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Since the trailblazing work of Peter Agre, the genes from the family of major intrinsic proteins where known to encode functional aquaporins. In plants, aquaporins are also believed to build the molecular basis for high water conductivities of membranes. Furthermore, correla-tions of a high cellular water conductivity and a strong expression of different MIP showed up in young, growing tissues. Therefore the emphasis of this work was to find out which physio-logical role aquaporins may play during regulation of elongation growth of plant tissues.

Thereby the hypocotyl of seedlings from Ricinus communis L. served as a model organ. In darkness this organ exhibits strong elongation growth, which is controlled by an endogenous developmental program. Upon illumination elongation growth is inhibited as an aspect of photomorphogenesis. Out of ten known Ricinus-MIP, RcPIP1-1, RcPIP2-1 and RcTIP1-1 were investigated in detail, because of showing dominant expression straight in the hypo-cotyl. RcPIP2-1 and RcTIP1-1 were successfully expressed in yeast and characterised as aquaporins by stopped-flow spectroscopy.

The expression of RcPIP2-1 was strongly correlated with elongation activity along the hypo-cotyl axis and the inhibition of elongation by light exposure. Structural characteristics pointed to posttranslational regulation of RcPIP2-1, which seems to be especially important at the end of elongation process within the endogenous developmental program. Inside the elonga-tion zone RcPIP2-1 is strongly expressed in small cells of the xylem parenchyma, where it possibly reduces a hydraulic barrier for growth-dependent radial water flow. Beyond that RcPIP2-1 shows a transiently increased expression in the cortex periphery of the elongation-zone. Right in cells of this tissue, pressure probe measurements showed strongly increased hydraulic conductivities compared to cells from non-elongating hypocotyl zones. By model-ling radial gradients of water potential it was predicted, that hydraulic conductivities of cells within a complex tissue can limit extension growth of the Ricinus hypocotyl.

Beneath that, the expression of the RcSCR1 correlates inversely with elongation and thus with sink strength along the hypocotyl axis. RcSCR1, a putative phloem loading sugar car-rier, is absent from those tissues, which are dependent on supply of energy rich assimilates due to strong extension growth and cell division activity. RcSCR1 is induced, when sink strength is reduced as the consequence of completion of elongation growth.

These findings demonstrate, that regulation of elongation growth in Ricinus seedlings can be done by a change of cellular water conductivity. RcPIP2-1 is possibly a molecular compound of this regulatory mechanism. Beyond that RcSCR1 seems to be involved into the expiration of elongation growth, by controlling the availability of solutes and/or energy rich assimilates.


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