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5.7 Applications

5.7.2 Filtered Nodes

The subproblems and couplings introduced in Chapter 4 define a subspace for the associated residual form. This subspace is given as a tuple of child indices.

If the tuple only contains a single child index, the subspace can be implemented as a ProxyNodeon top of that child, but if the space combines multiple children, we need to synthesize a new tree node that presents the selected children in the correct order. For this purpose, TypeTree introduces another powerful utility called FilteredCompositeNodethat applies a compile time filter to the children of an interior node. The library also ships with a number of predefined filters;

in order to select and reorder children based on a subspace index tuple, we can use the IndexFilter. For example, if we need a tree node that contains children (4,1,3,2,3) of an existing node, the filtered proxy node can be constructed as


1 template<typename Node>

2 struct Filtered

3 : public FilteredCompositeNode<

4 Node, // underlying node

5 IndexFilter<4,1,3,2,3> // select children of node in this order

6 >

7 {

8 typedef FilteredCompositeNode<

9 Node,

10 IndexFilter<4,1,3,2,3>

11 > Base;


13 Filtered(shared_ptr<Node> node) 14 : Base(node)

15 {

16 this->unfiltered(); // access unfiltered node

17 }


19 ...

20 };

As this example shows, it is even possible to duplicate a child in the filtered node, but keep in mind that the filter does not really copy the node; in the example above, the 3rd and the 5th child of the filtered node point to the same object in memory.

The filter passed to theFilteredCompositeNodeis actually aTMPthat is invoked when the filtered node is instantiated; during its invocation, it has access to the types of the underlying, unfiltered node and its children. It returns a tuple of index pairs (inew, iold) encapsulated in a struct that conforms to the concept of a FilterResult; a precise definition of that concept with type names etc. can be found in the library documentation. For the example above, the result of calling the IndexFilterwill be ((0,4),(1,1),(2,3),(3,2),(4,3)).

By implementing the filter as a TMP instead of a simple list of indices, it becomes possible to perform filtering on almost arbitrary criteria (e.g. remove all children that are leaf nodes, sort children by some user-defined property, . . . ). On the other hand, the FilteredCompositeNode is oblivious to the exact semantics of the filter; there is only a single implementation that is shared across all types of filters and interior nodes. Note, however, that filtering a PowerNode removes the extended interface of that node type, as the FilteredCompositeNodealways mimics a VariadicCompositeNode, as adding special support for a dynamic child interface was not needed for our applications and seemed too much of a special case to warrant the additional implementation complexity.

C h a p t e r


Flexible Control of Vector and Matrix Layout

Throughout the preceding chapters we have focused on the intricacies of formulating multi physics problems as well as assembling their residuals and Jacobians, but until now we have ignored the actual layout of the vectors and containers representing those objects. That layout is governed by the way we enumerate the basis functions, and that order does in turn influence the behavior of the numerical solver we use for solving the (linear or non-linear) equation system formed by the residual and the Jacobian.

The most important problem that these equation systems pose is their immense size – outside of the sheltered haven of mathematical method development, millions of equations are considered a small problem in this context, and large HPC simula-tions currently operate on problems on the order of 1012 DOFs. These enormous problem sizes make it impossible to naively store the problem matrices in a dense representation – even for a small problem with 106 DOFs, a dense double precision matrix would require ≈7.3 TiB of storage, which would in turn render the solution of such a problem on current workstation hardware completely unfeasible. On the other hand, typical FEM matrices are very sparse, so they are usually stored in formats that exploit this sparsity, e.g. block compressed row storage (BCRS).

For realistic problem sizes, the linear equation systems encountered (either directly or after linearization of a non-linear system) are solved using iterative solvers.

Iterative solvers often exhibit performance characteristics that strongly depend on the structure of the matrices / vectors, a structure that is created by the problem assembly algorithms. Specifically, this influence is present through three distinct, but interdependent mechanisms:

• Modification of theintra-space order of DOFs allows for controlling features like the bandwidth of the assembled matrix, an important factor for the performance of some iterative solvers / preconditioners.

• When merging product spaces on a common tessellation, there are multiple approaches, which allow for different interpretations of and solution techniques for the overall problem.

• Somewhat related to the previous point, specific DOF layouts for certain problems benefit from the use of block matrices / vectors to expose the problem structure to the algebraic solver and improve its performance.

In this chapter, we present an iterative mechanism for generating enumerations of the basis functions of function spaces based on the tree structure of the underlying function spaces and discuss the implementation of this mechanism within PDELab. As index mapping is a core functionality of a PDE assembly framework, our implementation in this case does not work as an optional add-on, but completely replaces the earlier, more limited mapping functionality throughout the framework.

Consequentally, the discussion in this chapter is not limited to multi domain problems, but also applies to simpler problems like the Navier-Stokes equation presented in Section 2.1.4.

6.1 Ordering Degrees of Freedom in Finite Ele-ment Bases

A discrete FE function space V is defined in terms of its underlying mesh: It is spanned by a finite number of basis functions {ϕi}i=0,...,n−1, each associated with a specific mesh entity (note that there may be multiple basis functions associated with a single entity, e.g. forPk spaces with k > 2), and any solution ψV in that space can be represented by aDOF vector u∈Rnthat implies a linear combination of the basis functions:

ψ =n−1X


uiϕi. (6.1)

In order to utilize this equation for a concrete function space, we have to somehow uniquely enumerate the basis functions. While this problem may seem trivial for simple cases like a scalar Q1 space (there is one basis function per grid vertex; just iterate over the vertices in your grid data structure and number the functions in iteration order), we will see that there are a number of choices once we encounter product spaces or more complicated finite elements. In general, it is not possible to pick a single enumeration scheme that is optimal in all situations; instead, we need to be able to adapt the enumeration to the problem, the discretization and the linear solver.

6.1 • Ordering Degrees of Freedom in Finite Element Bases 97

U1 U2

Lexicographic merging

Interleaved merging

Figure 6.1 — Lexicographic and interleaved DOF merging for two Q1 spaces.

Top: Meshes showing mapping of DOFs to grid entities and resulting DOF vectors.

Bottom: Results of different merging strategies.