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Selected memes’ function as a teaching and learning tool and intentions and ideas

5 Discussion

5.2 Selected memes’ function as a teaching and learning tool and intentions and ideas

5.2.1 Linguistic features

While respondents claimed to have learned vocabulary through memes in general, findings show that in regards to the selected memes that have been included in the questionnaire, participants tend to not have learned much vocabulary from them, which is indicated by a mean value of 3,63 (σ=1,27). A very similar result can be detected regarding the learning of phrases from the illustrated memes. With an average mean of 3,59 (σ=1,279), findings show that the participants have expanded their knowledge on the use of phrases by looking at the presented memes on a very low level. Moreover, an arithmetic mean of 3,427 (σ=1,33) shows that participants have a rather neutral attitude towards using the selected memes in the classroom as a teacher, but tendencies show that they would rather not use them for this purpose. While

findings show that students theoretically believe that memes can promote and support the acquisition of new vocabulary and phrases, which is outlined by a high number of responses and emphasized by Harshavardhan et al. (2019), who claims that vocabulary and other linguistic or grammatical features and structures can be learned and improved with the help of memes, the selected memes show rather poor results regarding the learning and teaching of vocabulary and phrases. The reason for a poor improvement could be the class capacity (Baysac, 2017), meaning the class (language) level (Baran, 2013) as well as the wrong selection of memes.

Baysac (2017) and Purnama (2017) explain that when choosing a meme for the classroom, humor, information and currency are important factors, in order to achieve the goal of a successful and effective implementation of the memes in the classroom. As findings reveal that, on average, students did not struggle to understand the respective memes, neither due to lacking vocabulary, nor due to lacking background knowledge, it can be assumed that the participants are already familiar with the majority of the vocabulary or phrases used in the illustrated memes.

Even though findings show that the students from the study tend to disagree with it, some of the selected memes serve as example for how simple vocabulary can be learned and discussed with low grade students. Taking as example of the Leonardo di Caprio Meme, the phrase “to catch up with something” could be learned in a class with an A2+ to B1 level. Furthermore, other memes, as, for example, the Mask Meme, the Cat Cake Meme or the Swedish Kid Meme include phrases and vocabulary that can be learned, such as “to trade with”, “say something out loud” or “assemble by oneself”.

Besides the linguistic features and structures that might be improved through wisely chosen, effective and appropriate memes, also new grammatical structures and aspects can be acquired.

Harshavardhan et al. (2019) state that grammar can be learned with memes. They stress that grammatical puns promote the acquisition of grammatical structures. In their study, which included selected memes than can be used for teaching grammar, pronunciation and other linguistic fields, they explained that, for example, “I’m back”, which is apparently used in one of their selected memes, can be used for teaching and discussing the present simple tense, deconstructing the phrase into “I am back”. As opposed to this, findings of the present study show that the respondents have a clear tendency towards disagreement with the use of the selected memes of the present study for teaching grammar, presenting a mean value of 3,63 (σ=

1,29). Furthermore, the students that participated in the study also claim to not have learned anything regarding grammar from the selected memes, as findings show a mean value of 3,69 (σ=1,267) of knowledge acquisition regarding grammar. Hence, not only the learning and teaching of linguistic aspects with the selected memes meets tendential dissent from the survey

participants, but also learning and teaching of grammatical structures shows tendentially negative results. The findings and responses concerning the learning and teaching of grammar with the selected memes present the lowest numbers and poorest results. Reasons for this could be that students might already be familiar with the grammar that is used in the illustrated memes.

Considering the fact that memes usually use simple expressions or sentences, the grammar that is used might have been too simple for the survey participants, who are all in upper school classes and whose English level, showing a mean value of 2,03 regarding the participants’

English grades at school, is rather good. Another reason why respondents may not consider the selected memes a potential grammar teaching tool is their lack of reflection. The fact that they did not learn anything regarding grammar from the memes does not imply that the memes cannot be used for teaching grammatical features in general. Furthermore, the study does not investigate why the students believe in their responses. In other words, it remains unclear why students would not use the memes for teaching grammar. Hence, while the memes might not meet the respondents’ language level or might contain enough grammatical structures that can be taught or learned, others might be able to learn something from the Swedish Kid Meme, for example. . The use of “start + Gerund” and “start to + Infinitive” can be discussed. The phrase

“has been elected”, which is used in the Trump Meme, can be used for learning and teaching the Preset Perfect tense. Thus, there are ways to teach grammar with the selected memes, but the survey participants do not entirely agree with this. This leads to the assumption that more challenging memes in regards to grammatical structures might have led to a more successful learning achievement on this issue. The respective memes could serve as grammar teaching and learning tools in classes that have not discussed certain tenses yet. Hence, they could be implemented in classrooms of lower grades. As the majority of the survey participants is either in 8th or 7th grade upper school level, they might already be familiar with all tenses and other grammatical structures.

5.2.2 Sociocultural knowledge

Concerning stereotypes and society, findings reveal that the participants have learned a little about these topics from the selected memes, with a mean value of 3,28 (σ=1,34) regarding stereotypes and 3,12 (σ=1,349) regarding society. Moreover, a mean value of 3,1 (σ=1,42) shows that students’ attitude was rather neutral in regards to the use of the selected memes for teaching about society and culture. The Trump Meme and the Heaven and Hell Meme, which are both categorized culture and society memes, have an above-average mean value, showing that respondents are more likely to use these memes for teaching about these topics than the other memes. This could be due to the fact that these memes address social and cultural

stereotypes, as well as political situations, which could promote the expansion of sociocultural knowledge. The Heaven and Hell Memes addresses cultural stereotypes which endorse a critical reflection on the truthfulness of the displayed content, as well as a possible expansion of cultural knowledge about other nation’s habits and behaviors. Generally, possible reasons for the study’s findings, which show that the statistical values concerning society, culture or stereotypes are higher than regarding other issues, could be the choice and use of several society memes, as they have been categorized in section While, on average, students reportedly learned a little about stereotypes from the selected meme, the existing but rather low expansion of knowledge concerning the respective issue could be due to the fact that the students may already be familiar with a big part of the depicted stereotypes. Assuming that students are familiar with the majority of the illustrated stereotypes, the knowledge acquisition could be based on some stereotypical or cultural details that the students may not have been aware of.

Moreover, while an average value of 3,21 (σ=1,39) shows that the participants had a rather neutral attitude in regards to the use of the selected memes for addressing and teaching about everyday life issues, Mina (2019) highlights how memes can indeed give insight into other’s lives, such as pet owners. Concerning the selected memes, the Leonardo di Caprio Meme gives insight into adult everyday life struggles. Students might not be entirely familiar with the illustrated problems that adults have to face on a frequent basis though. Therefore, it might be hard for students to understand the message behind the meme and associate it with everyday life struggles, as they might not be familiar with the depicted situation, which would explain their rather neutral attitude regarding the above-mentioned issue. Another example of a meme that depicts everyday life situations and struggles is the Cat Cake Meme, which is highlighted by a high number of responses in agreement with the use of this meme for teaching about the respective issue (cf. Figure 4.25). As it addresses language learner’s struggles when they are confronted and expected to have a conversation with their L2, the memes’ content could promote a discussion on social and linguistic struggles, such as language learning difficulties and the flaws of the educational system, and motivate students to critically reflect on the addressed issues, as suggested by Reddy et al. (2020). Furthermore, the Cat Cake Meme also stresses the creative implementation of cat memes in the digital world, which is highlighted by Mina (2019). Besides the Cat Cake Meme, another two out of the twelve selected memes for the questionnaire are cat memes that not only give voice to cats as protagonists of memes, but also address cultural and linguistic topics. While the Italian Cat Meme address stereotypes, the Aqua Meme is a language meme that focuses on vocabulary and mainly pronunciation. The Aqua Meme, which could serve as a learning or teaching tool for the proper pronunciation of

the French word “eau”, which translates to water, shows rather negative and poorer results compared to other memes in regards to almost every statement (cf. Figure 4.15- Figure 4.28).

Even though it addresses phonology and pronunciation in a very creative way, possible reasons for the rather negative results could be that the questionnaire does only address the learning of certain language elements, such as vocabulary or phrases, while omitting linguistic features, such as phonology or pronunciation. The Italian Cat Meme might introduce students to learn Italian culture, while also raising awareness about cultural stereotypes. Even though a mean value of 3,03 implies that, on average, the students only learned a little about stereotypes from this meme, a more critical reflection on the meme’s content might support a change of opinion.

However, what becomes clear is that, concerning the general functions of memes that the students that participated in the study theoretically believe in, as well as their personal knowledge gains through memes, the representation of cultures and the acquisition of cultural knowledge show the poorer results than other listed functions. Opposed to this, findings show that that the use of the selected memes, which are illustrated in the questionnaire, for teaching about society and culture presents better statistical values than other mentioned purposes regarding the question, whether the students would use the memes for certain purposes if they were a teacher. However, findings also show that learning about society through memes presents higher statistical values compared to other mentioned topics in both, the students’

reported general experiences with gaining knowledge through memes, as well as their knowledge expansion regarding this topic through the selected memes. In regards to the selected memes the following can be detected: even though, in general, students did only learn a little from most of the illustrated memes, learning about society shows, on average, the second best mean value. Moreover, the Heaven and Hell Meme shows above-average results concerning the learning about stereotypes. This is probably due to the fact that it fully addresses social and cultural clichés of different nations concerning certain working areas. Thus, students’ general attitude regarding the implementation of the respective memes in the classroom for teaching about society and culture is rather neutral and their knowledge gains regarding this topic through the selected memes is quite mediocre. However, students’ appear to be most positive about the learning and teaching about this topic compared to the other mentioned topics and functions.

5.2.3 Sarcasm and humor

Participants were rather indecisive in regards to the general use of the selected memes in the classroom, even though a slight tendency towards agreement with not using them can be

detected, as findings present an average value of 2,89 (σ=1,33). These results are also reflected in the findings of using the selected memes for teaching about sarcasm, as they show a mean value of 3,2 (σ=1,37), which also implies a rather neutral attitude. Nonetheless, a tendency towards a negative attitude regarding the use of the memes for teaching about different types of humor can be detected. Hence, while the selected memes might not be an appropriate tool for teaching or talking about sarcasm, the importance of humor, which includes sarcasm as well, in the classroom and in memes is stressed by Friedman et al. (2002), Weimer (2011), Garner (2005), Stebbins (1980), (Rosegard & Wilson, 2013), Henderson (2015), Powell and Andresen (2006), Kaplan and Pascoe (2015), Deneire (1995) and Harshavardhan et al. (2019). The selected memes might either not be sarcastic or the sarcasm in the memes might not have been understood by the students, which could be due to lacking background knowledge that can impede the students from understanding a meme’s message (Baysac, 2013), which in this case would be the sarcastic undertone, or due to the different perceptions of humor and sarcasm of people. Even though sarcasm, being a form of humor, might not be very present amongst the selected memes according to the study’s findings, the importance of general humor in memes is stressed by many, as it has several functions that impact the classroom atmosphere and the learning environment positively. As existing literature stresses the positive effects and importance of humor in the classrooms and explains the composition of memes being a hybrid between an image, a text and humorous elements, it appears that memes are usually associated with humorousness. As findings show that the students that compiled the questionnaire are rather neutral in regards to the question, whether they would use the depicted memes for teaching about different types of sarcasm. However, as statistics show negative tendencies, this might lead to the assumption that the depicted memes might contain humorous elements, but most of the presented memes reportedly hardly promote the learning or teaching about the respective issue. While the illustrated memes might not contain sarcastic elements, other types of humor might be addressed in these memes. The very limited range of questions regarding memes’ potential as promoters of humor and tool for teaching about other kinds of humor yields a rather superficial and narrow perspective of the students’ concerning this issue.

5.2.4 Memes as ice breakers and introductory tools

Regarding the use of memes as an introduction to a specific topic, findings show a mean value of 3,019 (σ=1,4), which implies a rather neutral attitude amongst the study’s respondents in regards to this purpose for the selected memes. However, the mode value of 2 shows that students appear to tendentially approve of the selected memes’ use to start a discussion or introduce a topic. Baysac (2017) and Baran (2013) state that the class level, as well as the

complexity of the background of memes have to be considered before using a meme in the classroom. When using memes as ice breakers or introduction to a topic though, background knowledge may not be necessarily required, as the memes serve as a first insight into the respective topic, which means that the students might not be expected to know something about the addressed issue and understand the meme’s message. Baysac (2017) explains that memes can be used as ice breakers in order to familiarize students with a certain topic. They can be used to get the students’ attention, especially at the beginning of a lesson (Harshavardhan et al., 2019), as they are an innovative tool for addressing topics (Mersinoglu, 2020). Due to the fact that memes require a short attention span (Reddy et al., 2020) and they are a quick and modern way to get information (Mersinoglu, 2020), students can be introduced to a specific topic in a humorous and innovative way that does not challenge the student’s concentration and attention span. Moreover, the use of visual elements, such as images, promotes a better understanding of any topic (Rotanova & Federova, 2019). When using memes as an introductory element at the beginning of a lesson, students are hence confronted with a hybrid between an image or a video and a text (Harshavardhan et al., 2019), which, based on Rotanova and Federova’s (2019) claim, is an ideal tool for a simple and relaxed addressing of any topic. Furthermore, as Baysac (2017) says, a humorous introduction creates a more relaxed class atmosphere for both, teacher and students and can be considered a mood setting which implies the readiness of the students on a cognitive and emotional level. Any meme can be used as an ice breaker or an introduction to a specific topic, as long as the issue is addressed properly. Taking the example of some of the selected memes, the Pineapplepizza Meme could be used as an introduction to the issue of stereotypes, while the Mask Meme or the Simpson Coronavirus Meme can be used as an introduction to the discussion of current events. This assumption can be made due to the present study’s findings, which show that the selected memes

While the present study does not investigate the reason why students would use certain memes for introducing a topic or starting a discussion

5.2.5 Summary of main points

In conclusion, findings show that the survey participants believe that memes could be efficient as educational tools in general. However, not all memes address the same topics and hence not all memes can teach the same issues. A differentiation between various memes must be made, which is highlighted by the categorization of the selected memes that were included in the questionnaire. The categories of memes, as well as findings and response numbers of the present study point out that some memes are language memes and aid the promotion of language

learning, while other memes inform about culture, society, events or opinions and feelings.

Findings lead to the assumption that not all topics can be taught equally well. Moreover, what becomes clear is that the right choice of memes influences the learning efficiency. While normally class levels regarding their language, as well as their background knowledge, must be considered, I was not able to consider these important factors in the present study. Not only did the current situation, the aim, as well as the methodological approach of the study not allow certain considerations, but the research method of the study limited the range and depth of the questions in the survey that were used for investigations. More detailed questions would have been necessary for a deeper insight and more information and explanation. However, more time would have been required for an extended and more detailed investigation. Time is an important factor and needs to be considered when compiling a questionnaire, as it should not take too long

Findings lead to the assumption that not all topics can be taught equally well. Moreover, what becomes clear is that the right choice of memes influences the learning efficiency. While normally class levels regarding their language, as well as their background knowledge, must be considered, I was not able to consider these important factors in the present study. Not only did the current situation, the aim, as well as the methodological approach of the study not allow certain considerations, but the research method of the study limited the range and depth of the questions in the survey that were used for investigations. More detailed questions would have been necessary for a deeper insight and more information and explanation. However, more time would have been required for an extended and more detailed investigation. Time is an important factor and needs to be considered when compiling a questionnaire, as it should not take too long