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Table 2.


Questions Policy


Food importers

Retailers Restaurant/

fast-food outlet owners

Consumers CSOs

Policy process and context

How familiar are you with the process involved in the development and adoption of this policy? (Follow-up question for those who have been involved: Please elaborate on how the tax was developed)


How does this policy fit into the bigger policy picture in Tonga? X X

What alternative policy options were considered (if any), instead

of the fat tax? (Follow-up: Why was the fat tax selected?) X X

Were there any barriers to the introduction of this tax? Give details. X X

Policy impact

What are the expected impacts of this policy? [Prompts: i) economic impact, ii) social impact, iii) environmental impact]

In relation to different groups i. Children and adolescents ii. Adults and elderly iii. Private sector

iv. Different socio-economic groups


What mechanisms have been put in place to monitor the

effectiveness of the tax? X

Has there been any evaluation of impact since its

implementation? If yes, what were the findings? X Do you know of any anecdotal evidence that suggests the tax

is changing the way people buy/sell/prepare foods? X X X

How has the policy affected you as an individual/ business

owner/ policymaker? X X X X X X

Do you have any data regarding the amount from the tax

increase passed on to the consumers? (Per food item) X X X X X

What is your perspective on the timing of tax adoption and

its potential to achieve the intended effect? X X

What media coverage did the tax receive? (Follow-up

question: In which media? (Prompt also for social media) X X X X X X

Policy enforcement, monitoring, evaluation and sustainability Can you comment on the compliance and enforcement of

this particular tax? X

Was a monitoring and evaluation plan put in place to assess

the policy impact? X

Do you know what the tax revenues will be used for? X X X X X X

Are any supporting policies/programmes planned, to support the fat tax? Example: to increase the availability or affordability of healthier food substitutes.


Are there consumer awareness programmes and other health promotion/advocacy programs that complement the tax?

(Can ask policymakers if any are planned)


Questions Policy

makers Food

importers Retailers Restaurant/

fast-food outlet owners

Consumers CSOs

Personal reactions to the tax

Are you aware of this tax? (Check what they know) X X X X

How did you first get to know about this tax? X X X X X

Why do you think this tax was introduced? X X X X X

Which foods have you noticed going up in price since the tax

was introduced? X X X X X

Has this tax affected the way you buy/sell or prepare food?

If yes, how? X X X X X X

Have you substituted any particular food you used to buy

with others? Which ones? X X X X X X

Do you buy less of any particular foods because of this tax?

Which foods? (Follow up question: if the food is quantifiable, try to get an idea of the quantity, per day/week/month. e.g.

two fewer cans per week).


Do you buy more of any particular foods because of this tax?

Which foods? X X X X X X

Has this tax affected your other expenses? Which ones? How? X X X X X X

Do you think the changes you have made have been for the

better or for the worse? Why? X X X X X X

In your opinion, will this tax help to make Tongans healthier/

eat healthier foods? Why? X X X X X

If you have cut down on fatty foods, what was your main reason for doing so? (Choose one of the following: price increase; health consciousness; both; other)


In your opinion, is it easier/cheaper to find healthy foods such as fish, fruit, vegetables, legumes and root crops, since the tax was introduced?


What else is needed, to help Tongans eat healthier food and

live healthier lives? X X X X X X

In your opinion, what should the government use the

revenues from this tax for? X X X X X

Number of questions 25 20 20 20 20 25


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