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A more novel approach, attempting to clarify the fields in the GEAR file, is the Track-erPlanes layout.

One new feature is that users can define materials which then can be used for the layers.

Unfortunately, the material node in the XML file needs a value for the radiation and integration length. However, these values can be derived from the material properties, which happens if the initial values are set to zero.


<!−− new t e l e s c o p e geometry d e s c r i p t i o n −−>

<g l o b a l detectorName=”EUTelescope”/>

<BField type=”ConstantBField ” x=”0.0” y=”0.0” z=”0.0”/>

<materials >

<material name=” S i l i c o n ” A=”28” Z=”14”

density =”2.329” radLength=”0” intLength=”0”/>

</materials >

<detectors >

<d e t e c t o r name=”SiPlanes ” geartype=”TrackerPlanesParameters”>

<LayoutID ID=”225”/>

<LayoutNumberOfLayers number=”2”/>

<layers >

<l a y e r ID=”0” i n f o =”F i r s t t e l . plane”>

<a c t i v e ID=”0” geometry=”Mimosa26 . so ” sizeX =”21.2” sizeY =”10.6”

t h i c k n e s s =”0.030” material=” S i l i c o n ” />

</layer >

<l a y e r ID=”1” i n f o =”Second t e l . plane ” po sit io nZ =”83.00”>

<a c t i v e ID=”1” geometry=”Mimosa26 . so ” sizeX =”21.2” sizeY =”10.6”

t h i c k n e s s =”0.030” material=” S i l i c o n ” />

</layer >

</layers >

</detector >

</detectors >



EUTelescope Test Cases

As mentioned in Section 8.3, there are several Docker containers provided and used to execute the test cases. In particular, the following ten distributions, listed in Table C.1, are available.

Distribution Package Manager Comments

ArchLinux pacman rolling release

CernCentOS 7 yum

Debian9 apt

Fedora 26 dnf

Fedora 28 dnf

ScientificLinux 6 yum baseline, using devtoolset

Ubuntu 16 apt

Ubuntu 17 apt

Ubuntu 18 apt

openSUSE tumbleweed zypper rolling release Table C.1.: List of available Docker containers.

The following test cases, listed in Table C.2, have been implemented. They use two different examples, shipped with a default EUTelescope installation, namely the aconite-4chipLocal example, which is an example with ATLAS pixel four-chip modules and the gbl_local example. The initial one exploits the extended geometry description within EUTelescope and can therefore validate the correct functioning of it. It also tests and validated the interplay of Mimosa26 and ATLAS pixel data. Moreover, it uses the Deterministic Annealing Filter (DAF) fitter. Contrary to that, the gbl_local example uses the GBL track fit. While some of the tests are repeated within the gbl_local test

cases, there is as little duplication as possible to keep the test cases maintainable.

Name Example Used Validation of

test_01-1_geoboxinitialisation aconite-4chipLocal Box of sensor in TGeo is initialised cor-rectly

test_01-2_advancedgeometry aconite-4chipLocal Loading of shared extended geometry li-braries

test_01-3_noisypixel_m26 aconite-4chipLocal Number of noisy pixels on Mimosa26 sen-sors

test_02-fullconverter aconite-4chipLocal Execution of full converter step, writing output file

test_03-1_readnoisypixel_m26 aconite-4chipLocal Reading back noisy pixel database for Mi-mosa26

test_03-2_readnoisypixel_apix aconite-4chipLocal Reading back noisy pixel database for AT-LAS pixels (expected to be empty, but it must exist)

test_03-3_clustercount_m26 aconite-4chipLocal Cluster count on Mimosa26

test_03-4_clustercount_apix aconite-4chipLocal Cluster count on ATLAS pixel

test_03-5_noisyclustermasker_m26 aconite-4chipLocal Masking of correct number of noisy clus-test_03- ters

6_noisyclusterremover_m26 aconite-4chipLocal Removing correct number of noisy Mi-mosa26 clusters

test_03-7_noisyclusterremover_apix aconite-4chipLocal Executing noisy cluster removal for AT-LAS pixel (no noisy pixels, hence no re-moval expected)

test_04-fullclustering aconite-4chipLocal Execution of full clustering step, writing output file

test_05-1_prealigner aconite-4chipLocal Output of pre-alignment processor test_05-2_correlator aconite-4chipLocal Output of correlator processor

test_06-fullhitmaker aconite-4chipLocal Execution of full hitmaker step, writing output file

test_07-1_daf_scatter_init aconite-4chipLocal The deterministic annealing filter (DAF) fitter initialises material correctly

test_07-2_daf_setup_init aconite-4chipLocal The DAF fitter initialises the set-up cor-rectly, i.e. resolutions and sensors

test_07-3_daf_track_count aconite-4chipLocal DAF fitter finds a given amount of tracks

test_07-4_mille_track_accept aconite-4chipLocal Mille(pede) accepts agiven number of tracks from the DAF fitter

test_07-5_pede_call aconite-4chipLocal The Pede executable is called via pthreads test_07-6_pede_result aconite-4chipLocal Results reported back by Pede are consis-test_08_fullalign aconite-4chipLocal tentExecution of full align step, writing GEAR

and log file

test_09-1_daf_setup_init aconite-4chipLocal Same as before, but also validates exclu-sion of DUTs in final track fit

test_09-2_daf_track_count aconite-4chipLocal Same as before now with final alignment test_09-3_daf_track_stats aconite-4chipLocal Checks if DAF output like chi-square is


test_02-fullconverter gbl_local Execution of full converter step, writing output file

test_03-1_clustercount_m26 gbl_local Cluster count on Mimosa26

test_04-fullclustering gbl_local Execution of full clustering step, writing output file

test_05-1_prealigner gbl_local Output of pre-alignment processor test_05-2_correlator gbl_local Output of corellator processor

test_06-fullhitmaker gbl_local Execution of full hitmaker step, writing output file


_first_iteration gbl_local Initial GBL alignment iteration, number of found tracks

test_07-2_pede_first_iteration gbl_local Derived alignment from first Millepede it-eration


_second_iteration gbl_local Second GBL alignment iteration, number of found tracks

test_07-4_pede_second_iteration gbl_local Derived alignment from second Millepede iteration

Table C.2.: An overview of the implemented test cases for EUTelescope.


Emitter Coupled Logic Circuit

D.1. The Circuit

Shown in Figure D.1 is the initial attempt to impose gating without the NIM set-up as discussed in Section 9.2.

The section of the circuit outlined by the green (full) ellipse is the section deriving the gate pulse. A delay line between U$3 and U$4 delays the signal to the V+ input of the comparator. If the 40 MHz clock is used as an input, the comparator will produce temporally correlated pulses, their length determined by the mentioned delay line.

Below, enclosed by the red (dashed) oval, the same type of comparator is used to produce an output pulse if there is a negative pulse from a PMT. This is done by comparing the PMT pulse, going to V, to a reference voltage on V+.

Ultimately, both pulses are ANDed (logical AND) together. This is shown in the orange (dotted) circle.

The problems which arose with that circuit are that to derive a square pulse in the order of a (or some) ns, the circuit must be able to handle the high frequency components in that pulse. As a rule-of-thumb, for a square wave one needs to consider frequencies of at least three times the square pulse frequency. This pushes the frequencies of this gating circuitry to above a GHz. In this frequency domain, designing circuits is not an easy task, and ultimately improper termination and not perfectly adjusted trace impedances led to reflections which deteriorated the signals processed.



Supplemental In-Time Validation Plots

E.1. Gate Signal Shape

The further oscilloscope measurements for the impact of the delay on the gate width are shown below.

Figure E.1.: Measurement of the gate width with an additional 5 ns delay with respect to the measurement shown in Fig. 9.5.

In Figure E.1 an additional 5 ns of delay is introduced. The negative pulse width remains at (5.61±0.02)ns. With a total of 11 ns delay, given in Figure E.2, a negative

pulse width of (5.56±0.02)ns is measured.

Figure E.2.: Measurement of the gate width with an additional 11 ns delay with respect to the measurement shown in Fig. 9.5.