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The main contribution of the present work is the creation of a software framework for the solution of multi physics and in particular multi domain problems by means of grid-based discretizations on top of DUNE and its discretization module PDELab.

After a short introduction to partial differential equations and their solutions using general finite element type methods, we give a high level overview of the

DUNE software framework that forms the basis of our implementation and describe a number of advanced C++ programming techniques required to understand a number of implementation techniques presented in later chapters.

The main body of our work is devoted to our software framework. In Chapter3, we introduce a DUNE meta grid that adds subdomain support to any existing DUNE

grid implementation, a feature which forms the foundation for our high-level multi domain simulation framework. Chapter4is dedicated to a general introduction into multi domain problems and a high-level overview over this simulation framework.

In Chapter 5, we introduce a C++ template library for trees of function spaces and related objects that lies at the heart of our framework and the underlying PDELab toolbox. Chapter 6 is concerned with controlling the order of entries in the assembled vectors and matrices and presents a flexible framework to generate different orders by annotating function spaces; a feature which is required for the use of advanced linear solvers typically required in multi domain simulations.

In Chapter 7 we explain some internals of the implementation of our framework.

Chapter 8 contains the last major part of our work, where we demonstrate the application of our implementation to a pair of model problems to illustrate its ability to speed up application development and quantify its performance overhead in relation to standard (non multi domain) DUNE. Moreover, we show its impact on real-world applications, where our software was used by other scientists to develop and perform their multi domain simulations. We describe how these projects have benefited from the infrastructure provided by our framework.

Finally, in Chapter 9 we provide a conclusion and point out a number of areas where our work could be further extended or improved.

C h a p t e r



In this chapter, we give a short overview of several topics that are fundamental to the understanding of our work. In particular, we introducePDEsand their numerical solution using the Finite Element Method (FEM) with a focus on establishing the notation and giving an overview of the assembly process, i.e. the calculation of vectors and matrices describing the problem. After that, we continue with a presentation of the DUNE software framework that forms the foundation of our own software implementations; finally, there is a short summary of advanced C++ programming techniques which are required to understand many of our implementation decisions.

2.1 Partial Differential Equations

This section gives a very compressed overview ofPDEsand their numerical solution.

Is is mostly aimed at introducing the necessary terminology and notation required for later chapters and is neither exhaustive nor mathematically rigorous; for a more thorough treatise, we refer to [16], which this introduction is also largely based on.

A general linear, scalar second order PDE on the open domain Ω ⊂ Rd can be written as

Lu=∇ ·(D(x)∇u) +b(x)· ∇u+c(x)u=f in Ω (2.1) with the unknown u : Ω → F, where F will normally be R or C, the spatial parameter fields D : Ω → Fd×d, b : Ω → Fd, c: Ω → F and the right hand side f : Ω→Fd. While our software framework also supports calculations with complex numbers, we will for simplicity assume F=R in the following.

Based on the values of D(x) and b(x), (2.1) is called elliptic inx, if D(x) is positive or negative definite,

hyperbolic inx, if all eigenvalues of D(x) are nonzero and all but one of those eigenvalues have the same sign, or

parabolic in x, if exactly one eigenvalue is zero, all remaining eigenvalues share the same sign and the matrix (D(x),b(x)) has full rank.

A priori, this classification is a local property. In many cases, however, it holds for all x∈Ω and thus becomes a global property of thePDE in question.

The terminology of this classification is rooted in the two-dimensional setting, where, depending on the values of the matrix D, the level set functions of the quadratic form d11x21+ 2d12x1x2+d22x22 take on the shape of the corresponding geometric curves.

APDEdoes not necessarily fall into one of the above categories, as the classification is not exhaustive; moreover, the character of the equation can vary across Ω.

A very simple example of a stationary, scalar PDE is the stationary convection-diffusion-reaction equation. It describes the spatial distribution of a concentration u in the presence of the three processes diffusion, convection and reaction and is given by

−∇ ·(D∇u) +b· ∇u+cu=f in Ω⊂Rd, u=g on ΓD,

−∇u·n=j on ΓN,


with a symmetric, positive definitediffusion tensor D ∈Rd×d, a convection velocity b ∈Rd and a reaction rate c∈R. Here, n denotes theunit outer normal vector, g prescribes the Dirichlet boundary conditions and j the Neumann boundary conditions. Together, ΓD and ΓN form a partitioning of the boundary of Ω such that ΓD∩ΓN = ∅and ∂Ω = ΓD ∪ΓN. If g = 0, the Dirichlet boundary conditions are called homogeneous.

2.1.1 Weak Form

Finding a solution u to a second order PDE like (2.2) requires that uC2(Ω), i.e. that u be twice continuously differentiable everywhere in Ω. This is a very limiting restriction because it e.g. precludes approximating u by a piecewise linear function. In order to partially overcome this restriction, we smoothen the original equation by applying the variational principle, i.e. we multiply the equation by a suitable test function and integrate over the domain. The result is called theweak formulation of the PDE.

2.1 • Partial Differential Equations 9 Given the convection-diffusion-reaction equation (2.2) with homogeneous Dirichlet conditions on the whole boundary, we choose a test function v that vanishes at the boundary and integrate over Ω, which yields


∇ ·(D∇u)vdx+Z

b· ∇uv+cuvdx=Z

f vdx. (2.3) Integrating the first term by parts and discarding the resulting boundary integral, which disappears due tov = 0 on ∂Ω, we get


(D∇u)· ∇vdx+Z

b· ∇uv+cuvdx=Z

f vdx. (2.4) We then define bilinear and linear forms

a(u, v) = Z

(D∇u)· ∇v+b· ∇uv+cuvdx and l(v) = Z

f vdx.

Using these forms, our problem can be written in its weak form as

Find uU : a(u, v) =l(v)vV. (2.5) A solutionu of (2.5) is called aweak solution. A weak solution does not necessarily satisfy the strong formulation (2.2); solutions of the strong formulation have to be in C02(Ω), while the weak formulation only requires the first derivative. In fact, the weak solution only has to be inC1 almost everywhere because the weak formulation is based on the notion of a weak differential that smoothens out lower-dimensional jumps in the differential.

PDELab uses a slightly modified version of (2.5): We introduce the residual form r(u, v) =a(u, v)l(v) and obtain the residual formulation of the problem:

FinduU : r(u, v) = 0vV. (2.6) As we will see later on, this formulation has the advantage that we can naturally extend it to nonlinear problems by simply dropping the requirement that r(u, v) has to be linear in u.

In general, the ansatz space U and the test space V do not have to be identical.

In this very general setting, the variational approach described above is called a Petrov-Galerkin method. The majority of real-world applications, however, assume U =V, which is called a Galerkin method.

BothPDELaband the extension framework presented in this work support Petrov-Galerkin schemes, but in order to simplify the notation, we will restrict the following discussion to Galerkin methods with identical ansatz and test spaces, as having different ansatz and test spaces does not fundamentally change the applicability of the multi domain approaches we introduce in this thesis.

2.1.2 Existence and Uniqueness

A PDE problem is called well-posed if it has a solution, if that solution is unique and if the solution depends continuously on the data (boundary conditions and parameter functions). While there are multiple theorems that provide necessary and / or sufficient conditions for the well-posedness of a PDEproblem, we restrict ourselves to stating the most well-known of those results, which gives a sufficient condition for well-posedness that is reasonably easy to verify:

Theorem 2.1 (Lax-Milgram). LetV a Hilbert space, a∈ L(V ×V;R)and lV0. Then (2.5) is well-posed if a is coercive, i.e. if there is an α >0 such that

a(u, u)αkuk2uV and if the following a-priori estimate holds:

kukV ≤ 1


A direct proof of this theorem can be found in [16]. For the remainder of this work, we will in general assume that any problem we are investigating satisfies Lax-Milgram or a similar well-posedness criterion and we are thus able to obtain and solve a discretized version of the problem.

2.1.3 Discrete Problem

There is only a very limited number of PDEs for which an analytical solution is known; typically, it will only be possible to calculate a numerical approximation of the solution. In general, solving a PDE equates to finding a function ψ : Ω →R which satifies (2.1) for every x ∈ Ω. This problem cannot be directly tackled numerically, as the underlying function space V is of infinite dimension. Any numerical solution scheme thus necessarily involves a discretization process with the ultimate goal of finding a well-suited finite-dimensional subspaceVh that yields a good approximation of V.

If we assume that we have found a suitable finite-dimensional spaceVh of dimension N (cf. Section 2.2 for how to construct such a space), we can construct a basis Φ ={ϕi}i=0,...,N−1 forVhand represent any functionψVhas a linear combination of those basis functions:

ψ =NX−1

i=0 uiϕi, ui ∈R. (2.7)

The coefficients ui are usually called degrees of freedom (DOFs) and the vector u = (u0, . . . , uN−1) the DOF vector. For a fixed basis Φ, this vector is a unique representation of the function ψ that can be stored in a computer as a vector of floating point numbers; ultimately, the goal of any PDE simulation is to obtain the

DOF vector u of the solution.

2.1 • Partial Differential Equations 11 From a high-level point of view, the discretized version of a problem in residual form (2.5) can still be written the same way as in the continuous case:

Find ψVh : rh(ψ, ϕ) = 0 ∀ϕVh. (2.8) Note that the problem structure has not changed at all; the function space V and the residual form r(·,·) have just been replaced by their discrete counterparts Vh and rh. We then exploit the fact that rh(ψ, ϕ) is a bilinear form and it is thus sufficient to test equation (2.8) with the basis functions ϕi of Vh. Replacingψ by (2.7), we arrive at the finite-dimensional algebraic problem

Find u∈RN : rh

NX−1 j=0

ujϕj, ϕi

= 0, i= 0, . . . , N −1 (2.9)

which describes thePDEproblem in terms of theDOFvectoru. For further notation convenience, we finally introduce the discrete residual operator Rh as

Rh :RN →RN, Rh(u)

i =rh

NX−1 j=0

ujϕj, ϕi


and can then write the algebraic problem (2.9) as

Find u∈RN : Rh(u) = ∅. (2.11)

2.1.4 Systems of Equations

Most multi physics problems are concerned with models that describe more than a single, scalar variable. As an example, consider the Navier-Stokes equations, which describe the motion of a fluid based on its velocity v and pressure p:

∇ ·2µD(v)−pI+ρv· ∇v =f in Ω, (2.12a)

∇ ·v = 0 in Ω, (2.12b)

T(vn=jN on ΓN∂Ω. (2.12c) (2.12d) Here, µ denotes the viscosity and ρ the density of the fluid. f is an external force like gravity, D= 12v+ (∇v)T is the symmetric deformation tensor and T= 2µD(v)−pI is the stress tensor.

This problem has a more complicated structure than the scalar convection-diffusion-reaction equation:

• The function space U for this problem is vector-valued: There are d velocity components vi as well as the pressure p, so U has d+ 1 components. Let us initially consider the velocity: we have written the equations in terms of

the overall velocity v for better readability and thus want to consider v as a single, vector-valued variable. The corresponding velocity function space V can be constructed as a Cartesian product of scalar function spaces for each velocity component:

V =V1×V2× · · · ×Vd, ViH1(Ω), i= 1, . . . , d.

In order to define the overall solution space, we repeat this construction process and define U =V ×P with an additional pressure space P. This example hints at a general construction principle for multi-component function spaces: Instead of regarding them as a single, arbitrarily complex space, we can construct them by recursively combining elementary function spaces into bigger units, resulting in a structure that computer scientists will directly recognize as atree. As we will see in later chapters, this construction principle is central to both PDELab and our multi domain extensions.

• Equations (2.12a) and (2.12b) give d+ 1 scalar equations for thed+ 1 scalar variables of the problem. We treat each of those equations the same way as in the scalar case by multiplying with a test function from the test space of an appropriate scalar variable and partially integrating the result, if necessary.

Afterwards, we sum up the resulting equations into a single residualr for the complete system, which becomes

r(v, p),(w, q)= Z

(pI−2µD(v))· ∇wdx+Z

(ρv· ∇vwdx


f ·wdx+Z


j ·wds+Z

(∇ ·v)qdx

Note that due to the convection term ρv· ∇v, the residual form is not linear in v anymore.

Finally, we again arrive at a problem of the form (2.8):

Find (v, p)V ×P : r(v, p),(w, q)= 0 ∀(w, q)V ×P.

We can see that the residual formulation naturally extends to systems of equations.

Moreover, it also allows for a uniform treatment of both linear and nonlinear problems (although a nonlinear problem will of course necessitate a nonlinear solver like a Newton scheme).

2.1.5 Instationary Problems

Up until now, we have only regarded time-independent equations, but the majority of real-world applications is concerned with instationary problems. As an example,

2.1 • Partial Differential Equations 13 we extend the convection-diffusion-reaction equation (2.2) to an instationary model over the time interval (t0, t0+T):

tu− ∇ ·(D∇u) +b· ∇u+cu=f in Ω×Σ = (t0, t0 +T), u=g on ΓD,

−∇u·n=j on ΓN, u(·, t0) =u0 at t=t0.


The main differences here are the time derivative in the actual PDEand the initial condition u0. Instationary problems are typically solved by separating the problem into a spatial and a temporal component and then treating the temporal part as a system of ODEs for the spatialDOFs. The weak form of the problem is given by

d dt



(D∇u)· ∇v+ (b· ∇u)v+cuvdx


f vdx+Z


jvds = 0 ∀vV, t∈Σ.

We introduce a second residual formm(u, v;t) =Ruvdxand discretize the problem in space. The problem can then be cast into a slightly extended version of our established residual formulation:

Find uh(x, t)∈Vh : d

dtmh(uh, vh;t) +rh(uh, vh;t) = 0vhVh, t∈Σ. (2.14) Here,mh(uh, vh;t) represents the temporal part of the problem; note thatrh carries over unchanged from the stationary problem (2.6). After discretizing (2.14) in time, we can apply anODE integrator to the problem. Taking the implicit Euler method as an example, we pick a sequence of time points (t0 =t0, t1, . . . , tN =t0+T) with tn−1 < tn, n= 1, . . . , N and set kn=tn+1tn. Approximating the time derivative in (2.14) with backward differences then yields a sequence of fully discrete problems

Find un+1 ∈RN : M(un+1;tn+1)− M(un;tn)

tn+1tn +R(un+1;tn+1) =∅, whereR is defined as in (2.10) and M is constructed in equivalent fashion from mh(uh, vh;t). We thus have to find the solution to one (non)linear algebraic problem per time step. This approach naturally extends to higher-order one step methods as well as explicit time integrators, but we limit our introduction to this simple example of an implicit Euler scheme and refer the reader to [63, 64] for a detailed overview of the numerical solution of ODEs.

Apart from the additional time dependence,R is identical to the residual opera-tor (2.2) of the stationary problem, and while we now need two residual operaopera-tors, M has the same structure as the original residual; this will be important at the implementation level, where we can use the same software infrastructure to assemble both R and M.

2.1.6 Solution of the Algebraic Problem

Given an algebraic problem of the form (2.11), we can apply the following solution algorithm based on a damped Newton method: We start with an initial guess u0U, which should be chosen in such a way that it fulfills any strongly imposed Dirichlet boundary conditions. We then compute r0 = R(u0) and set k = 0.

Subsequently, the following steps are repeated until convergence (i.e. krkk< ):

1. Assemble Jacobian matrix Ak=∇R(uk).

2. Solve Akzk =rk with some linear solver.

3. Update uk+1 =ukσkzk with σ∈(0,1].

4. Compute new residual rk+1 =R(uk+1).

5. Setk =k+ 1.

As we can see, we need a way to compute the residual vector R(u) and the Jacobian matrix∇R(u). The computation of these two quantities is calledproblem assembly; our thesis presents a software framework for performing this assembly in the case of more complicated multi domain problems as introduced in Chapter 4.

Note that for a linear problem like the convection-diffusion-reaction example, the Jacobian ∇R(u) is a constant; consequently, the Newton method will converge in a single iteration, making this solution procedure viable for both linear and nonlinear problems.