• Keine Ergebnisse gefunden

Block 1: Information Needs

Introduction into the topic: for which purposes do participants engage in exploratory search, for what kind of information are they searching and in how far is an online execution of the search possible

1. For which purposes do you engage in exploratory search in context of your PHD?

2. Which types of information do you search for in this context?

3. During what kind of information search do you face most difficulties to find the required information quickly?

4. Is it possible for you to conduct exploratory searches online solely?

5. Which information needs can you not fulfil online and why?

6. If you engage in offline information search, why?

Block 2: Portfolio of technological means

Which Hard- and Software is used and how are those technological means extended

7. Which device(s) do you use for your exploratory online research?

In case if various devices are used:

7.1. Why are various devices used?

7.2. Which one is used for which puposes?

7.3. Is your device expanded somehow?

8. At which place(s) do you conduct your online research?

If various places, why?

9. Which Browser(s) do you use?

In case if various Browsers are used:

9.1. Why are various browsers used?

9.2. Which one is used for which purpose?

9.3. Why are other Browsers not used?

10. How is your device/browser configured? Which pre-settings are set for the purpose of exploratory online research?

10.1. What links can be found in your bookmark bar?

10.2. Which plugins/add-ons are installed?

10.3. Other pre-settings/configurations?

Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 Information


Portfolio of technological





Criticism Personal Data


11. Which search engines/research databases do you use for exploratory online research?

11.1. Are they used for varying purposes?

11.2. Why do you choose those over others?

11.3. Do you consciously set any configurations/pre-settings within the search engines/databases?

12. Which research platforms/communities do you use for exploratory online information search? (e.g. Researchgate, Youtube, expert forums, expert websites)?

13. Are there other tools/sources/websites not mentioned, yet, which you use on a regular basis for exploratory online research?

If yes, which ones and for which purposes?

14. Do you make use of the bookmark-function in course of exploratory online research? If yes, for which purposes?

15. Do you maintain a personal bibliographic database?

If yes, which one? If several, for which purposes?

Block 3: Heuristics/Proceedings/Strategies

Which proceedings and strategies were developed for the purpose of exploratory online research?


16. Please describe how you proceed when you do an exploratory online research.

17. How do you proceed for getting an overview about a topic which you are quite unfamiliar with?

18. For purpose of completeness, how do you proceed for finding the right/all relevant search terms for a topic?

19. Do you vary the search terms in course of one search session or do you first finish searching with one term a nd then start a new session?

20. What do you do for the purpose of maintaining an overview about your exploratory search?


21. During your exploratory online research, do you make use of multiple browsers simultaneously?

If yes, which ones and for which purposes?

22. Do you use several search engines/databases simultaneously during your exploratory online research?

If yes, which ones and for which purposes?

23. Do you make use of Boolean Operators?

If yes, of which ones and on which websites?

24. For the purpose of exploratory online research, do you make use of multiple windows and/or tabs?

24.1. For which purposes do you open new windows/tabs?

24.2. How many windows/tabs do you make use of simultaneously?


25. Do you maintain a list wich search terms already used or intended for usage?

26. How do you proceed if you cannot access a book or an article due to a missing access right?

27. How superficial is your first screening of results during exploratory online research?

28. If conducted, how superficial is a second screening of results?

29. When do you save a document?

30. Where do you save a document if it seems useful?

31. How do you proceed for finding information back?


32. How do you proceed for evaluating quality/relevance of a source/an article found in course of an exploratory online search?

33. At which point in time do you consider quality/relevance?


34. On a scale from 1 (not patient at all) to five (very patient), how patient are you during exploratory online research?

How does potential impatience affect your search behaviour?

35. Do you perceive an information overload during exploratory online research?

• Immer (always)

• Oft (often)

• Gelegentlich (occasionally)

• Selten (rarely)

• Nie (never)

36. In which situations do you feel information overloaded?

37. What do you do if you feel information overloaded?

38. Do you delegate some of your research to other persons?

If yes, which one(s) (not)?


39. Do you collaborate with others in your search tasks?

• Immer (always)

• Oft (often)

• Gelegentlich (occasionally)

• Selten (rarely)

• Nie (never)

If yes, in which form? Please describe

Block 4: Criticism, what’s (not) missing?

Which functions/technological means would be preferable for an effective and efficient exploratory online research?

40. Where do you see inefficiencies in your own online research?

Can you imagine one or several possibilities how the system (the search engine/browser/a supporting program or others) could reduce the frequency or intensitiy of those


41. On a scale from 1 (little satisfied) to 5 (very satisfied), how satisfied are you with the access right providd by your university?

42. Please mention maximally five things you do not like about online research (compared to offline research)

43. Please mention maximally five things you appreciate about online research (compared to offline research)

44. Can you name preferable functions for exploratory online research not available, yet?

45. Creativity and utopia allowed: If you could wish for one new tool/service for exploratory online research, what would it be?

Block 5: Personal Data

46. Age:

47. Sex:

48. Field of Study:

49. Specialization:

50. Progress of PHD (current semester no.):

51. How do you evaluate your own abilities in exploratory online research?

• Neuling (novice)

• Fortgeschrittener Anfänger (advanced beginner)

• Kompetenter (competent)

• Gewandter (well skilled)

• Experte (expert)

52. Compared to your supervisor?

• Besser (better)

• Etwas besser (a little better)

• Etwa gleich (about equal)

• Etwas schlechter (a little worse)

• Schlechter (worse)

53. Compared to PHD colleagues?

• Besser (better)

• Etwas besser (a little better)

• Etwa gleich (about equal)

• Etwas schlechter (a little worse)

• Schlechter (worse)

54. How do you evaluate your own IT-skills?

• Neuling (novice)

• Fortgeschrittener Anfänger (advanced beginner)

• Kompetenter (competent)

• Gewandter (well skilled)

• Experte (expert)

55. Did you choose your PHD topic on your own?

56. How much does your PHD topic overlap with the specialization of your supervisor?

• Sehr stark (very strongly)

• Stark (strongly)

• Mittel (medium)

• Wenig (little)

• Überhaupt nicht (not at all)

• No topic chosen, yet

57. Do you do your PHD full- or part-time/Are you employed at your university?

58. Do you strive for an academic career after your PHD?

• Ja, auf jeden Fall (yes, for sure)

• Ja, wahrscheinlich (yes, probably)

• Ja, eventuell (yes, maybe)

• Nein, eher nicht (no, rather not)

• Nein, auf keinen Fall (certainly not)

• Kann ich nicht sagen (I don’t know, yet)