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4.1 Radially Polarized Laser Excitation

4.1.3 Single-Molecule Excitation Images

Samples were prepared by spin-coating dye molecules over plasma cleaned glass cov-erslips (refractive index = 1.52, thickness ∼ 170µm, Menzel). The dye molecules were dissolved either in water/organic solvent, or in a diluted polymer solution such as 0.1% w/v Poly(vinyl alcohol) (Mowiol 4-98, Sigma-Aldrich) in water or 0.1% w/v Poly(methyl methacrylate) (Sigma Aldrich) in toluene. The concentration of the dye in the solutions was kept between 0.1-1 nM in order to obtain a surface density of less than 1µm−2 in the prepared thin films. With such a molecule density, one can excite molecules separately with the focused radially polarized laser and obtain scan patterns separately.

The pixel size was chosen between 40 nm - 70 nm, with a dwell time of 3 ms - 10 ms

1An azimuthally polarized laser has an electric field pointing in the tangential direction at each point across its cross section. When focused through an objective it has only a transverse component in the focal plane with no electric field along the optical axis.


Figure 4.10: Scans of Rhodamine 6G spin-coated on a cleaned glass coverslip with a radially polarized excitation laser with a pixel size of 70 nm. Wavelengthλexc= 488 nm was used for excitation with a power of5 kWcm−2with a pixel dwell time of 4 ms.

per pixel, and a laser power between 1-25 kWcm−2 depending upon the brightness and photostability of the molecule. Figure 4.10 shows two images of 8µm× 8µm and 20µm×20µm showing intensity patterns of Rhodamine 6G molecules spin-coated on top of a glass coverslip. The important point to notice in these images is that a majority of the intensity patterns correspond to dipoles which are oriented parallel to the surface, as can be observed from figure 4.5, which shows that these molecules lie flat on the surface, given their planar structure. One can also notice the random in-plane orientation of the molecules from these scan patterns. Each of these patterns spreads over 0.5µm across.

Ideally, one expects to see these molecules to behave identically and therefore show equal brightness in the scan image. However, as one can clearly see in the figures, this is not the case. This can be attributed to various parameters affecting the brightness of the molecule. Neglecting any orientation effects and electric field polarization, which do not play any significant role in the excitation of parallel dipoles using a radially polarized laser, the fluorescence intensity from a molecule, based on a simple and standard three state model, can be written as:

If ∝kexckphτ η (4.9)

where kexc is the rate at which the molecule is excited from its singlet ground state to the single excited state. This rate is directly proportional to the absorption cross section of the molecule and for an organic fluorophore, the rate is typically on the order of 107s−1. kph is the rate of triplet decay or the rate of phosphorescence, a phenomenon by which a molecule in its triplet state returns to its singlet ground state. Usually, one has kph ∈ [106s−1 104s−1]. η is the collection efficiency of the optical setup. Taking into account the collection efficiency of the objective, the loses at each optical element,


and the detector efficiency, one usually has a collection efficiency η≈1−10%. τ is the lifetime of the excited state of the molecule, typically in the order of ∼ 10−9s. It is related to Fermi’s golden rule, which represents the probability of a transition to take place (refer to the theory section), by:


τ = 8πω

3~ |p|2ρ(r, ω) (4.10)

where p is the transition dipole moment of the molecule, ρ is the local electromagnetic density of states, ris the position of the molecule on the surface andω is the transition frequency.

Figure 4.11: TCSPC curves and fits of photons collected from 16 molecules shown in the left panel of figure 4.10. The fitting was done using a parametric model for the instrument response function (IRF) as given in [133].

Whileηremains constant for all the molecules in a scan image, the rest of the param-eters are effected by the interactions of the molecule with the substrate. Local charges present on the substrate lead to various electrostatic interactions with the charges on the molecule which in turn deform its backbone conformation. Such distortions would directly lead to spectral shifts, therefore altering the absorption cross sections, the tran-sition dipolespexc andpem, and also the decay lifetimes 1/kphandτ [134, 135], therefore affecting the overall brightness of the dye. The triplet state lifetime is typically in the order of few µs for dye molecules which is two orders of magnitude less than the scan rates. Therefore, one sees only the averaged photon rates. Depending on the structure, there can be multiple binding states and the molecule can switch to and fro between the states with a certain rate [136]. This is one of the several reasons that one occa-sionally observes blinking during the scanning process. Long living dark states due to photoinduced oxidation or reduction reactions also lead to observable blinking effects


in a scan image.

Left side of figure 4.11 shows the TCSPC histograms of photons collected from the pixels corresponding to 16 individual molecules from the left image shown in figure 4.10.

The figure also shows the fitted curves with a mono-exponential decay model. The right side of the figure shows a plot of average count rates observed from the scan images ver-sus the rate of decay for about 480 Rhodamine 6G molecules. Any correlation between the points in such a plot would show the direct influence of the local environment on the brightness of the molecule. A slight trend can be seen here, which might indicate local effects of the substrate on Rhodamine 6G molecules. Since the molecules are excited with a fixed wavelength, the spectral shifts cannot be accounted for while estimating the detected photon count rates. For eg. a hypsochromic shift by only a couple of nanometers can alter the absorption cross section at the wavelength used for excitation severely which would be reflected in the observed count rates, and there is no way to disentangle such an effect from the changes observed in decay rates. For closely study-ing such effects, one would need to measure the emission spectra usstudy-ing measurement approaches such as Spectrally-Resolved Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (SFLIM) [135, 136].

In some rare cases, the molecules on the glass surfaces showed rotational jumps that lead to a change in their dipole orientations. Figure 4.12 shows one such incidence where a molecule undergoes rotational jumps twice during the whole scan. Such instances have been observed before by Ha et. al. [55] using polarization modulation spectroscopy.

An important observation from the calculated fluorescence lifetime image is that the rotational jumps do not change the decay rates of the molecule.

Single molecules in their excited singlet and triplet states are prone to two-step excitation where they are excited to higher electronic states. Molecules in these excited states are labile and undergo irreversible reactions with water or oxygen leading to the destruction of the chromophore or photobleaching [137]. Oxygen in the vicinity of a dye molecule plays a major role in the photophysics. A fluorophore present in its triplet state is annihilated by the oxygen molecule, effectively returning it to the singlet ground state. During this process, also singlet oxygen is formed which, on the other hand, can react with the fluorophore when present in higher singlet or triplet states thereby causing photobleaching. Therefore, depending on the photophysics of the dye alone, one can optimize the oxygen concentration in its surroundings in order to improve its stability.

For this reason, dyes are embedded in rigid polymer matrices [138]. The diffusion of oxygen is reduced in these polymer films and varies from polymer to polymer. For eg.

the permeability of oxygen in poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) is much slower than in a polycarbonate membrane [139]. The oxygen concentrations in these membranes also depend on the thickness of the film which affect the molecule’s overall brightness


Figure 4.12: Scan image of Atto 655 molecules spin-coated on top of a glass surface. Image acquired with a pixel size of 60 nm and dwell time of 3 ms. An acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF) was used to tune the wavelength of the white laser to a wavelengthλexc = 640 nm, with an excitation power of

5 kWcm−2 in the focus. The highlighted area shows a scan of a single molecule which undergoes rotational jumps twice. The top right image shows the average photon arrival time for each pixel.

Observe that the fluorescence lifetime after each jump remains the same as before.

and stability.

Rhodamine 6G molecules were embedded in a polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) matrix and flushed with N2 gas in a closed sample chamber. The scan images of single molecules in this thin film show randomly oriented excitation dipoles with respect to the vertical axis, in contrast to the previous measurements on a glass/air interface. Since the intensity of the scan patterns depends on the electric field components in the focal spot, If

|E(r)·pexc|2, the molecules with orientations close to α = 0 appear brighter than the horizontal molecules (α= 90). Figure 4.13 shows one such scan image. As can be seen, compared to the molecules that are oriented horizontally, the near-vertical (α > 60) are roughly two to three times brighter. Also, the horizontal molecules appear brighter than the average brightness of a molecule on glass substrate.

In order to estimate the orientations of the emitters shown in the scan image, we calculate model images of a single molecule emitter scanned with a radially polarized excitation focus as was shown in section 4.1.1 and thereby perform a least-square error minimization fitting using the model patterns as was done by Patra et al. [120], which will be described briefly in the section that follows.


Figure 4.13: Scan image with a focused radially polarized laser of Rhodamine 6G embedded in a thin PVA layer with a pixel size of 60 nm and a dwell time of 4 ms/pixel. The excitation wavelength was set toλexc= 488 nm with an excitation power of 5 kWcm−2 in the focus.