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4.4 Charge Amplifier

5.1.2 Time Domain

Every signal s(t) can be decomposed into a “spectrum” ofδ-pulses with the weighting functions(τ) as shown in eq. (5.5). The integral in eq. (5.5) is also called aconvolution integral with s(t) convoluted withδ(t) (or vice versa).

s(t) = If the response of a linear, time invariant system to a δ-pulse is h(t), the system output to s(t) can be described by

g(t) = We denote theδpulse response of the filter byh(t); the correspondingweighting function is defined by w(τ) = h(t−τ) and is a time reflected copy of h(t) shifted by the time of observation t. Due to their related nature both terms are often used as synonyms in literature. We will try to notify the difference by the namingh(t) resp.w(τ).

Eq. (5.4) should be compared to the convolution integral (5.6); the Fourier transforma-tion transfers a convolutransforma-tion in the time domain into a simple product in the frequency domain.

We consider in the following currentinput signals s(t) andvoltage output signalsg(t) -thus the unit of h(t) becomes F1. The integral is carried out between t =−∞ and

∞; however, for reasons of causality h(t) = 0 for t <0; in a real system also h(t) → 0 fort→ ∞holds.

Fig. 5.1 illustrates equation (5.6) and the meaning of h(t); we have added the noise sources found in a typical capacitive detector system; noise is introduced into the sys-tem due to three mechanisms (see also chapt. 4): parallel noise arises due to detector leakage shot-noise i2sn and Rp’s thermal noise (Rp summarizes all parallel resistors and the amplifier’s parallel noise current source), serial noise is caused by the thermal noise of Rs (equivalent to amplifier’s serial noise voltage according to eq. (4.29)).

Shot-Noise in the Time Domain

Devices with a voltage barrier like diodes behave as sources of current noise. In a diode the barrier allows current pulses in one direction with a Poisson distribution in time.

The derivation following is an illustrative interpretation of Carson’s theorem [Ziel70].

A charge δq applied to the circuit at time τ produces an output voltage of δqh(t−τ) at time t where h(t−τ) describes the current-to-voltage response of the circuit (the input impedance is assumed to be 0 Ω). The output of the shot noise s(τ) source can be divided into time intervals of length δτ, each with charge δq. To receive the total output voltage at time t, all the separate output voltage contributions δq produced by charges in the individual time intervals have to be summed. Of courseδq differs for each interval.

To get an measure of the fluctuations of δq, it is assumed that within each interval [τ, τ+δτ] there are many charge pulses of size e (electron charge). There is a mean rate

current-to-voltage filter h(t) noisy

resistors Rp



g(t) isn

s( )τ 2

Figure 5.1: Filter with current-voltage transfer function h(t); parallel noise arises due to detector leakage shot-noise i2sn and Rp’s thermal noise, serial noise is caused by the thermal noise of Rs.


<δq>, var(



<δ δqh(t-τ)

δτ τ+ δτ τ

= ne2δτ e



= neδτ δq)


τ s( )

Figure 5.2: Shot noise originates from discrete charge carriers passing a “barrier” like a diode junction. The noise is viewed using a filter characterized by h(t) resp.H(ω).

of n electrons/second so there will be an average of nδτ pulses per interval [τ, τ +δτ];

the average charge in the interval will beneδτ.

The mean voltage at the ouput is given by integrating the mean charges with the ap-propriate weighting (with ne=I0 mean current):

g(t) =

Eq. (5.9) describes the filter output voltage g(t) at time t of a system switched on att0 (the upper integration limit can be set to ∞ since h(t) = 0 fort <0. Hence the circuit behaviour can also be studied during the “warm up” of a circuit. For the stationary case, we have to sett0=−∞(in practice it would suffice to go back by ∆twithh(t) = 0 fort >∆t).

However, we are more interested into the variance (varg)(t). From Poisson statistics follows for the variance of δq

var (δq) =ne2δτ . (5.8)

By “propagating” the input variance to the output of the filter (taking into account that the variance is transformed by the square of the transfer function) we receive

(varg) (t) = (σ2g)(t) =

Frequently the integral (5.9) is expressed in the simplified but less instructive form by rearrangement of the integration range

2g)(t) = 1

To cross check eq. (5.9) with the value expected from frequency domain calculation we assume the stationary case setting the upper integration limit to ∞:

2g)(∞) :=σ2g= 1 2(2eI0)



h2(τ)dτ (5.11)

By employing twice the inverse Fourier transformation (see sect. 5.1.1) h(t) = 1



H(ω)ejωtdω (5.12)

and going over to the unilateral spectral noise density we obtain

σ2g= 1

I = ne0 I = ne0


<δ = 0 δq) var(


= 2ne2δτ

Figure 5.3: A (parallel) noisy resistor is modelled by a noiseless resistor with two an-tiparallel current sources with equal mean currents. The variance of charge per time slot [τ, τ +δτ] of each current source is var(δq) =ne2δτ.

which is also known as Parseval’s theorem [BS88]. Eq. (5.13) is exactly what we expect from the frequency domain calculation when feeding shot noise given by

σ2i=i2−I02 = 2qI0∆ν [in A2] (5.14) into a filter with the current-voltage transfer function H(ω).

In order to calculate the response of a certain time invariant system to a noise source at the input, both equations (5.7) and (5.13) can be used.

Thermal Noise in the Time Domain

Thermal noise (see also sect. 4.1) is caused by the thermal motion of charge carriers in conductors/resistors. For the calculation of the system output noise in the time domain when connecting a resistor to the filter input, we apply the following model:

The thermal noise of a resistor Rp is modelled by two antiparallel current sources in parallel to the noiseless resistor, which have equal mean currents; the variance of charge per time slot [τ, τ +δτ] of each current source I0 is var(δqi) = ne2δτ. Thus, the total variance of both current sources adds up to

var(δq) = 2ne2δτ . (5.15)

The problem now is, that - since there is no DC current observable - we cannot determine the mean rate electrons/second n. By investigations on the thermal motion of charge carriers using statistical thermodynamics [John28, Nyq28] it can be shown that

n= kT

Re2 (5.16)

k= 1.38·1023J/K,T absolute temperature Rresistance,e= 1.6·10−19 electron charge

and the variance at the filter output becomes (varg)(t) = (σ2g)(t) =

Eq. (5.17) describes the noise for a parallel input resistor; in principle the resistor would have to be included in the weighting function h(t); however, for a zero Ohm filter input impedance the resistor does not have any impact on the transfer characteristic h(t).

For completeness the noise calculated with eq. (5.17) is cross checked with the noise from frequency domain study. We assume again the stationary case and rearrange the integration range as in eq. (5.10):

2g)(t) = 1

In the stationary case eq. (5.18) becomes σ2g= 1

and from employing twice the inverse Fourier transformation we obtain σ2g= 1 Eq. (5.20) thus is compatible with the Nyquist-formula (4.3)

σ2v=v2 = 4kT R∆ν [in V2] resp. σ2i=i2= 4kT

R ∆ν [in A2] .

In order to calculate the noise arising from a resistor Rs in series to the input of a network, we transfer the two current sources to two (noisy) antiparallel voltage sources of value V0=RsI0=Rsne withnas defined in eq. (5.16) (see fig. 5.4).

The average of the two voltages cancels, but the variance of the voltage-time products per time slot becomes

R2svar(δq) = 2Rs2ne2δτ . (5.21) Equation (5.21) is the equivalent of eq. (5.15) and gives the variance in terms of resistance

×charge resp. voltage×time which serves mathematically as input to a voltage-voltage transfer function.

Unfortunately, we only know the filter response to a (parallel) current input; therefore we have to calculate the system response for a voltage applied in series to the filter input. Taking into account the input capacitance Cin, a serial voltage sourceVs causes a current


dt (5.22)


Figure 5.4: A (serial) noisy resistor is modelled by a noiseless resistor with two antiparal-lel voltage sources in series, which have equal mean voltages. The variance of the voltage-time products per voltage-time slot [τ, τ +δτ] of each voltage source is R2svar(δq) =Rs2ne2δτ. to flow into the “filter” h(t) (neglecting the impact of Rs). In other words, a serial δ-voltage pulse causes a filter input current ofCinδ(t).˙

For an arbitrary voltage Vs in series with the filter input we obtain for the voltage at the system output generally true for real system).

Eq. (5.23) can be interpreted in such a way that Cinh(t) is the˙ voltage-voltage-transfer function of a filter characterized by a current-voltage transfer function h(t) with a ca-pacitive input load Cin.

How doesR2svar(δq) propagate to the filter output ? Again we integrate over all relevant

“voltage-time” products R2svar(δq) betweent0 and t (resp.∞):

(varg)(t) = (σ2g)(t) = Z


Cin2 2R2sne22(t−τ)dτ (5.24)

Substituting nfrom eq. (5.16) yields

(varg)(t) = (σ2g)(t) = 1

2Cin2 (4kT Rs) Z


2(t−τ)dτ . (5.25)

Rearrangement of the integration range yields (σ2g)(t) = 1

and in the stationary case

σ2g= 1

2Cin2 (4kT Rs) Z


2(τ)dτ . (5.27)

Refering to the discussion of the charge amplifier with series resistance in sect. 4.4.3 it becomes immediately clear that we can use formula (5.27) also for the description of the amplifier’s inherent serial noise. The equivalent noise resistance is related to the input transistor’s transconductance gm via

Rs,eq= 2

3gm . (5.28)

To compare the result achieved in eq. (5.27) to a frequency domain analysis we have to take the derivative of the Fourier transform


and substitute it into eq. (5.27) yielding (after transition to the unilateral spectral noise density)

With the Fourier transform of eq. (5.22)

Iin(ω) =jωCinVs(ω) (5.31)

and defining from this the voltage-voltage frequency response of the filter under consid-eration

H(ω) :=jωCinH(ω) (5.32)

we obtain from eq. (5.30) σ2g= 1

2π(4kT Rs) Z


|H(ω)|2dω= (4kT Rs) Z


|H(2πν)|2dν . (5.33)

Eq. (5.33) describes the voltage noise at the filter output due to an input voltage noise σ2v= 4kT Rs∆ν, thus confirming our result from time domain calculation.

It should be noted again that the time domain eqs. (5.9), (5.17), and (5.25) are more general than the frequency domain equations obtained by application of Parseval’s theo-rem since they cover nonstationary processes as well. The 1/f-noise (sect. 4.1), however, can only be handled for stationary processes.