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9 Ecological interpretation of long-term population dynamics

9.3 Outlook and call for cooperation

Much more long-term records of the regular annual appearance of the Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus are required in order to understand its population dynamics for several decades or even more than half a century and to enable generalization of trends of constant or diminishing occurrence of indi-viduals with time. I sincerely hope to get significantly more reports of the long-term presence of the Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus in various populations in the area around Heidelberg and Mannheim during the coming flight periods in this year and in the next years when I will again place some calls for observations in several regional newspapers. I would also like to encourage all colleagues reading this paper to try to collect comparable long-term records of the regular annual appearance of the Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus for periods of 5 years and more in their study areas and, if pos-sible, to pass these data to me for comparison and averaged evaluation.

This paper can only be a first step in the process of elaboration of a model of the long-term popula-tion dynamics of the Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus and the stability of its populapopula-tions for periods of several decades or even more than half a century in the framework of various climatical and envi-ronmental changes. Any contribution of further long-term records of the regular annual appearance

of the Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus would be sincerely acknowledged, and I would very much appre-ciate any response to my call for cooperation and supply of data for comparison and general evalua-tion. Everybody has to understand that first of all it is the Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus which will profit from a better understanding of its long-term population dynamics in the framework of various climatical and environmental changes that would significantly contribute to establish the conditions for a guarantee and security of the long-term survival of the most famous and best known beetle of Middle Europe in stable populations for the next centuries. Everybody has to understand that the Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus should receive any support which could be offered to guarantee and se-cure that the largest beetle in the entomofauna of Middle Europe would continue to show up an-nually in unthreatened populations still at the time when the present volume of the journal will re-main on the bookshelves in the libraries as one of the few testimonials of all those who have contri-buted with their papers to its completion and publication.

Contact and exchange addresses and connections for the reporting of finds and observations of indi-viduals of the Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus as well as overviews of current projects of data collection and research are compiled together with information on literature, conferences and meetings in the internet in the websites http://agnu-haan.de/hirschkaefer and http://maria.fremlin.de/stagbeetles.

Observations of individuals of the Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus in the region around Heidelberg and Mannheim in the southwestern part of Germany should be reported to me preferably by e-mail:


Every friend of nature who is interested in more details of current research and conservation of the Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus and who wants to participate actively in the work on protection and monitoring of the Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus should also consider joining the European Stag Beetle Group which is an international working group of scientists and amateurs that are involved in the study of the Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus and related species (contact by e-mail to: euro pean-stag-beetle-group@googlegroups.com).

10 Acknowledgements

I sincerely thank all the people that are mentioned in this paper who have supplied me long-term re-cords of the regular annual appearance of the Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus for periods of up to 50 – 75 years for their generosity to submit this extraordinarily valuable information to me and to permit the publication of their observations. All the people who have given me data on the long-term popu-lation dynamics of the Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus have contributed to establish an outstanding col-lection of records of its regular annual appearance for several decades or even more than half a cen-tury which are unique results in the entomological literature. All the people who have supplied me their observations which they have collected during the course of numerous years have thus provi-ded extremely important contributions to the understanding of the long-term population dynamics of the Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus and have significantly helped in the process of general evaluation and conclusion of a model of its appearance for periods of up to three quarters of a century which is unmatched in the entomological literature.

I am particularly grateful to the single male of the Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus which has landed right next to my feet in the evening of 01.06.2008 when I have been walking along the margin of the forest at Tairnbach, and which has stimulated my interest in this population and has triggered my research enthusiasm that has exploded already a few days later when I have had the extraordina-ry luck to observe an outstanding swarming of numerous males and females of the Stag Beetle Lu-canus cervus around the trees in the crepuscular period before the beginning of the night of

05.06.2008 which has been two days after the new moon on 03.06.2008. I have already started to observe butterflies, beetles, dragonflies, damselflies and other insects in 1964 when a male of the Brimstone Gonepteryx rhamni has flown in bright sunshine in our garden and has fascinated me at once, but it has taken almost 45 years until the landing of the single male of the Stag Beetle Luca-nus cervus right next to my feet on 01.06.2008 and the swarming of the crowd of individuals of the Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus around the trees on 05.06.2008 that has happened shortly after the new moon on 03.06.2008 has suddenly provided me with the extremely interesting research topic of the selenocyclical population dynamics which has permitted me to summarize all my experience and records of monitoring of insects over the whole period of time. Since my first observations of but-terflies, beetles, dragonflies, damselflies and other insects in 1964, I have always searched for a de-manding research topic which permits to elaborate the results of my field studies to a comprehen-sive interpretation of the population dynamics that concludes in the presentation of new aspects of the triggering and control of the life cycle of the insects, and I have had to wait for almost half a century until the landing of the single male of the Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus right next to my feet on 01.06.2008 and the swarming of the crowd of individuals of the Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus around the trees on 05.06.2008 that has happened shortly after the new moon on 03.06.2008 has been the decisive lightning which has struck my head and has immediately convinced me that final-ly this is the outstanding direction of the integrated and synoptical evaluation of the results of my field studies with the ultimate contribution of new mechanisms of the fundamental regulation of the population dynamics of the insects to the progress of the science of entomology.

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