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DYSDERIDAE (INCL. SEGESTRIIDAE) 95 2 Harpactocrates Simon, 1914


96 CHAPTER 7. KEYS AND DESCRIPTIONS lation, at the edge near the legs rarely with granulation. Larger, deepened foveae (marks) are not visible.

Chelicere length 1.6 mm; their coloration is comparable to the carapace coloration, covered with thick granulation and bearing long setae. Labium and gnathocoxae are dark brown, tarsi and femora brown. The other leg segments are somewhat brighter.

Habitat: Under rocks in wooded places.

Distribution: Kodzhori (Mcheidze 1962). Georgian endemic species.

Taxonomy: Platnick (2013): Hygrocrates georgicus (Mcheidze, 1972).

2. Harpactocrates charitonowi Mcheidze, 1972

Description: Carapace length 5.9 mm, width 4 mm; width of cephalic region 2.1 mm. Distance between AE 1.5 mm and larger than their diameter.

The distance between the PME and PLE is larger than the diameter of the ME.

The carapace is of hexangular shape with a straight posterior edge, its surface is orange or dark brown, dull and bears a ne granulation and a few impressed marks (foveae). A longitudinal furrow is visible on the carapace and angular lines extend from it. The clypeus is high; its height reaches the length of the eye diameter.

The sternum is shining, orangeyellow and yellow in its center. Short furrows are well visible near the legs. Impressed marks are rare in the center but more dense towards the edge. The chelicerae are of the same color as the carapace and bear a thick and dense granulation. Labium and gnathocoxae are brown. Palpus and femur I are brown, the other segments are brighter.

Habitat: Under rocks in forests.

Distribution: Kiketi (Mcheidze 1963). The genus is new to the former USSR and the species is a Georgian endemic species.

Taxonomy: Platnick (2013): Cryptoparachtes charitonowi (Mcheidze, 1972).

In Mcheidze (1997) sic: 'Harpactocrates charitonovi', lapsus.

3. Harpactocrates fedotovi Charitonov, 1956

Description: Carapace length 5.15.6 mm, width 4.1 mm; width of cephalic region 2.6 mm. The distance between AME is larger than the eye diameter (ratio 5:4). The distance between PME and PLE is larger than ME diameter (ratio 6:5).

The carapace is of hexagonal shape and has a straight posterior edge;

its coloration is reddishlight brown with a dull shagreen surface and small, dispersed and deepened marks (foveae). Its evenly bulged surface bears a short longitudinal furrow, from which extend short and weakly notch-like radial angular lines.

7.11. DYSDERIDAE (INCL. SEGESTRIIDAE) 97 The clypeus, whose height reaches the length of the diameter of the AE, is shining stronger than the remaining surface of the carapace. The sternum is shining, light brown, with strong, small furrows on its surface.

Chelicere length 2.4 mm; their coloration is comparable to the carapace coloration, with small granulation and long setae. Labium and gnathocoxa are light brown, palpus and femur are of the same color as the carapace.

Habitat: In forest habitats.

Distribution: Lagodekhi Reserve (Ph. Zaitsev 1937), Zedazeni, Lagodekhi (Shromi Valley, Mcheidze 1938, 1964, 1967).

Taxonomy: Platnick (2013): Cryptoparachtes fedotovi (Charitonov, 1956).

4. Harpactocrates trialetiensis Mcheidze, 1997

Description: „ Carapace length 35 mm, width 23 mm. The distance between the AE is larger than the eye diameter; the distance between the PME and PLE is larger than the diameter of the ME. The carapace is of hexagonal shape with a straight posterior edge, brown, shining or dull, with shagreen sparse foveae. The thoracic surface bears a longitudinal furrow, from which extend radial angular lines. The clypeus height does not reach the length of the diameter of the AE.

The sternum is yellow, shining, in its anterior half with ve pairs of radially directed angular lines. Its surface bears scattered thick foveae, but at the edges near the extremities it bears a thick granulation.

Chelicere length 1.2 mm, of the same color as carapace, with thick gran-ulation and long setae, their bases are bulged. Labium and gnathocoxae are yellow, the femur is light brown, the other segments somewhat brighter.

Leg armament: Femur I: from the inner region to the tip with 57 spines;

II: from the inner region to the tip 1.3; III: 1.1d, 1.1.1a; IV: 1.2.1d spines.

Patella III: at the tip with 2a, 1p; IV: 1p, 1.1.1d spines. Tibia III: 1.1d, 2.2.2a, 2.2.2p or 1.2.1, 1.2.2v or 1.1.2v; IV: 1.1d, 2.2.2a and 2.2.2p and 1.1.2v spines.

The abdomen is light yellow, shining, with a characteristically formed surface. The entire abdomen is covered with yellowish gray marks. A large, oval and orange mark and four pairs of small, longitudinal, brown bands are situated in front of the spinnerets on the venter. Endogyne like Fig. 85.

Habitat: Under rocks in forests.

Material: 1 ~ (holotype), Keda (Adjara), 31. VII. 1939. 1 | (paratype), Kodzhori (Udzo), 1400 m a.s.l., 21. VI. 1964 (T. Mcheidze). Georgian endemic species.

Taxonomy: Platnick (2013): Harpactocrates trialetiensis Mcheidze, 1997.

7.11.3 Harpactea Bristowe, 1939 Key to species


Figs. 8285. Dysderidae, Harpactocrates. H. georgicus: 82 endogyne.

H. charitonovi: 83 endogyne. H. fedotovi: 84 endogyne. H. trialetiensis:

85 endogyne.

7.11. DYSDERIDAE (INCL. SEGESTRIIDAE) 99 1 (2) Carapace length approx. 2 mm. Femora I and II with 1.2a spines,

femur III with up to 5, femur IV with up to 7. Copulation appa-ratus like Fig. 86. . . 1. H. caucasia (p. 99) 2 (1) Carapace length 1.72 mm. Number of spines on femora and cop-ulation apparatus not like this. . . 3 3 (4) Sternum smooth, shagreen, without reticulate structure. Femur I with 34ad spines. Carapace length 1.72 mm. Copulation appa-ratus like Fig. 87. . . 2. H. zaitzevi (p. 99) 4 (3) Sternum not smooth and shagreen. Femur I with 12ad spines.

Carapace length 1.72 mm. Copulation apparatus like Fig.

88. . . 3. H. charitonovi (p. 100) 1. Harpactea caucasia (Kulczy«ski, 1895)

Description: Carapace length 2 mm, width 1.6 mm; abdomen length 2.1 mm, width 1.2 mm The anterior part of the carapace is weakly arcuate with strongly rounded sides. The carapace is at with a reticulate surface; the cephalic region is shining. Carapace and chelicerae are dark auburn.

The PE nearly touch each other, the LE are round and somewhat small.

The AE are round, comparatively large and almost touch the LE. Gnatho-coxa and labium are of the usual form. The brick-colored sternum is longer than wide, with a reticulate and shining surface. The lateral surface of the gnathocoxae is granulated.

Palpus and legs are shingle-colored and somewhat dark. All femora bear spines: I and II with 1.2a spines, III: with nearly 5 spines, IV: with nearly 4 spines. All tarsi with three claws.

The abdomen is elongated, wider in its posterior part and of ashenyellow color. Copulation apparatus like Fig. 86.

Habitat: Under rocks on the forest oor.

Distribution: Gelati (Kulczy«ski, 1895). Georgian endemic species.

Taxonomy: Platnick (2013): Harpactea caucasia (Kulczy«ski, 1895).

2. Harpactea zaitzevi Charitonov, 1956

Description: Female carapace length 1.8 mm, abdomen length 2.3 mm;

body length 4 mm. Male carapace length 1.7 mm, width 1.35 mm.

„The female is similar to the male but diers somewhat in leg armament.

ƒ The distance between AME is approximately one fourth of the eye diameter. PME touch each other. The carapace is light brown, the anterior part of the cephalic region is rounded; its posterior part is straight. The thoracic furrow is formed like a short line. The dorsal part of the carapace is dull, nely shagreen and bears a few foveae.

The chelicerae are of the same color as the carapace. The sternum is brownyellow with thin wrinkles and more or less developed foveae. The

100 CHAPTER 7. KEYS AND DESCRIPTIONS legs are yellow. Femur, patella and tibia of legs I and II are darker; the palpus is brownyellow. All femora bear dorsal spines.

Copulation apparatus like Fig. 87.

Habitat: Under rocks and leaves in forests.

Distribution: Lagodekhi Reserve (Ph. Zaitzevi 1936), Tshiauri Forest (Mcheidze, 1958). Caucasian endemic species.

Taxonomy: Platnick (2013): Harpactea zaitzevi Charitonov, 1956.

3. Harpactea charitonowi Mcheidze, 1972

Description: ƒCarapace length 1.92 mm, width 1.4 mm; abdomen length 2.2 mm, width 1.2 mm. Body length 4.1 mm. The distance between the AME is approximately one fourth of the eye diameter. The PME stand close to one another. The distance between the PME and PLE is somewhat shorter than the ME diameter.

The carapace is dark brown with a black coating. The anterior part of the cephalic region is rounded but has a straight posterior edge. The thoracic furrow is short and formed like a line. The surface is dull and shagreen with scattered small foveae.

The chelicerae are dark brown. The sternum has a brown shagreen sur-face. The legs are yellow. Femur, patella and tibia I and II are darker. The bulbus is light yellow, its distal appendage dark, almost black (Fig. 88).

The bright abdomen is of grayish color and densely covered with short setae.

Habitat: Under rocks in forest habitats.

Distribution: Lagodekhi Reserve (Mcheidze, 1972). Georgian endemic species.

Taxonomy: Platnick (2013): Nomen dubium. In Mcheidze (1997) sic:

'Harpactea charitonovi', lapsus.

7.11.4 Segestria Latreille, 1804 Key to species

1 (2) Carapace length in male and female 68 mm. Chelicerae with metallic iridescence, in females green and in males bronze-colored.

Legs without dark annulation. . . 1. S. orentina (p. 101) 2 (1) Carapace length in male and female 34.5 mm. Chelicerae without iridescence. Legs annulated and with dark marks. . . 3 3 (4) Metatarsi I and II with 3 pairs of ventro-lateral spines. Sternum somewhat dark near the coxae. Female body length 710 mm, males 5.67.5 mm. . . 2. S. senoculata (p. 102) 4 (3) Metatarsi I and II with 1 pair of ventro-lateral spines. Sternum markedly dark near the coxae. Female body length 1014 mm, males 78 mm. . . 3. S. bavarica (p. 102)