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Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei (IGB) im Forschungsverbund Berlin e.v.


Academic year: 2022

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Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei (IGB) im Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.

Research Grants

Current projects

Can parasite evolution reinforce the effects of climate warming?

(Applicant Wolinska, Justyna )

Developing improved social-ecological scenarios for biodiversity and ecosystem services in north temperate freshwater ecosystems over the next half century (Applicants Adrian, Ph.D., Rita ; Pahl-Wostl, Claudia )

Integrating effects of chytrid parasitism into carbon flows in pelagic food webs (Applicant Agha, Ph.D., Ramsy )

Is the Large Aral Sea turning meromictic? Tracing the ongoing changes in the physical and biogeochemical regime of the world’s most dynamic lake ecosystem (Large Aral and Meromixis)

(Applicant Kirillin, Georgiy )

Lake pycnoclines trap organic particles forming hot spots of accelerated carbon cycling in the water column

(Applicant Grossart, Hans-Peter )

Living time capsules: tracing evolutionary adaptation in a changing world (Applicant Frisch, Dagmar )

Completed projects Projects

Homepage Website

info@igb-berlin.de E-Mail

+49 30 / 641815 Telephone

Müggelseedamm 310 12587 Berlin

Deutschland Address


Ablagerungen partikulären Materials im Litoral des Müggelsees, deren Bildung, Verbleib und Bedeutung für das Ökosystem im plankton- und im

makrophytendominierten Zustand (Applicant Kozerski, Hans-Peter )

A cross-taxa assessment of the impact of climate change on population abundance (Applicant Böhning-Gaese, Katrin )

Analysing size-density relationships of aquatic communities in response to strength of predator-prey interactions and resource subsidy

(Applicant Mehner, Thomas )

An Environmental Fluid Dynamics Laboratory in the Field: studies and numerical modeling of hydrodynamics, morphodynamics and invertebrate ecology in river meanders

(Applicant Sukhodolov, Ph.D., Alexander )

Auswirkungen der Aufnahme von Cyanobakterien (Mikrocystis) und darauf

assoziierter Bakterien auf Wachstum, Stoffwechsel und Verhalten juveniler Plötzen (Rutilus rutilus)

(Applicant Mehner, Thomas )

Auswirkung interner Wellen auf mikrobielle Habitate kund Aktivitäten sowie den Stoffaustausch an der Wasser-Sediment-Grenzschicht des Stechlinsees

(Applicant Grossart, Hans-Peter )

Changes in struvture and function of fosh community in an mesotrophic lake after enhancement of piscirous fish biomass(food web manipulation)

(Applicant Mehner, Thomas )

Combining bottom-up and top-down analyses to test fundamental concepts in invasion biology

(Applicant Jeschke, Jonathan )

Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Composition and Processing in Agricultural Catchments (DONCOPRA)

(Applicant Pusch, Martin )

Einflüsse von Makrozoobenthos auf Stofftransport und biogeochemische Prozesse in Seesedimenten

(Applicant Lewandowski, Jörg )

Einfluß des Crustaceenplanktons auf die Struktur des Bakterien- und Protozoenplanktons in mesotrophen Seeökosystemen

(Applicant Adrian, Ph.D., Rita )


Evolution von Geschlechtschromosomen, Geschlechtsbestimmungsystemen und Rekombination und ihre Bedeutung für Speziation und Schutz von Amphibien (Applicant Stöck, Matthias )

Facing multiple enemies: trade-offs between adaptive responses to predators and parasites in the context of inducible defences.

(Applicant Laforsch, Christian )

Factors controlling the release of dissolved organic substances, their stability and impact in methanogenic inundated fens soils

(Applicants Knorr, Klaus-Holger ; Zak, Dominik )

Forecasting Future Invasions and their Impacts (FFII) (Applicant Jeschke, Jonathan )

Host-parasite interactions in hybridizing Daphnia, from correlations to experiments (Applicant Wolinska, Justyna )

Host - parasite interactions in hybridizing Daphnia, the role of variable environments: part 2

(Applicant Wolinska, Justyna )

How to live in a mosaic of stressors - an ecological genomics approach on the water flea Daphnia

(Applicant Laforsch, Christian )

Influence of off-season reproduction on gamete and offspring quality in pike-perch (Sander lucioperca)

(Applicants Kloas, Werner ; Meyer, Stefan ; Schulz, Carsten )

Interactions of Flexible Aquatic Vegetation with Turbulent Flows in Rivers: field experiments and mathematical modeling with implications for transport and retention of organic matter and nutrients in fluvial ecosystems

(Applicant Suhodolova, Tatiana )

Kaskadeneffekte der top-down Steuerung über Chaoborus-Larven an der Schnittstelle: Fische - Zooplankton

(Applicant Walz, Norbert )

Lakes as components of the Tibetan Plateau climate system (LaTiCS): Internal mixing processes and lake-atmosphere interaction

(Applicant Kirillin, Georgiy )

Lakes at risk under climate change: Climate variability matters (Applicant Adrian, Ph.D., Rita )


Langzeitentwicklung von Seeökosystemen unterschiedlicher thermischer Struktur und Größe und deren Sensibilität gegenüber Klima und anthropogen bedingten Veränderungen

(Applicant Adrian, Ph.D., Rita )

Long-term effects of invasive species in novel communities: comparative analyses of population dynamics, and phenotypic and genetic changes

(Applicant Jeschke, Jonathan )

Mismatch between periphyton and macrophyte development in spring: crucial for submerged macrophyte recolonization in eutrophic shallow lakes?

(Applicant Hilt, Sabine )

Mortality of zooplankton in lake ecosystems and its contribution to vertical carbon fluxes (ZooFlux)

(Applicant Grossart, Hans-Peter )

Ökologie des Phytoplanktons im Bereich der Chemokline mesotropher Seen (Applicant Nicklisch, Andreas )

Personality-based individual differences in foraging efficiencies and metabolic rates and their consequences for predator-prey interactions.

(Applicant Kalinkat, Gregor )

Räumliche und zeitliche Variabilität trophischer Interaktionen juveniler Fische mit litoralen und pelagischen Zooplankton- und Benthongemeinschaften in

Abhängigkeit von der Besiedlung mit submersen Makrophyten im Müggelsee (Berlin)

(Applicant Mehner, Thomas )

RedoxPhos: How do physical and biogeochemical conditions in pelagic boundaries control vertical transport and generation of phosphorus species?

(Applicant Hupfer, Michael )

Red Queen dynamics in Daphnia, the role of variable environment (Applicant Wolinska, Justyna )

Regime shifts in lake ecosystems: Testing theory with long-term observational data and large scale experiments (LakeShift)

(Applicant Kirillin, Georgiy )

Rückhalt und Transformation von partikulären P-Spezies in Abhängigkeit der durch Makrophyten beeinflußten Resuspensions- und Sedimentationsbedingungen in einem Flachsee

(Applicant Hupfer, Michael )


Systematische Untersuchung der Retentionswirkung von Makrophyten durch Partikelsedimentation im strömenden Wasser

(Applicant Kozerski, Hans-Peter )

The Evolution of Virulence under Conditions of Frequent Multiple Infections (Applicant Wolinska, Justyna )

Transformation of organic carbon in the terrestrial-aquatic interface (Applicants Mutz, Michael ; Premke, Katrin )

Untersuchung der dreidimensionalen Zirkulationsströmung im Stechlinsee (Applicant Kirillin, Georgiy )

Untersuchungen zu Prozessen des Eintrages, Transportes und der Retention von Phosphor in kleinen Fließgewässern des Flachlandes

(Applicant Behrendt, Horst )

Untersuchungen zur endokrinologischen Regulation der Gonadenreifung von Zandern (Sander lucioperca) durch exogene Faktoren

(Applicant Schulz, Carsten )

Wärme- und Stofftransport in Seen unter saisonaler Eisdecke (Applicant Kirillin, Georgiy )

Water-ice heat exchange and ice-water boundary layer in freshwater lakes (Applicant Kirillin, Georgiy )

Wiederbesiedlung eines eutrophen Flachsees (Großer Müggelsee, Berlin) durch submerse Makrophyten und ihr Einfluß auf die litoral-pelagische Kopplung (Applicant Nicklisch, Andreas )


Priority Programmes Current projects

INAS: Interactive Argumentation Support for the Scientific Domain of Invasion Biology

(Applicants Heger, Tina ; König-Ries, Birgitta ; Zarrieß, Sina )

Completed projects

Climate induced changes in phenology of lake plankton communities: Implications for the match / mismatch of species interactions

(Applicant Adrian, Ph.D., Rita )

Climatic impact on temperature and mixing regime of polymictic lakes and its consequences for lake ecosystems

(Applicant Behrendt, Horst )

Red Queen Dynamics in Daphnia; Revealing the Evolutionary Change in a Parasite Population

(Applicant Wolinska, Justyna )

The impact of climate variability on recruitment, life history, and physiology of sympatric pairs of ciscoes (Teleostei: Coregonus spp.) in lakes

(Applicant Mehner, Thomas )

Research Fellowships Completed projects

Genetics of diapause termination timing in the water flea Daphnia - identifying genes and evolutionary processes of relevance in nature

(Applicant Czypionka, Till )

Invasive Arten: Worin unterscheiden sie sich von anderen Arten, und wie zuverlässig lassen sich ihre exotischen Verbreitungsgebiete vorhersagen?

(Applicant Jeschke, Jonathan )

Rekonstruktion mikroevolutionärer Veränderungen in einer natürlichen Zooplankton-Population in bezug auf anthropogen induzierte

Abundanzschwankungen von Räubern und Konkurrenten: Untersuchung einer Cladoceren-Genbank

(Applicant Mohr, Silvia )

Spatial and temporal variability of environmental flow indicators - developing the tools for an ecologically meaningful assessment of hydrological change

(Applicant Tetzlaff, Doerthe )


Research Units

Completed projects

The role of hybridization in the colonization of newly opened habitats (Applicant Wolinska, Justyna )

Heisenberg Professorships Completed projects

Novel species communities: formation, and ecological and evolutionary consequences

(Applicant Jeschke, Jonathan )


Completed projects

Significance of physical and biological structures on C-transformation,

Caccumulation and microorganisms during initial succession in stream corridors (Project Heads Gessner, Mark ; Mutz, Michael )

TRR 38: Structures and Processes of the Initial Ecosystem Development Phase in an Artificial Water Catchment

(Spokesperson Hüttl, Reinhard F. )

Research data and software Completed projects

Database Infrastructure for Long-Term Data of German Lakes (Lake-Base) (Applicants Adrian, Ph.D., Rita ; Berendonk, Thomas U. ; Gaedke, Ursula ;

; ; )

König-Ries, Birgitta Rothhaupt, Karl-Otto Wagner, Annekatrin

Research Training Groups Current projects

GRK 2032: Urban Water Interfaces (UWI) (Spokesperson Hinkelmann, Reinhard )

GRK 2530: Biota-mediated effects on Carbon cycling in Estuaries (BiCEst) (Spokesperson Jensen, Kai )

Completed projects

GRK 780: Perspectives on Urban Ecology - the Example of the European Metropolis of Berlin

(Spokesperson Endlicher, Wilfried )


Collaborative Research Centres Current projects

SFB 1439: Multilevel response to stresser increase and release in stream ecosystems

(Spokesperson Sures, Bernd )

National Research Data Infrastructure Current projects

NFDI4BioDiversity – Biodiversity, Ecology & Environmental Data (Spokesperson Glöckner, Frank Oliver )

NFDI4Earth - NFDI Consortium Earth System Sciences (Spokesperson Bernard, Lars )

NFDI4Microbiota - National Research Data Infrastructure for Microbiota Research (Spokesperson Förstner, Konrad )

Abteilung 1: Ökohydrologie

Arbeitsgruppe Landschafts-Ökohydrologie

Arbeitsgruppe Lichtverschmutzung und Ökophysiologie

Abteilung 2: Ökosystemforschung

Abteilung 3: Experimentelle Limnologie

Abteilung 4: Biologie und Ökologie der Fische Arbeitsgruppe Fließgewässerrevitalisierung

Abteilung 5: Evolutionäre und Integrative Ökologie

Abteilung 6: Chemische Analytik und Biogeochemie Subinstitutions

GEPRIS is a project of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Contact GEPRIS at http://www.dfg.de/gepris

(c) 1999 - 2022 Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (http://www.dfg.de)



Aufgabe der Abteilung ( sieben grundfinanzierte sterren für wissenschaftler, darunter eine befristete; 6,75 befristete drittmittelfinanzierte Beschäftigungsverhältnisse;

Lorenz, Patrick, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München / Aquatische Ökologie Lorenz, Stefan, Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei Berlin (IGB) Lorke,

6 Allerdings muss berücksichtigt werden, dass eine solche Marktdynamik bei Brennstoffzellen für die Hausenergieversorgung ohne einen ebenso raschen Ausbau von motorisch

To gain estimations of the regional and sector-specific significance of potential impacts of climate change, of the existing degree of adaptation and of suitable adaptation

Recent droughts modify the risk to grasslands, particularly in northcentral and northeast Mongolia, suggesting that these regions need strategic management for both adaptation

Jacob, Daniela, and Podzun, Ralf: Global Warming below 2 °C Relative to Pre­Indus­ trial Level: How Might Climate Look Like in

If Alexander von Humboldt had undertaken his expedition in modern times, he might have studied potential tipping behavior of the marine biological carbon pump, the Amazon

Second, the existing global assessments of climate change and food security have only been able to focus on the impacts on food availability and access to food, without