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Maximal regularity for the thermoelastic plate equations with free boundary conditions


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Universität Konstanz

Maximal regularity for the thermoelastic plate equations with free boundary conditions

Robert Denk Yoshihiro Shibata

Konstanzer Schriften in Mathematik Nr. 352, März 2016

ISSN 1430-3558

© Fachbereich Mathematik und Statistik Universität Konstanz

Fach D 197, 78457 Konstanz, Germany

Konstanzer Online-Publikations-System (KOPS) URL: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:352-0-325845


Maximal regularity for the thermoelastic plate equations with free boundary conditions

Robert Denk

and Yoshihiro Shibata

February 25, 2016


We consider the linear thermoelastic plate equations with free boundary conditions in theLpin time andLq in space setting. We obtain unique solvability with optimal regularity for the inhomo- geneous problem in a uniformC4-domain, which includes the cases of a bounded domain and of an exterior domain with C4-boundary. Moreover, we prove uniform a priori-estimates for the solution.

The proof is based on the existence ofR-bounded solution operators of the corresponding generalized resolvent problem which is shown with the help of an operator-valued Fourier multiplier theorem due to Weis.

1 I ntroduction

Let Ω be a domain in theN-dimensional Euclidean spaceRN with boundary Γ. In the present paper we consider the linearized thermoelastic plate equations given by

utt+ ∆2u+ ∆θ=f1 in (0,∞)×Ω,

θt−∆θ−∆ut=f2 in (0,∞)×Ω (1-1)

with initial conditions

u|t=0 =u0 in Ω, ut|t=0 =u1 in Ω, θ|t=00 in Ω.

(1-2) In (1-1)–(1-2), we omit all physical constants for simplicity of presentation. These equations model the behaviour of a thin plate with the elastic properties being influenced by the temperature (see, e.g., [14]).

In (1-1),u=u(t, x) stands for the vertical displacement at timetand at the pointx= (x1, . . . , xN)∈Ω while θ = θ(t, x) describes the temperature relative to a constant reference temperature. For (1-1), several boundary conditions are of interest, see, e.g. [15] for a survey on physically relevant boundary conditions. In the present paper, we consider free boundary conditions which are given by

∆u−(1−β)∆0u+θ=g1 on (0,∞)×Γ,

ν ∆u+ (1−β)∆0u+θ

=g2 on (0,∞)×Γ,

νθ=g3 on (0,∞)×Γ.


Universit¨at Konstanz, Fachbereich f¨ur Mathematik und Statistik, 78457 Konstanz, Germany e-mail address: robert.denk@uni-konstanz.de

Department of Mathematics and Research Institute of Science and Engineering Waseda University, Ohkubo 3-4-1, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8555, Japan.

e-mail address: yshibata@waseda.jp

Partially supported by JSPS Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research (S) # 24224004 and Top Global University Project Subjectclass(2010): 35K35; 35J40; 42B15

Keywords: Thermoelastic plate equations; generation of analytic semigroups; maximalLp-Lq regularity; R-bounded solution operator, operator-valued Fourier multipliers


In (1-3),β ∈[0,1) is a parameter which is fixed throughout this paper, ∆ and ∆0 stand for the Laplace operator in Ω and the Laplace-Beltrami operator on Γ, respectively, and ∂ν denotes the derivative in outer normal direction. Note that the termθcan be omitted in the second line of (1-3) if we replaceg2


There is a rich literature on the thermoelastic plate equations under various kinds of boundary conditions. Exponential stability of the associated semigroup in L2 (in the case of a bounded domain) has been proved by Kim [12], Munos Rivera and Racke [22], Liu and Zheng [21], Lasiecka and Triggiani [15] –[16], and Shibata [26]. For a survey on general von Karman evolution equations, we refer to Chuesov and Lasiecka [2]. It turns out that the generated semigroup is even analytic, see also Liu and Renardy [20], Liu and Liu [18], and Liu and Yong [19] in the L2-setting. This means that the effect from the heat equation inθis strong enough to obtain analytic behaviour of the whole system although the first equation in (1-1) is a simply dispersive equation (the product of two Schr¨odinger equations) with respect tou.

Most of the results mentioned above are obtained in an L2-setting, where energy methods are avail- able. However, as the original equations modelling thermoelastic plates are non-linear, anLp-approach is also relevant in order to handle equations with low regularity of the data. Therefore, several results on (1-1) inLp-spaces were obtained. In the whole-space case, analyticity of the generated semigroup in Lp was shown by Denk and Racke [4]. In the case of the half-space and of bounded domains, equations (1-1) with Dirichlet boundary conditions

u=∂νu=θ= 0 on (0,∞)×Γ

were studied by Naito and Shibata [24] and by Naito [23]. It was shown that in Lp an analytic C0- semigroup is generated and that even maximal Lp-Lq-regularity holds which is the key property for the analysis of the non-linear equations. By Denk, Racke and Shibata [5], [6] energy estimates for the generated semigroup inLq were shown.

The proof of maximal Lp-regularity for the linearized system and a rather complete analysis of the non-linear thermoelastic plate equations can be found in a recent paper by Lasiecka and Wilke [17]. In that paper, the boundary conditions

u= ∆u=θ= 0 on (0,∞)×Γ

are studied. From a mathematical point of view, these boundary conditions are easier to handle. This is due to the fact that the operator ∆2 appearing in the first line of (1-1) can then be interpreted as the square of the Dirichlet-Laplace operator, and solvability of (1-1) can be shown by abstract operator- theoretic methods. For the boundary conditions (1-3) studied in the present paper, such an abstract approach seems to be not available, and one needs a thorough analysis of the (localized) solution opera- tors.

The purpose of this paper is to prove maximalLp-Lq-regularity of the initial boundary value problem (1-1)-(1-3). In our approach, setting v = ut we rewrite (1-1) as a first-order system acting on U = (u, v, θ)>, whereM> denotes the transposed ofM, and being of the form

Ut−A(D)U =F in (0, T)×Ω, B(D)U =G on (0, T)×Γ, U|t=0=U0 in Ω (1-4) with operator-matricesA(D) andB(D) being defined by

A(D) :=

0 1 0

−∆2 0 −∆

0 ∆ ∆

, B(D) :=

∆−(1−β)∆0 0 1

ν(∆ + (1−β)∆0) 0 0

0 0 ∂ν


SettingF = (0, f1, f2)>,U0= (u0, u1, θ0)>,G= (g1, g2, g3)>, andU = (u, ut, θ)>in (1-4) represents the equations (1-1)-(1-3). To prove maximalLp-Lq-regularity of problem (1-4), we prove the existence of an R-bounded solution operator of the problem:

λU−A(D)U =F in Ω, B(D)U =G on Γ (1-5)

with F = (0, f1, f2)> ∈ Lq(Ω)2 and G = (g1, g2, g3)> ∈ Hq2(Ω)×Hq1(Ω)2, which is the generalized resolvent problem corresponding to problem (1-4).


To state the main results pricesely, at this point we introduce several symbols used throughout the paper. N, R, andC denote the sets of all natural numbers, real numbers, and complex numbers, respectively. SetN0=N∪ {0}. For any multi-indexκ= (κ1, . . . , κN)∈NN0, we write|κ|=κ1+· · ·+κN and ∂xκ = ∂1κ1· · ·∂NκN with ∂i = ∂/∂xi. For any scalar function f and vector-valued function g = (g1, . . . , gk), let

∇f = (∂1f, . . . , ∂Nf), ∇`f = (∂xαf | |α|=`),

∇g= (∂igj|i= 1, . . . , N, j= 1, . . . , k), ∇`g= (∇`g1, . . . ,∇`gk).

For any domain D, let Lq(D), Hqm(D) (m ∈ N) and Bq,ps (D) (s∈ (0,∞)\N) be the Lebesgue space, Sobolev space and Besov space, whilek·kLq(D),k·kHqm(D)andk·kBsq,p(D)denote their norms, respectively.

We write Hq0(D) =Lq(D) andBsqq(D) =Wqs(D). Let X andY be Banach spaces, and letL(X, Y) be the space of all bounded linear operators fromX to Y. We use the abbreviationL(X) =L(X, X). For an intervalJ = (0, T) with T ∈(0,∞], Lp(J, X) denotes the X-valued Lebesgue space andHpm(J, X) (m∈N) theX-valued Sobolev space, whilek · kLp(J,X)andk · kHm

p(J,X)denote their norms, respectively.

For any domain V in C, C(V, X) denotes the set of all X-valued functions f = f(λ) defined for λ = γ+iτ ∈V which are continuously differentiable with respect toτ whenλ∈V. Let Σϑand Σϑ,λ0 be the sets inCdefined by

Σϑ:={λ∈C\ {0} | |argλ|< ϑ}, Σϑ,λ0 :={λ∈Σϑ| |λ| ≥λ0} (1-6) for any 0< ϑ≤πandλ0>0. LetXd={f = (f1, . . . , fd)> |fi ∈X (i= 1, . . . , d)}, while the norm of Xd is written byk · kX instead ofk · kXd for short. In particular, we write


q(D)×Hq`(D)2 =kg1kHm

q(D)+k(g2, g3)kH`

q(D) forG= (g1, g2, g3)> ∈Hqm(D)×Hq`(D)2. Let

Gq(D) :={(F, G)|F = (0, f1, f2)>, (f1, f2)∈Lq(D)2, G= (g1, g2, g3)>∈Hq2(D)×Hq1(D)2}, k(F, G)kGq(D):=k(f1, f2)kLq(D)+kGkHq2(D)×Hq1(D)2,

Xq(Ω) :={H= (F0, G, G0, g001)| F0 = (f1, f2)>∈Lq(Ω)2,

G= (g1, g2, g3)> ∈Hq2(Ω)×Hq1(Ω)2, G0= (g01, g20, g03)>∈Hq1(Ω)×Lq(Ω)2, g001 ∈Lq(Ω)}, kHkXq(D):=k(f1, f2)kLq(D)+kGkH2


q(D)×Lq(D)2+kg100kLq(D). (1-7) For any λ ∈ C and (F, G) ∈ Gq(D), let Hλ(F, G) := (f1, f2, G, λ1/2G, λg1) with F = (0, f1, f2)> and G= (g1, g2, g3)>. In particular, G0 and g001 are the corresponding variables toλ1/2Gand λg1. For any exponent q∈(1,∞), let q0 =q/(q−1) be the dual exponent ofq. The lettersC and c denote generic positive constants and the constant Ca,b,... depends on a, b, . . .. The values of the constantsC, c and Ca,b,... may change from line to line.

Next, we introduce two definitions (see, e.g., [3], [13]).

Definition 1.1. A family T ⊂ L(X, Y) of operators is called R-bounded if for one (and then all) p∈[1,∞) there exists a constantC >0 such that for allm∈N, (Tk)k=1,...,m⊂ T, and (xk)k=1,...,m⊂X we have















Here the Rademacher functions rk, k ∈N, are given by rk: [0,1]→ {−1,1}, t7→ sign(sin(2kπt)). The smallest suchC is called theR-bound ofT onL(X, Y) which is written byRL(X,Y)(T) in what follows.

Note that we omit the dependence onpin the notation of theR-bound.

Definition 1.2. A domain Ω is called a uniformC4-domain if there exist positive constantsα,β andK such that for anyx0∈Γ there exist a coordinate numberj and aC4-functionh(x0) defined onBα0(x00) such thatkhkH4

(Bα0(x00))≤K and

Ω∩Bβ(x0) ={x∈RN |xj> h(x0) (x0∈B0α(x00))} ∩Bβ(x0), Γ∩Bβ(x0) ={x∈RN |xj=h(x0) (x0∈B0α(x00))} ∩Bβ(x0).


Here,x0 has been defined byx0= (x1, . . . , xj−1, xj+1, . . . , xN) forx= (x1, . . . , xN), Bα0(x00) ={x0 ∈RN−1| |x0−x00|< α}, Bβ(x0) ={x∈RN | |x−x0|< β}.

In what follows, Ω is assumed to be a uniform C4-domain. Let ι : L1,loc(Ω) → L1,loc(RN) be an extension operator possessing the following properties:

(e-1) For any 1 < q < ∞ and f ∈ Hqi(Ω) we have ιf ∈ Hqi(RN), ιf = f in Ω and kιfkHi q(RN) ≤ CqkfkHi

q(Ω) fori= 0, , . . . ,4.

(e-2) For any 1< q <∞andf ∈Hq1(Ω),k(1−∆)−1/2ι(∇f)kLq(RN)≤CqkfkLq(Ω).

Here, (1−∆)−1/2 is the operator defined by (1−∆)−1/2f =F−1[(1 +|ξ|2)−1/2Ff] with the help of the Fourier transformF and its inverse transformF−1defined by

(Fϕ)(ξ) = Z


ϕ(x)e−ixξdx (ξ∈Rn), (F−1ϕ)(x) = 1 (2π)n



ϕ(ξ)eixξdξ (x∈Rn).

For the existence of such an extension operator, we refer, e.g., to Schade and Shibata [25, Appendix A].

In what follows, suchιis fixed. LetW−1q (Ω) be the space defined by W−1q (Ω) =

f ∈L1,loc(Ω)| kfkW−1

q (Ω)=k(1−∆)−1/2ιfkLq(RN)<∞ . Finally, we state the main results of this paper.

Theorem 1.3 (MaximalLp-Lq-regularity). Let T >0. Let 1< p, q <∞. Assume thatΩis a uniform C4-domain in RN. Then, there exists a number λ1 such that for any initial data U0 = (u0, u1, θ0)> ∈ Bq,p4−2/p(Ω)×Bq,p2−2/p(Ω)2, right-hand sideF = (0, f1, f2)> with(f1, f2)>∈Lp((0, T), Lq(Ω)2)and bound- ary data G= (g1, g2, g3)> with

G∈Hp1((0, T), Lq(Ω)×W−1q (Ω)2)∩Lp((0, T), Hq2(Ω)×Hq1(Ω)2)

satisfying the compatibility condition: G|t=0 =B(D)U0 on Ω, problem (1-4) admits a unique solution U = (u, ut, θ)> with





Hp`((0, T), Hq4−2`(Ω)), θ∈




Hp`((0, T), Hq2−2`(Ω)) possessing the estimate:





p((0,T),H4−2`q (Ω))+







q,p (Ω)+kθ0kB2−2/p q,p (Ω)

+k(f1, f2)kLp((0,T),Lq(Ω)2)+kGkLp((0,T),H2


p((0,T),Lq(Ω)×W−1q (Ω)2)


with some positive constantγ >0independent of T.

Concerning the compatibility conditions, we remark that G|t=0 and B(D)U0 both belong to the space Bqp2−2/p(Ω)×(Bpq1−2/p(Ω))2 in the case p > 2. For simplicity, we assume that the compatibility conditions holds in Ω. In view of the nonlinear equation, we typically assume 2< p <∞, N < q <∞, and 2/p+N/q < 1. In this case, the traces of G|t=0 and B(D)U0 on the boundary exist, and the compatibility condition can be formulated with respect to these traces.

In this paper, to prove Theorem 1.3, we prove the existence ofR-bounded solution operators associ- ated with problem (1-5). Namely, we prove


Theorem 1.4 (Existence of R-bounded solution operators). Let 1 < q < ∞. Assume that Ω is a uniform C4-domain in RN. Let Gq(Ω) and Xq(Ω) be defined as in (1-7). Then, there exist a number ϑ > π/2, a positive numberλ0, and an operator family Bi(λ) (i= 1,2) with

B1(λ)∈ C(Σϑ,λ0,L(Xq(Ω), Hq4(Ω))), B2(λ)∈ C(Σϑ,λ0,L(Xq(Ω), Hq2(Ω))),

such that problem(1-5)admits a unique solutionU =B(λ)Hλ(F, G)withB(λ) = (B1(λ), λB1(λ),B2(λ))>

for any(F, G)∈Gq(Ω) andλ∈Σϑ,λ0, where Hλ(F, G) = (f1, f2, G, λ1/2G, λg1)forF= (0, f1, f2)> and G= (g1, g2, g3)>, and there hold the estimates:


q(Ω),Hq4−j(Ω))({(τ ∂τ)sj/2B1(λ))|λ∈Σϑ,λ0})≤C (s= 0,1, j = 0,1,2,3,4), RL(X

q(Ω),Hq2−j(Ω))({(τ ∂τ)sj/2B2(λ))|λ∈Σϑ,λ0})≤C (s= 0,1, j = 0,1,2). (1-8)

2 A nalysis in the whole space

The purpose of this section is to prove the existence of anR-bounded solution operator associated with the resolvent problem:

λU−A(D)U =F in RN (2-1)

withF = (0, f1, f2)>. One main tool for the proof is the following lemma due to Denk and Schnaubelt [7, Lemma 2.1] and Enomoto and Shibata [9, Theorem 3.3].

Lemma 2.1. Let 1 < q < ∞ and let Λ be a set in C. Let m = m(λ, ξ) be a function defined on Λ×(RN\ {0})which is infinitely differentiable with respect toξ∈RN\ {0} for eachλ∈Λ. Assume that for any multi-indexα∈NN0 there exists a constantCα depending onαandΛsuch that

|∂ξαm(λ, ξ)| ≤Cα|ξ|−|α| (2-2)

for any (λ, ξ)∈Λ×(RN \ {0}). Let Kλ be an operator defined by Kλf =Fξ−1[m(λ, ξ)Ff(ξ)]. Then, the family of operators {Kλ|λ∈Λ}isR-bounded on L(Lq(RN))and

RL(Lq(RN))({Kλ|λ∈Λ})≤Cq,N max

|α|≤N+1Cα (2-3)

with some constantCq,N depending only onq andN. The symbol of the operator matrixA(D) is given by

A(ξ) :=

0 1 0

−|ξ|4 0 |ξ|2 0 −|ξ|2 −|ξ|2


i.e., we haveA(D) =F−1A(·)F. Thus, by the Fourier transform equation (2-1) is transformed to

(λI−A(ξ)) ˆU(ξ) = ˆF(ξ) (2-4)

with ˆU = (Fu,Fv,Fθ)> and ˆF = (0,Ff1,Ff2)>. The analysis of the inverse matrix (λI−A(ξ))−1 was essentially done in [24]. As we need some variants of the results in [24], we summarize the main properties of (λI−A(ξ))−1 and give a short indication of the proofs.

In the following, defineγ1, γ2, γ3 by the equality

p(t) :=t3+t2+ 2t+ 1 = (t+γ1)(t+γ2)(t+γ3) (2-5) with γ1 ∈ R, γ2 = ¯γ3 and Imγ2 >0. Then γ1 ∈ (0,1), Reγ2 = Reγ3 ∈(0,12), and det(λ−A(ξ)) = Q3

j=1(λ+γj|ξ|2) (see [24, Lemma 2.3]). Letϑ0> π/2 andϑ1> π/2 be chosen in such a way that λγ−1i ∈Σϑ1 (i= 1,2,3) forλ∈Σϑ0. (2-6)


Then the inequality

|λγi−1+|ξ|2| ≥c(|λ|+|ξ|2) (2-7) holds for anyλ∈Σϑ0 andξ∈RN with some positive constantc.

It was shown in [24, Section 2] that for allλ∈Σϑ0 we have (λI−A(ξ))−1= 1


λ(λ+|ξ|2) +|ξ|4 λ+|ξ|2 |ξ|2

−(λ+|ξ|2)|ξ|4 λ(λ+|ξ|2) λ|ξ|2

|ξ|6 −λ|ξ|2 λ2+|ξ|4

. Sinceγ1γ2γ3= 1 as follows from Vieta’s formula, we have det(λI−A(ξ)) =Q3

i=1(λγi−1+|ξ|2), and then a solutionU = (u, λu, θ)> of problem (2-1) is given byU =F−1 (λI−A(ξ))−1Ff(ξ)

, i.e., u(x) =F−1h λ+|ξ|2


i=1(λγ−1i +|ξ|2)Ff1(ξ)i

+F−1h |ξ|2 Q3

i=1(λγi−1+|ξ|2)Ff2(ξ)i , θ(x) =−F−1h λ|ξ|2



+F−1h λ2+|ξ|4 Q3

i=1(λγ−1i +|ξ|2)Ff2(ξ)i .


Let the operatorS0(λ) acting onf be defined by S0(λ)f :=F−1hY3



Ff(ξ)i . By Lemma 2.1 and (2-7),



(τ ∂τ)sj/2xαS0(λ))|λ∈Σϑ0

o≤Cj,α (s= 0,1) (2-9) forj∈N0andα∈NN0 withj+|α|= 6. Moreover, by (2-8)u=S1(λ)Fandθ=S2(λ)F forF = (f1, f2)>


S1(λ)F := (λ−∆)S0(λ)f1−∆S0(λ)f2, S2(λ)F :=λ∆S0(λ)f1+ (λ2+ ∆2)S0(λ)f2.

At this point, we introduce some fundamental properties ofR-bounded operators and Bourgain’s results concerning Fourier multiplier theorems with scalar multiplier.

Proposition 2.2. a) LetX andY be Banach spaces, and letT andSbeR-bounded families inL(X, Y).

Then, T +S={T+S |T ∈ T, S∈ S}is also anR-bounded family inL(X, Y)and RL(X,Y)(T +S)≤ RL(X,Y)(T) +RL(X,Y)(S).

b) LetX,Y andZ be Banach spaces, and letT andS beR-bounded families inL(X, Y)andL(Y, Z), respectively. Then, ST ={ST |T∈ T, S∈ S}also anR-bounded family inL(X, Z) and

RL(X,Z)(ST)≤ RL(X,Y)(T)RL(Y,Z)(S).

c) Let 1 < p, q < ∞ and let D be a domain in RN. Let m =m(λ) be a bounded function defined on a subset Λ in C and let Mm(λ) be a map defined by Mm(λ)f =m(λ)f for any f ∈Lq(D). Then, RL(Lq(D))({Mm(λ)|λ∈Λ})≤CN,q,DkmkL(Λ).

d) Let n = n(τ) be a C1-function defined on R\ {0} that satisfies the conditions |n(τ)| ≤ γ and

|τ n0(τ)| ≤ γ with some constant c > 0 for any τ ∈ R\ {0}. Let Tn be the operator-valued Fourier multiplier defined by Tnf =F−1(nF[f])for any f with F[f]∈D(R, Lq(D)). Then,Tn is extended to a bounded linear operator from Lp(R, Lq(D)) into itself. Moreover, denoting this extension also by Tn, we have


Here,D(R, Lq(D))denotes the set of allLq(D)-valued C-functions on Rwith compact support.


Proof. The assertions a) and b) follow from [3, p.28, Proposition 3.4], and the assertions c) and d) follow from [3, p.27, Remarks 3.2] (see also Bourgain [1]).


ξα(τ ∂τ)s λj/2(iξ)β Q3



for anys∈ {0,1},j ∈N0 andβ ∈NN0 with j+|β|= 6 and (λ, ξ)∈Σϑ0×(RN \ {0}) as follows from (2-7), by Lemma 2.1 and Proposition 2.2 a),

RL(Lq(RN))({(τ ∂τ)sj/2xα(λ−∆)S0(λ))|λ∈Σϑ0})≤γ0 (s= 0,1, j= 0,1,2,3,4 j+|α|= 4), RL(Lq(RN))({(τ ∂τ)sj/2xα∆S0(λ))|λ∈Σϑ0})≤γ0 (s= 0,1, j= 0,1,2,3,4, j+|α|= 4), RL(Lq(RN))({(τ ∂τ)sj/2xα(λ∆S0(λ)))|λ∈Σϑ0})≤γ0 (s= 0,1, j = 0,1,2, j+|α|= 2), RL(Lq(RN))({(τ ∂τ)sj/2xα2+ ∆2)S0(λ))|λ∈Σϑ0})≤γ0 (s= 0,1, j= 0,1,2, j+|α|= 2) for some constantγ0>0. Combined with Proposition 2.2 c), this yields the following result.

Theorem 2.3. Let 1 < q < ∞ and λ0 >0. Let ϑ0 be the number given in (2-6). Then, there exist operator families Si(λ) (i= 1,2) with

S1∈ C(Σϑ00,L(Lq(RN)2, Hq4(RN))), S2∈ C(Σϑ00,L(Lq(RN)2, Hq2(RN)))

such that problem (2-1)admits a unique solutionU = (S1(λ)F0, λS1(λ)F0,S2(λ)F0)> for anyλ∈Σϑ00 andF = (0, f1, f2)> with F0= (f1, f2)>∈Lq(RN)2, and there hold the estimates:



(τ ∂τ)sj/2S1(λ))|λ∈Σϑ00 ≤Cλ0γ0 (s= 0,1, j= 0,1,2,3,4), RL(L


(τ ∂τ)sj/2S2(λ))|λ∈Σϑ00 ≤Cλ0γ0 (s= 0,1, j= 0,1,2), with some constantCλ0 >0.

3 S olution operators in the half-space

Let RN+ ={x = (x1, . . . , xN) ∈ RN | xN > 0} and RN0 = {x= (x1, . . . , xN) ∈ RN | xN = 0}. The purpose of this section is to prove the existence of R-bounded solution operators of the generalized resolvent problem:

λU−A(D)U =F inRN+, B(D)U =G onRN0 (3-1) in the half-space RN+ with U = (u, λu, θ)>, F = (0, f1, f2)> and G = (g1, g2, g3)>. The boundary condition in (3-1) is represented componentwise by

∆u−(1−β)∆0u+θ=g1 onRN0 ,

N(∆u+ (1−β)∆0u) =g2 onRN0 ,

Nθ=g3 onRN0 .


Here, ∆0=PN−1

j=1j2. Then, the main result of this section is

Theorem 3.1. Let 1< q <∞ andλ0>0. Then, there exist a numberϑ > π/2 and operator families Ti(λ) (i= 1,2)with

T1∈ C(Σϑ,L(Xq(RN+), Hq4(RN+))), T2∈ C(Σϑ,L(Xq(RN+), Hq2(RN+))) such that problem (3-1)admits a unique solution

U = T1(λ)Hλ(F, G), λT1(λ)Hλ(F, G),T2(λ)Hλ(F, G)>


for any (F, G)∈Gq(RN+)andλ∈Σϑ, and there hold the estimates:



(τ ∂τ)sj/2T1(λ))|λ∈Σϑ,λ0 ≤CN,q,λ0 (s= 0,1, j= 0,1,2,3,4), RL(X


(τ ∂τ)sj/2T2(λ))|λ∈Σϑ,λ0 ≤CN,q,λ0 (s= 0,1, j= 0,1,2).

In what follows, we prove Theorem 3.1. Let ιh be the Lions extension operator of the form:

hf](x) :=

(f(x0, xN) (xN >0), P6

j=1ajf(x0,−jxN) (xN <0), (3-3) for any givenf onRN+, wherex0= (x1, . . . , xN−1), andaj are real numbers satisfying the relations:




(−j)kaj = 1 fork=−1,0,1, . . . ,4.

LetS(λ) = (S1(λ),S2(λ))> be the solution operator given in Theorem 2.3, and let the operatorS+(λ) = (S+1(λ),S+2(λ))> acting onF0= (f1, f2)∈Lq(RN+)2 be defined by

S+i(λ)F0=Si(λ)(ιhF0) (i= 1,2). (3-4) Obviously,

V = S+1(λ)(ιhF0), λS+1(λ)(ιhF0),S+2(λ)(ιhF0)>

satisfies the equation: λV −A(D)V =F inRN+ withF = (0, f1, f2)> and the estimate:


q(RN+)2,Hq4−j(RN+))({(τ ∂τ)sj/2S+1(λ))|λ∈Σϑ00})≤Cλ0 (s= 0,1, j= 0,1,2,3,4), RL(L

q(RN+)2,Hq2−j(RN+))({(τ ∂τ)sj/2S+2(λ))|λ∈Σϑ00})≤Cλ0 (s= 0,1, j= 0,1,2). (3-5) SettingU =V+W yields thatW should solve the equations (3-1) replacingFandGby 0 andG−B(D)V. Since the second component ofW coincides withλtimes the first component, in what follows, it suffices to consider the equations:

λ2u+ ∆2u+ ∆θ= 0, λθ−∆θ−λ∆u= 0 inRN+ (3-6) with non-homogeneous boundary condition (3-2).

Applying partial Fourier transform

F0[u](ξ0, xN) :=



u(x0, xN)e−ix0ξ0dx0,

whereξ0 = (ξ1, . . . , ξN−1), to (3-6) and (3-2) yields an ordinary differential equation system inxN >0:

λ2w+ (∂N2 − |ξ0|2)2w+ (∂N2 − |ξ0|2)τ= 0 (xN >0), λτ−(∂2

N − |ξ0|2)τ−λ(∂2

N − |ξ0|2)w= 0 (xN >0) (3-7) with initial conditions

(∂N2 − |ξ0|2)w(0) + (1−β)|ξ0|2w(0) +τ(0) =F0[g1](ξ0,0),

N (∂N2 − |ξ0|2)w(0)−(1−β)|ξ0|2w(0)


Nτ(0) =F0[g3](ξ0,0).


Here we have setw(ξ0, xN) = (F0u)(ξ0, xN) andτ(ξ0, xN) = (F0θ)(ξ0, xN).


We find solutions w and τ of (3-7)–(3-8). For this, we use the representation formula of w and τ which was derived in [24, Eq. (3.15)]. There it was shown that every stable solution of (3-7) has the form

w(ξ0, xN, λ) =




Piexp(−Ai0, λ)xN),

τ(ξ0, xN, λ) =−λ




i2+ 2)Piexp(−Ai0, λ)xN).


Hereγ1, γ2, γ3 are given by (2-5). The numbersAi appearing in (3-9) are defined by Ak0, λ) =


λγi−1+|ξ0|2 (k= 1,2,3), (3-10) andP1, P2, P3are constants which will determined later by the boundary conditions. Inserting (3-9) into the boundary conditions (3-8), we get a linear equation system for the coefficientsPi:




(A2i −β|ξ0|2−λ(γi2+ 2))Pi=F0[g1](ξ0,0),




(−A3i +Ai(2−β)|ξ0|2)Pi=F0[g2](ξ0,0),




λAii2+ 2)Pi=F0[g3](ξ0,0).

NotingA2i =λγi−1+|ξ0|2andγi−1−γi2−2 = γ1

i(1−γi3−2γi) =−γi byp(−γi) = 0, the linear equations above are re-written of the form:

∆(ξ0, λ)(P1, P2, P3)>= (F0[g1](ξ0,0),F0[g2](ξ0,0),F0[g3](ξ0,0))> (3-11) with

∆(ξ0, λ) :=

−γ1λ+ζ −γ2λ+ζ −γ3λ+ζ A1(−γλ

1 +ζ) A2(−γλ

2 +ζ) A3(−γλ

3 +ζ) λA121+ 2) λA222+ 2) λA332+ 2)

. (3-12)

Hereζ:= (1−β)|ξ0|2. The matrix ∆(ξ0, λ) is called the Lopatinski˘ı matrix of (3-6), (3-2).

It is the most important of this paper to analyze the inverse matrix of the Lopatinski˘ı matrix. For this purpose, we introduce some classes of multipliers.

Definition 3.2. LetV be a domain inC, let Ξ⊂(RN−1\{0})×V, and letm: Ξ→C,(ξ0, λ)7→m(ξ0, λ) beC1 with respect toτ (whereλ=γ+iτ) andC with respect toξ0.

(1) m(ξ0, λ) is called a multiplier of orderswith type 1 on Ξ if there hold the estimates:

|∂ξκ00m(ξ0, λ)| ≤Cκ0(|λ|1/2+|ξ0|)s−|κ0|, |∂ξκ00(τ ∂τm(ξ0, λ))| ≤Cκ0(|λ|1/2+|ξ0|)s−|κ0| (3-13) for any multi-indexκ0∈NN0−1 and (ξ0, λ)∈Ξ with some constantCκ0 depending solely onκ0 and Ξ.

(2) m(ξ0, λ) is called a multiplier of orderswith type 2 on Ξ if there hold the estimates:

|∂ξκ00m(ξ0, λ)| ≤Cκ0(|λ|1/2+|ξ0|)s0|−|κ0|, |∂ξκ00(τ ∂τm(ξ0, λ))| ≤Cκ0(|λ|1/2+|ξ0|)s0|−|κ0|. (3-14) for any multi-indexκ0∈NN0−1 and (ξ0, λ)∈Ξ with some constantCκ0 depending solely onκ0 and Ξ.

Let Ms,i(Ξ) be the set of all multipliers of order s with type i on Ξ (i = 1,2). In the standard case Ξ = (RN−1\ {0})×V, we writeMs,i(V) instead of Ms,i(Ξ).


Obviously, Ms,i(Ξ) are complex vector spaces. Moreover, the following lemma follows from the inequality (|λ|1/2+|ξ0|)−|α0|≤ |ξ0|−|α0|and the Leibniz rule immediately.

Lemma 3.3. Let s1,s2 be two real numbers. Then, the following three assertions hold.

a) Given mi∈Msi,1(Ξ) (i= 1,2), we have m1m2∈Ms1+s2,1(Ξ).

b) Given`i∈Msi,i(Ξ) (i= 1,2), we have `1`2∈Ms1+s2,2(Ξ).

c) Givenni∈Msi,2(Ξ) (i= 1,2), we haven1n2∈Ms1+s2,2(Ξ).

Due to ∂ξα00ξ` = 0 for |α0| ≥1, we have (ξ0, λ)7→ξ` ∈M1,1ϑ0). Similarly, due to∂ξα000|2 = 0 for

0| ≥3 we obtain forζ:= (1−β)|ξ0|2 (see (3-12))

|∂ξα00ζ| ≤C(|λ|1/2+|ξ0|)2−|α0|, (3-15) which yields thatζ∈M2,1ϑ0). Here and in the following,ϑ0 is the number given in (2-6). By (2-7),

c(|λ|1/2+|ξ0|)≤ReAi0, λ)≤ |Ai0, λ)| ≤C(|λ|1/2+|ξ0|) (3-16) with some positive constantscandC, which furnishes that

Ai0, λ)s∈Ms,1ϑ0), (Ai0, λ) +|ξ0|)−1∈M−1,2ϑ0), (3-17) wheresis any real number. The property of the Lopatinski˘ı matrix ∆ is given in

Theorem 3.4. There exists a number π2 < ϑ≤πsuch that the inverse matrix∆(ξ0, λ)−1 exists for any λ∈Σϑ andξ0 ∈RN−1. Let

∆(ξ0, λ)−1= (gij0, λ))i,j=1,2,3. Then,

λgi1∈M0,1ϑ) (i= 1,2,3), λgij∈M−1,1ϑ) (i= 1,2,3, j= 2,3). (3-18) Moreover, there exists a positive constantσ0>0 such that

λgi1∈M0,2ϑ,σ0) (i= 1,2,3),




gi1∈M−2,2ϑ,σ0) (i= 1,2,3),

λgij ∈M−1,2ϑ,σ0) (i= 1,2,3, j= 2,3),




gij ∈M−3,2ϑ,σ0) (i= 1,2,3, j= 2,3)



Ξϑ,σ0 ={(ξ0, λ)∈RN−1×Σϑ00| ≥ |λ|1/2, λ∈Σϑ}. (3-20) The proof of Theorem 3.4 is the highlight of this paper, But, it is postponed to Section 4 and using Theorem 3.4, we are going to investigate the solution operator of the parameter-dependent system (3-6) and (3-2). By (3-9), (3-11) and Theorem 3.4,

w(ξ0, xN, λ) =




e−Ai0,λ)xNgij0, λ)F0[gj](ξ0,0),

τ(ξ0, xN, λ) =−λ




e−Ai0,λ)xNi2+ 2)gij0, λ)F0[gj](ξ0,0).

Let ψ be a C function on R such that ψ(t) = 1 for t < 1 and ψ(t) = 0 for t > 2, and set ϕ00, λ) =ψ(c00|/|λ|1/2) andϕ0, λ) = 1−ϕ00, λ). Note that

ϕ00, λ) =

(1 ifc00| ≤ |λ|1/2,

0 ifc00| ≥2|λ|1/2, ϕ0, λ) =

(0 ifc00| ≤ |λ|1/2,

1 ifc00| ≥2|λ|1/2. (3-21)



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