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1 Overview and definitions

Im Dokument Abelian Varieties (Seite 91-97)


LetC be a nonsingular projective curve over a fieldk. We would like to define an abelian varietyJ, called the Jacobian variety ofC, such thatJ.k/DPic0.C /(functorially). Un-fortunately, this is not always possible: clearly, we would want thatJ.ksep/DPic0.Cksep/;

but then

J.ksep/ DJ.k/DPic0.Cksep/ , DGal.ksep=k/;

and it is not always true thatPic0.Cksep/ DPic0.C /. However, this is true whenC.k/¤


ASIDE1.1. LetCbe a category. An objectX ofCdefines a contravariant functor hXWC!Set,T 7!Hom.T; X /:

MoreoverX 7!hX defines a functorC!Fun.C;Set/(category of contravariant functors from Cto sets). We can think of hX.T /as being the set of “T-points” ofX. It is very easy to show that the functorX 7! hX is fully faithful, i.e.,Hom.X; Y /DHom.hX; hY/

— this is the Yoneda Lemma (AG 1.39). ThusC can be regarded as a full subcategory of Fun.C;Set/:Xis known (up to a unique isomorphism) once we know the functor it defines, and every morphism of functors hX ! hY arises from a unique morphismX ! Y. A contravariant functorFWC ! Setis said to berepresentableif it is isomorphic tohX for some objectX ofC, andX is then said torepresentF.

Definition of the Jacobian variety.

For varietiesV andT overk, setV .T /DHom.T; V /DhV.T /. For a nonsingular variety T,

PC0.T /DPic0.C T /=qPic0.T /


(families of invertible sheaves of degree zero on C parametrized by T, modulo trivial families–cf. (4.16)). This is a contravariant functor from the category of varieties over kto the category of abelian groups.

THEOREM1.2. AssumeC.k/ ¤ ;. The functorPC0 is represented by an abelian variety J.

From (1.1), we know thatJ is uniquely determined. It is called theJacobian varietyof C.

Apointed variety overk is a pair.T; t / withT a variety over k andt 2 T .k/. We always regard an abelian variety as a pointed variety by taking the distinguished point to be 0. Adivisorial correspondence between two pointed varieties .S; s/and .T; t /is an invertible sheafLonST whose restrictions toS ftgandfsg T are both trivial.

PROPOSITION1.3. LetP 2 C.k/, and letJ DJac.C /. There is a divisorial correspon-denceMonCJ that is universal in the following sense: for any divisorial correspondence LonC T (some pointed varietyT /such thatLt is of degree0for allt, there is a regular map'WT !J sending the distinguished point ofT to0and such that.1'/ML.

REMARK1.4. (a) The Jacobian variety is defined even whenC.k/ D ;; however, it then doesn’t (quite) represent the functorP (because the functor is not representable). See below.

(b) The Jacobian variety commutes with extension of scalars, i.e.,Jac.Ck0/D.Jac.C //k0

for any fieldk0k.

(c) Let Mbe the sheaf in (1.3); as x runs through the elements of J.k/, Mx runs through a set of representatives for the isomorphism classes of invertible sheaves of degree 0onC.

(d) Fix a pointP0inJ.k/. There is a regular map'P0WC ! J such that, on points, 'P0sendsP toŒP P0; in particular,'P0sendsP0to0. The map'Q0differs from'P0 by translation byŒP0 Q0(regarded as a point onJ /.

(e) The dimension ofJ is the genus ofC. IfC has genus zero, thenJac.C /D0(this is obvious, becausePic0.C /D0, even when one goes to the algebraic closure). IfC has genus1, thenJac.C /DC (providedC has a rational point; otherwise it differs fromC — becauseJac.C /always has a point).

Construction of the Jacobian variety.

Fix a nonsingular projective curve over k. For simplicity, assumek D kal. We want to construct a variety such thatJ.k/is the group of divisor classes of degree zero onC. As a first step, we construct a variety whose points are the effective divisors of degree r, some r > 0. LetCrDCC:::C (rcopies). A point onCr is an orderedr-tuple of points onC. The symmetric group onr letters,Sr, acts onCr by permuting the factors, and the points on the quotient variety C.r/ Ddf Cr=Sr are the unorderedr-tuples of points on C. But an unorderedr-tuple is just an effective divisor of degreer,P

i Pi. Thus C.r/ DDivr.C /D fdf effective divisors of degree r on Cg: Writefor the quotient mapCr !C.r/,.P1; :::; Pr/7!P

Pi. LEMMA1.5. The varietyC.r/is nonsingular.

1. OVERVIEW AND DEFINITIONS 87 PROOF. In general, when a finite group acts freely on a nonsingular variety, the quotient will be nonsingular. In our case, there are points onCr whose stabilizer subgroup is non-trivial, namely the points.P1; :::; Pr/in which two (or more)Pi coincide, and we have to show that they don’t give singularities on the quotient variety. The worst case is a point Q D.P; :::; P /, and here one can show that

ObQ 'kŒŒ1; :::; r;

the power series ring in the elementary symmetric functions1; :::; r in theXi, and this is

a regular ring. See (3.2). 2

LetPicr.C /be the set of divisor classes of degree r. For a fixed pointP0 onC, the map

ŒD7!ŒDCrP0WPic0.C /!Picr.C /

is a bijection (both Pic0.C /andPicr.C /are fibres of the mapdegWPic.C / ! Z). This remains true when we regard Pic0.C / and Picr.C / as functors of varieties over k (see above), and so it suffices to find a variety representing thePicr.C /.

For a divisor of degreer, the Riemann-Roch theorem says that

`.D/DrC1 gC`.K D/

whereKis the canonical divisor. Sincedeg.K/D2g 2,deg.K D/ < 0and`.K D/D 0whendeg.D/ > 2g 2. Thus,

`.D/DrC1 g > 0, if r Ddeg.D/ > 2g 2:

In particular, every divisor class of degreer contains an effective divisor, and so the map 'W feffective divisors of degree rg !Picr.C /,D7!ŒD

is surjective whenr > 2g 2. We can regard this as a morphism of functors 'WC.r/ Picr.C /:

Suppose that we could find a sectionsto', i.e., a morphism of functorssWPicr.C /! C.r/ such that'ıs Did. Thensı' is a morphism of functorsC.r/ ! C.r/ and hence by (??) a regular map, and we can form the fibre product:

C.r/ J0



? y


? y C.r/C.r/ C.r/: Then the map from

J0.k/D fdf .a; b/2C.r/C.r/ jaDb; b Dsı'.a/g

toPicr.C /sendingb to'.b/is an isomorphism. Thus we will have constructed the Jaco-bian variety; in factJ0will be a closed subvariety ofC.r/. Unfortunately, it is not possible to find such a section: the Riemann-Roch theorem tells us that, forr > 2g 2, each divi-sor class of degreeris represented by an.r g/-dimensional family of effective divisors, and there is no nice functorial way of choosing a representative. However, it is possible to do this “ locally”, and so constructJ0as a union of varieties, each of which is a closed subvariety of an open subvariety ofC.r/. For the details, see4 below.

Definitions and main statements

Recall that for an algebraic spaceS,Pic.S /denotes the groupH1.S;OS/of isomorphism classes of invertible sheaves onS, and thatS 7!Pic.S /is a functor from the category of algebraic spaces overkto that of abelian groups.

LetC be a complete nonsingular curve overk. The degree of a divisorDDniPi onC isniŒk.Pi/Wk. Since every invertible sheafLonC is of the formL.D/for some divisorD, andDis uniquely determined up to linear equivalence, we can definedeg.L/ Ddeg.D/.



and the Riemann-Roch theorem says that

.C;Ln/Dndeg.L/C1 g:

This gives a more canonical description ofdeg.L/Wwhen.C;Ln/is written as a poly-nomial inn,deg.L/is the leading coefficient. We writePic0.C /for the group of isomor-phism classes of invertible sheaves of degree zero onC.

LetT be a connected algebraic space overk, and letLbe an invertible sheaf onCT. Then (I 4.2) shows that.Ct;Lnt/, and thereforedeg.Lt/, is independent oft; moreover, the constant degree ofLt is invariant under base change relative to mapsT0 ! T. Note that for a sheafMonC T,.qM/t is isomorphic toOCt and, in particular, has degree 0. Let

PC0.T /D fL2Pic.C T /jdeg.Lt/D0all tg=qPic.T /:

ThusPC0.T /is the group of families of invertible sheaves onC of degree0parametrized by T, modulo the trivial families. Note thatPC0 is a functor from algebraic spaces overk to abelian groups. It is this functor that the Jacobian attempts to represent.

THEOREM1.6. There exists an abelian variety J over k and a morphism of functors WPC0 !J such thatWPC0.T /!J.T /is an isomorphism wheneverC.T /is nonempty.

BecauseC is an algebraic variety, there exists a finiteGaloisextensionk0ofksuch that C.k0/is nonempty. LetG be the Galois group ofk0overk. Then for every algebraic space T overk,C.Tk0/is nonempty, and so.Tk0/WPC0.Tk0/!J.Tk0/is an isomorphism. As

J.T /Ddf Mork.T; J /'Mork0.Tk0; Jk0/G DJ.Tk0/G,

we see that J represents the functorT 7! PC0.Tk0/G, and this implies that the pair.J; / is uniquely determined up to a unique isomorphism by the condition in the theorem. The varietyJ is called theJacobian varietyofC. Note that for any fieldk0 kin whichC has a rational point,defines an isomorphismPic0.C /!J.k0/.

WhenC has ak-rational point, the definition takes on a more attractive form. Apointed k-spaceis a connected algebraick-space together with an elements2S.k/. Abelian vari-eties will always be regarded as being pointed by the zero element. Adivisorial correspon-dencebetween two pointed spaces.S; s/and.T; t /overkis an invertible sheafLonST such thatLjS ftgandLjfsg T are both trivial.

THEOREM1.7. Let P be a k-rational point onC. Then there is a divisorial correspon-denceMP between.C; P /andJ such that, for every divisorial correspondenceLbetween .C; P /and a pointedk-scheme.T; t /, there exists a unique morphism'WT !J such that '.t /D0and.1'/MP L.

1. OVERVIEW AND DEFINITIONS 89 Clearly the pair.J;MP/is uniquely determined up to a unique isomorphism by the condition in (1.7). Note that each element ofPic0.C /is represented by exactly one sheaf Ma,a2J.k/, and the map'WT !J sendst 2T .k/to the uniqueasuch thatMa Lt.

Theorem 1.6 will be proved in4. Here we merely show that it implies (1.7).

LEMMA1.8. Theorem 1.6 implies Theorem 1.7.

PROOF. Assume there is ak-rational pointP onC. Then for anyk-spaceT, the projection qWC T !T has a sectionsD.t 7!.P; t //, which induces a map

sD.L7!LjfPg T /WPic.C T /!Pic.T /

such thatsqDid. Consequently,Pic.C T /DIm.q/˚Ker.s/, and soPC0.T /can be identified with

P0.T /D fL2Pic.C T /jdeg.Lt/D0all t,LjfPg T is trivialg.

Now assume (1.6). AsC.T /is nonempty for allk-schemesT,J represents the functor PC0 DP0. This means that there is an elementMofP0.J /(corresponding toidWJ ! J under/such that, for everyk-schemeT andL 2 P0.T /, there exists a unique morphism 'WT ! J such that .1 '/M L. In particular, for each invertible sheaf L on C of degree 0, there is a unique a 2 J.k/ such thatMa L. After replacing Mwith .1ta/Mfor a suitablea 2 J.k/, we can assume thatM0 is trivial, and therefore that Mis a divisorial correspondence between.C; P /andJ. It is clear thatMhas the universal

property required by (1.7). 2

EXERCISE1.9. Let .J;MP/ be a pair having the universal property in (1.7) relative to some pointP on C. Show thatJ is the Jacobian ofC.

We next make some remarks concerning the relation betweenPC0 andJ in the case that C does not have ak-rational point.

REMARK1.10. For allk-spacesT,.T /WPC0.T / ! J.T /is injective. The proof of this is based on two observations. Firstly, becauseC is a complete varietyH0.C;OC/ D k, and this holds universally: for any k-schemeT, the canonical mapOT !qOCT is an isomorphism. Secondly, for any morphismqWX !T of schemes such thatOT !qOX, the functorM7!qMfrom the category of locally freeOT -modules of finite-type to the category of locally freeOX-modules of finite-type is fully faithful, and the essential image is formed of those modulesF onX such thatqF is locally free and the canonical map q.qF/!F is an isomorphism. (The proof is similar to that of I 5.16.)

Now letLbe an invertible sheaf onC T that has degree0on the fibres and which maps to zero in J.T /; we have to show thatL qMfor some invertible sheafMon T. Letk0 be a finite extension ofksuch thatC has ak0-rational point, and letL0be the inverse image ofL on.C T /k0. ThenL0 maps to zero inJ.Tk0/, and so (by definition ofJ /we must haveL0 qM0 for some invertible sheafM0onTk0. ThereforeqL0 is locally free of rank one onTk0, and the canonical mapq.qL0/!L0is an isomorphism.

ButqL0is the inverse image ofqLunderT0 !T (see I 4.2a), and elementary descent theory (cf. 1.13 below) shows that the properties of L0in the last sentence descend to L;


REMARK1.11. It is sometimes possible to compute the cokernel to WPC0.k/ ! J.k/.

There is always an exact sequence


whereBr.k/is the Brauer group ofk. Whenkis a finite extension ofQp,Br.k/DQ=Z, and it is known (see Lichtenbaum 1969, p130) that that the image of J.k/ in Br.k/ is P 1Z=Z, whereP (the period ofC /is the greatest common divisor of the degrees of the k-rational divisors classes onC.

REMARK1.12. Regard PC0 as a presheaf on the large ´etale site over C; then the pre-cise relation between J and PC0 is that J represents the sheaf associated with PC0 (see Grothendieck 1968,5).

Finally we show that it suffices to prove (1.6) after an extension of the base field. For the sake of reference, we first state a result from descent theory. Let k0be a finite Galois extension of a fieldkwith Galois groupG, and letV be a variety overk0. A descent datum forV relative tok0=k is a collection of isomorphisms'WV ! V, one for each 2 G, such that' D ' ı ' for all and. There is an obvious notion of a morphism of varieties preserving the descent data. Note that for a varietyV overk,Vk0 has a canonical descent datum. If V is a variety overk andV0 D Vk0, then a descent datum on an OV0 -moduleMis a family of isomorphisms'WM! Msuch that' D ' ' for all and.

PROPOSITION1.13. Letk0=kbe a finite Galois extension with Galois groupG.

(a) The map sending a varietyV overktoVk0endowed with its canonical descent datum defines an equivalence between the category of quasi-projective varieties overkand that of quasi-projective varieties overk0endowed with a descent datum.

(b) LetV be a variety overk, and letV0DVk0. The map sending anOV-moduleMto M0 DOV0 ˝Mendowed with its canonical descent datum defines an equivalence between the category of coherent OV -modules and that of coherentOV0-modules endowed with a descent datum. Moreover, ifM0is locally free, then so also isM.

PROOF. (a) See AG 16.23.

(b) See Serre 1959, V.20, or Waterhouse 1979,17. (For the final statement, note that being locally free is equivalent to being flat, and thatV0is faithfully flat overV.) 2 PROPOSITION1.14. Letk0be a finite separable extension ofk; if (1.6) is true forCk0, then it is true forC.

PROOF. After possibly enlargingk0, we may assume that it is Galois overk(with Galois groupG, say) and thatC.k0/is nonempty. LetJ0be the Jacobian ofCk0. ThenJ0represents PC0

k0, and so there is a universalMinPC0.J0/. For any 2 G,M2 PC0.J0/, and so there is a unique map 'WJ0 ! J0 such that.1'/M D M(in PC0.J0//. One checks directly that ' D ' ı '; in particular, '' 1 D 'id, and so the ' are isomorphisms and define a descent datum on J0. We conclude from (1.13) thatJ0 has a

Im Dokument Abelian Varieties (Seite 91-97)