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beginning of a laser pulse to streamer formation varies from

Im Dokument PULSES INITIATION OF CORONA "V*?чV*- (Seite 136-147)

350 ne (x - 8 nm) to 10 ns ( x = 1 mm). Delay time At + t, (At, t . - drift time from x to x , and formation

T T 1

respectively) depends on both voltage and laser intensity; its Jitter is not more than 3 ns. Using this method of initiation it was possible to originate a streamer already at voltage U - 0,8 UQ. It must be mentioned that at lowest potential V where the initiation was still possible, the calculated value of exp(Jadr) is as small as 60.

Dependence t f - f ( N Q) calculated accordingly to the model of multielectron initiation 12, ch. 4] well corresponds to the measured one [81.

Streamer current peak i n a x dependence on voltage as well as photos of single initiated streamers registered by the help of an image intensifier are presented in Pig. 11.

We can conclude that a streamer may be originated in a wide region of voltage and first of all there must be plasma for streamer formation. So in principle it is also possible to

A 20

\ \

-*■ S

---- 1---- 1---1--- 1 1 1


— 1— 1



Pig. 1 1. A - current peak of initiated streamers i as a function of voltage; S - region of spontaneous streamers; В - static photos of single initiated streamers.

originate a streamer in the steady glow region if we create 135

a deviation of sufficient size Sne from the equilibrium value of n e In this region. It was done by supplying additionally a 100 ns duration pulses to D. C. voltage.

Pig. 12.

Fig. 12. A - D. C. voltage U « 15 kV, steady glow;

В - I). C. + pulee voltage; С - discharge in case B; many overlapped streamers are fixed.

If there is only D. C. voltage the point is covered by the bright layer of steady glow. Additional voltage pulse causes a deviation from ionization equilibrium and a streamer starts. The same result is achieved at U - const in steady glow region using laser initiation 13, Fig. 11:

local increase of ionization is caused by electrons created by a laser pulse. From these studies follows that two conditions must be fullfilled to rise a streamer:

(I) Ionised gas must have plasma density.

(II) A streamer forms when the local deviation ön from the equilibrium value of electron density takes place.

We want to express our special thanks to Dr.Mart Aints for many useful discussions we held together.


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J. Phy« D: Appl. Phy«. Я (1 » 3 ) 231-53e. Pnntod in th« UK

On the formation of negative coronas

Hana Korge, Mstti Laan and Peeter Paris

Department of Physics. Tartu University. EE 2400 Tartu, Estonia

Received 24 March 1992, In final form 26 October 1992

A b s tr a c t Negative ooronas In nitrogen and In air have been studied The transition from low-current discharge to strong-cunerrt discharge or to the spontaneous and Initiated corona p U ; e regimes has been investigated Corona pulses were Initiated by an exdm er laser pulse or by an x-ray pulse The Influence of point electrode surface conditions on the corona pulse formation has also been under observation. In the Interpretation of the results the similarity of this transition to the electron emission and consequent breakdown processes In vacuum and other gases is emphasized. This approach permits an explanation

H Korge Ы al

OIS(HAftiE Gap vex TAGf U, (kV) Figu re 1. Curre n l-vo lta ge dependences: A B C D EF . pure nitrogen; A B and C D EF, low-current and strong-current discharge respectively; different curves AB correspond to the time being counted from the mom ent cf stepwise

O n the foim allon at the negative corona

- H V


О ,—ь .—>■

О Ü1 О i-п

H Korge Ы Ы

Field em issio n (FF) is p o ssib le if th e re a r e sites

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Im Dokument PULSES INITIATION OF CORONA "V*?чV*- (Seite 136-147)