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4. Orbifold Theory 103

4.9. Orbifold Construction

In the following we combine our knowledge from this chapter about the fusion algebra of VG under Assumption O with the results in Chapter 3 about abelian intertwining algebras in the case of group-like fusion (under Assumptions SNP) to construct a new

holomorphic vertex operator algebra Ve from the irreducible VG-modules. This process is called orbifolding ororbifold construction.

Having determined the fusion algebra of VG, we can use Theorem 3.2.3 to endow the direct sum of all irreducible VG-modules up to isomorphism with the structure of an abelian intertwining algebra. Under AssumptionOPthe assumptions of Theorem 3.2.3 are fulfilled because of Theorem 4.1.5.

Theorem 4.9.1. Let V and G=hσi be as in Assumption OP and σ of type n{r}. Then the direct sum

A:= M


W(i,j)= M

γ∈FV G


of alln2 irreducibleVG-modules up to isomorphism can be given the structure of an abelian intertwining algebra, the unique one up to a normalised abelian 3-coboundary extending the vertex operator algebra structure ofV and that of its irreducible mod-ules, with associated finite quadratic space FVG = (FVG,−Qρ).

By Theorem 3.5.1 we get a vertex operator algebra structure if we restrict to the modules corresponding to an isotropic subgroup of the finite quadratic spaceFVG.

Theorem 4.9.2. Let V and G=hσi be as in Assumption OP and σ of type n{r}. Let I be an isotropic subgroup of the fusion groupFVG. Then the direct sum




admits the unique structure of a vertex operator algebra extending the vertex operator algebra structure of VG and that of its irreducible modules. VI satisfies Assump-tions SNP.

If I =I, then Ve :=VI is holomorphic.

We call the holomorphic vertex operator algebra Ve theorbifold ofV.3

By Proposition A.1.9 any subgroupI ofFVGwithI =Ifulfils|I|=nand is maximal isotropic by Remark A.1.11, item (2).

Maximal Isotropic Subgroups

In order to apply the above theorem to construct new holomorphic vertex operator algebras Ve we have to find isotropic subgroupsI of the fusion groupFVG with I =I.

3Other authors use the term “orbifold” to refer to the fixed-point vertex operator subalgebraVG.

Clearly, the group I0 := {(0, j) |j ∈ Zn} is isotropic with I0 = I0 and gives back the original holomorphic vertex operator algebra V, namely



Wγ= M


W(0,j) = M


Vj =V.

To obtain a new holomorphic vertex operator algebra, the isotropic subgroup I has to be chosen such that I 6=I0. In fact, I should have trivial intersection withI0. Indeed, in the following we will show that wheneverI andI0 have non-trivial intersection, then the new vertex operator algebraVe can be obtained as an orbifold of some smaller order automorphism with trivial intersection of the corresponding subgroups.

Lemma 4.9.3. Let V and G= hσi be as in Assumption OP and let I be an isotropic subgroup of FVG with I = I and intersection H := II0 6= {0} with I0. Let Ve = L

γ∈IWγ be the orbifold of V associated with the subgroupI. Then:

(1) |H|=:m divides nand ρ:=σm is an automorphism ofV of order n0=n/m.

(2) The n02 =|H/H| irreducible Vhρi-modules admit the structure of an abelian in-tertwining algebra with associated quadratic spaceH/H.

(3) The vertex operator algebras Ve and V are isomorphic to the direct sums of the irreducibleVhρi-modules corresponding to I/H and I0/H, respectively.

(4) I/HI0/H ={0}.

Proof. H is a subgroup of the cyclic groupI0 ∼=Zn and theVG-modules corresponding to the elements in I0 are the eigenspaces of σ in V. Hence, H is cyclic of some order m := |H|, i.e. H = (n/m)I0, and VH = Lγ∈HWγ is the fixed-point vertex operator subalgebra ofV under the automorphismρ=σmofV of ordern0 =n/m, i.e.VH ∼=Vhρi. By Theorem 3.5.1 the n02 =|H/H| irreducibleVhρi-modules are given by Xα+H = L

γ∈α+HWγ for α+HH/H, i.e. they are indexed by the elements of H/H. The direct sum of modulesLµ+H∈H/HXµ+H admits the structure of an abelian intertwin-ing algebra with associated quadratic space H/H.

The vertex operator algebra Ve can be obtained by an orbifold construction as Ve = L

µ+H∈I/HXµ+H =Lγ∈IWγ, i.e. as a direct sum of the irreducible Vhρi-modules cor-responding to the isotropic subgroupI/H of H/H.

The above lemma shows that any holomorphic vertex operator algebra Ve obtained as orbifold from Theorem 4.9.2 can be obtained as an orbifold of possibly smaller order whereI and I0 intersect trivially. On the other hand, in the next lemma we show that an isotropic subgroup I with I = I and trivial intersection with I0 can only exist in the case ofr = 0, i.e. whenσ is of type n{0}.

Lemma 4.9.4. Let V and G= hσi be as in Assumption OP and σ of type n{r}. Let I be an isotropic subgroup of FVG with I = I and II0 = {0}. Then r = 0 and if the trace functions, i.e. the representations φi, are rescaled as in Corollary 4.7.11, then FVG=Ec0 =Zn×Zn and I =Zn× {0} while I0 ={0} ×Zn.

Proof. There are two isotropic subgroupsI andI0 with trivial intersection. This implies FVG={0}= (I0I)=I0+I=I0+I, i.e.I andI0generate the fusion groupFVG. Both together means thatFVG is isomorphic to a semidirect product ofI and I0. Since I, I0 and FVG are abelian, this semidirect product is in fact direct and FVG ∼= I×I0. It is easy to see that the only r ∈ Zn for which the finite quadratic space FVG ∼=Ec2r

is isomorphic to the direct product of the two isotropic groups I and I0 of order n, of which I0 is isomorphic to Zn, is r = 0. In this case, if the representations φi are chosen as in Corollary 4.7.11,FVG =Ec0 =Zn×Zn,I0 ={0} ×Zn and I can only be I =Zn× {0}.

Together both lemmata imply:

Proposition 4.9.5. To construct new holomorphic vertex operator algebras Ve using the orbifold construction in Theorem 4.9.2 it suffices to consider σ of type n{0} so that the fusion group is FVG ∼= Zn×Zn and to choose I ∼= Zn× {0} under this isomorphism, with equality if the representations φi are chosen as in Corollary 4.7.11.

Special Case: Type n{0}

By the above proposition we only need to consider the typen{0}. The fusion algebra in this special case is described in Corollary 4.7.16. Let us assume that representationsφi are chosen as in Corollary 4.7.11. Then the direct sum of irreducibleVG-modules

A= M



admits the structure of an abelian intertwining algebra with associated quadratic space (Zn×Zn,−Qρ) and the direct sum of irreducible VG-modules

Ve := M


W(i,0) (4.6)

corresponding to the isotropic subgroup Zn× {0} of Zn×Zn admits the structure of a holomorphic vertex operator algebra satisfying Assumptions SNPand extending the vertex operator algebra VG. Ve is aZn-graded simple-current extension ofVG.

Inverse Orbifold

We continue in above setting, i.e. let V and G=hσi satisfy AssumptionOPwith σ of type n{0}. We will show that the orbifolding process VVe can be reverted, i.e. we can find an automorphism σ on Ve such that orbifolding with K = h σ i gives back the original vertex operator algebraV.

Theorem 4.9.6. Let V andG=hσi be as in Assumption OP with σ of type n{0} and the representations φi chosen as in Corollary 4.7.11 and let Ve = Li∈ZnW(i,0) be the orbifold vertex operator algebra. Then:

(1) The operator σ defined on Ve by σ v =ξinv for vW(i,0) is an automorphism of the vertex operator algebra Ve of type n{0}.

(2) The unique irreducible σ i-twistedVe-module is given up to isomorphism byVe( σ i)∼= L

j∈ZnW(j,i), i∈Zn.

(3) The orbifold construction forVe andK =h σ i yieldsLi∈ZnW(0,i)∼=V. The situation is shown in the following table:

Ve Ve( σ 1) · · · Ve( σ n−1)

V W(0,0) W(0,1) · · · W(0,n−1)

V(σ1) W(1,0) W(1,1) · · · W(1,n−1)

... ... ... ... ...

V(σn−1) W(n−1,0) W(n−1,1) · · · W(n−1,n−1)

Proof. The automorphism σ of V of order n is by definition an automorphism of the vector space V fixing the vacuum and the Virasoro vector and fulfilling

σYV(v, x)σ−1 =YV(σv, x) for all vV. We can decompose V as

V = M


W(0,j), whereσ acts onW(0,j) by multiplication withξnj.

In analogy, we define a vector-space automorphism σ on the orbifolded vertex operator algebra

Ve = M



by setting σ v = ξinv for vW(i,0). By construction, this fixes the vacuum and the Virasoro vectors, which lie in W(0,0). So, for σ to be an automorphism of the vertex operator algebraVe, the vertex operator Y

Ve(·, x) on Ve has to fulfil σ Y

Ve(v, x) σ −1 =Y

Ve( σ v, x) (4.7)

for allvVe. Indeed, sinceVe is a Zn-graded extension ofVG,Y

Ve(v, x)w∈W(i+i0,0){x}

forvW(i,0) and wW(i0,0). Then the left-hand side of the above equation acting on w is given by

σ Y

Ve(v, x) σ −1w=ξn−i0 σ Y

Ve(v, x)w=ξn−i0ξni+i0Y

Ve(v, x)w=ξinY

Ve(v, x)w.

On the other hand, for the right-hand side we obtain Y

Ve( σ v, x)w=Y

Ve(ξinv, x)w=ξinY

Ve(v, x)w

and hence (4.7) is fulfilled and we conclude that σ is a vertex operator algebra auto-morphism ofVe of ordern.

We saw that Ve is holomorphic, i.e. has exactly one irreducible module up to iso-morphism, namely the adjoint module Ve. Then, by Theorem 1.10.6,Ve has exactly one irreducible σ j-twisted module Ve( σ j) up to isomorphism for eachj∈Zn.

Let X ∼=Ve( σ j0) be such an irreducible σ j0-twisted module ofVe. X is an untwisted VeK = W(0,0) = VG-module and hence a direct sum of some of the modules W(i,j), i, j ∈Zn. By the definition of twisted modules the exponents of the formal variable in the vertex operation ofVe onX should lie inj0k/n+Zif we restrict toW(k,0)Ve. On the other hand, the intertwining operators of type WW(k,0)(i,k+j)W(i,j) have exponents of the formal variable in kj/n+Z. Hence X can only consist of the modules W(i,j0), i∈Zn. Since X is non-empty, we can assume that X contains W(i0,j0) for some fixed i0. But then it containsVe·W(i0,j0)=Li∈ZnW(i,0)·W(i0,j0)=Li∈ZnW(i+i0,j0)=Li∈ZnW(i,j0). Using the irreducibility ofX we conclude that X ∼=Li∈ZnW(i,j0).

The last item follows immediately, which completes the proof.