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Ectopic acti�ation of XHNF6 promotes pancreas de�elopment

Is HNF1β necessary and sufficient for endocrine cell differentiation?

4.4 Ectopic acti�ation of XHNF6 promotes pancreas de�elopment

In HNF1β loss and gain of function experiments it appeared that the expression of the second pancreatic key regulator Xp48 was less sever affected than XlHbox8 (figure 3.2.4, figure 3.2.8). Therefore it was postulated that Xp48 might be differentially regulated in the gut endoderm. From knockout studies in mouse it was postulated that the onecut trans-cription factor HNF6 might function as upstream regulator for Pdx1/ XlHbox8 and Ptf1/

Xp48. In this context we isolated the Xenopus laevis homologue XHNF6 and characterised its expression pattern by WMISH and semiquantitative RT-PCR and compared it to its potential downstream targets Xp48 and XlHbox8. In order to be an upstream regulator spatial and temporal overlapping expression patterns were required. Regarding endoderm patterning and pancreas development, it was very interesting to detect XHNF6 transcripti-on by the transcripti-onset of gut tube patterning stage 22 in a small territory of the ventral foregut (fi-gure 3.2.1). Expression increased and was spatially restricted to the liver and presumptive ventral and dorsal pancreastic anlage by stage 34. Hence, HNF6 was expressed in the ante-rior endoderm before the initiation of Xp48 and XlHbox8. Spatial restriction of XHNF6 to the liver diverticulum was very similar to the anterior endodermal expression domain of HNF1β, living up for their names as liver enriched transcription factors. With the begin-ning of pancreatic budding at stage 34, XHNF6 was clearly detectable in the ventral pan-creatic region, whereas the dorsal panpan-creatic expression was onyl detectable by RT-PCR.

HNF6 expression in mouse (Landry et al., 1997) as well as in zebrafish (Hong et al., 2002) demonstrated early onset of expression in the developing nervous system and in the endo-derm derivatives as liver and pancreas. In the pancreas it was described in early progenitor cells, later becoming restricted to the pancreatic acinar and ductual cells (Pierreux et al., 2006). In the adult Xenopus tissue, XHNF6 transcripts were identified in the liver, brain and pancreas while in mouse transcripts were in addition found in the testis and spleen (Lemaigre et al., 1996). In accordance with its early endodermal expression, gene knockout studies in mice have shown that HNF6 played an important role in liver and biliary duct formation (Clotman et al., 2005), as well as in pancreas organogenesis (Poll et al., 2006).(Clotman et al., 2005), as well as in pancreas organogenesis (Poll et al., 2006)., as well as in pancreas organogenesis (Poll et al., 2006).

During pancreas formation it was in particular described as direct regulator of Pdx1 and Ngn3 expression (Maestro et al., 2003).

In an attempt to characterise the function of XHNF6 during pancreas development the protein was panendodermal expressed by HNF6 capRNA injection. HNF6 overexpression caused an enlargement of the pancreatic territory as it was depicted upon Xp48 expression.

In addition, at later stage 43 the pancreatic lobe was not only increase but additionally ex-panded into an anterior region. Extended trypsin positive domain resembled the enlarge-ment of the pancreatic domain that was observed upon ectopic activation of Xp48 (Afelik et al., 2006). As cleary evident in that study, p48 induced enlargement of the pancreas was restricted to the endogenous XlHbox8 positive region within stomach and duodenum, pro-ving that a combined activation of XlHbox8 and p48 is required for pancreas specification in the gut tube. Assuming that HNF6 is an usptream regulator of Xp48, its ectopic activa-tion would cause a comparible cell fate conversion of stomach into pancreas. As seen in the Xp48 expression of an HNF6 induced stage 39 embryo, it appeared that in particular the ventral Xp48 expression domain was extended. As the pancreatic lobes are fused at stage 43, it is diffult to judge about the origine of the ectopic tissue, although from the position of the extending tissue it also appeared to derive from the ventral pancreatic lobe.

So far HNF6 would be the first identified transcription factor that is required selectively for the specification of the ventral pancreas. In addition it would be the first upstream regulator of Xp48 described in Xenopus. However, these overexpression data are still very preliminary and further gain- and loss of function experiments have to be performed to confirm and specify HNF6 function during pancreas development in Xenopus laevis.

4.5 Malectin, a no�el ER resident protein in Xenopus laevis

The descriptive analysis of developmental defects during embryogenesis depends on a sui-table set of genetic markers. One criteria for a suisui-table marker is a spatial and temporal defined expression in order to distinguish specific cell subgroups from the surrounding tissue.

Many tissue specific markers were already identified in context of pancreas organogensis (Chen et al., 2003; Afelik et al., 2004; Zorn and Mason, 2001) but the increase in detai-led knowdetai-ledge about cell specification and differentiation processes demands for new and more specific genetic markers.

In an attempt to identify new pancreas specific marker genes a cDNA library screen was performed of an adult pancreas cDNA library from Xenopus laevis using the WMISH tech-nique (Afelik et al., 2004). Among others, the clone named “p150” showed pancreatic

ex-pression and in addition a highly conserved amino acid sequence in vertebrates. Together these findings rised the interest to further exploit embryonic expression of p150 and to determine its potential function during pancreas organogenesis. By the time of first ex-perimental investigation p150 was an unknown gene product- a white spot on the protein map. Hence p150 characterisation was approached in two ways: (1) by characterisation of its biochemical properties and (2) by analysing its expression and function during pan-creas development. The first aspect was intensively investigated by the group of ClaudiaThe first aspect was intensively investigated by the group of Claudia Muhle- Goll (EMBL, Heidelberg) that collaborated by solving p150 protein structure and renaming it “malectin”, according to its strong binding to the dissacharide maltose (Schal-lus et al., 2008). The second aspect concerned the functional relevance of malectin during pancreas development. In this context, pancreatic expression of malectin was completed by generation of a detailed expression profile during Xenopus laevis organogenesis (figure 3.3.2 ). Against expectations of an pancreas specific gene activation, the detailed expression analysis revealed a constant and ubiquitous presence of malectin in the embryo. Although it was expressed in different germ layer derivatives, it was still noteworthy that malectin was expressed especially in secreting tissues as the hatching gland, liver and pancreas. As described in Medaka (�amamoto T, 1975) the hatching gland is a endodermal derived organ that synthesises an enzyme called chorionase. Chorionase is required to digest the vitellin membrane during hatching phase, releasing the embryo into the medium. Also the pancreas is an endodermal derived organ that is highly active in secretion by synthesising digestive enzymes and educing them into the gastrointestinal tract.

Broad malectin expression was persistent in adult tissues (figure 3.3.2; tissue nothern blot:

http://www.kazusa.or.jp/huge/gfimage/northern/html/KIAA0152.html). This broad ex-pression pattern implied an early general role during embryogenesis rather than a later specific function during pancreas organogenesis. On the background, that the major sig-nalling pathways during embryogenesis often play different roles depending on time and location of their activation, and concerning that most of these signalling pathways are re-markably conserved troughout animal kingdom, it was still intriguing to exploit malectins role during Xenopus laevis embryogenesis. In this respect, malectin also showed a remark-able high conservation among vertebrate, as also seen for the major signalling molecules.

Two systems were used in order to specify the intracellular localisation of malectin: de-tection of a flag- tagged malectin protein in animal cap explants and dede-tection of overex-pressed flag-tagged malectin protein in transient transfected eukaryotic cells (figure 3.3.4).

Here, malectin protein was detected in small, partially elongated aggregates where it ac-cumulated upon time. After 48 hr, malectin positive region was encompasing a large terri-tory. This could be due to membrane clustering that might be induced by the high protein

time course experiment spanning 48 hr did not show malectin translocation to the cell surface but it rather stayed in a perinuclear region, resembling the position of the trans-golgi network (Simpson et al., 2006). Although a detailed analysis by codetection of differ-ent organ specific proteins was not performed, the shape of the tubular system and partial malectin colocalisation with the ER resident protein Hsp47 (Tasab et al., 2000) provided strong evidence for a ER localisation of malectin (Schallus et al., 2008).

The expression profile of malectin indicated an early and broad distribution of malectin protein during embryogenesis. It was therefore suggested that malectin palyed a more ge-neral rather than a specific regulatory role during embryogenesis that would concern in context of this study the formation of the pancreas. At late tadpole stages malectin tran-sciption was spatially restricted to the pancreatic lobes (figure 3.4.2) and the adjacent liver whereas surrounding tissues as stomach and duodenum as well as intestine were devoid of malectin transcripts. In respect to the underlying idea of this study, it was still interesting to know whether malectin might affect organ formation.

Functional characterisation of malectin protein was approached by loss and gain of func-tion assays targeting the endoderm. For loss of funcfunc-tion, malectin protein translafunc-tion was downregulated in the whole embryo by morphlino injection. For the gain of function ap-proach malectin protein was ectopically expressed in the whole endoderm. To target theTo target the later prospective endoderm morpholino was injected into the vegetal pole of the embryo thereby causing protein depletion by the onset of expression in the pancreas and liver.

From the temporal expression profile that determined on RNA and protein level, it was known that malectin was already present in the embryo by the timepoint of injection.

Together with its ubiquitous transcript distribution it was suggested that malectin excerts a general role during embryonic development. In both cases misexpression of malectin In both cases misexpression of malectin induced strong endodermal malformation associated with embryonic malformations and reduction in organ specific marker gene expression (figure 3.3.7). Although it appeared that malectin interferred with organ formation, these experiments did not further clarify how or when malectin was repsonsible to induce pleiotrophic phenotype. As malectin wasAs malectin was ubiquitously expressed in space and time it was most likely that malectin played a second-ary role and interferred with late organogenesis by inhibitory events in proliferation or by inducing apoptosis or necrosis of the malectin expressing tissue.

This hypothesis additionally supported by the fact, that structural and biochemical analy-sis of malectin proposed that the ER resident protein was involved in the N-glycosyla-tionpathway (Schallus et al., 2008). NMR analysis revealed a novel lectin-like domain that specifically interacted with glucose-polymers. In the cell, the only glucose polymers exist

in the ER, namely nigerose and kojibiose. These two di-glucose residues are the substrate of the two ER resident enzymes glucosidase I and glucosidase II which are responsible for the synthesis of the glucose-precursor molecule (Essentials in Glycobiology, 1999).

A role in regulation of N-glycosylation of secreted proteins links malectin to signalling molecules (BMP-1; Garrigue-Antar et al., 2002) and cell surface receptors. Signalling mo-lecules are essential for germ layer formation, among them BMP4 that regulates endoderm and induces mesoderm and is as consequence essential for axis formation (anterior-poste-rior axis (AP) and dorso-ventral axis (DV)). BMP4, a member of the transforming growth factor β (TGF β) -superfamily, is synthesised as large precursor protein that undergoes proteolytic maturation and N-gylcosylation along the secretory pathway.

Assuming that malectin indeed maintains a regulative role in the N-glycosylation pathway and it is expressed from early stage onwards, its misexpression in the early embryo, either by overexpression or inhibition, should affect early embryogenesis already during germla-yer formation. However, inhibition of protein translation by antisense morpholino injec-tion might be silenced as the protein is already present in the unfertilized embryo. During later organogenesis, malectin morpholino might be effective as it targets regions of high transcription.

Recently a similar function for glycosylation mechanism that regulate TGF-β signalling during embryogenesis was identified in the regulation for the O-glycosylation pathway (Herr et al., 2008). This study revealed an important role of a N-acetylgalactosaminyl-transferase in the regulation of TGF-beta signalling. This novel regulatory mechanism is evolutionarily conserved and, thus, might provide a new paradigm for the regulation of TGF-beta signalling in vertebrates. In this regard, future investigations are intriguing to elucidate the role of malectin for signalling pathway regulation.

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MOD� maturity onset diabetes of the young

RT-PCR reverse transcription polymera-se chain reaction

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SDS sodiumdodecylsulfat

SSC sodiumchlorid/ sodiumcitrate Taq Thermus aquaticus

TAE Tris acetat EDTA

UV ultraviolet light

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X- gal 5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-D-galactopyranosid

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