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The phenomenon of enlargement and the domain-specific results offer a gold mine for further research. It was out of the scope of this analysis to assess in-depth which states lie within the

54 See also König and Bräuninger (2002b), who arrive at a similar conclusion.

legislative core of the presented conflict dimensions. Further research must build on the collected data by pinpointing to what extent enlargement may lead to the expansion of the core and the conditions under which the candidate states may fall into the core. This would provide a robust indicator of the likelihood of altering the legislative status quo. As the present paper has primarily restricted itself to legislative scenarios, it would be constructive to delve into matters of agenda-setting. The imperative question is the extent to which the CEECs – in light of their diverse expectations - will be able to alter the EU’s policy agenda.

This analysis has offered robust predictions on the future development of various conflict lines, yet it remains open to further research whether enlargement will activate latent conflict dimensions or generate new ones in EU politics.

As the EP has consistently gained legislative weight, future research should address the impact of preference diversification on parliamentary decision making. The hypothesis that enlargement will increase the level of heterogeneity and disagreement in the Council must also be applied to the EP. Further fragmentation has the potential of reducing the Parliament’s bargaining authority in the Conciliation Committee under the co-decision procedure.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the preferences of the candidate states are not static.

Once a certain threshold of economic development or integration has been reached, preference constellations may shift. This pertains, in particular, to those transformations states who attempt to emulate the socioeconomic, political and legal model of neighboring EU members (e.g. the Baltic States and Scandinavia; Hungary and Austria). The vital question is thus whether preferences will become more homogeneous over time and what role supranational institutions might play in this process of convergence. Returning to institutional constellations, the rational choice institutionalist paradigm provides fertile ground for the study of how institutions can bring about stability in the midst of actor heterogenization.

Although intensive work has been invested in making the current process of expansion as smooth as possible, this analysis has made it evident that institutional re-evaluation must commence in the near future in order to mitigate the negative externalities of an increasingly rigid institutional design.


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Appendix A

A note on the scaling technique:

The scaling procedure had three important steps:

1) creation of preference scales with the EU-15 resulting from the factor analysis or

1) creation of preference scales with the EU-15 resulting from the factor analysis or