBρ(α,β)−Bρ(α,β+γ)+Bρ(α,γ)wBρ(β,α+γ)−Bρ(α,β)−Bρ(β,γ). This implies

Bρ(α, β)−Bρ(α, β+γ) +Bρ(α, γ) = 0 +Z, Bρ(β, α+γ)−Bρ(α, β)−Bρ(β, γ) = 0 +Z,

which means that Bρ is bilinear. Since a module and its contragredient have the same weight grading, Qρ(−α) = Qρ(α) and Qρ(0) = ρ(V) +Z = 0 +Z so that by Proposi-tion A.1.5Qρ is a quadratic form. Above we obtained two convergent series in integral powers of z and w whose ratio is of the form (z/w)k for some k ∈ Z. One series has finitely many negative powers ofwand finitely many positive powers ofz, the other vice versa. Hence both lie inC[z±1, w±1], which proves items (2) and (3).

Remark 3.2.6. Recall from (1.1) that for consistency with the definitions of [DL93] we chose to interpret

ιy,x(xy)n= (eπi)−nιy,x(yx)n

forn∈C. This expression appears in Lemma 3.2.5 but the convention does not matter for the statement of the lemma because any ambiguity can be absorbed into the choice of Y3 and Y4.

In order to pass to a generalised Jacobi identity for the intertwining operators under AssumptionSNwe first recall some standard formulæ for Laurent polynomials in several formal variables:

Lemma 3.2.7. Let f(x0, x1, x2)∈C[x±10 , x±11 , x±12 ]. Then:

(1) [FHL93], Proposition 3.1.1:

ιx1,x0x−12 δ

x1x0 x2

f(x0, x1, x1x0)

=ιx1,x2x−10 δ



f(x1x2, x1, x2)

ιx2,x1x−10 δ



f(x1x2, x1, x2). (2) [FHL93], Proposition 3.1.1:

ιx2,x0x−11 δ

x2+x0 x1

f(x0, x0+x2, x2) =ιx1,x0x−12 δ

x1x0 x2

f(x0, x1, x1x0). (3) [FLM88], Proposition 8.8.22:


x1x0 x2



x1x0 x2


x2+x0 x1



x2+x0 x1

for everym∈C.

We continue in the situation of Lemma 3.2.5. Let g(x, y) ∈ C[x±1, y±1,(xy)−1] be the common element in item (3) there and let the rational function f(x0, x1, x2) ∈ C[x±10 , x±11 , x±12 ] be such that g(x, y) = f(xy, x, y). Applying items (1) and (2) of Lemma 3.2.7 tof yields

ιx1,x2(x1x2)−Bρ(α,β)x−B1 ρ(α,γ)x−B2 ρ(β,γ)x−10 δ

x1x2 x0

Y1(a, x1)Y2(b, x2)c

ιx2,x1(x1x2)−Bρ(α,β)x−B1 ρ(α,γ)x−B2 ρ(β,γ)x−10 δ



Y3(b, x2)Y4(a, x1)c

=ιx2,x0x−B0 ρ(α,β)(x0+x2)−Bρ(α,γ)x−B2 ρ(β,γ)x−11 δ



Y5(Y6(a, x0)b, x2)c.


Indeed, the identity holds when paired withd0 for alld0 ∈(Wα+β+γ)0 and hence it holds withd0 omitted. The first term of (3.2) equals

ιx1,x2x−B0 ρ(α,β)x−B1 ρ(α,γ)x−B2 ρ(β,γ)x−10

x1x2 x0



x1x2 x0

Y1(a, x1)Y2(b, x2)c.

Using item (3) of Lemma 3.2.7, the third term of (3.2) equates to ιx2,x0x−B0 ρ(α,β)x−B1 ρ(α,γ)x−B2 ρ(β,γ)x−11

x2+x0 x1



x2+x0 x1

Y5(Y6(a, x0)b, x2)c

=ιx1,x0x−B0 ρ(α,β)x−B1 ρ(α,γ)x−B2 ρ(β,γ)x−12

x1x0 x2



x1x0 x2

Y5(Y6(a, x0)b, x2)c

and the second term becomes

ιx2,x1x−B0 ρ(α,β)




x−B1 ρ(α,γ)x−B2 ρ(β,γ)x−10 δ



Y3(b, x2)Y4(a, x1)c

=−ιx2,x1x−B0 ρ(α,β) e−πi(x2x1) x0


x−B1 ρ(α,γ)x−B2 ρ(β,γ)x−10 δ



Y3(b, x2)Y4(a, x1)c

=−ιx2,x1x−B0 ρ(α,β)

x2x1 eπix0


x−B1 ρ(α,γ)x−B2 ρ(β,γ)x−10 δ



Y3(b, x2)Y4(a, x1)c,

where, passing from the first to the second line, we have used the convention in Re-mark 3.2.6. Cancellingx−B0 ρ(α,β)x−B1 ρ(α,γ)x−B2 ρ(β,γ)from all three terms we finally obtain


x1x2 x0



x1x2 x0

Y1(a, x1)Y2(b, x2)c








Y3(b, x2)Y4(a, x1)c








Y5(Y6(a, x0)b, x2)c.

This already resembles the generalised Jacobi identity for abelian intertwining algebras (see Definition 3.1.4).

Recall that in the situation of group-like fusion (AssumptionSN) we choseV-module representativesWα forαFV withW0 =V. Now we also choose representatives of the one-dimensional spacesVWWαα+βWβ of intertwining operators of type WWαα+βWβ,α, βFV. Definition 3.2.8(System of Scalars). Assume thatV satisfies AssumptionSN. We fix a choice of intertwining operatorYW+α,Wβ ∈ VWWαα+βWβ for eachα, βFV. Each intertwining operatorYk,k= 1, . . . ,6 in the discussion above is a scalar multiple of one of the fixed ones and we immediately obtain the following derived generalised Jacobi identity (cf.

Definition 3.1.4):


x1x2 x0



x1x2 x0


Wα,Wβ+γ(a, x1)Y+

Wβ,Wγ(b, x2)c

B(α, β, γ)ιx2,x1x−10

x2x1 eπix0






Wβ,Wα+γ(b, x2)YW+α,Wγ(a, x1)c

=F(α, β, γ)ιx1,x0x−12

x1x0 x2



x1x0 x2



Wα,Wβ(a, x0)b, x2)c for some system of non-zero scalar factorsF, B:FV ×FV ×FV →C×.

We can immediately also define the function Ω: FV ×FV →C×: Definition 3.2.9 (Braiding Convention). For allα, βFV we define Ye+

Wα,Wβ by YeW+α,Wβ(a, x)b= exL−1YW+β,Wα(b,e−πix)a.

Then by [HL95a], Section 7,YeW+α,Wβ ∈ VWWαα+βWβ and we define Ω: FV ×FV →C× by YW+α,Wβ(a, x)b=Ω(e α, β)YeW+α,Wβ(a, x)b

whereΩ(e α, β) = Ω(β, α)−1 as in Remark 3.1.2.

In the following we show that F, B and Ω satisfy the properties required to endow A = Lγ∈FV Wγ with the structure of an abelian intertwining algebra whose vertex operation consists of the intertwining operators chosen in Definition 3.2.8. We begin by showing that F and Ω form an abelian 3-cocycle:

Proposition 3.2.10(Huang, [Eke15], Proposition 4.20). LetV be as in AssumptionSN.

LetF be as in Definition 3.2.8 andas in Definition 3.2.9. Then(F,Ω)is an abelian 3-cocycle. If we chooseYV,W+ α to be theV-module action ofV onWαandYW+α,V :=YeV,W+ α, then(F,Ω) is normalised.

Proof. The relation F(0, β, γ) = 1 follows from the definition of the Jacobi identity for intertwining operators (see Definition 1.6.1), the relation Ω(0, β) = 1 from our choice of YW+α,V. These two relations imply that (F,Ω) is normalised once we establish that it is a cocycle.

A proof of the cocycle condition is given by Huang in [Hua08b], Section 1, using the Huang-Lepowsky tensor-product theory.

The above proposition also implies that Q associated with Ω as in equation (3.1) is a quadratic form.

Lemma 3.2.11([Eke15], Lemma 4.23). Let V be as in Assumption SN,as in Defin-ition 3.2.9 and let B and Bρ be the bilinear forms associated with the quadratic forms Q andQρ, respectively. Then

B =−Bρ.

Proof. Proposition 3.2.10 states that (F,Ω) is a normalised abelian 3-cocycle. It is straightforward, though tedious, to derive

Ω(α+β, α+β) = Ω(α, α)Ω(α, β)Ω(β, α)Ω(β, β) from Definition 3.1.1. Hence

b(α, β) = e(2πi)(Q(α+β)−Q(α)−Q(β))= Ω(α, β)Ω(β, α).

On the other hand, applying Definition 3.2.9 twice gives Y+

Wα,Wβ(a, x)b= Ω(β, α)−1exL−1Y+


= Ω(β, α)−1Ω(α, β)−1Y+


= Ω(β, α)−1Ω(α, β)−1e−(2πi)Bρ(α,β)YW+α,Wβ(a, x)b, so thatB(α, β) =−Bρ(α, β) for all α, βFV.

As a last step we show that F and B are related via Ω in the desired way.

Lemma 3.2.12 ([Eke15], Lemma 4.26). Let V be as in Assumption SN and let F and B be as in Definition 3.2.8 andas in Definition 3.2.9. Then

B(α, β, γ) =F(β, α, γ)−1Ω(α, β)F(α, β, γ) for all α, β, γFV

Proof. In the following manipulations, for reasons of readability, we omit F, B,Ω and most of the subscriptsWα, Wβ, WγforY+(·, x) and only reinsert them at the very end.

We begin with the generalised Jacobi identity in Definition 3.2.8:


x1x2 x0



x1x2 x0

Y+(a, x1)Y+(b, x2)c


x2x1 eπix0





Y+(b, x2)Y+(a, x1)c


x1x0 x2



x1x0 x2

Y+(Y+(a, x0)b, x2)c


x1x0 x2



x1x0 x2


Wβ,Wα(b,e−πix0)a, x2)c


x1x0 x2



x1x0 x2


Wβ,Wα(b,e−πix0)a, x2+x0)c, using the translation axiom and Taylor expansion in the last step. Now


x1x0 x2



x1x0 x2


















for anynBρ(α+β, γ). Here we used item (3) of Lemma 3.2.7, the bilinearity ofBρand the following property of the delta function: δ(x/y)p(x) = δ(x/y)p(y) for a polynomial p with integral exponents. Using this we rewrite the expression above as


x2+x0 x1



x2+x0 x1

Y+(YW+β,Wα(b,e−πix0)a, x1)c.

Then we apply the derived generalised Jacobi identity from Definition 3.2.8 again:


x2t x1



x2t x1


Wβ,Wα(b, t)a, x1)c t=e−πix


= ιx2,x1t−1

x2x1 t



x2x1 t

Y+(b, x2)Y+(a, x1)c









Y+(a, x1)Y+(b, x2)c


=−ιx2,x1x−10 e−(2πi)Bρ(α,β)x2x1






Y+(b, x2)Y+(a, x1)c +ιx1,x2x−10







Y+(a, x1)Y+(b, x2)c.

Reinserting all the omitted scalar factors and comparing the coefficients we obtain 1 =F(α, β, γ)Ω(α, β)Fe (β, α, γ)−1B(β, α, γ),

B(α, β, γ) =F(α, β, γ)Ω(e α, β)F(β, α, γ)−1bρ(α, β)−1, which can be reorganised to read

B(α, β, γ) =F(β, α, γ)−1Ω(α, β)F(α, β, γ),

B(α, β, γ) =F(α, β, γ)Ω(β, α)−1F(β, α, γ)−1bρ(α, β)−1.

Hence, B satisfies the relation we aimed to prove and we also obtain Ω(α, β)Ω(β, α) = 1/bρ(α, β), which already follows from Lemma 3.2.11.

Finally, collecting all results, we can prove that the direct sum A of the irreducible V-modules up to isomorphism admits the structure of an abelian intertwining algebra.

We choose the vertex operation Y(·, x) onA to be composed of the intertwining oper-atorsY+

Wα,Wβ(·, x) forα, βFV with the normalisation condition described in Propos-ition 3.2.10 fulfilled.

Proof of Theorem 3.2.1. With our choice of intertwining operators, they satisfy the gen-eralised Jacobi identity for an abelian intertwining algebra (see Definition 3.1.4) for some system of scalarsF andB(see Definition 3.2.8). We saw in Proposition 3.2.10 that (F,Ω) defines a normalised abelian 3-cocycle. It is necessary thatB be compatible withF and Ω, which is Lemma 3.2.12. For the grading condition on Y(·, x) to hold the bilinear forms associated withQ and Qρ have to be negatives of each other, which is shown in Lemma 3.2.11. The remaining axioms are easy to verify.