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When only two gravitons are involved, with𝑙propagators between them (diagram(a) in Section3.3.3), the associated modular graph functions read:

𝐷𝑙(𝜏) ∢=

∫𝜏𝐺1(πœ‰, 𝜏)π‘™π‘‘πœ‰ 𝜏2.

5See [33] and [94].

6Conjecture 1 is equivalent to Conjecture 2 in this case because Brown proved [21] that periods of mixed Tate motives overβ„€are (up to invertingπœ‹) MZVs.

The behaviour of this integral as 𝜏2 tends to infinity was already studied in [48].

Using the same ideas we generalize that result giving the following expansion of the functions𝐷𝑙’s, which is of course a special case of Theorem1.4.1:

Theorem 4.2.1. For every𝑙β‰₯2

𝐷𝑙(𝜏) = βˆ‘



𝑙 (πœ‹πœ2)π‘žπœ‡π‘žπœˆ, (4.7)

where for everyπœ‡, 𝜈 β‰₯0

𝑑𝑙(πœ‡,𝜈)(πœ‹πœ2) =



π‘Ž(πœ‡,𝜈)𝑗 (πœ‹πœ2)π‘™βˆ’π‘—

is a Laurent polynomial with coefficientsπ‘Ž(πœ‡,𝜈)𝑗 belonging to the algebra of conical sums.

Proof. Using (3.20) and doing the change of variables π‘₯ = πœ‰2βˆ•πœ2, we want to compute

𝐷𝑙(𝜏) = 1 2𝑙






2π‘š ∫𝜏B2(π‘₯)π‘Ÿπ‘ƒ(πœ‰, 𝜏)π‘šπ‘‘πœ‰1𝑑π‘₯,

where we recall that𝜏denotes the complex torus associated with the latticeπœβ„€+β„€.

Since, by the definition (3.21), 𝑃(𝑧, 𝜏)π‘š = βˆ‘

π‘›βˆˆβ„€π‘š π‘˜βˆˆβ„€π‘š0


|π‘˜|𝑒2πœ‹π‘–βˆ‘π‘–π‘˜π‘–(π‘›π‘–πœ1+πœ‰1)π‘’βˆ’2πœ‹πœ2βˆ‘π‘–|π‘˜π‘–||π‘›π‘–βˆ’π‘₯|, (4.8)

whereβ„€0∢=℀⧡{0}and|π‘˜|∢=|π‘˜1|β‹―|π‘˜π‘š|, we have

βˆ«β„βˆ•β„€π‘ƒ(πœ‰, 𝜏)π‘šπ‘‘πœ‰1= βˆ‘

π‘›βˆˆβ„€π‘š π‘˜βˆˆβ„€π‘š0


|π‘˜| 𝑒2πœ‹π‘–(π‘˜β‹…π‘›)𝜏1π‘’βˆ’2πœ‹πœ2(βˆ‘|π‘˜π‘–||π‘›π‘–βˆ’π‘₯|),

where, for anyπ‘£βˆˆβ„€π‘š and for anyπ‘Žβˆˆβ„€,π›Ώπ‘Ž(𝑣) = 1if the sum of the coordinates isπ‘Ž, and is zero otherwise. Moreover,π‘₯⋅𝑦denotes the standard inner product ofβ„π‘š. In the interval[0,1],

B2(π‘₯)π‘Ÿ= βˆ‘




(βˆ’1)𝑏 6𝑐 π‘₯2π‘Ž+𝑏. Therefore we have

𝐷𝑙(𝜏) = 1 4𝑙



𝑙!(2πœ‹πœ2)π‘™βˆ’π‘š π‘Ž!𝑏!𝑐!π‘š!

(βˆ’1)𝑏 6𝑐


π‘›βˆˆβ„€π‘š π‘˜βˆˆβ„€π‘š0


|π‘˜| 𝑒2πœ‹π‘–(π‘˜β‹…π‘›)𝜏1


1 0

π‘₯2π‘Ž+π‘π‘’βˆ’2πœ‹πœ2(βˆ‘|π‘˜π‘–||π‘›π‘–βˆ’π‘₯|)𝑑π‘₯. (4.9)

To compute the last integral, let us fix𝑛1,…, π‘›π‘š. Sinceπ‘₯∈ [0,1]we have


{ π‘›π‘–βˆ’π‘₯ if𝑛𝑖>0 π‘₯βˆ’π‘›π‘– if𝑛𝑖≀0, soβˆ‘|π‘˜π‘–||π‘›π‘–βˆ’π‘₯|=βˆ‘|π‘˜π‘–||𝑛𝑖|+π‘₯βˆ‘


By repeated integration by parts one easily finds that for anyπ‘βˆˆβ„>0,𝛽 βˆˆβ„β§΅{0}

and𝑀 βˆˆβ„•




π‘₯π‘€π‘’βˆ’π›½π‘₯𝑑π‘₯= 𝑀! 𝛽𝑀+1 βˆ’

βˆ‘π‘€ 𝑗=0


𝛽𝑗+1π‘π‘€βˆ’π‘—π‘’βˆ’π›½π‘, (4.10) where(𝑀)𝑗 = 𝑀(𝑀 βˆ’ 1)β‹―(𝑀 βˆ’π‘— + 1)is the descending Pochhammer symbol. In our case𝛽 = 2πœ‹πœ2βˆ‘

sgn(βˆ’π‘›π‘–)|π‘˜π‘–|,𝑐= 1and𝑀 = 2π‘Ž+𝑏. Note thatβˆ‘

sgn(βˆ’π‘›π‘–)|π‘˜π‘–|can be equal to zero. If it is not zero, since|𝑛𝑖|+sgn(βˆ’π‘›π‘–) =|π‘›π‘–βˆ’ 1|, by (4.10) we get, as a result of the integral,

(2π‘Ž+𝑏)!π‘’βˆ’2πœ‹πœ2βˆ‘|π‘˜π‘–||𝑛𝑖| (2πœ‹πœ2βˆ‘

sgn(βˆ’π‘›π‘–)|π‘˜π‘–|)2π‘Ž+𝑏+1 βˆ’



(2π‘Ž+𝑏)!π‘’βˆ’2πœ‹πœ2βˆ‘|π‘˜π‘–||π‘›π‘–βˆ’1| (2π‘Ž+π‘βˆ’π‘—)!(2πœ‹πœ2βˆ‘

sgn(βˆ’π‘›π‘–)|π‘˜π‘–|)𝑗+1, while ifβˆ‘

sgn(βˆ’π‘›π‘–)|π‘˜π‘–|= 0then we just get π‘’βˆ’2πœ‹πœ2βˆ‘|π‘˜π‘–||𝑛𝑖|

2π‘Ž+𝑏+ 1 .

In both cases, once we fix𝑛1,…, π‘›π‘š andπ‘˜1,…, π‘˜π‘š, putting everything together we are left with an expression of the kind

𝑐(𝑝,π‘ž)(πœ‹πœ2)𝑒2πœ‹π‘–π‘πœ1π‘’βˆ’2πœ‹π‘žπœ2, where 𝑝 = βˆ‘

π‘˜π‘–π‘›π‘– ∈ β„€, π‘ž is a non-negative integer7 equal to either βˆ‘|π‘˜π‘–||π‘›π‘–βˆ’ 1| or βˆ‘

|π‘˜π‘–||𝑛𝑖|, and𝑐(𝑝,π‘ž)(πœ‹πœ2) is a Laurent polynomial with rational (explicitly deter-mined) coefficients whose maximum power is𝑙and minimum power is1 βˆ’π‘™.8

Note that𝑒2πœ‹π‘–π‘πœ1π‘’βˆ’2πœ‹π‘žπœ2 =π‘žπœ‡π‘žπœˆ, withπœ‡ = (π‘ž+𝑝)βˆ•2and𝜈 = (π‘žβˆ’π‘)βˆ•2. Therefore we would like to show thatπ‘ž β‰₯ |𝑝|and that𝑝 ≑2 π‘ž (this notation is a shorthand for the standardπ‘β‰‘π‘žmod 2), in order to have thatπœ‡and𝜈are non-negative integers. Ifπ‘ž =

βˆ‘|π‘˜π‘–||𝑛𝑖|the claim is trivial, so we have to take care only of the caseπ‘ž =βˆ‘|π‘˜π‘–||π‘›π‘–βˆ’1|. Note thatπ‘˜π‘–π‘›π‘–β‰‘2|π‘˜π‘–||𝑛𝑖|≑2|π‘˜π‘–|(1 +|π‘›π‘–βˆ’ 1|)and thatβˆ‘


βˆ‘π‘˜π‘–= 0, so 𝑝=βˆ‘



|π‘˜π‘–||π‘›π‘–βˆ’ 1|≑2π‘ž.




π‘˜π‘–(π‘›π‘–βˆ’ 1)|β‰€βˆ‘|π‘˜π‘–||π‘›π‘–βˆ’ 1|=π‘ž.

To conclude our proof we have to analyse more carefully the rational coefficients of𝑐̃(πœ‡,𝜈)(πœ‹πœ2), which are obtained by the𝑐(𝑝,π‘ž)(πœ‹πœ2)’s.

Any fixedπ‘ž = βˆ‘|π‘˜π‘–||π‘›π‘–βˆ’πœ€|(πœ€= 0,1) can be obtained with just finitely many π‘š-tuples(𝑛1,…, π‘›π‘š), because|π‘›π‘–βˆ’πœ€|β‰€π‘ž for any𝑖: otherwise, since for every𝑖|π‘˜π‘–|β‰₯1, we would haveβˆ‘

|π‘˜π‘–||π‘›π‘–βˆ’πœ€|β‰₯ βˆ‘

|π‘›π‘–βˆ’πœ€| β‰₯π‘ž. This means that for any(πœ‡, 𝜈), which is uniquely determined by a couple(𝑝, π‘ž), one has to consider a finite rational linear combination of sums of the kind

𝑇(π‘š, 𝑛, 𝛼) ∢=βˆ‘




sgn(βˆ’π‘›π‘–)|π‘˜π‘–|)𝛼, whereπ‘˜βˆˆβ„€π‘š0 are such thatβˆ‘

sgn(βˆ’π‘›π‘–)|π‘˜π‘–|β‰  0and𝛼is a positive integer. Note that the function𝑇 only depends onπ‘›π‘–βˆ•|𝑛𝑖|.

7This notation may generate some confusion, becauseπ‘žalso denotes e(𝜏). What we mean will always be clear from the context.

8Whenπ‘š = 0andπ‘š = 1one can see that there is no contribution to the negative powers, and therefore one can assume thatπ‘šβ‰₯2to get this lower bound.

Since we can split the sum defining𝑇 as a sum over cones such that the factors in the denominator are either bigger or smaller than zero, it follows that our coefficients are linear combinations of conical sums.


Specializing carefully this computation to the (𝑝, π‘ž) = (0,0) case, one gets the proof, first obtained in [48], of Proposition3.3.2:

Proof of prop.3.3.2.Note that, sinceπ‘ž =βˆ‘|π‘˜π‘–||π‘›π‘–βˆ’πœ€|withπœ€= 0or= 1, the only possibleπ‘š-tuples(𝑛1,…, π‘›π‘š)which can giveπ‘ž= 0are(0,…,0)and(1,… 1), and with them also𝑝= 0, becauseβˆ‘

π‘˜π‘–= 0. Using this and looking carefully9at the proof of the previous theorem one is then lead to the formula given in the statement, except for the hypergeometric coefficient of the leading term, which is more elegant than the term obtained with the integration process described in the proof, and can be deduced by making use of the identity


π‘₯(π‘₯+ 1)β‹―(π‘₯+𝑛) =

βˆ‘π‘› 𝑗=0

(βˆ’1)𝑗 𝑗!(π‘›βˆ’π‘—)!

1 π‘₯+𝑗, easily obtained by partial fraction decomposition.


As remarked in the previous chapter, the function𝑆(π‘š, 𝛼)was proven by Zagier in [83] to be equal to an explicit linear combination of MZVs, allowing to algorith-mically compute in terms of MZVs the non-exponentially small part of𝐷𝑙:

Proposition 4.2.1(Zagier).

𝑆(π‘š, 𝛼) =π‘š!βˆ‘





22(π‘Ÿ+1)βˆ’π‘šβˆ’π›Όπœ(π‘Ž1,…, π‘Žπ‘Ÿ, 𝛼+ 2). (4.11)

We will not repeat the proof here, because it is essentially contained in the more complicated proof of Theorem4.3.2, that can be found in AppendixA.

Unfortunately, knowing the Laurent polynomial𝑑𝑙 =𝑑𝑙(0,0)is not enough to per-form the integration over the moduli space of complex tori, so one would like to un-derstand better the behaviour of the functions𝐷𝑙. This can be achieved by looking at the more general Theorem4.2.1, because it allows us to predict other coefficients of the expansion (4.7).

To make an example, let us recall that the non-holomorphic Eisenstein series are defined, forπ‘ βˆˆβ„‚withβ„œ(𝑠)>1and𝜏 βˆˆβ„, by

𝐸(𝑠, 𝜏) = (𝜏2


)𝑠 βˆ‘



|π‘šπœ+𝑛|2𝑠. (4.12) Its expansion at the cusp is given, setting𝑦=πœ‹πœ2, by

𝐸(𝑛, 𝜏) = (βˆ’1)π‘›βˆ’1 B2𝑛

(2𝑛)!(4𝑦)𝑛+ 4(2π‘›βˆ’ 3)!

(π‘›βˆ’ 2)!(π‘›βˆ’ 1)!𝜁(2π‘›βˆ’ 1)(4𝑦)1βˆ’π‘›

+ 2

(π‘›βˆ’ 1)!




βˆ‘π‘›βˆ’1 π‘š=0

(𝑛+π‘šβˆ’ 1)!

π‘š!(π‘›βˆ’π‘šβˆ’ 1)!(4𝑁 𝑦)βˆ’π‘š, (4.13)

9As explained in [48], one exploits the fact that𝐡2(1 βˆ’π‘₯) = 𝐡2(π‘₯) in order to get the nice look-ing formula in the corollary instead of the more complicated one that we would naively get just by performing the same steps as in the theorem’s proof.

whereB𝑛 is the 𝑛-th Bernoulli number, andπœŽπ‘˜(𝑁) = βˆ‘

𝑑|π‘π‘‘π‘˜ is a finite power sum running over the positive divisors of𝑁.

As we have mentioned in the last chapter, using the series representations (3.27) for𝐷𝑙(𝜏) and (4.12) for the Eisenstein series one can immediately see that 𝐷2(𝜏) = 𝐸(2, 𝜏)βˆ•16.

Let us briefly see how can we get the same result by comparing the expansion given by Theorem4.2.1and the expansion (4.13), which becomes in this case

𝐸(2, 𝜏) = 𝑦2

45+ 𝜁(3)

𝑦 + 2βˆ‘


(2𝑁+π‘¦βˆ’1)πœŽβˆ’3(𝑁)(π‘žπ‘ +π‘žπ‘).

Using the intermediate step (4.9) in the proof of the theorem, for π‘š = 0 we get (1βˆ•16)(𝑦2βˆ•45), which is the leading term of the non-exponential part, for π‘š = 1we get zero, and forπ‘š= 2(soπ‘Ž=𝑏=𝑐= 0) we get

1 16





|π‘˜|2 ∫

1 0


where we denote𝑝 = π‘˜(𝑛1 βˆ’π‘›2). When 𝑝 = 0, i.e. when π‘ž andπ‘ž have the same power in the expansion given by the theorem, then𝑛1 = 𝑛2, which implies that the argument of the exponential in the integral is never zero. Therefore, splitting the sum into the𝑛 β‰₯ 1 part and the𝑛 ≀ 0 part, one gets two telescoping sums, both giving as a result



1 64|π‘˜|3𝑦.

We conclude that the variable𝜏1does not appear only in the non-exponentially small part of𝐷2(𝜏), which is the Laurent polynomial𝑑2(𝑦) = (𝑦2βˆ•45 +𝜁(3)βˆ•π‘¦)βˆ•16. This fits with the expansion of𝐸(2, 𝜏).

Moreover, if𝑝 > 0one gets again telescoping sums in𝑛, but now we sum only over finitely manyπ‘˜, which are the divisors of𝑝. We leave as an exercise to the reader to verify that one gets exactly the same expansion as we get for the non-holomorphic Eisenstein series.

In general it is too messy to repeat the same game as above and explicitly get the full expansion for other𝐷𝑙’s, except maybe for𝐷3(𝜏), which is already known, as we have mentioned in eq. (3.31), to be equal to(𝐸(3, 𝜏) +𝜁(3))βˆ•64. However, it is in principle possible to algorithmically get the coefficient ofπ‘žπœ‡π‘žπœˆfor any fixed(πœ‡, 𝜈), which would allow to check conjectures on the full expansion or to numerically ap-proximate the functions very precisely (the sum (4.7) converges much faster than the sum (3.27)).