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Individuality of Quantum Objects

10.2 Dispositional Tropes of ‘Many-Particle Systems’

10.2.2 Individuality of Quantum Objects

So far everything is fine. But things get more intricate when we consider two ‘identical particles’, say electrons, which have been in mutual interac-tion in the past. Due to their interacinterac-tion they get into the so-called

quan-CHAPTER 10. DISPOSITIONAL TROPE ONTOLOGY 133 tum mechanical ‘entanglement’, whose mathematical counterpart in QM is a superposition of wave functions. A collection of identical particles of the same kind which is in such an entangled state is called amany-particle system.

As I explained in section 3.1, experimental results about the statistical bevaviour of quantum mechanical many-particle systems require a certain symmetrical structure of the wave function which describes the state of a many-particle system. With respect to their statistical behaviour in a many-particle system quantum mechanical particles fall into two groups.

The first group of particles behaves according to Fermi-Dirac statistics and they are therefore called fermions. The second group of particles behaves according to Einstein-Bose statistics and they are called bosons. Pauli’s famous theorem about the connection ofspin and statisticstells us that all fermions have half integer spin and all bosons have integer spin. Examples for fermions are electrons, all the six types of quarks and protons. They all have spin 1/2. Examples for bosons are photons and gluons, each with spin 0. Common gloss has it that allmatter constituents are fermions and allforce carriers are bosons.

The behaviour of fermions according to Fermi-Dirac statistics requires that the wave function of a many-particle system of fermions is antisym-metric. As an example I take the wave function of a system of two fermions (e. g. electrons) from equation 3.1 on page 37:

Ψ(x1, x2) = 1



, (10.2)

where ψα(x1) and ψβ(x2) are energy eigenfunctions of one-particle Hamil-tonians andαandβrepresent sets of quantum numbers characterizing one-particle states. An antisymmetric wave function of a system of fermions is a superposition of product wave functions, i. e. a sum of tensor products of one-particle states. The requirement that this wave function is antisym-metric means that it has to change its sign when the labels ‘1’ and ‘2’ are interchanged. Intuitively this change of labels refers to a swapping of two particles since the labels ‘1’ and ‘2’ stem from the two separate particles we started with before they became to be involved in an entangled

com-CHAPTER 10. DISPOSITIONAL TROPE ONTOLOGY 134 pound state. Note that the antisymmetry requirement for many particle systems of fermions has the effect that the antisymmetric wave function automatically fulfills the well-known Pauli exclusion principle. When the two electrons described by equation 10.2 were to occupy the same state the wave function of the compound state would vanish. That means there is no possible compound state where both electrons are in the same state.

The explanations I gave in the last paragraph are standard explanations one can find in later chapters of any standard textbook on QM. I recapitu-lated them because they make up a necessary step which one has to go and I don’t see a better first introduction. Nevertheless, as I will try to show now the last paragraph contained various misconceptions. Although these problems I am alluding to are well known it is very hard to avoid speaking and even thinking in somewhat misguiding terms.

Sincex1andx2are variables of the “single particles” 1 and 2 it is natural to ask what the states of these “single particles” are. It turns out that it is impossible to give a satisfactory answer to this question if one holds on to the conception of individual particles. Each “single particle” is in thesame state as a part of the compound system even though in the wave function of the compound system different one-particle wave functions are used. In the following I will describe a way to prove this claim.

In the Quantum Theory of Measurement (see appendix A) there is an important procedure which goes back von Neumann. Given is a compound state after an interaction of two subsystems which are now entangled. This means that the compound state is superposition although it is a pure state.

The question now is ‘what can be said about the two subsystems?’. In which state are they? In the standard case of the Quantum Theory of Measurement the two subsystems are a measurement apparatus and an object system to be measured. Nevertheless the same procedure to be explained applies two any two entangled quantum systems.

The state of one subsystem of a compound system, let us call it W1, can be determined by means of the following requirement: For any observable A the expectation value for measurements on the subsystem, say S1, in state W1 must be identical to measurements of the observable A112 on

CHAPTER 10. DISPOSITIONAL TROPE ONTOLOGY 135 the compound system, let us call it S1 + S2 in state Ψ. 12 denotes the identity operator in the Hilbert space of the second subsystem. Explicitly this requirement reads as follows:

(Ψ, A112Ψ) = tr{A1W1}, (10.3) where ‘tr’ denotes the trace operator, which gives a number when applied to another operator. Note thatW1 is a density operator acting on a Hilbert space and Ψ a vector in a Hilbert space. These are two ways to describe states. However, whereas Ψ could be written in the form of a density operator,W1 could not be written in the form of a state vector since it is a mixed stated. That W1 is a mixed state is a major result of the utilization of requirement 10.3. W1 is called a reduced state due to the reduction of the degrees of freedom of the second subsystem which is entailed by the requirement 10.3. W1 is explicitly given by

W1 = tr2P[Ψ]. (10.4)

I skip further details1 and state the relevant outcome for the case of the 2-electron system. It turns out that the reduced states for the two electrons is identical. With this result we have a serious threat for the individuality of the two electrons. Since they are both electrons they have the same permanent or essential properties. So far there is no problem.

But as individuals we would expect the two electrons to be different in at least some relational time-dependent properties (position, momentum) which in quantum physics are given by the state. We saw, however, that the states of the two electrons are identical. There is no property whatsoever that would allow to make a difference between these two electrons. It arises the question whether there are two individual electrons at all. This way of reasoning is known in philosophy as the Leibniz principle of the identity of indiscernibles.2 When we start off with two things and there is

1See for instance Mittelstaedt (1998).

2St¨ockler (1999) contains an up-to-date description and evaluation of this concep-tual problem stressing the connection between the questioned individuality of quantum mechanical particles and the Leibniz principle of the identity of indiscernibles.

CHAPTER 10. DISPOSITIONAL TROPE ONTOLOGY 136 no ‘legitimate’ property in which they are discernible the Leibniz principle of the identity of indiscernibles says that there actually is just one thing.

Formalized it runs as follows: ∀x1∀x2

∀F F(x1)⇔F(x2)

⇒x1 =x2 . Can one agree with the conclusion that we actually have just one elec-tron in our system? No, we cannot. We know that we started off with two electrons and we know that the compound system has, for instance, twice the charge of an electron. We cannot be talking about just one electron.

On the other hand it seems to be excluded that we have two electrons as well. So we have reached a certain stalemate. Which alternative we choose we get into trouble.