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Hauptsatz: dU =δQ−pdV +µdN


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Karlsruher Institut f¨ur Technologie Institut f¨ur Theorie der Kondensierten Materie Ubungen zur Theoretischen Physik F¨ SS 12

Prof. Dr. J¨org Schmalian Blatt 3: L¨osungen

Dr. Igor Gornyi Besprechung 4.5.2012

1. Ideales Gas mit f Freiheitsgraden pro Molek¨ul:

(a) 1. Hauptsatz: dU =δQ−pdV +µdN.

Adiabatische Zustands¨anderung: δQ= 0 , konstante Teilchenzahl: dN = 0 ,

also: dU =−pdV . In einem thermisch isolierten Gas in einem geschlossenen Beh¨alter kann sich die innere Energie nur durch mechanische Arbeit ¨andern.

Bekannt ist außerdem: U = f

2N kT dU = f

2N kdT

und pV =N kT →pdV +V dp=N kdT , zusammendU = f

2[pdV +V dp] . Mit dem 1. Hauptsatz von eben gibt das

( 1 + f

2 )

pdV =−f 2V dp,

was jetzt integriert werden kann, von einem thermodynamischen Zustand 0 zu einem anderen 1 ¨uber einen reversiblen Weg,

( 1 + f

2 )∫1



V =−f 2

1 0

dp p

Daraus folgt, mit V1 ≡V , p1 ≡p, denn der Zustand 1 ist beliebig, (

1 + f 2

) ln V

V0 = −f 2 ln p

p0 (

1 + 2 f


ln(V) + ln(p) = const1

p V(1+2/f) = const2 Analog ergibt sich aus dU =−pdV und dU = f

2N kdT und pV =N kT p= N kT

V unmittelbar N k

V dV =−f 2

N k

T dT , also ln V

V0 =−f 2 ln T

T0 V Tf /2 = const3


(b) Die “Fundamentalbeziehung” lautet:T S =U+pV −µN ⇒S= 1 TU+ p

TV −µ TN. MitS =S(U, V, N) folgt dS = 1

TdU+ p

TdV µ TdN. Es ist jetzt praktisch, Dichten einzuf¨uhren:

s=S/N , u=U/N , v=V /N ⇒s= 1 Tu+ p

Tv− µ T . MitS =S(U, V, N) ist auch s=s(U, V, N) =s(u, v, N) , s h¨angt offenbar nicht explizit von N ab, also:

s=s(u, v), ds= 1

Tdu+ p Tdv Dass s nicht von N abh¨angt, folgt auch ganz allgemein:

U, V, N, S sind extensiv, das heißt z.B. S(λU, λV, λN) = λS(U, V, N) . Die Dichten sind (trivialerweise) intensiv, alsos(λU, λV, λN) = s(U, V, N) . Dies kann nur erf¨ullt werden, wennU, V, N nur als Quotienten (Dichten) eingehen, alsos=s(U/N, V /N) oders(U/V, U/N) oder s(U/V, V /N) .

ds l¨aßt sich jetzt integrieren, wenn man T und p rauswirft:

U = f

2N kT ⇒u= f

2kT 1 T = f


u, pV =N kT p T =k1

v ds= f


u +kdv

v ⇒s−s0 = f 2kln u

u0 +kln v v0.

Die Integrationskonstanten sind s0 = S0/N0, u0 = U0/N0, v0 = V0/N0, einsetzen liefert

S = S0


N0 +N k [f

2 (

ln U

U0 + lnN0

N )

+ (

ln V

V0 + lnN0

N ) ]

= S0N

N0 +N k [f

2ln (U

U0 )

+ ln (V

V0 )


2 + 1 )

ln (N

N0 ) ]


(c) Nehmen wir o.B.d.A. mal an, dass das Gas aus konstantenN =N0 Teilchen besteht und im konstanten Volumen V = V0 eingeschlossen ist, dann h¨angt U von der Temperatur ab ¨uberU = f2N0kT, also, mit U0 f2N0kT0, T0 = const.,

S(T) =S0+ f

2N0k ln T T0

F¨ur T 0 divergiert dies, es l¨aßt sich kein S0 finden, so dass S(T 0) = 0 w¨are.

Das “ideale Gas” ist eine brauchbare N¨aherung f¨ur ideale Gase nur bei hohen Tem- peraturen. BeiT 0 muss die Quantennatur der Teilchen (Fermionen oder Boso- nen) ber¨ucksichtigt werden, die zu einem nichtentarteten Grundzustand des Gases f¨uhrt. Dann folgt aus der informationstheoretischen Fundierung der Entropie sofort S(T 0) = 0 .


2. Velocity and interparticle distance distributions in an ideal gas:

(a) The distribution function f(v) follows immediately from the probability to find a particle with momentump and at position q

ρ(p,q) = ⟨δ(ppi)δ(qqi)

= 1



h3 ⟨δ(ppi)δ(qqi)exp (

−βp2i 2m


= λ3 V h3 exp


β 2mp2

) .

Hereλ =h(2πkBT m)1/2 is the thermal de Broglie wavelength following from the

normalization: ∫

d3pd3(p,q) = 1

Integrating over position, we find the momentum distribution function:

f(p) = 1

(2πmkBT)3/2 exp (

p2 2mkBT


. (1)

Substituting v=p/m, and integrating over the direction of v (which only gives a prefactor 4π:d3v =v2dvsinθdθdϕ) yields the velocity distribution:

f(v) = 4πv2

( m 2πkBT



( mv2 2kBT


. (2)

(b) The most probable velocity, v, follows from ∂f∂v

v=v = 0 yielding v m

2kBTv3 = 0 (3)

such that

v =


m . (4)

The mean velocity is given as

⟨v⟩ =

dvf(v)v = 4π

( m 2πkBT




( mv2 2kBT

) dv

= 2π

( m 2πkBT

)3/2( 2kBT




dzezz =


πm . (5)

Finally, we determine the mean square velocity


= 4π

( m 2πkBT




( mv2 2kBT

) dv

= 2π

( m 2πkBT

)3/2( 2kBT





= 3kBT

m (6)

The inequalities v < ⟨v⟩ <

⟨v2 hold even though these three characteristic velocities are of the same order of magnitude.


(c) First we need to find f(r):

f(r) = λ6 V2


h6 e2mβ (p2i+p2j)δ(r− |rirj|) (7) where we performed the integration with respect to allpl and rl with =i, j. The prefactorλ6/V2 results from the normalization of the distribution function.

Performing the momentum integration cancels theλ6 factor and we obtain f(r) =


V2 δ(r− |rirj|) (8) Using center of mass and relative coordinates

Q = 1

2(ri +rj)

q = rirj, (9)

we get

f(r) =


V2 δ(r− |q|) (10)

where the integration limits are determined by |Q±q/2| < R (this is just the condition |ri|,|rj|< R in terms of new variables).

The integral in Eq. (10) can be evaluated in spherical coordinates. One can first fix the length q = |q| of vector q and the direction of vector Q. Clearly, 0 < q < 2R (the maximum is reached when the two points are at the opposite poles of the container), whereas the length Q = |Q| of vector Q satisfies Q <

R2 −q2/4.

Next, we observe that forQ < R−q/2 a small sphere of radius q/2 lies completely within the sphere of radius R and therefore the angle θ between vectors Q and q can be arbitrary. In the rangeR−q/2< Q <

R2−q2/4 the two spheres intersect and then the condition|Q±q/2|< R translates into the condition on cosθ:


Qq <cosθ < R2−Q2−q2/4

Qq .

Thus we can re-write Eq. (10) as follows:

f(r) = 9




















R2q2/4 R−q/2







= 9r2 R6

{∫ Rr/2 0


R2r2/4 Rr/2

dQQR2−Q2−r2/4 r



It follows thatf(r >2R) = 0 whereas forr <2R the integration in Eq. (11) yields:

f(r) = 12 R

[( r 2R


3 2

( r 2R


+1 2

( r 2R


. (12)


The calculation of ⟨r⟩=∫

0 drf(r)r is now straightforward and gives

⟨r⟩= 36

35R. (13)

The maximum distance between two particles in the sphere is 2R, the distance of largest probability (determined by ∂f∂r = 0) isR and the mean distance is just a bit larger than this value. Thus, particles are on average apart by a distance which is the size of the system.

3. An ideal gas in the field of the Earth:

(a) Since the particles do not interact with each other we only need to calculate the partition function Z(1) of one particle and useZ(N) = Z(1)N. We find:

Z(1) =

d3p h3 eβp

2 2m


= A



dzeβmgz = A

βmgλ3 (14)

whereA = 2πR2 is the area of the cylinder. The free energy then reads:

F =−kBT lnZ =−kBT Nln A

βmgλ3. (15)

(b) It follows that the density in the cylinder depends only on z:

ρ(z) =

1 λ3

0 dzeβmgzδ(z−z)

Z(1) = βmg

A eβmgz. (16) The density decreases exponentially with height. The length l0 = kmgBT determines the decay. For the pressure we use

p(z) =ρ(z)kBT = mg

A eβmgz (17)

which assumes that the ideal gas law is valid locally.

Considering a thin horizontal slice of gas between the planes z and z +dz, the difference between the pressures at its bottom and top has to be equal to the weight of the gas within the slice. This gives

mgρ(z)dz =p(z)−p(z+dz) =−dp(z)

dz dz, (18)

so that


dz =−mgρ(z). (19)

This is indeed satisfied by Eqs. (17) and (16):


dz = mg A


dz =−mgβmg

A eβmgz =−mgρ(z).


4. Logarithmic spectrum:

(a) Using ZN =Z1N we find Z1 =


exp (−β∆ log (n)) =


nβ∆. (20)

This series is convergent only for β∆>1, i.e. kBT <∆. Then it follows that

Z1 =ζ(β∆) (21)

with the Riemann Zeta function

ζ(s) =


1 ns, see, e.g.,

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riemann zeta function

http://mathworld.wolfram.com/RiemannZetaFunction.html Close tos= 1 the function ζ(s) diverges as

ζ(s) 1

s−1. (22)

This behavior can be inferred by considering the integral



xs = 1 s−1.

Indeed, one can estimate this integral from above and from below by replacing it by the discrete sums (dx∆x= 1):



(n+ 1)s <


dx xs <


1 ns, ζ(s)−1 < 1

s−1 < ζ(s).

This gives for kBT close to ∆ the following behavior of the free energy:

F ≃N kBT log ( ∆

kBT 1 )

, (23)

the entropy:

S =−∂F

∂T = kBN

−kBT −kBNlog ( ∆

kBT 1 )

, (24)

and specific heat:

C =T∂S

∂T = kBN

(∆−kBT)2. (25)


(b) The specific heat diverges at temperatures larger than ∆/kB which makes it im- possible to heat this system up to temperatures larger than this value. The regime T >∆/kB is not reachable.

Physically this is caused by the huge number of states which occur per energy interval. To see this we approximate the sum over n by an integral

Z =

dnexp (−βE(n)) (26)

and perform a substitution of variables to

E =E(n) = ∆ log (n) (27)



dE = eE/∆

∆ (28)


Z =


∆ exp (E

−βE )

(29) thus the exponentially diverging density of states causes the integral to diverge if

1 > β, which is just the above criterion. Indeed it follows forkBT <Z = kBT

−kBT (30)

which agrees with the exact behavior for kBT ∆. The approximation of a sum by an integral is simply very good if the states are exponentially dense.



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Bei T → 0 muss die Quantennatur der Teilchen (Fermionen oder Boso- nen) ber¨ucksichtigt werden, die zu einem nichtentarteten Grundzustand des Gases f¨uhrt.. durch Fluktuationen

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