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II. Applications 141

7. BRST Cohomology 182

7.2. BRST Construction

In this section we describe the BRST construction of Borcherds-Kac-Moody algebras g (also called generalised Kac-Moody algebras) from certain vertex algebras M of central charge 26:


To this end we let M be a weak vertex operator algebra of central charge 26 and consider the tensor productW =MVgh.of M with the bosonic ghost vertex operator superalgebraVgh.of central charge−26 from Section 7.1 above. ThenW is a weak vertex operator superalgebra of central chargec= 26−26 = 0.

On W, it is possible to define a BRST current with a corresponding BRST operator Qsuch that Qincreases the ghost number by one and

Q2 = 0

(Proposition 7.2.1). This yields the cochain complex (W, Q) = (Wp, Qp)p∈Zwherepis the ghost number. We call the corresponding cohomological spaces HBRSTp (M), p∈ Z.

The space

g:=HBRST1 (M)

is of particular interest since it naturally carries the structure of a Lie algebra [LZ93]

(see Corollary 7.2.5) and is in general infinite-dimensional.

We make additional assumptions such that in particular the weak vertex operator algebra M is graded by the dual L0 of an even Lorentzian latticeL, in addition to the weight Z-grading. One obtains cochain complexes (W(α), Q) = (Wp(α), Qp)p∈Z for each αL0 and associated cohomological spacesHp(α) so that

HBRSTp (M) = M



The Lie algebra g = HBRST1 (M) is then also graded by L0 and a vanishing theorem [FGZ86, Zuc89] (see Theorem 7.2.7) together with the Euler-Poincaré principle allows us to compute the (finite) dimensions of the graded components ofg(see Theorem 7.2.8). In many interesting examples the Lie algebrag=HBRST1 (M) turns out to be a Borcherds-Kac-Moody algebra (see Sections 7.3 and 7.4).

Since we are working over the base field C, all Lie algebras in this text are complex, unless otherwise stated.

Vertex Superalgebra Cohomology

In the following we describe the general setting, in which the cohomology of vertex (super)algebras occurs.

Assumption. Let W be a weak graded vertex superalgebra, i.e. a graded vertex su-peralgebra without the requirement that the graded components be finite-dimensional

or that the grading be bounded from below. Assume that in addition to this weight grading there is aZ-grading in the sense of Definition 7.0.1

W =M


Wp on W, denoted by upper indices.

Furthermore, let jW be some vector, homogeneous of degree 1 with respect to the upper grading and homogeneous of some weight wt(j) with respect to the weight grading. Then the zeroth mode Q := j0 ∈ EndC(W) is an operator of degree 1 with respect to the upper grading, i.e. it raises the degree of a homogeneous element with respect to the upper grading by 1, and homogeneous with respect to the weight grading.

Finally, assume that Qsatisfies

Q2 = 0 ⇐⇒ im(Q)⊆ker(Q).

For the moment let us viewW as aZ-gradedC-vector space (with the upper grading).

By definition, Qrestricts to

Qp :=Q|Wp:WpWp+1 so that


for all p∈Z. This defines acochain complex in the abelian category of C-vector spaces . . .Q


−→ Wp−1 Q


−→ Wp Q




−→ . . .

denoted by (W, Q) = (Wp, Qp)p∈Z. We define the p-th cohomological space of this complex as the quotient space

Hp := ker(Qp)/im(Qp−1) = (Wp∩ker(Q))/(Wp∩im(Q)) forp∈Z, measuring the non-exactness of the above sequence at positionp.

One can even show that the direct sum of these spaces H:= ker(Q)/im(Q) =M



naturally carries the structure of a weak graded vertex superalgebra3, which also inherits the upper grading from W (see e.g. Section 5.7.3 of [FBZ04]).

3In particular, the homogeneity ofQwith respect to the weight grading implies thatHis again graded by weights.

BRST Cohomology

We now present the BRST cohomology at central charge 26. The weak graded vertex superalgebraW from above will be the tensor product W =MVgh. of a weak vertex operator algebra M of central charge 26 and the bosonic ghost vertex operator super-algebra Vgh., the upper grading will be the ghost number and for the vector jW we will take the BRST currentjBRST.

For the following results we need a series of increasingly strong assumptions on the vertex algebra M in thematter sector, starting with the following one:

Assumption. Let M be a weak vertex operator algebra of central charge 26, i.e. a vertex operator algebra but we do not require the weight grading on M to be bounded from below nor that the graded components be finite-dimensional.

In the ghost sector let Vgh. denote the bosonic ghost vertex operator superalgebra of central chargec=−26 from Section 7.1. We consider the tensor product

W :=MVgh.,

which naturally admits the structure of a weak vertex operator superalgebra of central charge c = 26−26 = 0 (see Section C.1). We obtain the usual tensor-product weight grading onW =MVgh.via ω=ωM1gh.+1Mωgh. and the tensor-product parity withMCVgh.¯0 being the even subspace andMCVgh.¯1 the odd one. Moreover, there is the ghost number operator idM⊗U. All three gradings are compatible, i.e. each graded subspace with respect to one grading decomposes into a direct sum with respect to the other gradings. This is the case if and only if all the grading operators commute.

We define the BRST current

jBRST:= (idM⊗c−1)(ωM1Gh.+ 1

21Mωgh.) =ωMc+ 1


and theBRST operator


We use the following shorthand notation for tensor products: we write operatorsA⊗id or id⊗AasAand vectorsa⊗1or1⊗aasa. Note that the modes of the vertex operators obey (a1)n=an⊗id and (1a)n = id⊗an by the left vacuum axiom and because 1 is of even parity. We also writeAB for the operator AB when it is clear on which space the operatorsA and B act.

Using this shorthand notation the BRST current reads jBRST=c−1(ωM +ωgh./2).

Proposition 7.2.1 ([FGZ86], [Zuc89], Section 4). The operator Q on W =MVgh.


Q2 = 0,

and has weight 0 (i.e. [Q, L0] = 0), ghost number 1 (i.e. [U, Q] = Q) and odd parity.

More generally

[Q, Ln] = 0 for all n∈Z. Moreover

{Q, bn+1}=Ln.

We can now consider the BRST complex . . .Q


−→ Wp−1Q


−→ Wp Q


−→Wp+1 Q


−→ . . . ,

a cochain complex in the category ofC-vector spaces, where the upper index is the ghost number. The corresponding cohomological spaces are

HBRSTp (M) :=Hp := (Wp∩ker(Q))/(Wp∩im(Q)).

EachWp and eachHp is graded by the L0-weights sinceU commutes withL0 and Qis homogeneous with respect to the L0-grading (Qeven commutes with L0, too).

From{Q, bn+1}=Lnwe see that ifx∈ker(Q), then

wt(x)x=L0x={Q, bn+1}x=Qbn+1x

forL0-homogeneousxand hencex=Q(bn+1x/wt(x)), i.e.x∈im(Q) if wt(x)6= 0. This shows that the cohomology is only supported in weight 0 and means that if we study the subcomplex

. . .Q


−→ W0p−1Q


−→ W0p Q


−→W0p+1 Q


−→ . . . ,

then its cohomological spaces are identical to those of the BRST complex (W, Q), i.e.

Hp ∼= (W0p∩ker(Q))/(W0p∩im(Q)) =H0p and Hnp={0} forn6= 0 whereHp =Ln∈ZHnp (L0-decomposition).

We also define the relative BRST subcomplex on the elements of W annihilated byb1

and of weight 0, i.e. on

C =W0∩ker(b1).

The weight and ghost number gradings both restrict to C sinceb1 is homogeneous with respect to both gradings (i.e. [L0, b1] = 0 and [U, b1] = −b1). The operatorQ restricts toC because of{Q, b1}=L0 and hence we get a subcomplex

. . .Q


−→ Cp−1 Q


−→ Cp Q


−→Cp+1 Q


−→ . . . and the cohomological spaces

Hrel.p (M) = (W0p∩ker(b1)∩ker(Q))/(W0p∩ker(b1)∩im(Q)).

We note that the inclusion map of Cp intoWp induces an injective map Hrel.p (M) → HBRSTp (M). A priori, the BRST cohomological spaces and the relative cohomological spaces need not be the same. We will see however that under some stronger assump-tions HBRST1 (M) ∼= Hrel.1 (M). More precisely, we will demand that W carry certain representations of the Heisenberg vertex operator algebra.

Lie Algebra Structure

In the following we will concentrate on HBRST1 (M). It is shown in [LZ93] that this space naturally carries a Lie algebra structure. Indeed, consider the bilinear bracket [·,·]:W ×WW on W =MVgh. defined by

[u, v] :=−(−1)|u|(b0u)0v foru, vW.4

Proposition 7.2.2 ([LZ93], Section 2). The map Qacts as a derivation on [·,·], i.e.

Q[u, v] = [Qu, v]−(−1)|u|[u, Qv] for u, vW.

It follows by a simple calculation that [·,·] restricts to a map [·,·]: ker(Q)×ker(Q)→ ker(Q) and even induces a well-defined bracket [·,·]: H×HH where

H= ker(Q)/im(Q) =M



Theorem 7.2.3 ([LZ93], Theorem 2.2). The bracket [·,·]: H×HH defines a Lie superbracket on the BRST cohomological spaceH with the rôles of even and odd elements interchanged, i.e. super-antisymmetry

[u, v] =−(−1)(|u|−1)(|v|−1)[v, u] and the super Jacobi identity

(−1)(|u|−1)(|t|−1)[u,[v, t]] + (−1)(|t|−1)(|v|−1)[t,[u, v]] + (−1)(|v|−1)(|u|−1)[v,[t, u]] = 0 hold for all u, v, tH.

For the Lie superalgebra relations to hold, it is necessary to consider the quotient H= ker(Q)/im(Q). Note that in [LZ93] the authors additionally show the existence of an associative, supercommutative “dot product” onH such that in total H carries the structure of aGerstenhaber algebra.

Proposition 7.2.4 ([LZ93], Theorem 2.2). The Lie superbracket on H is of degree -1 with respect to the ghost number, i.e. it restricts to

[·,·]:Hp×HqHp+q−1 for all p, q∈Z.

Then, clearly, H1 is closed under the bracket. Since H1 has odd ghost number, it is even with respect to the Lie superalgebra structure onH and we obtain:

Corollary 7.2.5. g:=H1=HBRST1 (M) becomes a Lie algebra with the bracket [u, v] = (b0u)0v

for u, vH1.

4We define the bracket with an additional minus sign relative to the definition in [LZ93].

Relative BRST Subcomplex

We return to the relative BRST subcomplex . . .Q


−→ Cp−1 Q


−→ Cp Q


−→Cp+1 Q


−→ . . . on

C =W0∩ker(b1).

We shall see that the BRST complex and the relative BRST complex are connected by a short exact sequence of cochain complexes (see proof of Theorem 5.1 in [LZ89]). Indeed, consider the map

ψ:W0pCp−1, w7→(−1)|w|b1w.

Then for each p∈Zwe obtain a short exact sequence 0→Cp ,W0p −→ψ Cp−1 →0.

The surjectivity of ψ follows from {b1, c−2} = id. The exactness in the middle is clear from the definition ofψ.

The map ψ is even a cochain map ψ: W0C•−1 since ψQ = on W0, which follows from {Q, b1}=L0, and so is the inclusion map C ,W0. This means that we obtain a short exact sequence of cochain complexes

0→C ,W0 −→ψ C•−1 →0.

The zig-zag lemma, which holds in any abelian category, then asserts the existence of the long exact sequence

. . .Hrel.pHBRSTpHrel.p−1Hrel.p+1HBRSTp+1Hrel.pHrel.p+2. . . . We can also define a Lie algebra structure on the relative cohomology. Indeed, the identity

(b0u)0v=b1(u−1v)−(b1u)−1v−(−1)|u|u−1(b1v) holds for all u, vW (see Lemma 2.1 in [LZ93]) so that


foru, v∈ker(b1). The bracket [·,·] can hence be restricted to ker(b1) and we can define a Lie algebra structure onHrel.1 (M) in the same manner as for g=HBRST1 (M) above.


To proceed further we need additional assumptions on the vertex algebraM. Assumption. Let the weak vertex operator algebraM have an additional grading

M =M



by some (additive) abelian group Γ in the sense of Definition 7.0.1. In particular, this grading is compatible with the weight grading on M. Then also W = MVgh. is naturally graded by Γ and this grading is compatible with the weight and ghost gradings onW, i.e. the corresponding grading operators commute. Let us also assume thatQdoes not change the Γ-degree of a Γ-homogeneous element, i.e. that the Γ-grading operator and Qcommute.5

The BRST complex is now also graded by Γ, in addition to L0, and we get cochain complexes

. . .Q


−→ Wnp−1(α)Q−→p−1 Wnp(α)−→Qp Wnp+1(α)Q−→p+1. . .

for all n∈Zand α∈Γ with corresponding cohomological spaces Hnp(α) so that

H = M


Hnp(α) = M



noting that as beforeHnp(α) ={0}forn6= 0. Also the relative BRST complex is graded by Γ sinceb1 does not change the Γ-grading and we get the subcomplexes

. . .Q


−→ Cp−1(α)Q−→p−1 Cp(α)−→Qp Cp+1(α)Q−→p+1. . .

for α ∈ Γ with corresponding cohomological spaces Hrel.p (α). We also obtain the long exact sequence

. . .Hrel.p (α)→HBRSTp (α)→Hrel.p−1(α)→Hrel.p+1(α)→HBRSTp+1 (α)→. . . forα∈Γ.

It is part of the above assumption (see Definition 7.0.1) that the Γ-grading on the vertex algebra M is such that for vM(α), the modes vn, n ∈ Z, are operators of degreeα, i.e. they change the degree of a homogeneous element byα. This implies:

Proposition 7.2.6. The Lie algebra g =HBRST1 (M) =Lα∈ΓH01(α) is a Γ-graded Lie algebra, i.e. [HBRST1 (α), HBRST1 (β)]⊆HBRST1 (α+β) for α, β∈Γ.

Vanishing Theorem

We now make an even stronger assumption and demand that the weak vertex operator algebraMcarry certain representations of the Heisenberg vertex operator algebra related to the additional Γ-grading introduced above.


• LetVL be a lattice vertex algebra associated with some even Lorentzian latticeL of rank k ≥ 2 and signature (k−1,1). VL is a weak vertex operator algebra of central charge k whose isomorphism classes of irreducible modules are naturally indexed byL0/L.6

5It follows from the definition ofjBRST and Qthat this is the case for example when the Γ-grading operator commutes with all modesLMn ofωM.

6Dong’s classification result (see Theorem 5.2.3) even holds for even lattices that are not positive-definite as long as the quadratic form is non-degenerate (e.g. Lorentzian).

• LetU be some vertex operator algebra of central charge 26−ksatisfying Assump-tion SN (group-like fusion) and U1 = {0}.7 Assume furthermore that the fusion groupFU of U is isomorphic as finite quadratic space toL0/L= (L0/L,−QL), say via the mapχ:L0/LFU.

• Assume thatUVL is isomorphic to a full weak vertex operator subalgebra ofM such thatM decomposes as a UVL-module according to

M ∼= M


U(χ(γ+L))⊗Vγ+L (7.1) where Vγ+L,γ +LL0/L, are the irreducibleVL-modules and χ(γ+L) indexes the irreducibleU-modules. Note that sinceL0/L=L0/Las groups,χ also accepts elements ofL0/Las input.

• Let the isomorphism in (7.1) not only be an isomorphism of UVL-modules but even of weak vertex operator algebras, where on the right-hand side we consider the vertex algebra structure obtained as abelian intertwining subalgebra of the tensor-product abelian intertwining algebra8







, analogously to Proposition 3.1.7.

We will refer to the above decomposition (7.1) as the L0/L-decomposition of M.

Recall that byMˆh(1,0) =Mˆh(1) =Vˆh(1,0) we denote the Heisenberg vertex operator algebra (of level 1) associated with theC-vector spacehequipped with a non-degenerate symmetric bilinear form h·,·i (viewed as abelian Lie algebra with a non-degenerate, symmetric, invariant bilinear form). It has central chargec= dimC(h) and its irreducible modules are given up to isomorphism byMˆh(1, α) for eachα∈hwith conformal weight hα, αi/2 (see e.g. [LL04], Section 6.3). By construction, given an even lattice L, the associated lattice vertex algebraVL=Mˆh(1,0)⊗Cε[L] can be decomposed into a direct sum of modules for the full vertex operator subalgebra Mˆh(1,0)⊗Ce0 ∼=Mˆh(1,0) as



Mˆh(1,0)⊗Ceα ∼= M


Mˆh(1, α)

where h= LZC (andh·,·i is extended C-linearly from L to h) and similarly for the irreducible modulesVγ+L,γ+LL0/L.

7The assumption thatU1={0}leads to a very simple form of the Cartan subalgebra ofg.

8Theorem 5.2.6, which asserts the existence of an abelian intertwining algebra onL

γ+L∈L0/LVγ+L, also holds for even, non-degenerate (rather than only positive-definite) lattices. The abelian intertwining algebra structure onL

γ+L∈L0/LU(χ(γ+L)) is due to Theorem 3.2.3, the main result of Chapter 3.

We return to the vertex algebra M and note that by the above the direct sum of modulesLγ+L∈L0/LVγ+L is naturally graded by Γ :=L0, namely



Vγ+L= M




Mˆh(1, α) = M


Mˆh(1, α) (asMˆh(1,0)-module) withh=LZC. This induces a Γ =L0-grading onM:

M = M


M(α) with M(α) =U(χ(α+L))Mˆh(1, α). (7.2) TheL0-grading onM is a grading in the sense of Definition 7.0.1. This follows from the last two items of the above assumption. In particular, L0 leaves the L0-grading of M invariant.

Recall that the L0-grading on M naturally induces anL0-grading on W =MVgh.. The ghost number operator,L0 andQonW all leave theL0-grading ofW invariant, i.e.

they commute with theL0-grading operator. In total, the grading assumption on p. 191 is satisfied.

Consequently, we get cochain complexes (W(α), Q) = (Wp(α), Qp)p∈Z for each αL0 and associated cohomological spacesHp(α) so that

HBRSTp (M) = M



for p ∈ Z and the cohomological spaces of the relative subcomplex (C(α), Q) = (Cp(α), Qp)p∈Z,αL0,

Hrel.p (M) = M


Hrel.p (α) forp∈Z.

The following vanishing theorem is the central result of this section:

Theorem 7.2.7 (Vanishing Theorem). Assume thatα6= 0. Then Hrel.p (α) ={0}

for p6= 1.

Sketch of Proof. This is essentially Theorem 4.9 in [Zuc89]. It generalises Theorem 1.12 in [FGZ86]. The proof requires the identification of the relative BRST cohomology groups with the relative semi-infinite cohomology groups for the Virasoro algebra as introduced by Feigin [Fei84]. Proposition 3.3.5 in [Car12] gives a mathematical precise formulation in the casek= 2. In essence, the vanishing theorem is a statement about the representation theory of the Virasoro algebra and the Heisenberg vertex operator algebra.

Relevant for computingHrel.p (α) =Hrel.p (M(α)) is thatM(α) =U(χ(α+L))⊗Mˆh(1, α) is the tensor product of a Virasoro representation of central charge 26−kand a Heisenberg representation attached to some α∈Rk−1,1.

Knowing thatHrel.p (α) ={0}forp6= 1 andα6= 0 lets collapse the long exact sequence . . .Hrel.p (α)→HBRSTp (α)→Hrel.p−1(α)→Hrel.p+1(α)→HBRSTp+1 (α)→. . . .

forα6= 0 and we get

HBRST1 (α)∼=Hrel.1 (α)∼=HBRST2 (α) forα6= 0 and

HBRSTp (α) ={0} forp6= 1,2 and α6= 0.

In particular,

HBRST1 (α) =W01(α)∩ker(Q)/W01(α)∩im(Q)∼=

Hrel.1 (α) =W01(α)∩ker(b1)∩ker(Q)/W01(α)∩im(b1)∩ker(Q)

for α 6= 0. The vector-space isomorphism is exactly the map Hrel.1 (α) → HBRST1 (α) induced from the inclusion mapCp(α),Wp(α) described above.

Euler-Poincaré Principle

In this step we determine the dimension of Hrel.1 (α) forα 6= 0 using the Euler-Poincaré principle.

Note that the weight grading of each component of the tensor product W(α) = U(χ(α+L))⊗Mˆh(1, α)⊗Vgh. is bounded from below so that


for all αL0 and n ∈ Z. Then in particular the spaces Bn(α), C(α), Hrel.(α) and HBRST(α) are finite-dimensional.

The Euler-Poincaré characteristic of the relative BRST complex (C(α), Q) is given by

χ(C(α)) :=X



By theEuler-Poincaré principle, this is the same as the Euler-Poincaré characteristic of the cohomology Hrel. (α) = (Hrel.p (α))p∈Z of that complex, i.e.

χ(C(α)) =χ(Hrel. (α)) :=X


(−1)pdimC(Hrel.p (α))

for all αL0. Finally, using the above vanishing theorem forHrel.p (α) we get

−dimC(Hrel.1 (α)) = X


(−1)pdimC(Cp(α)) forα6= 0.

Now consider the supercharacter ofW(α)∩ker(b1) =:B(α), a subspace of the vertex superalgebraW of central charge 0,

schB(α)(q) =X


sdim(Bn(α))qn= X



where sdim is the superdimension, i.e. the dimension of the even part minus the di-mension of the odd part. Recall that for Vgh. and hence for W = MVgh. the even and odd part have exactly even and odd ghost number, respectively. Hence sdim(Bn(α)) = Pp∈Z(−1)pdimC(Bnp(α)). For the constant coefficient of schB(α)(q) we obtain

hschB(α)(q)i(0) = X


(−1)pdimC(B0p(α)) =X


(−1)pdimC(Cp(α)) =−dimC(Hrel.1 (α)) forα6= 0 sinceC(α) =B0(α).

To compute the supercharacter of B(α) =M(α)⊗(Vgh.∩ker(b1)) consider schB(α)(q) = schM(α)(q)·schVgh.∩ker(b1)(q) = chM(α)(q)·schVgh.∩ker(b1)(q).

The character of the kernel of b1 inVgh. is computed in Section 7.1 to be schVgh.∩ker(b1)(q) =−η(q)2.

The characters of the Heisenberg vertex operator algebra modules are known to be chMˆh(1,α)(q) = qhα,αi/2

η(q)dimCh) = qhα,αi/2 η(q)k

and we obtain for the character ofM(α) =U(χ(α+L))⊗Mˆh(1, α):

chM(α)(q) = chU(χ(α+L))(q)·chMˆh(1,α)(q) = chU(χ(α+L))(q)qhα,αi/2 η(q)k . Finally, we compute the dimension ofg(α) =HBRST1 (α)∼=Hrel.1 (α) and obtain

dimC(g(α)) =−hschB(α)(q)i(0) =hchM(α)(q)η(q)2i(0)



chU(χ(α+L))(q)qhα,αi/2 η(q)k−2

# (0)

=chU(χ(α+L))(q) 1 η(q)k−2

(−hα, αi/2) forα6= 0. We have just proved:

Theorem 7.2.8 (Dimension Formula). The dimension of g(α) is dimC(g(α)) =hchM(α)(q)η(q)2i(0)

=hchU(χ(α+L))(q)(q)k−2i(−hα, αi/2) for αL0\ {0}.

Remark 7.2.9. In the special case of k = 2 the above formula simplifies and g(α) is isomorphic toU(χ(α+L))1−hα,αi/2, the subspace ofU(χ(α+L)) of weight 1− hα, αi/2.


The vanishing theorem does not make a statement about the cohomology forα= 0∈L0. We compute the componentg(0) directly usingU1 ={0}and that U is of CFT-type:

Proposition 7.2.10. The component g(0) is spanned by vectors of the form 1Uh(−1)1⊗c

for h∈h=LZCand hence

g(0)∼=h∼=Ck or dimC(g(0)) = rk(L) =k.

Proof. The goal is to compute

g(0) =HBRST1 (0) =W01(0)∩ker(Q)/W01(0)∩im(Q),

where the elements ofW01(0) have weight 0, ghost number 1 and degree 0∈L0. Recall thatW(0) =M(0)⊗Vgh.=UMˆh(1,0)⊗Vgh.. The subspaceW01(0) is spanned by the vectors

1Mc−21gh. and 1Uh(−1)1⊗c

forh∈h=LZC.9 A simple calculation shows that the latter are in ker(Q) while the former is not. Moreover, W01(0)∩im(Q) ={0}.

It is easy to see thatW01(0)∩ker(Q) is in the kernel of b1 so that

HBRST1 (0) =Hrel.1 (0) =W01(0)∩ker(b1)∩ker(Q)/W01(0)∩ker(b1)∩im(Q). Together with HBRST1 (α) ∼=Hrel.1 (α) for α 6= 0, which followed from the vanishing the-orem, this shows that

g=HBRST1 (M)∼=Hrel.1 (M).

Recall that we defined a Lie algebra structure ong=HBRST1 (M) and on Hrel.1 (M). The vector-space isomorphism betweenHBRST1 (M) and Hrel.1 (M), which is induced from the inclusion map C1 ,W1, is clearly also an isomorphism of Lie algebras.