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Im Dokument Computer System (Seite 91-101)

bsh(l), digest (1M), shell, termcap(5)



A very important point. !lere is that the local cunor motions encQded ill taTmC:lp

are WlCie4D.ed at the left. and t.cp edges ot a


term..i.tlal. The editor will never

These capabilities sumce to describe hardcopy and. .. giass-tty'· terminals. Thus the C1ode133 teletype i. desCribed



~have. and by describing how operations are performed. Paddin& req,uirements -and initial~zat1on seq,uences are irlcluded ir1 tl1"mC~p. .

ktries irl t.rm.c~p consist. ot a number of ':' separat.ed delds. The erst entry tor each t.erminal lives the IlAmes w!:lich are lalOW'll for t.he terminal. separated by


characters. The erst Ilame 1s always 2 charact.en 10Ili and is used by older version 6 syst.ems which store the t.erminal type in a 16 bit. word in a system'Wld.e data base. The secolld Ilame liven is the most commoll abbreViatioll tor the ter-mi1' al. and the last Ilame .iven should be a long name tully id.entifying the ter:n.i-nal. The second name should contain no blanks: the last name may well cont41ll blanks for readability.


(P) indicat.es paddiJ:::.& may be I'pec~ed

(pe) indicates that. paddin& may be based Oil. no. Unes ~ected

NAme Type Pad? Description

I.e sU' (P) End alter:l&te character let.

al str (pe) Add new blank Une

am '0001 Terminal has automatic margins




Start alternat.e character set.

bc IU' Backspace if not - H

'os '0001 Terminal can backspace With -H bt str


Back tAb

'ow '0001 Backspace wraps trom column 0 to last column CC IU' Command charact.er in prototype it terminAl lettable cd IU' (pe) Clear t.o end ot d15play

d.a bo01 Display may be retaineei abaft



Number ot millisec of '01 delay needed cib '0001 Display may be retaineei below



Number of mtllisec of C%' delay needed




Programmer's Manual


Ther~ ar~ t"o basic kinds ot 1ntelligent terminals With respect to 1mert/delete character which can be desc!"'ibed usini tarm.c:p. The most ccmmon insert/delete character Qpera~O)1lS a1!ect oIlly the characten on the current Une and shitt characters ot! the end of the line rigidly. Other terminals, IUCb. as the Concept 100 and the Perkin Elmer OYL make a distinctioQ between typed and untyped blanks OQ the screen. shifting U.pOQ an insert or delete ocly to an p.Dtyped b!arik OQ the Icreen wbich is either eliminated. or erpanded to t;wo

~typed blanla. You can o.nd out wbich k:i.z:ld ot terminal ycu have by cleari.t:li the Icreen and then tYPini text separated by cunor motions. Type" abc det"


local cunor motiolU (not spaces) bet."een the "abc" and the "de!". Then position the cursor betore the "abc'· and put the terminal in insert mode. II

The editor can hAndle both terminels wbicb. have an insert mode. and terminals which send a simple sequence to open a blank position OQ t!le current liI:.e. Give

your terminal alloW'S motion while in insert mode ycu can iive the capability mi to sp.ed. u.p insertil:1i in this case. Omitt.i%li m1 Will a.1!ect only speed. Some ter-minals (notably Datamedia's) must not have m1 because of the way their insert mode wora.

rtnally. yeu can specify delete mode by liViIli


and eel to tnt.ar and e%lt deleta mode. and de to delete a siIl&le cha.ra.cter wh11e in delete mode.


undarlSnfn&. mel 1Uibl. ben.



terminal has .equences to ent.er and eXit standout mode these can be



i'roira.mmer's Manual TERM CAP ( 5)

Terminal u:cderlines even tho\lih it. doesn't overstrike 'Upline (cursor up)

Start underscon made

Visible bell (may not move cursor) Sequence to end open/Visual made Sequence to


open/visual mode aeehive (fl=escape. t2=ctrl C)

A newlille is linared atter a wrap (Concept.) Ret.urn acts 11ke c. \r \.a. (Delta Data)

Standout not erued by writini over it (Hi' 2S4~)

Tabs are destructive, maiic so char (Teleray 1061)

The following ent.ry, which describes the Concept-100, is amolli the more com-plex entries in the t'7'mCap


as at t.his wriUlli. (This particular concept entry ill outdated, and ill \Ued at an example only.)

ell c 1 00


conceptl OO:is=\E'U'.Et\E7\E~8'-El'-ENH~X'\E'\200\J:o~'200:' :al=3·\J:-R:a.n:1:bs:cd=lS·\E-C;c.=lS\J:-S;cl=2·-L:cm=~+ :f:+ :coI80:'

t.b.ree types: Boolean capabilities which indIcate that the t.erminal hu .ome par-ticular feature. numeric capabilities liVini the IU. ot the t.ermil:l.Al or the lize of particular delays. and strin& capabilities. which live a sequence wblch can be used t.o perform particular t.ermmal operations.

Types of CapabWU . .

All capabilities have t.wo letter codes. For instance. the fact that the Concept has "automatic marlin," (l.e. an automatic return and linefeed when the end of a l1lle i.a reached) is indicated by the capability am. Hence the description of the Concept 1llcludes am. Numeric capabilities are followed by the charact.er ',.

and then the value. Thus co wbicn indicates the number ot columns the per unit. to tenths ot mJl.l1aeconds.

A number of escape .eq,uences ar. provided in the


Yalued capabilities for easy encod1nc


characters there. A \% maps to an :::SCAlI!: charactei-... % maps to a control-x for any apprtlpria.te x. and the sequences \D '\r \1 \b \J i1ve a newline. return. tab, backspact! and formteed. F1nally, characters may be i1ven u lhr •• octal dl&iU attu a \. and the characters - IJld \ may be liven as \-and. ,\. If 11 il neces.ary to place a : in a capabilit.y it must be escaped in octal








- - - ..





.. _-.. .





TE?.M CAP ( 5 )

If tabs on the terminal ~qUl1'e padding. or it the t.erminal. uses a character ot!ler Ulan -1 to tab. then this can be .iven as t.a.

Hazeltine terminals. which don't allow· ... • characters to be printed should incii-cate hz. Datamedia t.arminais. which ecb.o carnage-return Unefeed for car:-:age . retur:l and then ignore a folloW'ini linefeed should indicate nco Early Concept . terminals. which ignore a lineteed immediately &.iter an am Wl'ap. should indi-reate %n. II an erase-eol is required to let rid of standout (instead ot merely

wnting on top of it). D should be .iven. Teleray ter.::linals. where tabs turIl all

= characters moved over tQ blanks. should ill die ate


OUler spec~c ter~

"pr1:)blems may be corrected by adding more capabilities ot the form %:.

OUler capabilities include is. an initialization st.ri.ng ror the terminal. and if. the


ot a Ole containing lOIli initialization st.r'inis. These strings ue expected to properly clear and then set the tabs on the terminal. 1! the terminal has sett-able labs. II ooth are given. ia lrill be printed betore if. This is usetul where if lS

.I\I..s'7"/tib/tabsat/std. but ia clears the tabs ~



II there ue two very similar terminw. one can be de~ed as beilli just like the oUler with certain exceptioDS. The stri.n& capability t.c can be Ilven With the name ot the similar terminal. This capability must be


and the combined tellith of the two entries must


exceed 1024. Since trrrm.lib r1:)utines seut:b.

the entry {rem lett tQ riiht. and since Ule tc capability is replaced by t.he correspondi.n.i entry. the capabilities given at the lett override the ones in the similar terminal. A capability can be cancelled wiUl %XO where xx i5 t..!le capabH-1ty. For example. t.b.e entry

bn 12e21nl:k~O:keO:t.c:2S21:

dl~.s a 2S21:l1 t.b.at does !lot have t.b.e lu or k. capabilities. and hence :'oes not turn on the function key labels when in T1SUal mode. Tbls is useful (or d~er~nt

modes tel'l. term1n"!' or for dit!erent user preferences.



containing tarminal descriptioDS



.x{l). cunls(3). tarmca.p(3). uet(l). vt(l). w(l). mon(1) m'I'BOR

'It'ill1am Joy

llar~ Horton added underlin1J:li and ~eypad support

E= alloW'S only 2~S charactan for 1t.ril1i capab1l1tJes. and the ~utine! in trrm.ca.p(3) do


check tor over'dcW cf this bw!er. The total leIlitb. of a sUliie entry (excludin& only escaped newlines) may :let exceed 1024.

The ma. ft. and f t entries UI spec~ tQ the vi

Pl"1:)&ral=-Net I.J.l pl"1:),r~ support all entries. There are entries that ue


supported by Uly ?~irar::l..



TER.\!CAP ( 5 )


Programmer's lb.nual TERMCAP(5)


Uke ~c

~.x adds:


value. then ~.

X>xy U value> x adds y. no output.

XI' reverses order of line and column. 110


mcrements Une/column (for 1 oriam)


lives a 1;"'~le ~

o k exclusiv;;r row and column With 0140


D SCD (11S-(X/l0» • (~10). no output.

XI) Reverse cod1n& (x-Z·(X::16». 110 output. (Delta Data).

COnsider the HP2645. which. to let


row 3 and column 12. needs to be sent

\E&a12c03Y padded tor S milliseconds. Nole that the order of t.he rows and.

columns is inverted here. and t.hat the row and column are printed as two digits.



cm capabWty 1s "cm=6\.E&~r~2c;:2r·. 'I'h. Jdicrolerm


l1eeds the current. row and colw::nn sent. preceded by a "T. With the row and column simply encoded in binary. "cm="~.;C.". Terminals which u.se .. ~.'. l1eed to be able to backspace the cursor (btl or IM:). and


move the cunor up one line on the ICreel1 (up introduced below). This 1. l1ecessary because it. is 110t always sate to

transmit,t. \D .. ]) and \ro. as t.he system may chanae or discard them.

A anal example 1s the LSI AllIl-3a. wbicD. u.ses row and column o~et by a bla.c.k character. thus "cm=\E=:;. :;. ".

Cw-wor moUoa.


the t.erminal can mema the cursor one positiol1 to the ",ht. teaVina the char!.c-tar at the current position unchanaed. then this seCluence should be liven as nd (non-Gestructive space). U 1t can move the curlor up a line on the screen in the Ame column. t.llis should be liven as up. It the terminal has 110 cursor


capability. but can home the cursor (to very upper lett corner ot screen) then this can be liven u ho: limilarly a fast way ot letl1n& to the lower lett hand corner can be liven

as U:

this may involve lOi%1& up With up trom the home posi-tion. but the editor will l1ever do this itself (unless 11 does) becau.se it makes 110 assumption about the et!ect ot moVln& up trom the home position.

Area clean

11 the terminal can clear from U1r. current position to the end of t.he Une. 1eaVil:li the cursor where 1t 1s. tbis SD.ould ~e liven u ceo


the terminal can clear from the current posiUon to the end ot ~he display. then this should be liven as cd.

The editor only u.ses cel from the &-st column of a l1ne.

rnsert/delet.e llDe


the t.erm1Dal can open a ne" 'blank Une betore the line where the cur. or is.

th1I SD.ould be liven as a1: this La done only from the &-st poSiUan of a line. The cunor must then appear on the ne"ly blank Une.


the terminal can delete the Une which the cursor 1s on. then this should be liven as dL this is done only trom the &-st posiUon on the line to be deleted.


the terminal can acrell the screen backwards. then thia can be liven as ab. but lust a1 .Wfices. If the term.1w can ret.a1D display memory above then the da capability should be liven: if display memory can be retained belo" then dI» mould be liven. These let the editor understand that. deletina a Une on the screen may brma 110n-blank l1lies up trom below or that. ICrollin& back With ab may brin& doW'll 110n-blank

u.n. •.

lIuerV delete charac:t.

lSI 10/80



--- ._-_. __ _ _ ._


-.---- --=:""'::'=-___ ., _ ...



the code followed by a nondestructive space.)

ltthe termin!.! boas a way of Oashi%li the screen to indicate an error quietly (a admssiIli and not Icnen relative curlor addr.ss1n&. a one .creen-sized wmdow mu.st be ~ed into the tarminal for cursor addrulin& t.o work properiy.

If !our terminal correctly ,enerates underUned charact.en (with no Ipecia!

codes needed) even thoUib. it does not overstrike. then you sb.ould give the capa-b1l1ty ul. II overstrikes are erasable with a blank. then this sb.ould be lnci1cated

!"tiYiPB (5) URIX ProgrUlJller' s llanual "rt'iYiPB (5)


ttytype - data base def ining terminal type1 used for associating terminals with serial ports


The ttytype data base is used to associate a manufacturer's terminal with the different serial ports on the system.

Each line contains the name of a terminal, a tab character, and then the XENIX device entry for the serial ports associated with that terminal. The terminal name must

correspond to an entry in /etc/termcap.

Making an entry in the ttytype file for your terminals allows the system to make maximum use of terminal features for certain system facilities that use full screen capabili ties. Among these programs are vi (1), bsh (1), and ua (1) •


/etc/ttytype SEE ALSO


vi(l), bsh(l), ua(l), termcap(5)

A typical line in the tty type file might look like ndumb /dev/tty3 n or nwyse /dev/tty5.n The first says that serial port 3 is connected to a terminal described in /etc/termcap as having no special characteristics such as cursor move-ment. The second entry tells XENIX that serial port 5 is connected to a terminal manufactured by Wyse Technology that is described in termcap under the name nwyse.n The terminal name is the name found between the first and second vertical bars of the appropriate entry in /etc/termcap.



Appendix A


The built-in internal l0-megabyte hard disk on the 586

Im Dokument Computer System (Seite 91-101)