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The topic of the present work is how the process of communication is taking place between the Estonian author and the Russian-speaking reader through mediatranslations on the example of magazine Infopress.

The object of research is a body of articles from the news magazine Infopress, published in the Northeast of Estonian. These articles are translated from various Estonian newspapers and published in Infopress in a special column. There were analyzed 70 articles, published here since the beginning of 2005 within three months.

The translations were compared with their originals.

The purpose of the present study is the analysis of translational activity from the point of view, how the decisions of the translator influence the effectiveness of communications between the Estonian author and the Russian-speaking reader.

The questions of the study were the next:

 what texts are selected from the Estonian media to be translated at the column On the pages of the Estonian press,

 how is the process of the selection going on: what ways are chosen by the translator for transfer of categories, causing difficulties in translation (realities, proper names, phraseological units and stylistically marked words), and also headings and leads,

 how the translator transforms the initial text,

 what is the character of the most typical translators΄ mistakes,

 in what degree the translator follows the practice of the standard requirements concerning the media text,

 what factors cause translational decisions,

 and how this all influences on the process of the communications.

In order to achieve maximal results, here was used a combined method. Here are applied quantitative (content-analysis), qualitative and the comparative analysis.

On the basis of data received here are drawn following conclusions.

It looks like, that translators of Infopress do not have clear strategy concerning the selection of the material.

Changes of the form of the original define the preliminary information given to the reader before he starts reading the article, and his preliminary expectations from the text. Changes of the content define the volume of the information the reader gets comparing with the initial text. Also they influence the understanding by the Russian-speaking recipient of the translated text and on character of interpretation of the message.

Though there are mainly selected for the translation articles from the quality papers, the translator does not transfer the extralinguistic forms of the original, choosing for translating mainly news. The percent of the articles which could be important and interesting for a Russian-speaking audience is quite low enough, what makes me to conclude, that the translators not sufficiently carry out their intermediary mission.

The choice of a way of translation occurs, possibly, spontaneously, the translator in most cases operates instinctively. It leads to a plenty of mistakes. Thus even by inexact, literal and erroneous transmission of information the reader may percept the content adequately, because in some cases the context helps the reader to liquidate gaps of the communications.

However a plenty of all possible sort of mistakes, typing errors and discrepancies reduce quality of a translated material. In some cases the genre conventions and rules of a writing of the publicistic text are broken. That testifies that the translator does not own the theoretical base concerning a material with which works, as well as a low level of proof-reading and editorial work.

In most cases translational operations made negatively affect on a process of the communications. On the contrary, the most successful strategy in this sense is exact following the original. Exception makes the motivated adaptation of an initial material for a new audience considering its background knowledge, and also considering

difference in time of the publication and a context of a translated material. This concept turns out to be actual as it is the only justified reason for any transformations of the text at the process of translation.

The specific features of the mediatexts, influencing the process and result of translation, are restriction in time and a place at the page. It was revealed, that the main omission of the translator was paying insufficient attention to a stage of perception and the analysis of the text.

The degree of an involvement of the translator into the process of interpretation is high enough: he actually acts as a co-author. The initial text for him is just a basis, a starting point on which the new text is founded and transformed according to the translators΄ point of view with a high degree of voluntarism.


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