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Von DDr. lng. Roberl Pfu nge n, Wien

Zweifellos isf als klassische Verbindung im Sfahlbau die Verniefung anzusprechen und er-folgf die Zusammenpressung der Anschluß-bleche durch fhermische Schrumpfung der warm geschlagenen Niefen. Wenn auch das mäg-liche Temperalurgefälle voll ausgenüfzf wird, kann die Zusammenpressung der Anschlüsse nichf gräßer sein, als es die Fließgrenze des Nielwerksfoffes zuläßf, welche meisf mil' rund 20 bis 22 kgfmm” angesefzf werden kann. Zu-dem isf die Zusarnrnenpressung der Verniefe-len Bleche nichl genau erfaßbar, sodaß Nief-uerbinclungen auf Abscheren der Niefe ge-ı-echnel werden. Es lag daher der Gedanke nahe die weicheren Niefen durch hochfesle Schrauben zu ersefzen, deren Sfreckgrenze z. B. in der El-üfeklasse 10 K bei 90 kgrlmmi liegf und deren Vorspannung durch Konfrolle des Anziehclrehmamenfes genau fesfgelegl


'-Bild l: Hochhousbau in New Vork, Mai 195?

Folo: Direklor Dipl.-lng. Paul Synak.

Fig. l: Mulli-sfore'-_r building in Hew York, May 195?

werden kann. Dies führfe zur Enfwicklung der Anschlußhersfellung im Sfahlbau durch hoch-fesfe, Vorgespannfe Schrauben, wobei die Verbindung als reine Reibungsverbindung ge-rechnei wird, und die Scherfesfigkeif des An-schlusses als sfille Reserve Verbleibf.

Die Enfwicklung dieser Bauweise ging Von Amerika aus, wo die Hersfellung Von schraubfen Anschlüssen schon allgemein Ver-wendung findef. So werden Von den Amerika-nischen Eisenbahnen Brücken hochfesf Ver-schraubf und auch im Sfahlhochbau die An-schlüsse mif hochfesfen Schrauben hergesfellf Dieses Verfahren Vermeidef nichf nur die arge Lärmenfwicklung des Niefens, sondern bringt durch die rasche Hersfellung der Bauwerke auch erhebliche wirfschaffliche Vorfeile. Bild 1 zeigl das Sfahlskeleff eines Hachhauses in New York in hochfesf-VorgespannferVerscl-ıraubung.

Man kann die Muffern nichf nur bei fesfge-Iegfem Drehmomenl mif Drehmomenfschlüsseln anziehen, sondern diese auch um einen be-sfimmfen Winkel drehen, um die Vorspannung sicher zu erreichen. So wurde die sogenannfe

„Eindrehungsmefhode" in den USA enfwickell, welche eine Volle Mufferdrehung Vorsiehf, wo-bei allerdings der plaslische Bereich des Schraubenwerksfoffes erreichl wird.

Auch in Deufschland wurde die hachfesfe, uorgespannfe Verschraubung sfudierf und schon in zahlreichen Brücken der Deulschen Bundesbahn zur Anwendung gebrachl. Bild 2 zeigl einen Unlergurlknofen, welcher als gleif-fesfe Reibungs'-.rerbindung durch hochfesf-Vorw gespannfes Verschrauben der geschweißfen Hohlsfäbe hergesfellf wurde. Der Knofen ge-härf zur Ruhrbrücke der DB bei Mühlheim-Sfyrum. Bild 3 zeigf die zweigleisige Main-brücke der DB bei Sfocksfadf, bei welcher -die Längs-Sfäße der Hohlkasfenfräger der Flul-brücken mif hochfesfen Schrauben geschlossen wurden.

In Üsferreich haben ebenfalls Unfersuchun-gen dieser Bauweise zu posifiuen Ergebnissen geführf, sodaß schon einige Seilbahnbaufen in hochfesler Verschraubung ausgeführl wer-den konnlen und weifere in Bauuarbereilung sfehen. Auch Brückenbaufen der äslerreichi-schen Bundesbahnen sind Vorgesehen. ln Er-kennfnis der Wichligkeif dieses Fachgebiefes hal der Usferreichische Sfahlbauverein einen Arbeifsausschuß ins Leben gerufen, welchem die Aufsfellung Vorläufiger Richflirıien für die Verwendung hochfesfer, Vorgespannler Schrau-ben im Sfahlbau oblag. In diesen und den gehärigen Erläuferungen sind alle damil zu-sammenhängenden Fragen behandell. Ihre Normung isf Vorgesehen.

Bild 2: Untergurt-Knotenpunkt der Ruhrbrücke bei Mühl- Bild 3: ~weigleisige Mainbrücke bei Stockstadt heim-Sfyrum Folo: Lichtbildstelle der Eisenbahndirekiion FmnklurtiM..

Foto: Dr. Ing. Klaus Dörnen. Foto: Gerh. Lege.

Fig. 2: Bottom cord connection of the Ruhr-bridge near Fig. 3: Main-bridge near Stockstadt, with two rails Mühlheim-Styrum

Hier sei nur herausgegriffen, dab tunlichst haltung von Tragwerken durch Ersatz lockerer Schrauben der Güteklasse 10 K verwendet Nieten die hochfeste Schraube das gegebene werden sollen, wobei für schwerere Bauten die Verbindungselement.

Stärken M 20 und M 24, für leichtere Bauten, wie etwa Maste, die Stärken M 12 und M 16 in Frage kommen.

Ausführlichere Darsiellungen sowie Schritiiumshinweise siehe R. Plun-

Wegen des Entfalles von Prefjluffanlage gen, Hochfeste Schrauben im Stahlbau, Uslerreichisdie Bauzeitschrilf,

und Nietfeuer insbesondere die Instand- Jg, 1956, H. 10 und 1 1 ebenso .Hochleste Sdirauben ersetzen Nieten im Stahlbau'. Bavindustrie, Jg. 1957, H. 3.

E x t r a c t s

Constructive Details of the Austrian Pavilion Erected of the M

by Dipl.-lng. Th. M ü l l e r, Linz

. . .

In this brief description of the Austrian Pavilion at Bruxelles International Exhibition primarily details of Ihe steel construction will be shown. A general des- cription was already given by the architect, Dr. Schwan- Zer, Vienna, in ihe ,,Stahlbau-Rundschau


Sonderheft Stahlbautagung 1957".

The building i s carried by four base-fixed columns and two pairs of crossing top main girders. At the eight cantilever-ends of the top main girders an outer ring of bottom main girders is hanging, while a lighter inner ring of bottom main girders i s suspended under

lorld Exl hibifion '

. . .

1958 in Brussels

. . .

Page 1 the middle parts of top main girders. Bottom Stringers supported by these two rings of bottom main girders carry the roof by cantilevers and compression posts.

Nearly all parts of steel construttion are welded.

For site-connections and splices black bolts (partially with countersunk heads) have been used with respect to later dismantling and reconstruction of the building.

Austrian steel St 37 S, St 37 T and St 44 T, produced in the VUEST by LD-method has been used.

For fhe calculation austrian Standards have been applied.

Sfeel Strucfures for Protecfion againsf Avalanches

by Dipl.-lng. Anton F ä r b e r, Wien

. . .

Page 7

After heavy damages caused by avalanches since and railroads exposed to avalanches in Austria.

1951, numerous protective construcfions againsf ava- The method of using steel for this purpose i s out- lanches have been erected to secure villages, roads lined more fully.

Bild 2: Unfergurl-línolenpunkf der Ruhrbrücke bei Mühl-heim-Sfvrum

Foio: Dr. ing. Klaus Därnerı..

Fig. 2: Bollom card conneclion of lhe Ruhr-bridge near Mühlheim-Sfvrum

Hier sei nur herausgegriffen, daß funlichsf Schrauben der Güfeklasse 10 |( verwendef werden sollen, wobei für sdıwerere Baulen die Sfärken M 20 und M 24, für leichfere Baulen, wie elwa Masfe, die Sfärken M 12 und M 16 in Frage kommen.

Wegen des Enffalles von Preßluffanlage und Nieffeuer isf insbesondere für die

lnsfand-Bild 3: Iweigleisige Mainbrücke bei Slocksladi

Folo: Lichlbilclsfelle cler Eisenlzıahnclirelılien FrankIurl.'M..

Folo: Grerh. Lege.

Fig. 3: Main-bridge near Slocksladf, wilh lwo rails

1- .


halfung von Tragwerken durch Ersafz lockerer Niefen die hochfesfe Schraube das gegebene Verbindungselemenf.

Auslührlid1ere Darsfellungen sowie Schrilflumshinweise siehe R. Pfun-gen, Hochlesfe Sdnrcıuben im Slahlbau, Üsferreidxis-::l1e Bouzeilsdfirill, Jg. 1955. H. 10 und li ebenso ,.Ha:l1lesfe5al1rouben erselzen Hiefen im 5lal¬ılbou'. Bouinduslrie. Jg. 1951|“, H. 3.


Consiruclive Defails of fhe Auslrian Pavilion Erecfecl of the World Exhlbifion 1958 in Brussels


In lhis brief description of lhe Auslrian Pavilion af Bruxelles lnfernalional Exhibifion primarilv delails of fhe sleel consfrucfion will be shown. A general des-cripfion was alreadv given bv fhe archilecf, Dr. Schwan-zer, Vienna, in fhe „5iahlbau-Rundschau -- Sonderhefl Slahlbaulogung 1951".

The building is carried bv four base-fixed columns and lwo pairs of crossing fap main girders. Al fhe eighf canfilever-ends of Ihe lop moin girders an oufer ring of boifom moin girders is hanging, while a Iighler inner ring of boifom main girders is suspended under

fhe middle parfs of fap main girders. Boflorn sfringers supporfed bv lhese lwo rings of boifom main girders carrv fhe roof bv canlilevers and compression posfs.

Hearlv all paris of sleel consfrucfion are welded.

For sife-connecfions and splices black bolls (parliallv wilh counlersunk heads) have been used wilh respecf fo Iafer dismanfling ond reconslruclion of fhe building.

Auslrian sleel Sf3i' S, Sl 3i"T and Sfr'-14 T, produced in fhe VÜEST bv LD-melhod has been used.

For fhe calculafion ausfrian slandards have been appfied.

Sfeel Sfrucfures fer Prefeclien againsl Avalanches

bv Dipl.-lng. Anfon Färber, Wien . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 'i'

Afler heavv damages caused bv avalanches since 1951, numerous proieciive consfruclions agoinsf ava-lanches have been erecled fa secure villages, raads

and railroads exposed fo avoianches in Auslria.

The melhad of using sleel for lhis purpose is oul-lined rnore lullv.

1 .I

There are some places in Austria where supporting

These constructions have been developed ufilizilng the latest experience with regard to the pressure of Snow on the supports. The Snow Bridges represent spe- cial constructions, completely assembled of steel pro- files, arranged in suitable distances in order l o sta- bilize the Snow in the Zone where the avalanches'are breaking off.

These constructions are supplied by fhe Oester- reichisch-Alpine Montangesellschaft using rolled sec- tions and Strips made of LD-or SM-steel.

Since 1955 700 structures of this kind have been installed which have proved their advantage in prac- tical Service under heavy conditions.

The parts are furnished ready for erection. Assem-

In an international competition of 32 European and einigte Oesterreichische Eisen- und Stahlwerke" are African firms concerned with tenders for supply, manu- producing.

facture and erection of a new Shed for the Diesel- The shed of a total length of 200 m ond a ridge applying in an method economical and reasonable sed corrugated sheets. Light stretches provided with Oxygen Sfeel, quality St 44, which Messrs. "0ester- puttyless fixed armoured glass are arranged in the reichisch-Alpine Montangesellschaftn and Messrs. "Ver- roof and side walls.

The Use of High Sfrength Bolts for Sfeel Construcfions

There are some places in Austria where supporting structures hav-e been erected 50 years ago, using struc-tural steel, woodbars and sfones. They have answered their purposes, but for the new structures uniform con-sfruclions called „SNOW BRIDGES" are used in most cases.

These const-ructions have been developed utilizing the latest experience with regard to the pressure of snow on the supports. The Snow Bridges represent spe-cial constructions, completely assembled of steel pro-files, arranged in suitable distances in order to sta-bilize the snow in the zone where the avalanchesare breaking off.

These consfruclions are supplied by the Oester-reichisch-Alpine Montangesellschaft using rolled sec-tions and strips made of LD-or SM-steel.

Since 1955 700' structures of this kind have been installed which have proved their advantage in prac-tical service under heavy conditions.

The parts are furnishe-d ready tor erection. Asse-m-bling can be carried out within the shortest time; all parts are portable.

Besides the Snow Bridges, there exist also other systems which, however, are applied in limited degree only.

Protection against corrosion is secured partly by cold galvanizing, partly by protective paint. This pro-blem, however, should not be overestimated.

Tests on steel parts of avalanche-supports, 50 years old, show that the diminution of the cross-section is less than 1% due to the tavourable atmospheric con-ditions in the high mountains.

New Forms ln the Construction of cı Pressure Pipe Line tor a Power Station in Iugoslavia

by Dipl.-lng. Georg Feder, Linz .

Following a description of the power station Peru-éica, consideration is given to' various details of the penstock. At first it deals“ with the openly arranged fix point anchorages, and as a special case with the anchorage of a bend with pa-rticulary uplift high forces by means of anchor bars blasted in the rock.

In addition the construction and calculation of an

Shed tor Diesel-Iocomotives at Ancıber Boulac,

fd .

by Franz Masanz, Wien .

In an international competition of 32 European and African firms concerned with tenders for supply, manu-facture and erection of a new Shed tor the Diesel-locomotives and Trains at Anaber Boulac, in Cairo, Waagner-Biró A. G. has been the most succesful ten-derer.

This is due, before all, to the fact that the Austrian tenderer was able to reduce the weight of 1350 tons stipulated in the tender specifications to 1100 tons by applying in an method economical and reasonable Oxygen Steel, quality St 44, which Messrs. "Oester-reichisch-Alpine Montangesellschaft" and Messrs.

"Ver-. "Ver-. Page 16

unsymmetric arch type pipe bridge with 60 meters span is explained as well as the degree of accuracy for the approximate statical calculation ot similar systems.

Finally the safety measure tor the penstock - required due to the great distance of the anchorage points --against buckling of the pipe by the water being under pressure, is explained.


. . . Page 20

einigte Oesterreichische Eisen- und Stahlwerke" are producing.

The shed of a total length of 200 m and a ridge height of 18 m above floor, consists of 3 Bays each 21 m wide. On craneways of heavy design 75 t -, 60 t -, and 10 t - cranes are operating in the bays.

The supporting structure consists of welded plate frames to which rolled purlins and rolled cross bars are fixed. Rooting and wall lining is made of galvani-sed carrugated sheets. Light stretches provided with puttyless fixed armoured glass are arranged in the

roof and side walls.

The Use ot High Strength Bolts tor Steel Constructions

by DDr. lng. Robert Pfungen, Wien ... . .Page 23

In order get a quick and safe connexion in the steel construction the joint by rivets has lately been replaced by the joint by high strengthsteel bolts. These connections are considerably tighter as for instance the yield point of high tensile bolts of the quality 10 K is 90 kg/mm” (128,17 ksi) and thus fa-r beyond the yield

point of rivets. The tightening of the bolts is reliably done by torque wrenches, and by air impact wrenches at large constructions. This kind of connexion deve-loped in the U. S. A. has already been used for seve-ral steel consfruclions in Germany as well as in Austria.