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Dear students, Here are tasks in order to practice and improve your English skills. Please do them carefully. (


Academic year: 2021

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Dear students,

Here are tasks in order to practice and improve your English skills. Please do them carefully. (Bitte nehmt die Aufgaben ernst um am Ball zu bleiben.)

revision part: Hier findet ihr Aufgaben zur Festigung von Themen, an denen wir in den vergangenen Stunden gearbeitet haben.

Links: Hier könnt ihr (je nach Möglichkeit und technischer Ausstattung zu Hause) Aufgaben üben, welche auch gleich korrigiert oder als Lösung angeboten werden. Generell seid ihr gern dazu eingeladen auf den angegebenen Übungsseiten im Internet eigenständig Übungen durchzuführen.

new unit: Hier wird an der neuen Unit weitergearbeitet.

Whenever you have difficulties to understand expressions or tasks, don’t hesitate to use a dictionary or translating tools from the internet. I’m sure you can handle it. (Nutzt Hilfen, die euch zur

Verfügung stehen. Ihr könnt Wörter nachschlagen oder Hilfe auf Übersetzungshilfen im Internet suchen)

I’m looking forward to hopefully seeing you again in good health in a few weeks.

I. Khati

1 Revision (Word order)

Last week we revised how to make correct English sentences. Remember there should always be:

Subject – Verb – Object (danach: Art und Weise vor Ort vor Zeit

Task: The following sentences are wrong. Write them down in the correct word order. (Schreibe die korrigierte Form der Sätze in den ‘exercise part’ deines Heftes.

Word order

1 I don't know where is it.

2 I was all day at home.

3 Anna has a life very complicated.

4 It's the place most beautiful I know.

5 I have seen her only a few times.

6 He has always an apple after lunch.

7 She never is late.

8 She asked him what was it.

9 We heard for a long time the same thing.

10 Yesterday phoned me an English man.


Links for practicing word order Exercise:

https://www.ego4u.de/de/cram-up/grammar/word-order/exercises?02 Theorie und weiterführende Übungen:


2 Revision (Past tense: Simple past or present perfect?)

Complete the sentences with the correct form of simple past or present perfect.

1. I ___________ (see) your mum in town last week.

2. _____________________ (you/ever/meet) my dad?

3. Where __________________ (you/be) last weekend?

4. We ________________ (not/go) on holiday last year.

5. I love clothes. I ______________ (buy) a lot last weekend.

6. What _____________ (you/do) last weekend?

7. Dad ______________ (repair) my computer, we can use it now.

8. We still _________________ (not/finished) dinner yet.

9. Where ______________ (you/buy) that shirt?

10. Oh! You ______________ (paint) your room, I like the colour.

11. What time _______________ (you/get) home last night?

12. Emma! You ___________________ (not, do) your homework yet!

13. The weather ______________ (be) rainy when we were in Italy.

14. ___________ you already __________ (finish) your test?

Links for practicing word order Exercise:

https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/uebungen/zeiten/simple_past_present_perfect.htm https://www.ego4u.de/de/cram-up/grammar/simpas-preper/exercises?ex07 https://www.ego4u.de/de/cram-up/grammar/simpas-preper/exercises?ex08

3 Sports and more: Who needs legs? (Reading skills)

1 Look at the new vocabulary on page 173 – 174 (hard-working) and write it into your vocabulary part.

2 Read the text on page 66.

3 Answer the following questions in sentences (Write them into your part ‘exercise’ in your folder) 1 When and where was Nathan born?

2 What sports did he do as a little boy?

3 What does the name Nathan mean?

4 What sports activities did he do?

5 What did he get for his ninth birthday?

6 Where did he go on his ninth birthday?

4 What did he try to do there?



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