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5 The canonical maps from the symmetric powers of C to its Jacobian variety

Im Dokument Abelian Varieties (Seite 107-110)

Throughout this section C will be a complete nonsingular curve of genusg > 0. Assume there is ak-rational pointP onC, and writef for the mapfP defined in2.

Letfr be the mapCr !J sending.P1; :::; Pr/tof .P1/C Cf .Pr/. On points, fr is the map .P1; :::; Pr/ 7! ŒP1 C CPr rP . Clearly it is symmetric, and so induces a mapf.r/WC.r/ !J. We can regardf.r/as being the map sending an effective divisorDof degreeronC to the linear equivalence class ofD rP. The fibre of the map f.r/WC.r/.k/! J.k/containingDcan be identified with the space of effective divisors linearly equivalent to D, that is, with the linear system jDj. The image ofC.r/ inJ is a closed subvariety Wr ofJ, which can also be written Wr D f .C /C Cf .C / (r summands).

THEOREM5.1. (a) For allr g, the morphismf.r/WC.r/ !Wr is birational; in partic-ular,f.g/ is a birational map fromC.g/ontoJ.

(b) Let D be an effective divisor of degree r on C, and let F be the fibre of f.r/

containingD. Then no tangent vector toC.r/ atDmaps to zero under.df.r//D unless it lies in the direction ofF; in other words, the sequence

0!TD.F /!TD.C.r//!Ta.J /; aDf.r/.D/;

is exact. In particular,.df.r//DWTD.C.r//!Ta.J /is injective ifjDjhas dimension zero.

The proof will occupy the rest of this section.

ForDa divisor onC, we writeh0.D/for the dimension of H0.C;L.D//D ff 2k.C /j.f /CD0g andh1.D/for the dimension ofH1.C;L.D//. Recall that

h0.D/ h1.D/Ddeg.D/C1 g;

and thatH1.C;L.D//_ DH0.C; ˝1. D//, which can be identified with the set of! 2

˝k.C /=k1 whose divisor.!/D.

LEMMA5.2. (a) LetD be a divisor onC such thath1.D/ > 0; then there is a nonempty open subset U of C such that h1.D CQ/ D h1.D/ 1 for all points Q in U, and h1.DCQ/Dh1.D/forQ …U.

(b) For anyr g, there is an open subsetU ofCr such thath0.P

Pi/ D 1for all .P1; :::; Pr/inU.

PROOF. (a) IfQis not in the support ofD, then

H1.C;L.DCQ//_D .C; ˝1. D Q//

can be identified with the subspace of .C; ˝1. D//of differentials with a zero at Q.

Clearly therefore we can takeU to be the complement of the zero set of a basis ofH1.C;L.D//

together with a subset of the support ofD.

(b) LetD0be the divisor zero onC. Thenh1.D0/Dg, and on applying (a) repeatedly, we find that there is an open subsetU ofCrsuch thath1.P

Pi/Dg rfor all.P1; :::; Pr/ inU. The Riemann-Roch theorem now shows thath0.P

Pi/DrC.1 g/C.g r/D1

for all.P1; :::; Pr/inU. 2

In proving (5.1), we can assume thatk is algebraically closed. If U0 is the image in C.r/ of the set U in (5.2b), then f.r/WC.r/.k/ ! J.k/ is injective on U0.k/, and so f.r/WC.r/ ! Wr must either be birational or else purely inseparable of degree> 1. The second possibility is excluded by part (b) of the theorem, but before we can prove that we need another proposition.

PROPOSITION5.3. (a) For allr 1, there are canonical isomorphisms .C; ˝1/ '! .Cr; ˝1/Sr '! .C.r/; ˝1/:

Let! 2 .C; ˝1/correspond to!0 2 .C.r/; ˝1/; then for any effective divisorD of degreeronC,.!/Dif and only if!0has a zero atD.

(b) For allr 1, the mapf.r/W .J; ˝1/! .C.r/; ˝1/is an isomorphism.

A global1-form on a product of projective varieties is a sum of global1-forms on the factors. Therefore .Cr; ˝1/ D L

ipi .C; ˝1/, where thepi are the projection maps onto the factors, and so it is clear that the map ! 7! P

pi! identifies .C; ˝1/with .Cr; ˝1/Sr. Because WCr ! C.r/ is separable, W .C.r/; ˝1/ ! .Cr; ˝1/ is injective, and its image is obviously fixed by the action ofSr. The composite map

.J; ˝1/! .C.r/; ˝1/ ,! .Cr; ˝1/Sr ' .C; ˝1/ sends!to the element!0of .C; ˝1/such thatfr!D P

pi!0. Asfr D P

f ıpi, clearly!0Df!, and so the composite map isfwhich we know to be an isomorphism (2.2). This proves that both maps in the above sequence are isomorphisms. It also com-pletes the proof of the proposition except for the second part of (a), and for this we need a combinatorial lemma.

LEMMA5.4. Let 1; :::; r be the elementary symmetric polynomials inX1; :::; Xr, and letj D P

XijdXi. Then

m0 m 11C C. 1/mm DdmC1, all mr 1:

PROOF. Letm.i /be themth elementary symmetric polynomial in the variables X1; :::; Xi 1; XiC1; :::; Xr:


m nDm n.i /CXim n 1.i /;

5. CANONICAL MAPS 103 and on multiplying this by . 1/nXin and summing over n (so that the successive terms cancel out) we obtain the identity

m m 1Xi C C. 1/mXimDm.i /:

On multiplying this withdXi and summing, we get the required identity. 2 We now complete the proof of (5.3). First let D D rQ. Then OOQ D kŒŒX  and O

OD DkŒŒ1; :::; r(see the proof of (3.2); byOD we mean the local ring at the pointD onC.r/). If! D.a0Ca1X Ca2X2C /dX,ai 2k, when regarded as an element of


OQ=k, then!0Da00Ca11C . We know thatfd1; :::; drgis a basis for˝1O


as an OOD -module, but the lemma shows that0; :::; r 1 is also a basis. Now .!/ D and!0.D/D0are both obviously equivalent toa0 Da1 D D ar 1 D0. The proof for other divisors is similar.

We finally prove the exactness of the sequence in (5.1). The injectivity of.d i /Dfollows from the fact thatiWF ,!C.r/is a closed immersion. Moreover the sequence is a complex becausef ıi is the constant mapx7!a. It remains to show that

dim Im.d i /D Ddim Ker.df.r//D:

IdentifyTa.J /_with .C; ˝1/using the isomorphisms arising from (2.1). Then (5.3) shows that ! is zero on the image of TD.C.r// if and only if .!/ D, that is, ! 2 .C; ˝1. D//. Therefore the image of .df.r//D has dimensiong h01. D// D g h1.D/, and so its kernel has dimensionr gCh1.D/. On the other hand, the image of .d i /D has dimensionjDj. The Riemann-Roch theorem says precisely that these two numbers are equal, and so completes the proof.

COROLLARY5.5. For allrg,frWCr !Wrhas degreerŠ.

PROOF. It is the composite ofWCr !C.r/andf.r/. 2 REMARK5.6. (a) The theorem shows that J is the unique abelian variety birationally equivalent to C.g/. This observation is the basis of Weil’s construction of the Jacobian.


(b) The exact sequence in (5.1b) can be regarded as a geometric statement of the Riemann-Roch theorem (see especially the end of the proof). In fact it is possible to prove the Riemann-Roch theorem this way (see Mattuck and Mayer 1963).

(c) As we observed above, the fibre of f.r/WC.r/.k/ ! J.k/ containing D can be identified with the linear system jDj. More precisely, the fibre of the map of functors C.r/ ! J is the functorDivDC of (3.14); therefore the fibre off.r/ containingD(in the sense of algebraic spaces) is a copy of projective space of dimensionh0.D/ 1. Corollary 3.10 of Chapter I shows that conversely every copy of projective space inC.r/is contained in some fibre off.r/. Consequently, the closed points of the Jacobian can be identified with the set of maximal subvarieties ofC.r/isomorphic to projective space.

Note that forr > 2g 2,jDjhas dimensionr g, and so.df.r//D is surjective, for allD. Thereforef.r/ is smooth (see Hartshorne 1977, III 10.4), and the fibres off.r/are precisely the copies ofPr gcontained inC.r/. This last observation is the starting point of Chow’s construction of the Jacobian Chow 1954.

Im Dokument Abelian Varieties (Seite 107-110)