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2.1 Definitions

2.1.2 Primitivity

To classify all maximal finite symplectic matrix groups, it suffices to classify only s.i.m.f. matrix groups as Corollary 2.1.10 shows. In this section we will reduce the number of groups to consider even further.

Definition 2.1.13 LetK be a number field. AK-irreducible subgroupG <GLm(K) is calledprimitive, if G is not conjugate to a subgroup of the wreath product

HoSk :=

Diag(h1, . . . , hk), P ⊗Im

k |hi ∈H, P a k×k permutation matrix for some H <GLm

k(K) where k is a divisor of m.

Similarly, aQ-irreducible symplectic subgroupG < GL2n(Q) is calledsymplectic prim-itive, ifGis not conjugate to a subgroup ofHoSk for some H <Sp2n

k(Q) where k|n.

Remark 2.1.14 A rationally irreducible symplectic subgroup G < GL2n(Q) is sym-plectic primitive if and only if 4K(G) is primitive for all minimal totally complex subfieldsK of End(G).

The concept of primitivity is a key ingredient in the determination of all irreducible finite matrix groups. It has some important consequences for normal subgroups.

Theorem 2.1.15 ([NP95, Lemma (III.1)]) Let G <GLm(K)be a rationally irre-ducible primitive matrix group and N EG. Then hNiK ≤Km×m is a simple algebra or equivalently, the naturalKN-moduleK1×m splits into a direct sum of k isomorphic KN-modules of dimension mk.

Proof: The groupGacts on N by conjugation. Hence it also acts on the set of central primitive idempotents of hNiK. Thus G permutes the homogeneous components of the natural KN-module K1×m. But since G is primitive, there can only be one such


Corollary 2.1.16 ([NP95, (III.1)-(III.3)]) Let G < GL2n(Q) be rationally irre-ducible and symplectic primitive. Further let p be a prime divisor of |G|.

(a) If N EG then N ≤Q2n×2n is a simple subalgebra.

(b) If Op(G)6= 1 then there exists some k ≥0 such that pk(p−1) divides 2n.

(c) All abelian characteristic subgroups of Op(G) are cyclic.


(a) Let K <End(G) be any minimal totally complex subfield. Let {f1, . . . , fr} and {e1, . . . , es} be the central primitive idempotents of the enveloping algebras N and hGiK respectively. Let χi denote the character corresponding to a simple hGiKei module and let L = Q(χ1, . . . , χs) ⊆ K be their character field. Then L/Q is Galois and ei = χ|G|i(1)P

g∈Gχi(g−1)g ∈ hGiL. Since G is irreducible, {e1, . . . , es} is a Galois orbit under Gal(L/Q). For any 1 ≤ j ≤ r there ex-ists some i such that eifj 6= 0. Since fj ∈ N is fixed under Gal(L/Q), we get that eifj 6= 0 for all i, j. The enveloping algebra h4K(G)iK is isomorphic to hGiKei for some i. Now {eif1, . . . , eifr} is a set of central idempotents of hNiKei' h4K(N)iK. But 4K(G) is primitive and therefore h4K(N)iK is a simple algebra by Theorem 2.1.15. This showsr = 1, since noeifj vanishes.

(b) By (a), Op(G) has a rationally irreducible representation of degree d for some divisor d of 2n. But for any p-group, d is of the formpk(p−1) for some k≥0.

(c) Any characteristic subgroup U of Op(G) is a normal subgroup of G. Thus by (a), the abelian groupU admits a faithful irreducible representation. Therefore

U is cyclic.

Suppose N is a normal subgroup of an irreducible and symplectic primitive group G <GL2n(Q). Then the natural characterχofN is sufficient to recover the conjugacy class of N. If N has several Q-irreducible faithfull representations, we will use the phrase “GcontainsN with characterχ” to distinguish the conjugacy classes of matrix groups isomorphic to N.

If ˜N <GLm(Q) denotes anQ-irreducible constituent of N, we will identifyN with ˜N since the precise notation ˜N⊗I2n

m is not very handy.

The following theorem of Philip Hall classifies all finite p-groups whose abelian char-acteristic subgroups are cyclic. In particular, together with the above result, this classifies all possibible candidates for the Fitting subgroups of symplectic primitive irreducible maximal finite (s.p.i.m.f.) matrix groups.

Theorem 2.1.17 (P. Hall) If P is a finite p-group with no noncyclic abelian char-acteristic subgroups, then P is the central product of subgroups P1 and P2 where

(a) P1 is an extraspecial 2-group and P2 is either a cyclic, dihedral, quasidihedral or generalized quaternion 2-group.

(b) p is odd and P1 is an extraspecial p-group of exponent p and P2 is cyclic.

Proof: See for example [Hup67, Satz 13.10, p. 357].

We close this section by showing that symplectic imprimitive matrix groups can easily be recognized. Further, the wreath products of symplectic primitive irreducible max-imal finite (s.p.i.m.f.) matrix groups are usually again maxmax-imal finite symplectic. So we can restrict the classification to s.p.i.m.f. matrix groups.

Definition 2.1.18 LetF be a nonempty family of bilinear forms onRn. A latticeLin Rnis calledindecomposablew.r.t. F, ifLcannot be written as a direct sumL=L1⊕L2

where b(L1, L2) = {0} for all b ∈ F. A vector x ∈ L is called indecomposable in L w.r.t. F if it cannot be written asx=y+z with y, z ∈L\ {0} and b(y, z) = 0 for all b∈ F.

Theorem 2.1.19 LetF be a family of bilinear forms on Rn that contains at least one positive definite formf. Then each latticeLinRn admits a decompositionL=⊕ki=1Li where each Li is indecomposable w.r.t. F and b(Li, Lj) = {0} for all b ∈ F and all 1≤i < j≤k. This decomposition is unique up to permutation of the Li.

Proof: We adapt [Kne02, Satz (27.2)] slightly. Let L =⊕li=1L0i be any decomposition such thatb(L0i, L0j) = 0 for allb ∈ F and alli6=j. Ifx∈Lis indecomposable w.r.t. F then x ∈ L0i for some i. Thus two indecomposable elements x and y with b(x, y) 6= 0 for someb ∈ F are in the same componentL0i. Two indecomposable elementsx, y ∈L are said to be equivalent if and only if there exists some indecomposable elements x = x1, . . . , xr = y ∈ L and some b1, . . . , br ∈ F such that bi(xi, xi+1) 6= 0 for all 1≤i < r. This defines an equivalence relation on the set of indecomposable elements of L. Since the equivalence classes give rise to a orthogonal decomposition of the Euclidean space (Rn, f) there are at most nsuch classesK1, . . . , Kk say. Denote by Li the sublattice ofL generated byKi. For 1 ≤i < j ≤k we haveb(Li, Lj) = {0} for all b∈ F by construction. Further, every nonzerox∈Lcan be written as a finite sum of indecomposable elements in L. If x is decomposable, we find some r, s∈ L such that x=r+sandb(r, s) = 0 for allb∈ F. In particular 0< f(r, r), f(s, s)< f(x, x). Hence this decomposition procedure must end. ThereforeL=⊕ki=1Li is a decomposition ofL which has the desired properties. Each componentLi is indecomposable and contained inL0j for some j.

To proof the uniqueness, assume that all L0j are also indecomposable. For 1 ≤ j ≤ l let Ij = {1 ≤ i ≤ k | Li ⊆ L0j} and set Mj := ⊕i∈IjLi ⊆ L0j. We are done if we can show L0j = Mj for all j since then |Ij| = 1. Let x ∈ L0j. Write x = Pl

i=1xi with xi ∈Mi ⊆L0i for all i. Since ⊕li=1L0i =Lthis implies xi = 0 for all i6=j. So Mj =L0j

as claimed.

Remark 2.1.20 Let G < GLm(Q) be finite and L ∈ Z(G) . Then every auto-morphism in Aut(L,F(G)) permutes the components of the unique indecomposable orthogonal decomposition ofL wrt. F(G).

Hence a finite irreducible subgroupG <Sp2n(Q) is symplectic primitive if and only if eachL∈ Z(G) is indecomposable w.r.t. F(G).

Lemma 2.1.21 ([Ple91, Proposition II.7]) Let H < Sp2n(Q) be s.p.i.m.f. such that E := End(H) is a minimal totally complex number field. If the 2-modular trivial Brauer character is no constituent of the natural 2-modular character of H, then the wreath product HoSk <Sp2nk(Q) is s.i.m.f. for all k ≥1.

Proof: Since −In ∈ H we have End(HoSk) = {Ik⊗c| c∈ E} 'E and F(H oSk) = {Ik⊗F |F ∈ F(H)}.

Let L = L1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Lk for some Li ∈ Z(G). View the Li as a ˜H-module where H˜ is the direct product of k copies of H. By our assumption Li and Lj have no common p-modular constituent for i 6=j as ˜H-modules. By [Ple78, Theorem I.1] we get Z( ˜H) = {⊕ki=1Li | Li ∈ Z(H)}. Hence Z(HoSk) = {⊕ki=1L | L ∈ Z(H)}. The result now follows since E'End(HoSk) is minimal totally complex and H oSk =

Aut(L,F(HoSk)) for all L∈ Z(HoSk).

The assumption on the 2-modular constituents is necessary. The group H :=

h(−1 00 1)i < Sp2(Q) is s.p.i.m.f. but HoS2 ≤ Sp4(Q) is not maximal finite (see Theo-rem 4.3.1). In fact, this is the only example that we will encounter.

Im Dokument Finite symplectic matrix groups (Seite 15-18)