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4 Findings

4.6 General learning possibilities through memes

As explained in Chapter 3, a Likert scale has been used for the examination of memes’ general purposes and the expansion of knowledge through memes. For data analysis and in order to gather descriptive statistics, the response options have been converted into numbers. A Strong agreement with the statement equals 1, while a neutral opinion equals 3 and a strong disagreement equals 5 (strongly agree=1, agree=2, neither agree nor disagree=3, disagree=4, strongly disagree=5). The evaluation of the data showed the following results:

Statement 1: In my opinion Memes represent cultures.

Even though most students neither agreed nor disagreed with this statement, more respondents were in agreement with it rather than in disagreement. A total of 26 students agreed with this statement, while only 3 students claimed to disagree with it (cf. Figure 4.9). This yields a mean value of 2,57 (x̅=2,57377, σ=0,734) and a median and mode value of 3. The median value and the mode value imply that the majority of the students was rather neutral, meaning that they neither agreed nor disagreed with this statement, while the mean value gives emphasis to a higher tendency towards agreement with this statement (cf. Figure 4.9).

Statement 2: Generally, I think that Memes expand sociocultural knowledge/competence.

More than 60% of the participants either strongly agreed or agreed with this statement, while merely five students in total expressed their disagreement. Another 26% neither agreed nor disagreed. However, a clear tendency for agreement towards this statement becomes evident considering a mean value of 2,32 (x̅=2,32, σ=0,824), as well as a median and mode value of 2.

The statistics clearly highlight the respondents’ attitude in favor of this statement (cf. Figure 4.9).

Statement 3: A basic knowledge of a language is required in order to be able to learn/improve that language through Instagram or Memes.

The prevalence of agreement becomes even more apparent in this case. A total number of 55 students, who represent 90% of all participants, confirmed their agreement with this statement.

Besides, no student strongly disagreed with it and a mere two respondents shared their disagreement with it. Besides the mean value of 1,836 (x̅=1,836, σ=0,681) and the median and mode value of 2, which all confirm that the respondents do agree with this statement, the big numerical difference of responses in agreement and disagreement emphasizes the common and shared opinion of the participants in favor of this statement.

Statement 4: I think it’s possible to learn vocabulary with the help of Memes.

The percentage and number of participants who express their disagreement with this statement is equal to the number of students who neither agree nor disagree with it. Both mark 6 responses, representing the opinion of 20% of all survey participants. In addition to that, the number of students who strongly agree is almost equal to the number of students who agree. 49 students, and therefore the vast majority of 80%, confirm their positive attitude towards learning vocabulary with the help of memes. The statistics of this statement yield a mean value of 1,918 (x̅=1,91803, σ=0,980048) and a median and mode value of 2, which gives great emphasis to the participants’ conviction that it is possible to learn vocabulary through memes.

Statement 5: I think it’s possible to improve the overall understanding of a text/sentence by looking at Memes.

While merely four students do not agree with the fact that it is possible to improve the overall understanding of a text by looking at memes, 47 respondents do think that it is possible to do so. A mean value of 1,99 (x̅=1,9934, σ=0,884), as well as a median and mode value of 2 again stress a clear general tendency towards agreement with this statement amongst the survey participants.

Statement 6: I think I can learn about current events and deal with current topics via Memes.

While 20 students strongly agreed and 23 students agreed with this statement, only 1 student strongly disagreed and another 5 disagreed with it. These numbers yield statistics that present a mean value of 2,08 (x̅=2,081, σ=0996) and a mode and median value of 2, which endorse the respondents’ positive attitude towards a meme’s function as information medium.

Statement 7: I think Memes can help express a nation's/people's emotions and opinions.

The number of students who neither agree nor disagree with this statement is rather high compared to the number of the other statements. However, this has no further impact on the statistics, which show that the students’ agreement with the fact that memes can help express emotions and opinions is prevalent, as a mere 10% are in disagreement with this claim, while 58% approve of it. The mean value on this scale is 2,27 (x̅=2,278, σ=0,943) and the median value is 2. As the number of responses that present an agreement and the number of responses that indicate a neutral attitude are equal, no mode value can be identified. Nevertheless, statistics show that respondents support this statement.

4.7 Personal gains through memes in general

For a facilitated data analysis and easier statistical calculation, the response options have again been converted into numbers. As above, a strong agreement with the statement equals 1, while a neutral opinion equals 3 and a strong disagreement equals 5 (strongly agree=1, agree=2, neither agree nor disagree=3, disagree=4, strongly disagree=5).

Statement 1: I personally already gained language knowledge by looking at Memes.

Even though 17 students cannot decide whether they agree or disagree with this statement, numbers and statistics show a clear tendency of agreement on behalf of the students. While 69% of the students confirmed to have gained language knowledge by looking at memes, only 2 students in total claim to strongly disagree with this statement. Data analysis yields an arithmetic mean of 2,11 (x̅=2,11475, σ=0,907) and a median and mode value of 2, which implies a clear agreement with this statement, confirming that the survey participants have already gained language knowledge by looking at memes.

Statement 2: I learned new vocabulary.

80% of the students - and therefore the vast majority- expressed their agreement with this statement. Expressed in figures, this means that 49 participants gave their consent to it. As opposed to this, only three students explained to not have learned any new vocabulary by

Figure 4.9: Memes’ functions and educational purposes


improve overall understanding learn about current events expression of emotions

looking at memes and another 9 students were neutral about it, meaning that they had no clear tendency. The statistical analysis of these numbers yields a mean value of 1,95 (x̅=1,95082, σ=0,8574), as well as a median and mode value of 2. The statistics imply that 2 is the response option that has been selected most frequently and a clear tendency of agreement with this statement can be discerned.

Statement 3: I learned new phrases.

Again, a clear dominance of responses in favor of this statement becomes apparent when examining the data. While merely 5% disagree with it, a whole 72% confirm to have learned new phrases. Expressed in numbers, this means that as few as 3 students who disapprove of this statement are opposed to 44 students who endorse it. Statistical calculations present an arithmetic mean of 2,01 (x̅=2,01, σ=0,8587), as well as a median and mode value of 2.

Considering the fact that all three values are almost equal and 2 implies an agreement with this statement, it can be assumed that respondents have already learned new phrases by looking at memes.

Statement 4: I improved my overall understanding of a text (text comprehension).

Compared to the statements that have been mentioned so far, this statement has a higher number of disagreements, counting 11 responses that represent a negative answer. Nevertheless, the agreement rate clearly outweighs the percentage of disagreement. A total of 35 students agreed with the statement, while a mere 11 respondents don’t. These numbers result in a data analysis that yields a mean value of 2,49 (x̅=2,491, σ=0,968). The median and the mode value are 2.

Therefore, in average, the respondents tend to agree with this statement and hence confirm that they have already improved their overall understanding of a text with the help of memes Statement 5: I expanded my knowledge about culture.

Even though most students neither agreed nor disagreed with this statement, the number of students who are in agreement with it slightly exceeds the number of students who disagree with it. Numbers show that 15 students were in disagreement with it, while 21 approved its accuracy. The remaining 41% of the students did not have a clear tendency of agreement or disagreement. The high number of neutral responses impacts the statistics of this statement’s data, as the arithmetic mean is slightly higher compared to the calculations of the previous statements’ data. The mean value is 2,88 (x̅=2,83607, σ=0,871), which implies a general major agreement with this statement with a tendency towards a rather neutral attitude. Moreover, the median value and the mode value stress the respondents’ neutral attitude towards this statement,

as both values are 3 and hence imply that the students neither agreed nor disagreed with this statement.

Statement 6: I learned about cultural behaviors of a foreign country.

Again, 26 students, who neither agree nor disagree with this statement, outweigh the number of students who both agree and disagree with it. Nevertheless, 20 students affirm that this statement applies to them, while 15 students dissent from it. This results is a mean value of 2,83 (x̅=2,83607, σ=0,8903) and a median and mode value of 3. Statistical calculations show that the average value of responses of this statement equals the arithmetic mean of statement 5 and hence shows that a general agreement with this statement is prevalent but a tendency towards a rather neutral attitude can be discerned.

Statement 7: I learned about sights and/or the geography of a foreign country.

Both, the number of students who neither agree nor disagree, as well as the number of students who share their disagreement with this statement, exceed the number and percentage of agreement with it. Only 19 students claim to have learned about sights and geography of a foreign country, while 21 disputed any form of learning process in regards to these topics and another 21 did not tend to a clear agreement or disagreement. This results in a mean value of 3,083 (x̅=3,083, σ=1,0213) and a median and mode value of 3. This statement shows the highest arithmetic mean, as well as the highest standard deviation, which imply that there is no clear tendency towards the respondents’ agreement with this statement. Instead, statistics show a clear neutral attitude towards this statement, as all values equal 3, which means that, in average, the respondents neither agreed nor disagreed with this statement. Therefore, no clear tendency of agreement or disagreement could be discerned for this statement.

Statement 8: I learned about society and stereotypes of a foreign country.

According to the statistics, memes have helped 44 survey participants to expand their knowledge on the society and stereotypes of foreign countries. In comparison, only 7 responses expressed dissent from this assertion. Hence, the mean value is 2,14 (x̅=2,1475, σ=0,9203), while the median and the mode value equal 2. Therefore, the arithmetic mean, as well as the other two values show that the survey participants tend to be in favor of this statement, claiming that they have already learned about society and stereotypes of foreign cultures and a foreign country through memes.

Statement 9: I learned about current events that are going on all over the world.

Again, the statistics show a clear tendency of agreement on behalf of the students in regards to this statement. While 42 students confirm a certain knowledge acquisition concerning current events and other news through memes, only 7 students deny to have learned anything regarding the respective topic by looking at memes. These numbers yield a mean value of 2,16 (x̅=2,16393, σ=0,9947) and a median and mode value of 2, which emphasize that the respondents tend towards agreeing with this statement, rather than disagreeing with it.

Statement 10: I got informed about events I didn't know about.

Data results show that the bare majority of the respondents gets informed about events they did not know about before by coming across or looking at memes. The mean value of 2,52 (x̅=2,83607, σ=0,8903) and the median and mode value of 2 point out the participants’

agreement with this statement in average. While 10 participants disagree with the statement and 20 neither agree nor disagree, 31 do agree with it. The numbers emphasize the narrow gap between agreement and disagreement or neutral opinion. Nevertheless, the percentage of agreement slightly exceeds 50%, which can be seen in the statistical calculations that highlight this agreement.

Statement 11: I got to know other people's/nation's opinion regarding specific topics.

The gap between the number of agreements and the number of disagreements concerning this statement is very evident. As with many other statements, the numbers shed light on the preponderance of the number of students who state that they have been familiarized with other people’s or nations’ opinion regarding specific topics over the number of students who discount this statement. While 66% agree with it, only 18% of all participants do not consider this statement to be true to them personally. This is why statistical calculations present a mean value of 2,36 (x̅=2,36066, σ=1,0087) and a median and mode value of 2. The statistics confirm the respondents’ clear agreement with this statement, implying that the participants have already experienced a situation, in which they were informed about someone’s opinion regarding specific topics by looking at memes.