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The antennal gland reservoirs of female European beewolves represent unique bacteria cultivation organs with a highly elaborated ultrastructure. The lumen of the reservoir has two parts that make up a considerable fraction of the antennomere. The reservoir is enclosed by a monolayered epithelium with a cuticle and many class 3 gland cells secrete into the lumen.

In cross sections of empty antennal gland reservoirs of P. triangulum, the membranous cuticle appears slightly folded, whereas it is smooth and bulged in filled reservoirs. We thus propose that this thin cuticle is flexible, whereas the net-like cuticle is sturdy and remains mostly in place as a counter bearing. The gland reservoir could therefore be seen as a bellow with one rigid and one flexible side, which expands in response to the increase of the content. This structure, the to and fro movement of the female prior to and during the delivery of the white substance as well as the lack of any muscles in the vicinity of the reservoir suggest that the content of the reservoir might be pressed out by increasing the hemolymph pressure in the antennae. The transport of white substance out of the inter-antennomere space might be facilitated by the observed bending of the antennae. The projecting cuticle with gelatinous appendages that covers the reservoir’s opening probably acts as a closing device that possibly prevents invasion of the glands by undesirable bacteria.

Since the antennal gland reservoir is nearly empty after a female has delivered the secretion for one brood cell and females can construct and provision up to three brood cells per day, beewolf females Fig. 2.4. Electron micrographs of net-like cuticle bordering the reservoir. A SEM: Exterior view of the cuticle with net-like structure (cu). The monolayered epithelium was removed during preparation, scale bar 2 µm. (1-4) conducting canals. B TEM: Monolayered epithelium covered with cuticle. A thin epicuticle (double arrow) separates the cuticle with net-like structure (cu) from the reservoir lumen (lu). A bundle of conducting canals (1-6) containing secretion penetrates the epithelium, scale bar 2 µ m. Thick arrows indicate the line of view in (A) and (C). C SEM: Interior view of the gland reservoir with openings of conducting canals (1-5) and filamentous secretion (s) coming out of canal 5. Note the net like structure of the reinforced endo- and exocuticle shining through the thin epicuticle, scale bar 5 µm.


1 3

have to provide the symbiotic bacteria with essential nutrients to allow rapid growth and, thus, replenishment of the gland reservoir. Noteworthy, the structure of the reservoirs with elongated lobes might ensure that a certain part of the reservoir content remains in the gland during the delivery of the white substance. These remains may facilitate the renewal of the bacterial population. In the reservoir, the Streptomycetes are embedded in a matrix of electron dense and electron lucent vesicles that may contain these nutrients. The content of the vesicles is most probably secreted into the reservoir by the surrounding class 3 gland cells or sequestered from the hemolymph by vesicles via the epithelial cells.

The high abundance of rough surfaced endoplasmatic reticulum in the class 3 gland cells suggests protein synthesis at a high level. The appearance of the vesicles in these class 3 cells as well as the content of the conducting canals suggest that the class 3 cells produce most of the material found in the gland reservoir. Additionally, substances may be sequestered from the hemolymph, as suggested by the invaginations of the cell membranes, stored in vesicles of the class 3 gland cells and transported into the reservoir.

Sequestration of substances from the hemolymph may also occur via the monolayered epithelium bordering the reservoir. Electron lucent vesicles, basal invaginations of the plasma membrane and apical microvilli strongly suggest a transport of substances from the hemolymph into the reservoir lumen. Chemical analyses of the reservoir contents using combined gas-chromatography and mass-spectrometry (GC-MS) revealed saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons (C21-C31), branched alkanes, and ketones as the main components of the volatile fraction (Kaltenpoth et al., in prep.). Since these substances can also be found in the hemolymph of beewolf females in the same proportions



s s

s s

b b



Fig. 2.5. Contents of the antennal gland reservoir. A SEM micrograph of the filamentous Streptomyces bacteria.

Due to preparation the secretion between the bacteria is reduced to some flakes, scale bar 2µm. B TEM micrograph of the white substance inside the gland reservoir. The Streptomyces bacteria (b) are embedded in secretion droplets (s) of various sizes. Daughter cells remain connected after cell division and form long filaments, scale bar 2µ m.

(Strohm et al., in prep.), it seems likely that they are sequestered from the hemolymph and transported through the monolayered epithelium by the observed vesicles.

The evolutionary origin of the mutualism between beewolves and Streptomyces bacteria is not yet clear. Possibly, the ancestors of P. triangulum initially possessed only simple glands without a reservoir that produced only the primary secretion of either the epithelium or the class 3 gland units and delivered it as a directional cue for the cocoon alignment of the larvae (Strohm and Linsenmair 1995). At this point of evolution, the morphology of the antennal glands of beewolves may have been more similar to antennal glands like in extant formicidae (for phylogeny of Hymenoptera see Brothers, 1999; for antennal glands in ants see Isidoro et al., 2000). The Streptomyces bacteria might have secondarily invaded these glands and provided some benefits for the larvae by protecting them against fungal infestation (Kaltenpoth et al., 2005). Subsequently, natural selection could have changed the morphology of the antennal glands by forming large reservoirs that now function as cultivation organs for the bacterial partners.

A comparable relationship is known from fungus-growing ants which cultivate mutualistic Pseudonocardia bacteria on their body surface (Currie et al., 2006). Both, Pseudonocardia on ants’

bodies and Streptomyces in beewolf antennae are members of the antibiotic-producing group Actinomycetes. The Pseudonocardia bacteria protect the ants’ fungus gardens from a parasitic fungus, as Streptomyces protect the beewolf offspring from mould fungi. The Pseudonocardia are reared in cavities of the ants’ cuticle and class 3 gland cells beneath the cuticle are connected via canals to the cavities (Currie et al.., 2006). Therefore it seems that fungus-growing ants and beewolves use analogue alliances with bacteria to combat the fungal menace.

Using genetic analysis, endosymbiotic streptomycetes have recently been found in the antennae of 27 species of Philanthus, but not in closely related taxa of Crabronid wasps (Kaltenpoth et al., 2006). It will be interesting to investigate the morphology of the respective glands in these congeneric species as well as other genera in the subfamily Philanthinae to elucidate the origin of these unique glands and the association with the Streptomyces bacteria. Moreover, most species of ground-nesting hymenoptera face similar threats by microbial attack of their offspring. Therefore, we predict that other hymenoptera might have evolved comparable symbioses with bacteria and corresponding structures for their cultivation to increase the survival of their progeny.


We are grateful to Prof. Dr. Georg Krohne, Daniela Bunsen and Elisabeth Meyer-Natus at the Dept. of Electron Microscopy (University of Würzburg) for their kind help with SEM and TEM preparation.

We also would like to thank Angelika Kühn, Ursula Roth, Margot Schilling (Zoological Institute,

independently discovered the glands in the early 1960s.


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Current Biology (2005) 15: 475-479

Martin Kaltenpoth1,2, Wolfgang Goettler1, Gudrun Herzner1 and Erhard Strohm1

1Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology, University of Würzburg, Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg

2Department of Behavioral Physiology and Sociobiology, University of Würzburg, Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg

3.1 Summary

Symbiotic associations between different organisms are of great importance for evolutionary and ecological processes (Buchner, 1921; Maynard-Smith, 1989; Margulis and Fester, 1991; Sapp, 1994).

Bacteria are particularly valuable symbiotic partners due to their huge diversity of biochemical pathways that may open entirely new ecological niches for higher organisms (Buchner, 1921;

Margulis and Fester, 1991; Sapp, 1994). Here we report on a unique association between a new Streptomyces species and a solitary hunting wasp, the European Beewolf (Philanthus triangulum, Hymenoptera, Crabronidae). Beewolf females cultivate the Streptomyces bacteria in specialized antennal glands and apply them to the brood cell prior to oviposition. The bacteria are taken up by the larva and occur on the walls of the cocoon. Bioassays indicate that the streptomycetes protect the cocoon from fungal infestation and significantly enhance the survival probability of the larva, possibly by producing antibiotics. Behavioural observations strongly suggest a vertical transmission of the bacteria. Two congeneric beewolf species harbor closely related streptomycetes in their antennae, indicating that the association with protective bacteria is widespread among philanthine wasps and might play an important role in other insects as well. This is the first report on the cultivation of bacteria in insect antennae and the first case of a symbiosis involving bacteria of the important antibiotic-producing genus Streptomyces.

Im Dokument Unique glands and buffered brains (Seite 41-49)