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Computer Graphics 1LMU Munich SS20


Academic year: 2022

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Computer Graphics 1 LMU Munich SS20



Affine Map

Iden)ty Transla)on Scaling

Rota)on Euler Angles Issue: Gimbal Lock Quaternions

Camera Map

Camera Transla)on Camera Rota)on Orthographic

Perspec)ve Applica)on: Dolly Zoom


CSG Boolean opera)on


Curves Bézier Curves Algebraic formula

de-Casteljau algorithm Surface Bézier Patches

Tri v.s. Quads

Manifold v.s. Non-manifold Normals Face normal

Vertex normal

Mesh Sampling (LOD)

Upsampling Loop Subdivision Downsampling

Vertex Clustering Edge Collapse

Progressive Polygon Reduc)on Point Cloud



View frustum culling


Bounding Volume Hierarchy Axis-aligned Bounding Box Back face culling

Occlusion culling

Clipping Cohen & Sutherland algorithm Liang-Barsky Algorithm

Occlusion Depth buffer Z-buffering Z-figh)ng Frame buffer


Lines Bresenham algorithm Polygons Scan line algorithm

Pixel Sampling



Wu’s Algorithm

Super sampling


Graphics API: three.js

Renderer Scene Camera


OrthographicCamera Perspec)veCamera Mesh


PlaneGeometry SphereGeometry CylinderGeometry ...


MeshPhongMaterial ShaderMaterial


Graphics API: OpenGL 4.5

Drawing Mode

Programmable Shaders

Vertex Shader Fragment Shader Geometry Shader Compute Shader

GLSL 3.0

in out

abribute uniform discard gl_Posi)on ...

GPU Interac)on

Input Devices World Naviga)on Moving Modes

Objects Interac)on

Anima)on 12 Principles

Squash and stretch An)cipa)on Staging Straight ahead and pose-to-pose

Follow through Ease-in and ease-out Arcs Secondary ac)on Timing Exaggera)on Solid drawings Appeal

Techniques Key framing

Linear Interpola)on Spline Interpola)on

Mo)on Capturing Simula)on Inverse Kinema)cs

Par)cle systems

Rendering Texturing

Texture map Braycentric interpola)on

Texture coordinates Texture color Normal vectors


Texture Sampling Magnifica)on

Nearest Bilinear Bicubic

Minifica)on Mipmap

Level Trilinear Interpola)on

Anisotropic Filtering

Environment map Spherical environment map

Bump map

Shadowing Shadow map

Shading Lights

Point Light Area Light Direc)onal Light


The Blinn-Phong Reflec)on Model Ambient

Ambient Shading Hypothesis

Diffuse Lamber)an Diffuse Term

Specular Blinn-Phong Specular Term

Shading Frequency Flat Shading

Per Face

Gouraud Shading Per Vertex

Phong Shading Per Pixel

Global Illumina)on Ray Cas)ng

Ray equa)on Ray intersec)on with triangles

Light transporta)on Radiocity

Radiant energy Flux Radiant intensity

Irradiance Radiance

The reflectance equa)on BRDF

Lamber)an Glossy Reflec)ve / Refrac)ve Microfacet

The rendering equa)on Direct Illumina)on

Indirect Iluumina)on Bounce Exploding

Whibed-style ray tracing

Path tracing Monte-carlo Integra)on

Russian Roulebe Light Sampling Noise Reduc)on



Beim Hardware Instancing mit einem Geometry Shader liegt der Vorteil gegenüber den anderen beiden Methoden darin, dass es nur einen Rende- ringaufruf gibt und der Vertex Shader nur

Um die Shader der OpenGL Shading Language in eine f ¨ur die Grafikhard- ware verst¨andliche Maschinencode-Form zu bringen, m ¨ussen Vertex und Fragment Shader einzeln kompiliert

1.  Render virtual scene (e.g., game) without translucent objects 2.  Compute summed area table from frame buffer.. 3.  Render translucent object (using fragment shader): replace

§  Central idea: construct new object by set operations performed on simple, volumetric objects → constructive solid geometry (CSG). §  Simple primitives: all objects

-  For each fragment, determine if the point lies in the brick or in the mortar on the basis of the x/y coordinates of the corresponding point in the object’s space. -  After

A regular (n,m,g)-mesh is a closed, orientable mesh, with genus g, where each facet has exactly n edges, and each vertex has exactly degree m.. One of our recent work [Srinivasan

Manifold: Each edge is incident to one or two faces, and faces incident to a vertex from a closed or open fan... LMU Munich CG1 SS20 | mimuc.de/cg1.

I Problem: Generalit¨ at - Vertex und Fragment Operationen haben unterschiedliche Charakteristiken ⇒ Unified Shader Cores daher genereller als “Special Purpose Cores”.. I