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The Kernel of the Reciprocity Map of Simple Normal Crossing Varieties over Finite Fields


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The Kernel of the Reciprocity Map of Simple Normal Crossing Varieties over Finite Fields




For a smooth and proper varietyY over a finite fieldkthe reciprocity mapρY : CH0(Y)→ πab1 (Y)is injective with dense image. For a proper simple normal crossing variety this is no longer true in general. In this paper we give a description of the kernel and cokernel of the reciprocity map in terms of homology groups of a complex filled with descent data using an algebraic Seifert–van Kampen theorem. Furthermore, we give a new criterion for the injectivity of the reciprocity map for proper simple normal crossing varieties over finite fields.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification:11G25, 11G45.

Keywords:higher dimensional class field theory, reciprocity map, abelianized fundamental group, Seifert–van Kampen theorem, simple normal crossing varieties over finite fields.

§1. Introduction

The class field theory of smooth, proper varietiesY over finite fieldsk was devel- oped by S. Lang, S. Bloch, K. Kato and S. Saito. To determine the structure of the abelianized étale fundamental groupπab1 (Y)classifying the finite abelian étale coverings ofY, the following reciprocity map was considered.

Definition 1.1 (The reciprocity map). Let Y be a scheme of finite type over Z and π1ab(Y) =L

Y0∈π0(Y)πab1 (Y0) the abelianized étale fundamental group ofY. Let y ∈ Y be a closed point. Then the residue field κ(y) is a finite field. There- fore we can consider the image of the Frobenius automorphism ϕy ∈ Gκ(y) = πab1 (Spec(κ(y)))inπab1 (Y)via the push-forward of the natural map

iy: Spec(κ(y))→Y.

Communicated by A. Tamagawa. Received November 24, 2011. Revised March 6, 2012.

This is an extract from the author’s PhD thesis [For11].

P. Forré: Fakultät für Mathematik, Universität Regensburg, Universitätsstr. 31, 93053 Regensburg, Germany;


c 2012 Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University. All rights reserved.


This mapping extends linearly to the group of zero-cycles ofY: ρ0:Z0(Y) = M


Z·y→πab1 (Y), X





ρ0 is called thereciprocity map ofY.

Theorem 1.2. 1. Let Y be a proper scheme over a finite fieldk. The reciprocity map ρ0 factors through rational equivalence to give a map from the Chow group of zero-cycles(cf. [Ful98, §1.3]):

ρ: CH0(Y)→πab1 (Y), which is also called the reciprocity map ofY.

2. Let Y be a smooth and proper variety over a finite fieldk. Then the reciprocity map ρ: CH0(Y)→π1ab(Y) is injective and the cokernel of ρis isomorphic to (ˆZ/Z)π0(Y), which is a uniquely divisible group. Moreover, we have a commu- tative diagram of exact sequences

0 //A0(Y) //



CH0(Y) deg //



Zπ0(Y _ )


0 //π1geo(Y) //π1ab(Y) deg //Zˆπ0(Y)

where the restrictionρ0 of the reciprocity map induces an isomorphism of finite groups between the kernelsA0(Y)andπgeo1 (Y)of the degree maps.

Note that the degree maps for connected schemesY are defined as follows:

deg :πab1 (Y)→Zˆ is just the push-forward mapπab1 (Y)→πab1 (Spec(k))composed with the isomorphism π1ab(Spec(k)) ∼= ˆZ, sending the Frobenius automorphism of kto 1. The mapdeg : CH0(Y)→Z is given by sending a cycleP

iai·[xi]to P

iai·[κ(x) :k], which is well-defined for proper schemesY overkand coincides in this case with the proper push-forward mapCH0(Y)→CH0(Spec(k))(cf. [Ful98,


Proof. See [Lan56], [Blo81], [KS83], and [Ras95, §5] for a summary. We also men- tion [Wie06], [Wie07], [JS03], [KS09], [KS10].

In the study of varieties over local fields (cf. e.g. [Sat05], [JS03]) one is con- fronted with the reciprocity map of simple normal crossing varieties over finite fields.

Definition 1.3 (Simple normal crossing varieties). Let k be a field and Y an equidimensional and separated scheme of finite type over k. Then Y is called


anormal crossing variety overkifY is everywhere étale locally isomorphic to Spec(k[T0, . . . , Td]/(T0T1· · ·Tr)),

withd= dimY and some 0≤r≤d.

A normal crossing varietyY is calledsimple if any irreducible component of Y is smooth overk.

The main results in this paper concerning the reciprocity map of simple normal crossing varieties over finite fields are summarized in the following theorem. In the proof, an algebraic Seifert–van Kampen theorem [Sti06] is used, leading to a more explicit understanding of the kernel of the reciprocity map, in contrast to [JS03]

using étale homology theory and cohomological Hasse principles. Also here the characteristic ofkposes no problem.

Theorem 1.4. Let Y =Sm

i=1Yi be a proper simple normal crossing variety over a finite field kwith irreducible components Yi ,→Y. Let

Y[k] := a


Yi0×Y Yi1×Y · · · ×Y Yik

be the disjoint union of thek-fold intersections,k≥0, andΓY be the corresponding dual complex. Consider the complex

πab1 (Y[•]) : · · ·−→d2 π1ab(Y[1])−→d1 πab1 (Y[0])−→d0 πab1 (Y) withdk :=Pk


1. The cokernel and kernel of the reciprocity map ρY : CH0(Y)→πab1 (Y)

are given by

coker(ρY)∼= H−1ab1 (Y[•]))⊕(ˆZ/Z)π0(Y), ker(ρY)∼= H01ab(Y[•])), where the last group is finite.

2. There is also an exact sequence H2Y,Zˆ)→CH0(Y) ρ



3. If, furthermore, every component ofY[0] and ofY[1]is geometrically connected overk andCH0(Y[0])is torsion-free, thenρY is injective.


The last point gives a new criterion for the injectivity of the reciprocity map for simple normal crossing varieties which does not use the vanishing of the second homology groupH2Y

Z)of the dual complex.

The next sections will lead to the proof of the theorem above.

§2. An algebraic Seifert–van Kampen theorem

In this section we will introduce the dual complex of a variety carrying informa- tion about how the components intersect. Furthermore, we will cite an algebraic Seifert–van Kampen theorem and compute the abelianized version. The missing information is then controlled by the first and second homology groups of the dual complex.

Definition 2.1 (The dual complex). Let(I, <)be a totally ordered set. LetY = S

i∈IYibe a locally noetherian scheme with closed subschemesYi,→Y. Fork≥0 we let

Y[k]:= a



be the disjoint union of

Yi0,i1,...,ik:=Yi0×Y Yi1×Y . . .×Y Yik,

thek-fold scheme-theoretic intersection of theYi, andY[−1]:=Y. For instance we have

Y[0]= a


Yi0 and Y[1]= a



For every integerk≥1there arek+ 1morphisms

δjk:Y[k]→Y[k−1] forj= 0, . . . , k given by the closed immersions

δkj :Yi0,...,ik,→Yi


where the indexij∈Iis omitted on the right side. Forj= 0, . . . , kwe get induced maps


on the connected components. Notice that we also have a canonical maph=δ00: Y[0]→Y =Y[−1] and the corresponding induced maps.

ThereforeΓ := (π0(Y[•]),(∂j)j)is a semi-simplicial complex, called thedual complex to(Y,(Yi)i∈I,(I, <)). The elements ofπ0(Y[k])are calledk-simplices.


The homology groups of the complex

C(Γ, A) : · · ·−→d3 A0(Y[k])) −→d2 A0(Y[1]))−→d1 A0(Y[0])) withdk:=Pk

j=0(−1)jjkwill be denoted byHk(Γ, A) := ker(dk)/im(dk+1). Notice thatA0(Y[k])) is placed in degreek.

Theorem 2.2 (Algebraic Seifert–van Kampen Theorem). Let (I, <) be a finite and totally ordered set and Y = S

v∈IYv be a locally noetherian and connected scheme with closed and connected subschemesYv,→Y. Leth:Y[0]=`

v∈IYv→Y be the canonical map.

Letsbe a geometric point ofY and for everyk= 0,1,2and everyt∈π0(Y[k]) lets(t)be a geometric point of t. Let Γbe the dual complex to(Y,(Yi)i∈I,(I, <)).

Fix a maximal subtree T of Γ and for every boundary map∂ :t →t0 inΓ≤2 let γt,t0 :s(t0) Γ(∂)s(t)be a fixed path in the sense of algebraic paths between base points, i.e. a fixed isomorphism between the corresponding fibre functors. Then canonically with respect to all these choices we have an isomorphism

π1(Y, s)∼=

v∈Iπ1(Yv, s(v))πˆ1(Γ, T)/H,

whereH is the closed normal subgroup generated by the edge and cocycle relations:

edg(e, ge) :=−→e ·π110)(ge)·(−→e)−1·π111)(ge)−1, coc(f) := (−−→



12f)−1·α(f)021(f)012)−1, for all parameter valuese∈Γ1,ge∈π1(e, s(e))andf ∈Γ2. Here−→e is defined to be the corresponding topological generators of the profinite group


π1(Γ, T) :=



Zˆ /(−→

e0 |e0 ∈T1)∼=e∈Γ



The map π1i1) uses the fixed path γδ1

i(e),e. Finally α(f)ijk is defined using the i-th vertex v = vi(f) ∈ Γ0 of f and the edge e = eij(f) ∈ Γ1 with vertices {vi(f), vj(f)}={∂01(e), ∂11(e)}, as

α(f)ijk:=γvi(f), eij(f)◦γeij(f), f ◦(γvi(f), f)−1∈π1(Yvi, s(vi)).

Proof. This is a special case of [Sti06, Corollary 5.4] noting that closed immersions are monomorphisms ([Sti06, Definition 4.2]) and using [Sti06, Theorem 5.2(1)] to see that h—a proper, surjective morphism of finite presentation—is a universal effective descent morphism for finite étale covers ([Sti06, Definition 5.1]).


Corollary 2.3 (The abelianized fundamental group). Let the notation be as in 2.2. The abelianized fundamental group of Y is then given by

πab1 (Y) = π1ab(Y[0])⊕ˆπ1ab(Γ, T) /H, where

πab1 (Y[k]) := M




π1ab(Γ, T) := M



e0|e0∈T1)∼= M



andH is topologically generated by the relations

d1(g) and coc(f) =β(f) +d2(f), where

d1ab1 (Y[1])→π1ab(Y[0]), g7→πab101)(g)−π1ab11)(g), d2: M


Zˆ →πˆab1 (Γ, T), X


nf·f 7→X




12f +−−→


β : M


Zˆ →π1ab(Y[0]),



nf·f 7→X



coc : M


Zˆ →π1ab(Y[0])⊕πˆ1ab(Γ, T), X


nf·f 7→X


nf· β(f) +d2(f) ,

with all the abelian groups written additively. Furthermore, for an abelian groupA consider the complex

πab1 (Y[•])⊗ZA: π1ab(Y[1])⊗ZA−→d1 πab1 (Y[0])⊗ZA−→d0 π1ab(Y)⊗ZA with homology groupsHi1ab(Y[•]), A). We then have an isomorphism

H1(Γ, A)∼= H−11ab(Y[•]), A) := coker(d0),

and a surjection

H2(Γ, A)


H01ab(Y[•]), A) := ker(d0)/im(d1).

Proof. The first statement immediately follows from 2.2 by abelianization. For clarity in the description of the homology groups we suppress the terms ⊗ZA in every line. Nowd0is the canonical map

d0ab1 (Y[0])→π1ab(Y) = π1ab(Y[0]) ⊕ ˆπ1ab(Γ, T) /H.


So we get

H−11ab(Y[•]), A) = coker(d0)

= π1ab(Y[0])⊕πˆab1 (Γ, T)

/ πab1 (Y[0]) +H

= π1ab(Y[0])⊕πˆab1 (Γ, T)

/ πab1 (Y[0])⊕im(d2)

∼= ˆπ1ab(Γ, T))/im(d2)

= H1(Γ, T;A)∼= H1(Γ, A).

The last isomorphism holds becauseT is a maximal subtree ofΓ. Moreover, H0ab1 (Y[•]), A) = ker(d0)/im(d1) = πab1 (Y[0])∩H


Now consider the exact sequence 0→ π1ab(Y[0])∩H

/im(d1)→H/im(d1)→ω π1ab(Y[0]) +H

ab1 (Y[0])→0.

BecauseH =him(d1),im(coc)iwe have a surjection coc : M





Zˆ→ˆπ1ab(Γ, T) factors throughω:

d2: M


cocH/im(d1)ω πab1 (Y[0]) +H

1ab(Y[0])−−→pr2 πˆab1 (Γ, T).

Therefore the restriction ofcoctoker(d2), which by definition coincides with the restriction ofβ toker(d2), induces a well-defined and surjective map

β|= coc|: ker(d2) π1ab(Y[0])∩H


BecauseT is a maximal subtree ofΓ, we haveker(d2) = ker(d2). Moreover β : M


Zˆ →π1ab(Y[0]),



nf·f 7→X



vanishes on the image of

d3: M


Zˆ → M


by definition of theα(f)ijk and alternating signs. Therefore we also get a surjection H2(Γ, A) = ker(d2)/im(d3)


H01ab(Y[•]), A), which finishes the proof.


§3. The reciprocity map for simple normal crossing varieties In this section we will determine the kernel and cokernel of the reciprocity map of simple normal crossing varieties in terms of homology groups of a complex filled with descent data. From this description we will deduce a criterion for the injec- tivity of the reciprocity map without using the vanishing of the second homology groupH2(Γ).

Lemma 3.1. 1. Let f :Y →Spec(k)be a normal scheme which is separated, of finite type and geometrically connected over a finite fieldk. The degree map

deg :Z0(Y)→Z, X


ay·y7→ X


ay·[κ(y) :k],

is then surjective.

2. Let Y = S

v∈IYv be a connected scheme which is proper over a finite field k such thatYv are closed normal connected subschemes ofY. Letkv :=OYv(Yv).

The image of the degree map CH0(Y)→CH0(k)∼=Zis then given by im deg = gcd



Proof. 1. Consider the commutative diagram Z0(Y)


ρ0 //πab1 (Y)


Z  //Galk

where Galk ∼= ˆZ and f is surjective by [Sza09, Prop. 5.5.4] because Y is geo- metrically connected. Now let n be the natural number given by nZ = im deg.

By Lang’s theorem (see [Sza09, Thm. 5.8.16], [Mil80, Section VI.12])ρ0 has dense image and therefore so doesf◦ρ0. ButnZis only dense inˆ

Zif and only ifn= 1.

2. By the Stein factorisation everyYvis geometrically connected over the finite fieldkv. Now consider the commutative diagram


v∈ICH0(Yv) ////





v∈ICH0(kv) //CH0(k)

where⊕vdegvis surjective by the first point and the bottom map is componentwise onZgiven by multiplying with the degrees[kv:k]and summing up. So the image ofdeg equals the image of the bottom map, which isgcdv∈I([kv:k])·Z.


Proposition 3.2. Let Y =S

v∈IYv be a proper scheme over a finite fieldkwith closed and connected subschemes Yv ,→ Y which are smooth over k such that Yv0×Y Yv1 are also smooth over k for allv0, v1∈I. Let nbe an arbitrary integer and consider the complex

π1ab(Y[•])/n: · · · →πab1 (Y[1])/n−→d1 π1ab(Y[0])/n−→d0 π1ab(Y)/n with dk := Pk

j=0(−1)jkj). Then the kernel and the cokernel of the reciprocity map modulon

ρn: CH0(Y)/n→π1ab(Y)/n are given by the homology groups of π1ab(Y[•])/n:

ker(ρn)∼= H01ab(Y[•])/n), coker(ρn)∼= H−1ab1 (Y[•])/n).

Furthermore, we have an exact sequence of finite abelian groups H2(Γ,Z/n)→CH0(Y)/n→πab1 (Y)/n→H1(Γ,Z/n)→0, whereΓ is the dual complex to (Y,(Yi)i∈I,(I, <)).

Proof. We have a commutative diagram of complexes CH0(Y[1])/n d

0 1 //

ρ1n o

CH0(Y[0])/n d

0 0 //

ρ0n o

CH0(Y)/n //



πab1 (Y[1])/n d1 //πab1 (Y[0])/n d0 //π1ab(Y)/n

where the first row is exact in analogy to [Ful98, Ex. 1.3.1, 1.8.1] and the first two vertical maps are isomorphisms by1.2, sinceY[0]andY[1]are smooth and proper by assumption and (ˆZ/Z)π0(Y[k]) is uniquely divisible. By the isomorphisms ρ0n andρ1n we havecoker(d1)∼= CH0(Y)/n, and

d0: coker(d1)→π1ab(Y)/n coincides withρn. Therefore we get

ker(ρn)∼= ker(d0) = H01ab(Y[•])/n), coker(ρn) = coker(d0) = H−1ab1 (Y[•])/n).

The statement now follows from the abelianized Seifert–van Kampen theorem2.3 withA=Z/n:

H0ab1 (Y[•])/n)∼= H1(Γ,Z/n), H−1ab1 (Y[•])/n)H2(Γ,Z/n).


Remark 3.3. The proofs of3.2and2.3show that

ker(ρn)∼= im β|: ker(d2)→(π1ab(Y[0])/n)/im(d1) .

Therefore non-vanishing ofβ|results in a non-trivial kernel of the reciprocity map modulon.

If we could choose the geometric points of2.2such that the pathsγt,t0 generate trivial α(f)ijk for all parameters, then we get a vanishing β| and therefore a trivial kernel of the reciprocity map modulonfor every integern.

Notation 3.4. For an abelian group A and a set L of primes let N(L) be the monoid of all natural numbers which have prime divisors only inL. We defineAL to be theL-completion

AL:= lim



andAˆto be the Zˆ-completion

Aˆ:= lim



Theorem 3.5 (The reciprocity map and itsL-completion). Let L be a set of prime numbers and letY =S

v∈IYvbe a proper scheme over a finite fieldkwith a finite number of closed and connected subschemesYv,→Y which are smooth over ksuch that Yv0×Y Yv1 are also smooth over kfor allv0, v1∈I. LetΓ be the dual complex to (Y,(Yi)i∈I,(I, <)). Consider the complex

π1ab(Y[•])L: · · ·−→d2 πab1 (Y[1])L−→d1 πab1 (Y[0])L−→d0 πab1 (Y)L withdk :=Pk

j=0(−1)jjk) and the reciprocity maps

ρ: CH0(Y)→πab1 (Y), ρ0:A0(Y)→πgeo1 (Y),

ρL: CH0(Y)L→πab1 (Y)L, ρˆ:CH0ˆ(Y)→πab1ˆ(Y) =π1ab(Y), whereA0(Y)andπgeo1 (Y)are the kernels of the corresponding degree maps.

1. Then the kernel ofρL is a finite abelian group and a factor group of H2(Γ,ZL), and satisfies

ker(ρL)∼= H01ab(Y[•])L).

The cokernel ofρL satisfies

coker(ρL)∼= H−1ab1 (Y[•])L)∼= H1(Γ,ZL).

Therefore, we have an exact sequence of finitely generated ZL-modules:

H2(Γ,ZL)→CH0(Y)L−→ρL π1ab(Y)L→H1(Γ,ZL)→0.


2. For every set Lof primes with#A0(Y)∈N(L)we have

ker(ρL) = ker(ρ0) = ker(ρ) = ker( ˆρ)∼= H0ab1 (Y[•])).

3. The cokernels of ρandρˆsatisfy coker( ˆρ)∼= H−1ab1 (Y[•]))∼= H1(Γ,ˆ

Z), coker(ρ)∼= (ˆZ/Z)π0(Y)⊕H1(Γ,ˆ Z).

Therefore, we have an exact sequence of abelian groups

H2(Γ,Zˆ)→CH0(Y)−→ρ πab1 (Y)→(ˆZ/Z)π0(Y)⊕H1(Γ,Zˆ)→0.

Proof. For theL-completion we have the analogous results from3.2by taking the inverse limit with the additional information that for a finitely generated abelian groupA we haveAL=A⊗ZZL, so that the universal coefficient theorem


gives that Hi(Γ,ZL) = Hi(Γ,Z)L, becauseZL is torsion-free and therefore we get TorZ1(Hi−1(Γ,Z),ZL) = 0.ker(ρL)is finite because it lies in the kernel of the degree map (see diagram below), which is finite (cf. [Blo81, Thm. 4.2] and [KS86, Thm.

6.1]). With3.1we have the commutative and exact diagram 0 //ker(ρ0)





Zπ0(Y _ )


0 //A0(Y) //


CH0(Y) deg //


im deg _



0 Zˆπ0(Y)

0 //πgeo1 (Y)

//πab1 (Y)

deg0 //im deg0' //



0 //coker(ρ0) //coker(ρ) //L

W∈π0(Y)Zˆ/mWZ //0 wheremW := gcdY

v⊆W([kv:kW])andkv:=OYv(Yv)andkW :=OW(W).

Taking the Zˆ-completion of this diagram, we see that the two middle hori- zontal lines stay exact and that ker(ρ0)∼= ker( ˆρ). Note that A0(Y) and π1geo(Y) are profinite groups and do not change underZˆ-completion, i.e. we haveρˆ00. Comparing with the original bottom line sequence we get a commutative diagram


of exact sequences 0








0 //coker(ρ0) //coker(ρ)



W∈π0(Y)Zˆ/mWZ //



0 //coker(ρ0) //coker( ˆρ) //L

W∈π0(Y)Zˆ/mWZˆ //0 from which it follows thatf is surjective, andker(f)∼= ker(g)∼= (ˆZ/Z)π0(Y), which is a divisible group. We therefore get an isomorphism

coker(ρ)∼= (ˆZ/Z)π0(Y)⊕coker( ˆρ).

Now letm∈N(L)be an integer withm·A0(Y) = 0andm·π1geo(Y)L-tors= 0, which exists by assumption and since π1geo(Y)is a finitely generated abelian pro- finite group. Thenρ0 factors as


Sinceπgeo1 (Y)/πgeo1 (Y)L-tors isL-torsion-free andm∈N(L)we get an injection πgeo1 (Y)L-tors/m ,→πgeo1 (Y)/m,

and therefore a factorisation modulom:

ρ0,m:A0(Y)/m→πgeo1 (Y)L-tors/m ,→πgeo1 (Y)/m.

BecauseA0(Y)/m=A0(Y)andπ1geo(Y)L-tors/m=π1geo(Y)L-tors we have ker(ρ0,m) = ker(ρ0) = ker(ρ).

Now taking the limit overN(L)shows

ker(ρL) = ker(ρ0) = ker(ρ)

for such setsL and also for the set of all prime numbers, which gives the results forρ.ˆ

Corollary 3.6. Let the setting be as in3.5. Furthermore, assume that all compo- nents ofY,Y[1] andY[0] are geometrically connected overk and Y[0] consists of

“geometrically simply connected” components, i.e.

πgeo1 (Y[0]) := ker πab1 (Y[0])−−→deg Galπk0(Y[0])∼= ˆZπ0(Y



vanishes.(Note that by1.2this assumption is equivalent to saying that CH0(Y[0]) is torsion-free.) The kernel of the reciprocity map then vanishes and also modulo nfor every integer n.

Proof. We have a commutative diagram of complexes πgeo1 (Y[1]) //


π1geo(Y[0]) //




πab1 (Y[1]) //


π1ab(Y[0]) //


πab1 (Y)


Galπk0(Y[1]) α //Galπk0(Y[0]) //Galπk0(Y)

By geometrical connectedness the degree maps are surjective. Therefore we have a short exact sequence of complexes

0→πgeo1 (Y[•])→π1ab(Y[•])→Galπk0(Y[•])→0.

And because Galk ∼= ˆZ is torsion-free, we get short exact sequences of complexes for every integern:


From the long exact sequence follows the exact sequence

H0geo1 (Y[•])/n)→H01ab(Y[•])/n)→H0((Z/n)π0(Y[•])),

where the first term vanishes by assumption. For the last term we mention that (cf. [Liu02, §2.4, Ex. 4.4])

coker(α)∼= H0(Γ,Zˆ)∼= ˆZπ0(Γ)π0(Y).

The isomorphism above also holds withZ/n-coefficients. HenceH0((Z/n)π0(Y[•]))

= 0. So H01ab(Y[•])/n)vanishes. By3.2 the last term is isomorphic to ker(ρn).

So the claim follows. The same way one shows thatker(ρ) = 0.

§4. Examples

Here we will give some examples of commonly used varieties and make some essen- tial observations about the interaction ofH2Y)with the kernel of the reciprocity map and their torsion parts withCH0(Y).


Example 4.1. Let k be a finite field and Y = V+(T0· T1 ·T2· T3) ⊆ P3k = Proj(k[T0, . . . , T3])be the surface of the projective tetrahedron. Then the reciprocity map

ρ: CH0(Y)→π1ab(Y)

has trivial kernel and so also do the reciprocity maps modulonfor every integern.



SoH2Y,Z/n)surjects ontoker(ρn), but e.g. does not inject intoCH0(Y)/n.

Proof. The calculation ofH2Y,Z/n)is clear. The rest follows from 3.6and the fact thatπ1(Pmk , xi)∼= Galk, i.e.Pmk is “geometrically simply connected”. Note that every intersection of irreducible components is isomorphic to aPmk .

This example can be generalized to the following:

Lemma 4.2. Let k be a field and let i:W ,→Z be a closed immersion between proper smooth geometrically connected k-varieties such thatd:= dimZ ≥3, and the complement U =Z\W is affine. Further assume one of the following proper- ties:

• The natural map π1(Z, z)→ Galk has a section for a geometric pointz on Z (which is the case ifZ has a k-rational point).

• The cohomology group H2(Galk,Q/Z)vanishes.

Then the push-forward mapiab1 (W)→π1ab(Z)is an isomorphism.

Proof. For a separably closed fieldk this is due to [Sat05]. The proof there uses Poincaré duality [Mil80, VI.11.1], the affine Lefschetz theorem [Mil80, VI.7.2] and the assumption dim ≥ 3 to show that Hic(U,Q/Z)[`] vanishes for i = 1,2 and

`6=p= char(k). For `=pone needs duality results from [JSS09, Thm. 1.6, 1.7]

(cf. [Mos99], [Mil86, §1]), and the corresponding vanishing results from [Suw95, 2.1]

for the cohomology of the logarithmic part of de Rham–Witt sheaves (cf. [Ill79]).

For an arbitrary fieldk, one base changes with a separable closurekofkand uses the homotopy exact sequence from [Gro71, IX, Thm. 6.1] to get a commutative diagram of exact sequences

0 //π1(W) //

π1(W) //

Galk //0

0 //π1(Z) //π1(Z)rr //Galk //



suppressing the geometric points. This induces a commutative diagram of exact sequences

π1ab(W)Galk //


πab1 (W) //

Galabk //0

0 //π1ab(Z)Galk //π1ab(Z)rr //Galabk //


where the injectivity on the left at the bottom is induced by the section given by assumption or via the Pontryagin dual of the Hochschild–Serre 4-term sequence (withG= Galk for brevity)

0→H1(G,Q/Z)→H1(Z,Q/Z)→H1(Z,Q/Z)G→H2(G,Q/Z) = 0.

With the previous result over separably closed fields and the snake lemma one gets the claim.

Example 4.3. Let k be a finite field and Pd+1k be the projective space. Let f1, . . . , fn be homogeneous irreducible polynomials defining smooth and geomet- rically connected hypersurfaces in Pd+1k such that V+(fi) and V+(fj) intersect smoothly and every connected component of V+(fi, fj) is geometrically connected (e.g. contains a k-rational point). Then the reciprocity map ρY is injective for Y :=V+(f1· · ·fn),→Pd+1k .

Proof. Ifd < 2, then Y is a union of points or curves, so that H2Y) = 0. For d≥2we use4.2together withπab1 (Pd+1k ) = Galabk and refer to3.6.

Note that this example can be used to construct a huge H2Y) and never- theless a vanishing kernel of the reciprocity map.

Example 4.4 (cf. [MSA99, Example 4.1], [Sug09, Example 3.2]). Let k be a fi- nite field and n > 1 an integer such that gcd(n,6 char(k)) = 1 and k contains a primitive n-th root of unity ζ. Let P3k = Proj(k[T0, T1, T2, T3]) be the projective space and

V :=V+(T0n+T1n+T2n+T3n),→P3k

a Fermat surface and consider the free action onV given by τ: (T0:T1:T2:T3)7→(T0:ζT12T23T3).

ThenX :=V /hτiis a smooth and projective surface. Let

L=V+(T0+T1, T2+T3) and L0=V+(T0+T1, T2+ζT3)


be two lines onV andC,C0 be their images in X. ThenD:=C∪C0 is a simple normal crossing divisor onX, andC andC0 meet in two k-rational points. Set

Y := (X×kO)∪(X×k∞)∪(D×kP1k)⊆X×kP1k,

whereO = (0 : 1)and∞= (1 : 0)are rational points onP1k. ThenY is a simple normal crossing surface inX×kP1k which is projective and geometrically connected overk, and the reciprocity map

ρY : CH0(Y)→π1ab(Y)

has ker(ρY) ∼= Z/n. Moreover, ker(ρY⊗F) ∼= Z/n for every finite field exten- sionF|k.

Now letC∩C0 ={c1, c2} and let ΓY be the dual complex toY associated to a numbering of the irreducible components. Then

H0Y,Z) =Z, H1Y,Z) = 0, H2Y,Z)∼=Z, and therefore for every integer m,

H0Y,Z/m) =Z/m, H1Y,Z/m) = 0, H2Y,Z/m)∼=Z/m.

Proof. For the first statements see [Sug09, Example 3.2]. For the homology groups we mention the following:Y,Y[0]resp., has four irreducible components:

Y1=X×kO, Y2=C×kP1k, Y3=C0×kP1k, Y4=X×k∞.

There are six connected components inY[1]:

Y12=Y1∩Y2=C×kO, Y13=Y1∩Y3=C0×kO, Y231 in Y2∩Y3:c1×kP1k, Y232 in Y2∩Y3:c2×kP1k, Y24=Y2∩Y4=C×k∞, Y34=Y3∩Y4=C0×k∞.

And there are four connected components inY[2]:

Y1231 in Y1∩Y2∩Y3:c1×kO, Y2341 inY2∩Y3∩Y4:c1×k∞, Y1232 in Y1∩Y2∩Y3:c2×kO, Y2342 inY2∩Y3∩Y4:c2×k∞.

The homology groupsHiY,Z)can then be computed combinatorially. And the homology groups with coefficients in Z/mcan be computed from the homology groups with coefficients inZ by the universal coefficient theorem, observing that allHiY,Z)are torsion-free.

4.4shows that the groupsH2Y,Z)andH2Y,Zˆ)are torsion-free, but the reciprocity map and the reciprocity map modulonhave kernelZ/n. Therefore the kernel is not given by the torsion part ofH2Y,Z)or H2Y




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