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Microparticlesand crystal microstructure in polar ice sheets


Academic year: 2022

Aktie "Microparticlesand crystal microstructure in polar ice sheets"


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Jan Eichler


, Christian Weikusat


, Anna Wegner


, Birthe Twarloh


, Melanie Behrens


, Maria Hörhold


, Daniela Jansen


, Sepp Kipfstuhl


, Frank Wilhelms


and Ilka Weikusat


1Alfred-Wegener-Institute Helmholtz-Center for Polar and Marine Research; 2Department of Geosciences, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen; 3Department of Geosciences & Geography, Georg-August-University Göttingen

Referenc es (1 ) Oerter, H. 2 0 04 Pers. C omm.

(2 ) Ho o se, C .; Lo hman n , U.; B en nartz, R.; C roft, B. & Lesin s, G. Glob al simu lation s o f aero so l processin g in clo ud s Atmo sph eric C hemistry a nd P hysics, 20 08, 8, 69 39 -696 3

(3 ) Eich ler, J.; Weiku sat, C.; Wegn er, A.; Twarlo h, B.; B eh ren s, M .; Fisch er, H.; Hörh old, M.; Jan sen , D.; K ip fstuhl, S.; Ru th, U.; Wilh elms, F. & Weiku sat, I. Imp u rity Analysis an d Micro structu re Alo ng th e Climatic Tran sition Fro m MIS 6 Into 5 e in the EDM L Ice C o re Usin g Cryo -Raman M icro sco py Fro ntiers in Ea rth Scien ce, 2 01 9, 7, 2 0

(4 ) Eich ler, J.; Kleitz, I.; B ayer, M.; Jan sen , D.; K ip fstuh l, S.; Sh igeyama, W.; Weiku sat, C . & Weiku sat, I. Locatio n an d distribu tio n of micro-inclu sion s in the EDM L an d NEEM ice co res u sing op tical micro sco py an d in-situ Raman sp ectro sco py Th e C ryosp here, 2 01 7, 11, 10 75 -1 09 0 BREM ERHAVEN Am Handelshaf en 12 27570 Br em er haven Telef on 0471 4831- 0 www. awi. de

Microparticles and crystal

microstructure in polar ice sheets

Using Cryo-Raman Microscopy

The pollution input in polar ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica is of atmospheric aeolian origin, just as all natural non-ice impurities. Aerosols found in ice are transported with atmospheric circulation and wind patterns and are deposited e.g. with precipitating snow. The impurity content in this so-called meteoric ice is relatively low compared to many other natural materials such as rocks (ppb to ppm range), because most aerosols in the atmosphere have been removed by fall-out or precipitation during transport from the impurities’ sources to the remote ice sheet.

JAGFoS 2019, Kyoto

Fig.: Processes involved in the aerosol processing in clouds (2) Fig.: Schematic ice sheet (1) Fig.: Non-ice constituents in the EDML polar ice core (Antarctica) from chemical analysis in the melted water (3)

Fig.: Crystal microstructure (grain orientation and size) in the EDML polar ice core (depth in m: A) 2370.4, B) 2370.9, C) 2391.2) (3)

Fig.: A) Ca2+concentration and number of insoluble particles from melted ice. B) Impurity map (white & coloured circles). Blue bands: positions of grain boundaries at the focus depth of the micro-inclusions. C) Detail of B. D) Zoom into C. E) Raman spectra of selected micro-inclusions. (3)

Fig.: From left to right: visual stratigraphy, Dielectric profiling & melt water conductivity, non-ice constituents (Ammonium, Dust, Calcium), and c-axis orientations as maps and as stereographic projections. (4)

Non-ice constituents in polar ice cores have been studied in the last decades mainly for reconstructions of past atmospheric aerosol concentrations, in relation to issues that address global climate change. Despite the tiny concentrations, the interactions with and effects of impurities in the solid ice influence the physical properties of the as a whole: e.g. electric as well as dielectric response and, in particular, mechanical behaviour thus “softness” of the material seems to be strongly controlled by impurities. Smaller concentrations of impurities (up to a few ‰) do soften the material as a whole, while larger concentrations of particles harden it, depending on the type of impurities. The underlying processes are partly hypothesised for decades, but not yet proven or understood satisfactorily as the quest for ppb to ppm concentrations in solid matrix material is a search for a “needle in a haystack”.

We used µ-cryo-Raman spectroscopy to identify location, phase and composition of µm-sized inclusions in natural ice. The combination of Raman results with ice-microstructure measurements and impurity data allows for an approach interconnecting ice core chemistry and ice core physics.

Fig.: Relative concentrations of identified species. While in the interglacial samples sulfate salts form 96% of the micro-inclusions, in the glacial ice mineral dust is most prevalent. (3)



As subgrain boundaries (subGB) are comprised of dislocations, orientation of subGB depends on the orientation of the locally active slip systems.. Dislocation types can be determined

(2009): Kohnen Station - the Drilling Camp for the EPICA Deep Ice Core in Dronning Maud Land.. (2007): Surface topography and ice flow in the vicinity of the EDML deep-drilling

In experimentally deformed ice samples subgrain-boundary formation in creep tests cor- relates to strain during primary creep stage which lasted until ≈ 1 to 2% strain (Fig. 3c) due

Interaction with the atmosphere and the ocean in large-scale Antarctic Ice Sheet models is carried out by prescribing the climatic input, consist- ing of the surface mass balance

Photomicrographs of vertical section from creep test sample (-4.8°C, 0.4MPa, 1.27% total strain.) A: Sublimated surface showing grain boundaries (GB) and different types of

Fig.3: Data on sub-grain boundary occurrence with depth. a)Frequency of grains showing sGB (CB=cloudy band). b)Mean grain radius (left axis) of whole samples, for statistics

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