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X- rav in itiatin g. air

3.1. Main results and open problems 1. Negative point

3.1.2 Positive point

It has been experimentally proved that in the case of a large number of primary electrons a streamer forms at voltages considerably lower than the inception voltage as well as in the range of steady corona.

For streamer formation an ionisation instability must develop in a spatially localised region. The local increase in ionisation leads to the increase in the space charge field in this region. A streamer starts when the space charge field achieves a critical value . These conditions are common in different experimental conditions.

At the inception voltage of streamers in a homogeneous field the number of charge carriers in a single avalanche is high enough to reach the critical field but if the gap is undervolted a large amount of primary electrons and/or an accumulation period of space charge are needed for streamer formation.

In a highly divergent field in air even at the inception voltage a space charge accumulation precedes the streamer formation as the number of charge carriers of an avalanche is much less than the critical number and so the streamer formation has a multiavalanche nature.

The increase in the inception voltage in nitrogen is caused by the low value of secondary emission coefficient.

Accomplished measurements and calculations enable us to determine the formative time of streamers with quite a good accuracy enabling to state the model of multiavalanche nature or streamer formation.


For the positive point-to-plane corona a detailed discussion is presented in [A3] in the appendix of the thesis. The main results and discussed problems are only shortly listed here:

(i) It has been concluded on the basis of measurements that the steady discharge in nitrogen can be considered a typical glow. The problem of feedback mechanism of discharge in nitrogen has been discussed in the same chapter (Ch.4.1 in [A3]) and it has been found out that the photoionisation does not have a significant role.

(ii) In the case of laser initiating the space charge field occurring near the point electrode before streamer start has been estimated (Ch.4.2 in [A3]). A disc-like approximation has been used in calculations.

The results achieved for initiating conditions are in accordance with the general streamer formation criterion: the space charge field strength is close to that of the applied field.

(iii) The initiation of streamers in the region of steady glow in air has been achieved. Two initiation methods, optical with the laser pulse, and electrical, with supplying additional comparatively small but short voltage pulses to DC voltage, have been reported. The initiation of streamer in the case of steady glow in air has been assumed to be possible due to the formation of spatially localised region of increased ionisation rate (Ch. 4.2 in [A3]).

(iv) In the case of transverse triggering the measured delay times have been found to be = At + t f , where At is the electron drift time from the place of its release to the border of the ionisation zone, and t j is the formative time, i.e. the time needed for the

accumulation of critical space charge in the ionisation zone. The measured and calculated values of t j have been presented ( Ch.4.3., Figure 6 in [A3]).

(v) A model of space charge accumulation and calculation of formative time has been presented (Ch.4.4 in [A3]). Corresponding results have been represented in Figures 8 and 9 in [A3].

Nevertheless, in the case of longitudinal axial triggering (published in [Al]) due to the thermal effects we can say nothing about the formation processes of spontaneous corona pulses, the described method enables to get a discharge channel well localised in space and


time. The obtained straight channel make it possible to investigate the processes in the discharge channel.

Open problems

There are several unsolved problems in this field. Some of the most essential are:

(i) The actual spatial distribution of charge carriers near the point during the space charge accumulation.

(ii) The mechanism of a streamer formation in the case of steady corona remains still obscure.

(iii) The mechanism of a non initiated streamer formation and development during the sudden change of current of steady discharge in nitrogen.

Related problems. Ageing

In experiments in nitrogen two striking effects of gas ageing were registered: firstly, the changes in current-voltage curve in the course of time, and secondly, the increase in drift velocity (Ch. 4. in [A3].

Similar drift velocity changes can be found from transient current pulse waveforms registered in [ 128 - 130], where the attaching properties of water vapours in nitrogen were investigated. Already Loeb and Miller [55 - 56] have assumed that operating discharge liberates gases like О2 and H~>0 from the electrode. Van Brunt has suggested that the conditioning ( ageing ) effects in the gas may be due to the release of H~)0 during the discharge and the nature of the presence of H2O can significantly affect the nature of negative ions through cluster formation [142]. It has also been confirmed in [131] that the presence of small traces of water vapour in nitrogen leads to the increase in the drift velocity. By these circumstances listed above it was assumed that the ageing was caused in a great deal by the liberation of water vapours from the electrodes and walls of the discharge chamber.

Inserting bakeable silica-gel cell into the discharge gap reduces the observed ageing effects remarkably (Figure 3 in [A3]). This reduction might be affected, of course, by the absorption of other impurities


(pump oil vapour) in the chamber, but taking into account all above cited facts and opinions, the substantial role of water vapours is obvious.


The most important results of the present work are:

1. The methods of initiation of corona by x-ray and by excimer laser pulses were worked out;

2. The streamer initiation by laser radiation was found to be possible 2-3 kilovolts below the onset of spontaneous streamers as well as in the region of steady glow;

3. Using the initiation, the methods for measuring the times of formation of positive corona pulses were worked out;

4. The model of a streamer formation by multiavalanche mechanism was established;

5 The calculations of formative times according to this proposed model are in consistent with experiments;

6. In the case of negative point electrode, the "dielectric switching mechanism" was proposed to be responsible for inception of negative corona.


I greatly acknowledge to all my colleagues in Gas Discharge Group for good advises and permanent support me over the years.

My deepest gratitude goes to my long-time supervisor Matti Laan, who introduced me to the gas discharge investigations, and further collaboration with who leads at last to make the dissertation to come true.

I am also indebted to Hans Korge and Mart Aints for valuable discussion that help to interpret the results.

Thanks to Ants Tiirik and Tõnu Asu for their efforts in keeping our laser and all the apparatuses woiking

I would like to thank Marika Liivamägi for proof-reading of the manuscript.



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Koroonalahenduse initseerimine

Im Dokument PULSES INITIATION OF CORONA "V*?чV*- (Seite 69-80)