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Sound Wave Velocities of Stishovite and Geophysical ImplicationsImplications

Johannes B UCHEN a, B , Hauke M ARQUARDT a,b , Kirsten S CHULZE a ,

7.6 Sound Wave Velocities of Stishovite and Geophysical ImplicationsImplications

To calculate aggregate sound wave velocities, we combined bulk moduli and densities from the experimental EOS of sintered polycrystalline silica and silica powder with shear moduli predicted by Landau theory. The calculated aggregate sound wave velocities are shown as a function of pressure in Figure 7.5. Apart from slightly different transition pressures, shear wave (S wave) velocities predicted based on our results on sintered polycrystalline silica and on previous studies on silica powder are consistent, including the magnitude and

7.6 Sound Wave Velocities of Stishovite and Geophysical Implications

Figure 7.5: Pressure evolution of S wave (a) and P wave velocity (b) of stishovite and CaCl2-type SiO2 across the ferroelastic phase transition. The shading indicates upper and lower bounds on the respective velocity calculated from the Voigt and Reuss bounds on the shear modulus, re-spectively, and the uncertainties of the EOS parameters. Bold curves show the aggregate velocity calculated from the Voigt-Reuss-Hill average of the shear modulus and the EOS bulk modulus.

Horizontal bars indicate the pressure ranges covered by the respective compression experiments.

spx: sintered polycrystalline silica (this study); powder: compression data from Andrault et al.


pressure range of shear wave softening (Fig. 7.5a). Our predictions based on compression experiments and Landau theory are also consistent with recent ab initio computations (Yang and Wu, 2014).

Predicted compressional wave (P wave) velocities, however, evolve differently with in-creasing pressure when using the results on sintered polycrystalline silica instead of those on silica powder (Fig. 7.5b). At pressures below the phase transition, P wave velocities are predicted to be faster and to rise steeper with increasing pressure reflecting the initial stiff-ening of sintered polycrystalline stishovite on compression (Fig. 7.2c). In addition to the softening of the shear modulus close to the phase transition, the compression curves in Fig-ure 7.2c indicate a sharp drop of the bulk modulus at the phase transition (Fig. 7.4c). This sharp drop of the bulk modulus translates into an abrupt drop in P wave velocities, which is enhanced by the use of the EOS for sintered polycrystalline silica. At pressures above the phase transition, P wave velocities rise again as the softening declines and evolve similarly at higher pressures regardless of whether the compression behavior of sintered polycrystalline CaCl2-type SiO2 or CaCl2-type SiO2 powder is considered. At pressures above the phase transition, P wave velocities as predicted here by combining experimental EOS with Landau theory are in very good agreement with P wave velocities computed from first principles (Yang and Wu, 2014).

We can think of a powder as representing a completely relaxed rock without interactions between grains and internal stresses. Such a situation would be favored by high temper-atures and on long time scales. A sintered polycrystalline material, in contrast, represents a situation without relaxation and hence involves the build-up of internal stresses between

powder may serve as bounds for the propagation of seismic waves.

Taking the sound wave velocities as predicted based on the compression behavior of sin-tered polycrystalline silica and silica powder as bounds for seismic velocities, we speculate that P wave velocities of stishovite-bearing rocks might drop substantially at the ferroelastic phase transition of stishovite. In addition to elastic softening in the vicinity of the ferroe-lastic phase transition, P wave velocities might be further decreased by the relaxation of internal stresses at the phase transition as indicated by the compression curve of sintered polycrystalline stishovite (Fig. 7.2c). Above the phase transition, the similar EOS of sintered polycrystalline CaCl2-type SiO2and CaCl2-type SiO2powder suggest a decreasing difference in the elastic response of both materials with increasing pressure as reflected in similar sound wave velocities (Fig. 7.5). However, partial build-up and relaxation of internal stresses dur-ing the passage of a seismic wave might perturb the elastic response of stishovite-beardur-ing rocks close to the ferroelastic phase transition beyond what would be expected based on a completely relaxed situation.

The results of our compression experiment on sintered polycrystalline stishovite and the analysis using Landau theory may have implications for detecting stishovite-bearing mate-rials in Earth’s lower mantle. At depths greater than 700 km, stishovite would contribute with 10 to 20 vol-% to the mineral assemblage of subducted oceanic crust with a MORB-like composition (Hirose et al., 1999; Perrillat et al., 2006; Ricolleau et al., 2010). Rocks with much higher volume fractions of silica phases would be expected to be dispersed in the lower mantle if silica exsolved from the outer core (Hirose et al., 2017; Helffrich et al., 2018). The high viscosity of stishovite prevents stishovite-bearing rocks from mixing with the surrounding mantle (Xu et al., 2017). Scattering of S waves in the lower mantle has been related to the presence of stishovite based on low S wave velocities predicted for stishovite at conditions close to the ferroelastic phase transition (Kaneshima and Helffrich, 2010; Helf-frich et al., 2018). Our findings, however, emphasize the importance of P waves since they might be affected by the phase transition in stishovite more than previously thought. P waves are indeed reflected and scattered in the lower mantle (LeStunff et al., 1995; Hedlin et al., 1997). To relate seismic scattering in the lower mantle to the presence of stishovite, a more complete understanding of how the ferroelastic phase transition interacts with seis-mic waves is needed. Recently, the bulk modulus of ferropericlase has been determined at seismic frequencies and pressures of the lower mantle (Marquardt et al., 2018). Similar experiments on sintered polycrystalline silica could demonstrate to which extent the bulk modulus is affected by the ferroelastic phase transition at seismic frequencies. In particular, anelastic relaxation processes and acoustic attenuation (Carpenter et al., 2000; Jackson, 2007) as well as effects arising from internal stresses in sintered polycrystalline materials as


pointed out in the present study require measurements at seismic frequencies and at high pressures and high temperatures.


This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)[grant numbers MA4534/3-1, INST 91/315-1 FUGG, GRK 2156/1]. H. M. acknowledges support from the Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BAdW). All relevant data are compiled in Table 7.1 or have been published previously as cited in the text.

Author Contributions

J. Buchen analyzed the experimental data, modeled sound wave velocities, and wrote the manuscript. H. Marquardt proposed to study sintered polycrystalline stishovite, applied for beam time at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), and commented on the manuscript. K. Schulze performed the experiments and commented on the manuscript. S.

Speziale performed the experiments and commented on the manuscript. T. Boffa Ballaran assisted with data analysis and commented on the manuscript. N. Nishiyama synthesized and characterized sintered polycrystalline stishovite and commented on the manuscript. M.

Hanfland assisted with the experiments at ESRF.


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Appendix A
