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II. Applications 141

6. Vertex Operator Algebras of Small Central Charge 165

6.3. Five New Cases on Schellekens’ List

In this section we describe the construction of five new cases on Schellekens’ list as cyclic orbifolds of lattice vertex operator algebras. In each of the following cases let ν be an automorphism of order m on some Niemeier lattice L such that a standard lift ˆ

ν ∈Aut(VL) is of type n{0} where n =m or 2m. We then consider the orbifold Ve of V =VLby ˆν. In each case we compute the dimension ofVe1using the modular invariance of the trace functions as described in Section 5.6. Then, we determine the Lie algebra structure of Ve1 by Montague’s argument described above, and sometimes using some additional results.

The five cases below give new cases on Schellekens’ list, i.e. cases that were not yet constructed as of the completion of this text. However, Lam and Shimakura were inde-pendently searching for constructions of some cases on Schellekens’ list. In [LS16b] they announced to have found a construction for the case A1C5,3G2,2 (probably identical to our construction) and were pursuing approaches similar to ours for the cases C4,10 and A2,6D4,12 [LS15a].

Automorphisms of Niemeier Lattices

First we describe the automorphisms of the Niemeier lattices we will use. Let L be a Niemeier lattice, i.e. one of the 24 even, unimodular, positive-definite lattice of rank 24.

Assume thatLis not the Leech lattice. Recall that we writeL=N(Q) for the Niemeier lattice associated with the root lattice Q (see Section 5.1). The Niemeier latticeN(Q) can be obtained as the lattice generated byQand the glue vectors or glue code, certain vectors inQ0 (see [CS99], Chapter 16.1). In the following we will use the glue code given in Table 16.1 of [CS99].

The root latticeQwill be given as the orthogonal direct sum of the latticesAn,n≥1, Dn, n ≥ 4, and E6, E7 and E8. These can be realised as embedded into Qd with the standard Euclidean inner product for some d ∈ Z>0 (see [CS99], Sections 4.6, 4.7 and 4.8). In particular,

An=n(x1, . . . , xn+1)∈Zn+1

x1+. . .+xn+1 = 0o⊂Zn+1 forn≥1 and

Dn={(x1, . . . , xn)∈Zn|x1+. . .+xn∈2Z} ⊂Zn forn≥4.

In the following we define automorphisms of L=N(Q) by defining them on the root lattice Q in such a way that they are compatible with the choice of glue code in the sense that their linear continuations are also automorphisms ofN(Q). This is in general a rather delicate matter but in most examples below there is a natural choice.

We denote by σn the automorphism ofZn permuting the coordinates as (x1, . . . , xn)7→(xn, x1, . . . , xn−1).

Case 1 LetQ:=A29D6, which is short for the orthogonal direct sumQ=A9A9D6, and ν an automorphism of Qacting as follows:

• On the two copies A(1)9 and A(2)9 of A9, ν is a signed permutation of these, namely

(1), α(2))7→(−α(2), α(1))

forα(i)A(i)9 ,i= 1,2 (so thatν2 is the (−1)-involution on each component).

This gives a cycle shape of 2−949.

• OnD6,ν is a signed permutation of the coordinates of D6 ⊂Z6 (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)7→(x1, x2, x4, x3,−x6, x5) of cycle shape 1241.

Overall, this amounts to an automorphism of Q of cycle shape 122−9410, which also defines an automorphism onL=N(Q).

The automorphism ν is in one of exactly two conjugacy classes in Aut(L) with cycle shape 122−9410, both having length 1 306 368 000.

Case 2 Let Q:=A64 be given by 6 copies ofA4 and ν the automorphism ofQacting as follows:

• On the first copyA(1)4 of A4,ν permutes the coordinates ofZ5 as α(1) 7→σ5α(1)

forα(1)A(1)4 , giving a cycle shape of 1−151.

• On the last five copies A(2)4 , . . . , A(6)4 of A4,ν permutes these five copies, i.e.

(α(2), . . . , α(6))7→(α(6), α(2), . . . , α(5))

forα(i)A(i)4 ,i= 2, . . . ,6, contributing with 54 to the cycle shape.

In total, this gives an automorphism ofQof cycle shape 1−155, which also defines an automorphism of L=N(Q).

The automorphism ν belongs to the unique conjugacy class in Aut(L) with cycle shape 1−155 and length 119 439 360 000 (there is another conjugacy class with the same cycle shape of length 47 775 744).

Case 3 Let Q := A122 . The automorphism ν acts on the 12 copies A(1)2 , . . . , A(12)2 as follows:

• OnA(4)2 ∼=A2,ν acts as permutation of the three coordinates ofZ3times −1, i.e

α(4)7→ −σ3α(4) forα(4)A(4)4 with cycle shape 112−13−161.

• OnA(1)2A(5)2 ∼=A22 letν permute the two copies ofA2 and also permute the coordinates and multiply by −1, i.e.

(1), α(5))7→(−σ3α(5),−σ3α(1))

for α(i)A(i)2 , i = 1,5 (so that ν2 acts as permutation of order 3 on each copy of A2), which gives cycle shape 2−161.

• On A(6)2A(8)2A(11)2 ∼= A32 let ν permute the three copies as (6 11 8) and also multiply by−1, i.e.

(α(6), α(8), α(11))7→(−α(8),−α(11),−α(6))

forα(i)A(i)2 ,i= 6,8,11 (so thatν3 acts as (−1)-involution on each copy of A2), which contributes with 3−262 to the cycle shape.

• OnA(2)2A(3)2A(7)2A(9)2A(10)2A(12)2 ∼=A62 let ν permute the six copies ofA2 as (2 10 9 7 12 3), i.e.

(α(2), α(3), α(7), α(9), α(10), α(12))7→(α(3), α(12), α(9), α(10), α(2), α(7)) forα(i)A(i)2 ,i= 2,3,7,9,10,12 (so thatν6 acts as identity on each copy of A2), giving cycle shape 62.

Altogether, this gives an automorphism ofQof cycle shape 112−23−366, which also defines an automorphism ofL=N(Q).

The automorphism ν belongs to the unique conjugacy class in Aut(L) with cycle shape 112−23−366 and length 106 420 469 760 (there is another conjugacy class with the same cycle shape of length 656 916 480).

Case 4 Let Q:=E64. We define an automorphism onQ as follows:

• On the last three copiesE6(2), . . . , E6(4) ofE6 letν act as permutation of these times −1, i.e.

(2), α(3), α(4))7→(−α(4),−α(2),−α(3))

for α(i)E6(i), i= 2,3,4 (so that ν3 is simply the (−1)-involution on each component). This gives a cycle shape of 3−666.

• We realise the first copy of E6 in a special way by glueing together three copies ofA2. ConsiderA32, which is a sublattice ofE6 of full rank. We define the automorphismν on each copy ofA2 as permutation of the coordinates in Z3 times −1, i.e.

α7→ −σ3α

forαA2 so that ν has cycle shape 112−13−161 on each A2 (and ν3 acts as (−1)-involution). Let the glue code be generated by [111], using the notation in [CS99]. Then indeed, theZ-span of A32 and [111] is isomorphic to E6 and ν defines an automorphism of E6 of cycle shape 132−33−363.

In total, this gives an automorphism of Q of cycle shape 132−33−969, which also defines an automorphism ofL=N(Q).

The automorphism ν belongs to the unique conjugacy class in Aut(L) with cycle shape 132−33−969 and length 1 719 926 784 000 (there are three more classes with the same cycle shape of lengths 2 048 000, 8 847 360 000 and 35 389 440 000).

Case 5 Again, let Q:=A64 be given by 6 copies ofA4. We define an automorphism on Qas follows:

• On the first copyA(1)4 ofA4,ν permutes the coordinates of Z5 times −1, i.e.

α(1)7→ −σ5α(1) forα(1)A(1)4 , giving a cycle shape of 112−15−1101.

• On the last five copiesA(2)4 , . . . , A(6)4 ofA4,ν permutes these five copies times

−1, i.e.

(α(2), . . . , α(6))7→(−α(6),−α(2), . . . ,−α(5))

forα(i)A(i)4 ,i= 2, . . . ,6, contributing with 5−4104 to the cycle shape.

Altogether, this gives an automorphism of Q of cycle shape 112−15−5105, which also defines an automorphism ofL=N(Q).

The automorphism ν belongs to the unique conjugacy class in Aut(L) with cycle shape 112−15−5105 and length 119 439 360 000 (there is another conjugacy class with the same cycle shape of length 47 775 744).

Orbifold Construction

Using lifts of the lattice automorphisms described above, we obtain the following orbifold constructions.

Case 1: Affine Structure A2B2E6,4

Let L = N(A29D6) and ν the automorphism of cycle shape 122−9410 described above. Then ν lifts to an automorphism ˆν ∈ Aut(VL) of type 4{0}, i.e. no order doubling occurs.

We compute dimC(Ve1) = 96. By Theorem 6.1.2,Ve1 is isomorphic as a Lie algebra to A122 , B24D24, A22A25B2, A22A8 or A2B2E6. The Lie algebra structure of V1νˆ is A2B2D5C1. Clearly, A2B2D5C1 cannot embed into A122 , B24D24 or A22A25B2. In addition, D5 cannot appear in an invariant Lie subalgebra of A8 which rules out A22A8. This leaves onlyVe1 ∼=A2B2E6.

Case 2: Affine Structure A24,5

Let L = N(A64) and ν the automorphism of cycle shape 1−155 described above.

Thenν lifts to an automorphism ˆν∈Aut(VL) of type 5{0}, i.e. no order doubling occurs.

We compute dimC(Ve1) = 48 (cf. example calculation in Section 5.6). Theorem 6.1.2 implies thatVe1is isomorphic as a Lie algebra toA161 ,A62,A1A33,A24,A1A5B2,A1D5

orA6. The Lie algebra structure of V1νˆ is A4C4. This leaves only A1A5B2 or A24 as possible Lie algebra structures of Ve1, both of rank 8.

One can show that the A4 in V1νˆ ∼= A4C4 is an ideal in Ve1, which means that it appears as a summand in the decomposition ofVe1 into simple components. This leaves only Ve1 ∼=A24.

Proof of Claim. Let us describe the Lie algebrasV1 = (VL)1andV1νˆin more detail.

VL is the vertex operator algebra associated with the Niemeier latticeL=N(A64).

The subspace of VL of elements of weight 1 has dimension 144 = 24 + 120 and is spanned by

h(−1)⊗e0 and 1⊗eα

for h ∈ h and α ∈ Φ(L), the set of roots of L. It is well known that L has 120 roots, spanning the root latticeQ=A64.

Recall that we wrote A64 = A4A54, where ν ∈ Aut(L) acts separately on both direct summands. Clearly, ν permutes the set of roots Φ(L). It has 24 orbits of length 5 and 4 of these orbits, represented by α1, . . . , α4, live in the first copy of A4, 20 in A54, represented by β1, . . . , β20. ForαL we define





ˆ νi(eα). Then V1ˆν is spanned by

h(−1)⊗e0 and 1⊗Eα

for h ∈ h(0) (of dimension 4) and α ∈ {α1, . . . , α4, β1, . . . , β20}. Hence V1νˆ has dimension 28.

It is easy to see that the 1⊗Eβi,i= 1, . . . ,20, together withh(−1)⊗e0,h∈h(0), span a Lie subalgebra of V1νˆ, which is isomorphic as a Lie algebra to A4 with Cartan subalgebra given by theh(−1)⊗e0,h∈h(0).

We now want to show that this subalgebra A4 is an ideal in V1νˆ and even in Ve1. It is easy to see that the Lie bracket between A4 and the 1⊗Eαi, i = 1, . . . ,4, vanishes, which follows essentially from the fact that the two direct summands of Q=A4⊕A54 are orthogonal andh(0)is a subspace of theC-span ofA54. This shows that the subalgebraA4 is an ideal in V1ˆν.

To see that A4 is an ideal in all of Ve1, we still need to consider the Lie bracket between A4 and the twisted contributions to Ve1 from VLνi), i∈Z5\ {0}. Then

Lemma 2.2.2 in [SS16] states that (h(−1)⊗e0)0,h∈h, and (1⊗eα)0forα∈Φ(L)\N act as 0 on the lowest-weight space of the twisted module VLν) where N = Lν. For the given example we calculate the conformal weight of VLν) to be 1 using formula (5.4). Hence VLν)1 is the lowest-weight space. Moreover, Φ(L)\N are exactly the 100 roots living in the summand A54 of Q= A4A54 (and Φ(L)∩N are the 20 roots insideA4).

Indeed, the first copy of A4 inA4A54 does not contribute to h(0) and hence all 20 roots in thisA4 are inN. The vectors (α, . . . , α)∈A54 forαA4 spanh(0) and hence the contribution toh(0) from these five copies is spanned by (α(2), . . . , α(6)) with the condition that α(2)+. . .+α(6) = 0. None of the 100 roots in A54 fulfil this requirement and so these roots are not in N =L∩h(0).

Taking all this together, we see that the Lie bracket between the Lie subalgebra A4 from above and the contribution toVe1 from the twisted moduleVLν) vanishes.

The same is true forVLν2), . . . , VLν4). Hence, in total, the subalgebra A4 is an ideal inVe1.

Case 3: Affine Structure A2,6D4,12

Let L = N(A122 ) and ν the automorphism of cycle shape 112−23−366 described above. Then ν lifts to an automorphism ˆν ∈ Aut(VL) of type 6{0}, i.e. no order doubling occurs.

One computes dimC(Ve1) = 36. Then by Theorem 6.1.2 we know that Ve1 is iso-morphic as a Lie algebra to A121 ,A2D4 orC4. The Lie algebra structure ofV1νˆ is A1A2C3. ClearlyA1A2C3 can only embed intoA2D4 of these three possible cases.

HenceVe1 ∼=A2D4.

Case 4: Affine Structure A1C5,3G2,2

Note that in [LS16b] it is announced that the authors have also found aZ6-orbifold construction ofA1C5,3G2,2starting from the latticeE64, which is probably identical to our construction below.

Let L = N(E64) and ν the automorphism of cycle shape 132−33−969 described above. Then ν lifts to an automorphism ˆν ∈ Aut(VL) of type 6{0}, i.e. no order doubling occurs.

We calculate dimC(Ve1) = 72. By Theorem 6.1.2,Ve1is isomorphic as a Lie algebra to A241 ,A41A43,A31A5D4,A21C3D5,A31A7,A1C5G2 orA21D6. The Lie algebra structure of V1νˆ is A1A2C4C1. The C4 can only be a Zk-subalgebra, k |6, ofC5 and A7 of those simple components appearing in dimension 72. This leaves only A31A7 and A1C5G2 as possible cases. The latter is clearly possible. Assume it were the first one. ThenA7 would have to haveC4 as fixed-point Lie subalgebra via the twisted diagram A(2)7 . But then A2 could not appear in the fixed-point Lie subalgebra.

HenceVe1 ∼=A1C5G2. Case 5: Affine Structure C4,10

Let L = N(A64) and ν the automorphism of cycle shape 112−15−5105 described

above. Thenν lifts to an automorphism ˆν ∈Aut(VL) of type 10{0}, i.e. no order doubling occurs.

We calculate dimC(Ve1) = 36. Again, by Theorem 6.1.2 we know that Ve1 is iso-morphic as a Lie algebra to A121 , A2D4 or C4. The Lie algebra structure of V1νˆ is B2C2, which cannot be a fixed-point Lie subalgebra of A121 . This leaves only C4 and A2D4 as possible Lie algebra structures of Ve1. Both have B2C2 as pos-sible Z10-subalgebra, so we cannot rule out one of the two cases directly. We can however compute the dimensions of the spaces W1(i,0) in the decomposition Ve1 := Li∈ZnW1(i,0) via the characters and it turns out that W1(5,0) = {0}, which we can also see from the fact thatρ(Vν5))>1. This means that V1ˆν =W1(0,0) = W1(0,0)W1(5,0) is also a Z5-subalgebra ofVe1, namely the fixed points under the square of the automorphism onVe describing the inverse orbifold. ButB2C2cannot be a Z5-subalgebra ofA2D4. This leaves onlyVe1 ∼=C4.

We summarise our findings in the following theorem:

Theorem 6.3.1. There exist holomorphic, C2-cofinite vertex operator algebras of CFT-type of central charge 24 with the following affine structures:

[Sch93] No. Aff. struct. Dim. Rk. LatticeL Aut.ν 28 A2B2E6,4 96 10 N(A29D6) 122−9410

9 A24,5 48 8 N(A64) 1−155 3 A2,6D4,12 36 6 N(A122 ) 112−23−366 21 A1C5,3G2,2 72 8 N(E64) 132−33−969 4 C4,10 36 4 N(A64) 112−15−5105