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On a Definition of the Description Complexity of Finite Systems


Academic year: 2022

Aktie "On a Definition of the Description Complexity of Finite Systems"


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C O W ~ O F ~ ~

Ashot Nersisian


1984 WP-84-4



a r e interim reports on work of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis and have received only limited review. Views or opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of the Institute or of its National Member Organizations.




Most of the systems studied a t


a r e characterized by large numbers of components and by complex interactions. To minimize the problems caused by these factors it is often useful to find t h e most economical (minimal) representation of the system (or of t h e model used t o describe it).

In this paper t h e author, a participant in the 1983


Young Scientists' Summer Program, investigates the problem of finding minimal descriptions of finite deterministic systems with a given accu- racy. An algorithm for obtaining an asymptotically minimal description of discrete systems with constraints on t h e modeling accuracy is pro- pose d.


System and Decision Sciences



Ashot Nersisian



Modern complex systems a r e characterized by large numbers of components and by complicated interactions. When studying such sys- tems, therefore, i t is useful t o consider ways of finding t h e most econom- ical representation of t h e system. The size of t h e minimal representa- tion of a system is usually called its description complexity.

In practice models of complex systems (approximations of a given accuracy) a r e constructed, and these a r e then analyzed r a t h e r than t h e systems themselves. In t h i s case t h e description complexity of a system should be i n t e r p r e t e d a s t h e complexity of its feasible approximation.

If methods for t h e construction of minimal descriptions a r e t o be used in practice, they m u s t be computationally efficient (i.e., they should have polynomial t i m e complexity ).


The time complexity of an algorithm i s the number of computational steps necessary on m y formal machine which carries out letter-by-letter operations.


For probabilistic systems t h e minimal description for a given fidel- ity criterion can be obtained by means of Shannon's rate-distortion theory (Shannon, 1959), which is described in more detail by Berger (1971). However, Shannon's results cannot be applied directly to practi- cal problems because they involve a time complexity of

z ~ ,

where n is the size of the system.

This paper investigates t h e problem of finding minimal descriptions of finite deterministic systems with a given accuracy. Deterministic methods of information compression, developed by Lupanov (1965), Nechiporuk (1985) and Sholomov (1967) for t h e synthesis of logical net- works, a r e used. A particular case of this problem, which deals with t h e description complexity of partially-specified systems, h a s already been analyzed by Nersisian (1981).

An algorithm for obtaining an asymptotically minimal description of discrete systems with constraints on t h e modeling accuracy is proposed.

The time complexity of this algorithm on any formal machine which car- ries out letter-by-letter operations (see Aho, Hopcroft and Ullman, 1976) does not exceed nl*, where n characterizes t h e size of the system a n d 7


0 is an arbitrary constant.





a system


be given by

s =

< V . P > , (1) where V




vj is a s e t of objects and P


) P I , . ..,P, j a collection of relations given on s e t V.


Let a model


of the system be given by

M =

< V , Q > ,

where Q




j is a collection of relations "simpler" than P. It can easily be shown (see, for example, Nersisian, 1981), t h a t a system s u c h as (1) can be represented by a sequence of symbols 2"


( z l , ..., z,) in some finite alphabet

A =

l a l ,


a,{. Similarly, model


of system S c a n be represented by a sequence y"


( Y ~ , ...,y,) in some finite alphabet

B =

ib l,...,bt j. We shall call sequence an approximation (model) of


The accuracy of modeling is determined by several criteria f l....,f N.

Each criterion is characterized by a distortion measure p(d)(a,.bj)


a p ) for each l e t t e r , where 0


C I ~ ) 4 m is t h e "penalty*' incurred by replacing symbol


by symbol b j in the model. The overall distortion on going from sequence


to sequence y" is t h e s u m of t h e distortions for t h e indi- vidual letters:

where w,, is t h e number of positions u for which zu

= q ,



b,. We shall consider the case in which the permitted level of relative distortion


0, d



.... N .

for each criterion f d is given, and approximation y"


y"(z") satisfies t h e constraints:

p ( d ) ( 2 " , g ) r ~ ( d ) n . d = 1 .


N .

This type of approximation will be called 2-accurate, where 3


(~('1, ...,


I t can easily be seen t h a t to satisfy these conditions it is necessary t h a t for each i t h e r e exists a j


j ( i ) such t h a t

a$) =

0 for all d (otherwise for some d the distortion introduced by modeling will be


greater t h a n , d d ) n ) .

I t

should be noted that if


a t h e n wij


0 (i.e..



is replaced by b , ) .

Let Mn(k l . . . . , k s ) denote the class of all sequences of length n in alphabet


such t h a t each sequence contains ki symbols

q ,



1. ..., s .

k l + .

. .



n . Let parameters k ,..., k, be functions of n , i.e.,



k l ( n ) . . . . , k s


k , ( n ) . We shall assume t h a t t h e r e exists a certain encoding technique K

= &

which associates each sequence


E M n ( k l ,


k , ) with a binary sequence (code) K(z"). and t h a t t h e r e exists a decoding technique D


Dn such t h a t

D ( K ( ~ " ) )

is a word of length n in alphabet B. The word D ( K ( ~ " ) ) will be considered to be t h e approxi- mation of


Let l(2") denote t h e length of codeword K(2"). Let us assume t h a t

l n ( k l , . . . . k s )


max l ( f ) .

Z€M,,(k ,,..., k,)

This quantity will be called the description c o m p l e x i t y of class Mn(k


k s ) .

The accuracy of t h e model will be characterized by the following quantities:



p ( d ) ( ~ ,

D ( K ( z ) ) ) ,




...., N .

The above encoding--decoding method will be called Z-accurate, where


( & ( I )

,.... &(w),

&(I) 2 0


F(W 2 0, if for each


E 4 ( k l ...., k s )

We now define ' S e n t r o p y for the given P


and P

= ( p

l , . , . , p s ) ,

All logarithms are assumed to be to base two, i.e., logz z.



P )


IIpvII min

C pi,



i , j


u '

where t h e minimum is taken over all (s x t ) matrices

I Ipij I I

for which



( 1 ) Let the condition

log log n be satisfied.

Then for an arbitrary function

a ( n )

-, m there exist Z-accurate encoding and decoding techniques which ensure t h a t t h e descrip- tion complexity satisfies t h e following relationship:


n H i [ > , . . . , k ]


n a ( n ) log log n

l n ( k l,...,ks) - log n

(2) If function

a ( n )

is computable with time complexity n , then t h e encoding operation


and the decoding operation Dn have time complexities not g r e a t e r than nl*, where y


0 is an arbitrary con- stant.

( 3 ) For each :-accurate encoding and decoding technique




k , ) a n H E


- ,..,,

- :.I +

cllog n


The letter c , possibly with a subscript, denotes a constant here and elsewhere.




1. Let

W = 1



be an

( s x t )

matrix satisfying t h e condition

The function

I ( W )

= n l o g n

- C

kilog ki

- C

m j l o g m j

- C

w . - =I l o g q j

i i J

( 5 ) j

is then associated with matrix W, where

I t is easy t o show t h a t




Given both an

( s x t

) matrix W

= 1 1

wij (


and an

( s x t )

m a t r i x

W' =




1 1

such t h a t

t h e n


The notation pn


$, or p, = 0($,) means that lim" < -, while the notation pn = o


n +-$n

means t h a t lim


Pn = 0.



The inequality ( 0 ) Follows immediately from expression (5), using condition (7) a n d t h e f a c t t h a t s and t a r e limited.

2. ~ e t *

Consider all possible ( s x t ) m a t r i c e s W





1 I

which satisfy t h e condi- tions

For e a c h j # j(i) l e t

w . .


l . . A ,

21 51

where t h e lij a r e integers; f o r each j


j ( i ) l e t

Now, from t h e s e , l e t us find t h e m a t r i x Wo with t h e smallest value of J ( W ) .

Lemma 2

(1) The following condition holds for matrix Wo

(2) The t i m e complexity of t h e algorithm for finding m a t r i x

W o

is lim- i t e d by t h e value n(1og n ) 2 s t + 4 .

[Z] uZ[) denotes the largest (smallest) integer which does not exceed Z.



Let the minimum in expression (2) be achieved on collection (p*j



and introduce matrix

w = 1 1


I 1.

From (5) it follows that


Then if wij is found from (9)--(12), t h e inequalities

are satisfied, and from Lemma 1


- I ( w * ) (



l o g n


Combining ( 7 ) , (9), ( 1 4 ) and ( 1 5 ) leads to t h e expression

lr(w) - r ( w v ) l

S A I O ~



Since t h e condition






holds for all j # j ( i ) a n d condition ( 1 0 ) is valid for matrix


we have

and therefore matrix W also satisfies condition ( 1 0 ) . Inequality ( 1 3 ) fol- lows from ( 1 6 ) and from t h e relation


Let u s now evaluate t h e complexity of finding matrix Wo. Instead of function I( W) we can consider t h e monotonically related function

This expression contains numbers of t h e form s S , s I n , whose dimen- sions ( n u m b e r s of binary digits) do n o t exceed n log n . To compute sS requires only log s I log n multiplications (see, for example, Valski, 1959). According to Schonhage a n d Strassen (1971). n o t m o r e than n l o g 3 n e l e m e n t a r y operations a r e needed to multiply t o g e t h e r two ( n log n)-digit numbers and t h e general n u m b e r of operations required to compute s S , s S n , is of t h e order of n l o g 4 n , or less. After finding all t h e numbers of t h e form sS involved in (17) a finite n u m b e r of multi- plication a n d division operations m u s t be performed. This requires of the order of n log3 n operations or less. To verify condition (10) requires no more t h a n log n operations. Since t h e r e a r e a t most ((log n ) 2


l)St versions of ( s x t ) m a t r i x W, t h e overall t i m e complexity of finding m a t r i x

Wo is of t h e o r d e r of n(1og n)2St+4 o r less.

3. Let u s introduce quantities

and c o n s t r u c t t h e ( s x t ) matrix QO

= I

I q O ( j / i ) (

1 .

Assume t h a t an integer v S n is given. We shall consider an arbitrary collection x I , , . . , ~ such t h a t

xXi =

v . Let M,(xl, ...,&) be t h e class of all sequences contain-




symbols %. We shall use t h e following notation:


Next let us form a n ( s


) m a t r i x

Cl = 1 I

wij ( (



we d e d u c e from Lemma 1 t h a t



I ( R ) - v I (






QO) r

log v ,



It is also evident t h a t

E aif)ug r C a $ l ) x i r l O ( j / i ) .

d = 1 .

.... N . ( 2 1 )

i ,j i ,I

We shall say t h a t a s e t N of sequences in alphabet B ?-accurately approximates a s e t


of s e q u e n c e s in alphabet A if for e a c h s e q u e n c e from


t h e r e is a corresponding ;-accurate approximation in t h e N. Let us denote by

T E ( x I , . , . , & )

t h e minimum cardinality of a s e t which


a c c u r a t e l y approximates

M , ( x l , . . . , x , ) .



( 1 )

The following relation holds:

Xl x,


T Z ( x l . . . . , & )


v I ( - ,




QO) +


V )





8 =

(6(1)....,6(w) and

(2) A set


which ?-accurately approximates

M,(xI,.. .,xs)

and satisfies e s t i m a t e (22) can be found with t i m e complexity not g r e a t e r t h a n c z


c g l o g 2 n .


Estimate (22) can be obtained using t h e gradient procedure sug- gested by Sholomov (1967); this is a modification of t h e procedure pro- posed by Nechiporuk (1965). A table i s formed with 5 s v columns

!xi !


corresponding t o t h e sequences



M , & ~ ,

...,&) and with -<


Y' - tV rows


correspondmg t o the sequences


containing pj symbols b j . At t h e intersection of row


and column we p u t a ''1'' if we have





1 ...., s , j


1 ... t) positions with symbol a, in sequence



symbol b j i n sequence

5 ;

otherwise we i n s e r t a "0". It is evident t h a t if a

"1" is found a t t h e intersection of row


and column




is a


accurate approximation of


The gradient procedure is t h e n used. A t each s t e p of this procedure it is necessary t o find the row with t h e max- i m u m n u m b e r of ones i n t h e c u r r e n t table, a n d delete this row a n d ' t h e columns containing t h e ones. The procedure t e r m i n a t e s when all t h e columns have been deleted, and t h e desired s e t N is formed by t h e sequences corresponding to t h e deleted rows. Calculations similar t o those described by Sholomov (1967) give the e s t i m a t e


which, taken together with (20), yields ( 2 2 ) .

The upper bound of t h e size of t h e table is

( ~ , t ) ~ .

The t i m e complex- ity of constructing t h e table and performing t h e gradient procedure can- not exceed t h e polynomial of t h e table size, a n d is limited by t h e value of



c;. The complexity of finding p a r a m e t e r s

wij = I , ]

and gj

= C


j does not exceed t h e value of c 4 log2 n . The resulting total complexity is

4. Let t h e r e be a sequence z" E


( k I , . . . , k , ) i n alphabet

A .

Assume t h a t a n a t u r a l p a r a m e t e r v i s given and t h a t t h e sequence z" i s broken i n t o pieces of length v:


Z = t . - . M = ] q .




belong t o class

M , ( ~ ? )

....,$)). We shall denote by


a n y


a c c u r a t e approximation of




is d e t e r m i n e d using (19) and (23).



The s e q u e n c e


=;j ,,...,,, N

is a n ?-accurate approximation of sequence 2 .


The overall distortion between t h e sequences z" and y" is equal t o t h e s u m of t h e distortions between t h e pieces and their &accurate



f ,


Substituting in ( 2 5 ) t h e value of GI$') from ( 1 9 ) we obtain


From t h e obvious equality

C xiu) =

ki and relations ( 1 0 ) and ( l B ) , we u =1

find t h a t

which proves the Lemma.

5 . We shall now describe the e n c o d n g procedure.

The codeword K(z") for a sequence z" E M,(k l . . . . , k , ) consists of t h r e e parts:

K(2) = A

C 2


These a r e known as t h e reference, main and auxiliary parts, respectively.

We shall consider first the main part C of t h e codeword




E & ( k l , . . . , k , ) is assumed to have been broken down into pieces of length n . We group the pieces with t h e same parameters

x l , ...,&,

x l + ,



= v

into separate classes labelled

M I , . . . , M R .

For each class Mi the 8-accurate approximations (where


is determined from ( 2 3 ) ) a r e found with, th e help of the gradient procedure described earlier (see t h e proof of Lemma 3). We shall denote t h e number of approximations by ( x l , . . . , ) . Now arrange all these 8-approximations


for sequences




in a certain (e.g., lexicographical) order and number t h e m using binary sequences %(.fj) of length


= ]


Tv [ .



P = ( i l . ...,4,)

denote t h e binary representation of number i a n d



t h e corresponding binary sequence, where

2" =


, . . . ~ $



I t is obvious f h a t n u m b e r s i and j can be found uniquely from sequence


The code z(&) for t h e piece



Mu = M ( ' ) ( ~ ~ , . . . . X ; )

will t h e n be of the form

I * * - N

a(?,) =


r ( q j ) .

(2 7 )



denotes a %accurate approximation of

&. A

sequence of codes of adjacent pieces


constitutes t h e main part of t h e codeword


= %(TI) . . . .

The auxiliary p a r t of t h e codeword is a list of 8-approximations. Let the 8-approximations for t h e class

Mu = MV(xl,

...,&) be


i ) V 1 8 . . . . ~ ~ ~ *


Assume t h a t


((4) = 4, ..

. . i v p ,


where i j is obtained from


by replacing each symbol b j E B by a


v pv

binary representation of length ]logt [.


The auxiliary p a r t


will be of t h e form Z


N [(MI)


. . ,



is t h e n u m b e r of classes M , ( X ~ , . . . , ~ ) . We shall denote t h e length of T(Afi) by


and t h e length of t h e auxiliary part


by 1;;.

The reference p a r t


contains t h e numerical parameters required to decode t h e main a n d auxiliary parts. I t is of t h e form

N. l * * N C W C N C l

~ = k 1 n. . . k , L~ L: r l S

- i i l ; . . . J i .

Let t h e length of t h e reference p a r t be


It is evident t h a t t h e code- word K ( 3 ) can be decoded into x-accurate approximations


of pieces


which since t h e y a r e adjacent (according t o Lemma 4) give an


a c c u r a t e approximation y" of t h e sequence z".

6. The length L(K(9)) of codeword


is given by:




+ L~ +



Let u s e s t i m a t e t h e length Lz of t h e main p a r t C of t h e codeword. This is

where 1 (%&)) is t h e length of the piece of code


From (26) and (27) i t follows t h a t

(a(?,)) 5 2



R [ + ]

log Q ( X ~ , . . . . ~ )

[ +



(29) Since t h e n u m b e r R of classes cannot exceed (v+l)', we may write (tak- ing into account Lemma 3)


One m o r e Lemma m u s t be proved before we can estimate t h e value of Lz.







we introduce t h e notation

Lemma 5


I t is sufficient t,o consider t h e case g = 2 ( a s will be seen later). Let


E M , , ( ~ ~ ( ~ ) ,,.., &)), i=1. ...,

M .

Using t h e upward convexity property of t h e average mutual information function, which holds when t h e collec- tion Q O of transitional probabilities is fixed (see Gallager, 1968), we can write

Multiplying both parts of t h e inequality by vl+v2 and making use of (31) and

1 = TIT2

-E Evl+vz(X1(1)+X~2) ,...,X(l)+d2)), we obtain inequality (32).

which proves t h e Lemma. Substituting (29) into (28), using Lemmas 2 and 5 and t h e relation

I(Yd =

n , . . . , ; QO], we obtain

, . . . , ;

QO] +

O ( n log v )



n log v n H [ , . . . . ~ ] + O [ Z ] + log n 01


Let us now estimate t h e length of t h e auxiliary part of t h e codeword.

The binary length of one approximation


is n o t more than v ] log t [ . From t h e fact t h a t t h e number of 8-approximations for one class does not exceed s v and t h e number of classes is not more than ( v + l ) ' , we arrive a t t h e e s t i m a t e


r O ( ( V + I ) ~ v s V ) r C;


The value of


is t h e sum of t h e lengths of t h e


form representa- tions. Since t h e length of each parameter does n o t exceed n , it is not difficult t o s e e t h a t


S R log n s ( v + l ) ' log n I v C 6 log n


Finally we have

9. Let a


a(n)-.m be an arbitrary function which satisfies t h e con- dition

an log n log log n


and assume t h a t


I t can be shown directly t h a t substitution of t h i s value i n t o (33) yields the e s t i m a t e (3).

10. Computing experience shows t h a t t h e time complexity of encod-

ing and decoding techniques satisfies t h e e s t i m a t e given in point (2) of Theorem 1.

11. Using t h e technique described in Sholomov (1967), t h e following inequality c a n be obtained:

log TE(k ,..., k,)




n H E


- ,..., -


c log n ,

from which, by m e a n s of "power" considerations, we arrive a t e s t i m a t e (4).



1. The encoding technique proposed in t h e present paper m a y be used t o obtain a proof of Shannon's Theorem of encoding of discrete s o u r c e s with a fidelity criterion without resorting t o t h e r a n d o m encoding technique.

2. The proposed encoding technique and codeword construction c a n be used t o compress large a r r a y s of information if a certain distortion of t h e initial a r r a y is allowed in decoding. A data-compression algo- r i t h m for the c a s e A


10,1,+{. 8


10,1,j, aij E iO,mj was con- s t r u c t e d a t


by t h e a u t h o r . Here


represents an unspecified symbol which can be replaced arbitrarily by 0 or 1. This algorithm h a s been implemented on t h e


c o m p u t e r a t


by Z. Fortuna.


A C K N O W L E D G ~

The author would like to express profound gratitude to Zenon For- t u n a and Alexander Sarkisov for t h e i r useful suggestions, and t o thank Helen Gasking for editorial support, a n d Nora Avedisian for preparing this paper on IIASA's computerized text-processing system.



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Shannon, C.E. (1959). Coding theorems for a discrete source with fidelity criterion. IRE Nat. Con. Record.

Sholomov, L.A. (1967). On functionals t h a t characterize the complexity of systems of incompletely specified Boolean functions. P r o b l e a i K i b e m e t i k i Vol. 19, Moscow, Nauka. (In Russian).

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Views or opinions expressed herein do not necessarily repre- sent those of the Institute or of its National Member Organizations.. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR APPLIED

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Views or opinions expressed herein do not necessarily repre- sent those of the Institute or of its National Member Organizations.. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR APPLIED

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Views or opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of the Institute, its National Member Organizations, or other organi- zations supporting the

Views or opinions expressed herein do not .necessarily repre- sent those of the Institute or of its National Member Organizations.. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR APPLIED

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