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PARylation-Deficiency Fuels BPDE-Induced Replicative Stress and the

4 Results

4.5 PARP-1 Mediated Response to BPDE-DNA Lesions

4.5.13 PARylation-Deficiency Fuels BPDE-Induced Replicative Stress and the PARylation Deficient Cells Display Increased γH2AX Levels

A delay in S phase progression and increased numbers of G2 phase arrested cells suggested enhanced genotoxic stress, probably induced by replication interferences. Phosphorylation of the core histone Figure 4.46: PARP inhibition potentiates the BPDE-induced cell cycle delay. A. BPDE treatment of synchronized HeLa Kyoto cells did not influence G1 exit but moderately delayed S phase and caused a strong G2 phase arrest.

Additional PARP inhibition further enhanced G2 phase arrest, resulting in decreased cell numbers re-entering the cell cycle. B. PARP inhibition in the absence of BPDE had no significant influence on cell cycle progression within the time period analysed. Data represent means ± SEM of 3 (n=1 for t26-32) independent experiments, normalized to solvent control. Statistical evaluation was performed using Two-Way ANOVA analysis followed by Sidak’s multiple comparison test. * p<0.05, ** p<0.01. Contributions by [C].

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H2AX on serine 139 (γH2A.X) is an excepted marker for genetic stress and hints towards the formation of double-strand breaks.

HeLa Kyoto wt or PARP-1 KO1 cells were treated with either 50 or 150 nM BPDE for 1 h and were following incubated for the indicated times in the presence or absence of ABT888. Cell lysates were prepared and subject to SDS-PAGE with subsequent immunoblotting against γH2AX and actin (Figure 4.47).

In untreated as well as in solvent treated cells only a weak γH2AX signal could be detected, indicating no influence of the solvent itself on the γH2AX levels. On the other hand, in both controls (untreated and solvent control) the absence of PARP activity resulted in a slight increase in γH2AX signals even in the absence of damage induction. CPT treatment, which served as positive control, resulted in strongly elevated levels of γH2AX compared to the untreated controls, again displaying stronger signal intensities for PARP-1 KO cells.

Exposure of cells to 50 nM BPDE resulted in continuously increasing amounts of γH2AX. Already 2-4 h after treatment an increase in signal intensity could be observed, which further rose until 2-48 h after BPDE encounter. The absence of PARP activity visibly amplified the signal intensity for γH2AX further, with PARP-1 KO1 cells showing stronger signals than the ABT888 treated cells. Comparable results were obtained when cells were treated with higher concentrations of BPDE (150 nM, data not shown). Exposure to BPDE Induces Replicative Stress

To obtain further insights into the mechanics of γH2AX induction after BPDE exposure, immunofluorescence analysis of replicating as well as non-replicating cells was performed. EdU is a thymidine analogue, which can be incorporated into the DNA during replication. By performing an EdU click reaction, S phase cells can be identified.

Cells were pulse-labelled with EdU shortly before and during BPDE exposure. Next, EdU and γH2AX were immunofluorescently visualized and the formation of γH2AX foci was monitored in S and non-S phase cells (Figure 4.48). During the first 8 hours after BPDE exposure only a moderate increase of γH2AX foci per cell could be observed in EdU negative cells. On the other hand, cells which were at Figure 4.47 BPDE induces γH2AX signal formation in HeLa Kyoto cells. HeLa Kyoto and HeLa Kyoto PARP-1 KO1 cells were treated with BPDE for 1 h with or without PARP inhibition. After defined incubation times, cells were lysed and subject to SDS-PAGE and subsequent immunoblotting to detect γH2AX. Already early after BPDE-dependent damage induction, an increase in γH2AX signal could be observed. Signal intensity steadily increased until 2 days after BPDE treatment. The absence of PARP activity (10 µM ABT888) or the PARP-1 protein further enhanced this damage response. Shown is one representative western blot of three independent experiments.

Actin served as a loading control. Contributions by [D].

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the time of BPDE exposure in S phase, immediately responded strongly to the genotoxin, giving rise to an average of 70-80 foci per cell. Interestingly, the loss of PARP-1 protein did not significantly alter the immediate yH2AX signal.

Figure 4.48: S phase cells immediately responde to BPDE with increased γH2AX signalling. 20 min before as well as during BPDE treatment (150 nM) cells were pulse-labled with EdU. S phase cells were identified by means of EdU incooperatation. A. Representative images of immunofluorescence-based detection of γH2AX signalling in EdU positive and EdU negative cells. Scale bar represents 20 µm. B. Quantification of EdU neagtive cells. Only a minor increase of γH2AX foci numbers could be detected 4-8 h after BPDE exposure. C. In S phase cells, foci numbers immediatly increased upon BPDE treatment. Note the different scale of the y-axis. Data represent means ± SEM of three independent experiments. Contributions by [D].

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Figure 4.49: PARP-1 deficiency sensitizes cells to BPDE-induced DSB formation. HeLa Kyoto and HeLa Kyoto PARP-1 KO1 cells were exposed to BPDE and at the time points indicated, immunofluorescence-based detection of 53BP1 (red) and γH2AX (green) was performed. A. Representative images of cells exposed to 150 nM BPDE. Scale bar represents 20 µm. On the right, a digital magnified cell is displayed, showing colocalization of 53BP1 and γH2AX foci.

B. Quantification of colocalization of foci in HeLa Kyoto cells treated with 50 nM BPDE. C. Quantification of colocalization of foci in HeLa Kyoto cells treated with 150 nM BPDE. PARP-1 knockout strongly enhanced the numbers of 53BP1 and γH2AX foci colocalization. Data represent means ± SEM of three independent experiments. Statistical evaluation was performed using Two-Way ANOVA analysis followed by Sidak’s multiple comparison test. * p<0.05,

** p<0.01, **** p<0.0001.

- 128 - BPDE–Induced DNA Double-Strand Break Formation is Enhanced in PARP-1 Deficient Cells

53BP1 is a DNA repair factor recruited to sites of DNA strand breaks. The formation of 53BP1 foci and their colocalization with γH2AX foci is considered to be a marker of DSBs. To analyse to which extent BPDE exposure leads to DSB formation and which role PARP-1 plays herein, confocal microscopy of immunofluorescence detected foci colocalization was performed (Figure 4.49). Here, a concentration-dependent increase of DSB formation was observed upon BPDE treatment. Immediately after exposure (≥2 h), the number of colocalizing 53BP1 and γH2AX foci increased, peaking 24 h after BPDE treatment. When these experiments were performed with a PARP-1 KO cell line, the formation of DSB increased strongly compared to HeLa Kyoto wt cells (Figure 4.49B & C).