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Diret detetion of reli deay photons

and madetheonservativeassumption thateahphotonemittedduringthedeay

an ionize only one atom. On the left panel the mass is xed,

m φ = 100

eV, and

the lifetimevaries. Of ourse,for longer lifetimes the ALP ionising eet appears

later. Onthe rightpanelthe lifetimeisinsteadxed to

10 22

s,andthemass varies

from 50 eV to 1 keV. The higher the mass, and onsequently the energy


of the

emitted photons, the less eient is the ionising eet. The one-eletron atom

photoionisationross setion issuppressed for very high energy photons [136℄,

σ ph


ion ∼ 256π 3

α em

Z 2

E 1s (Z) ω


a 2 0 ,




is the atomi number,

E 1s = 13.6Z 2

eV the energy of the



a 0 = (αm e ) −1 = 5.292 × 10 −9

mis the Bohr radius and


the photon energy.

TosantheALPparameterspae,weomputed theoptialdepthinthe


z = 6


, requiring it tonot exeed

τ 6

. We made two dierent alulations, assuming the ALP thermal abundane in [2℄, and seondly that ALPs onstitute

the wholeDM in[3℄. Our resultsare exludingthe lightgreen regionlabelled

x ion

in gure 3.3, where the thermal origin of ALPs is onsidered. A similar result

was obtained in [3℄. This bound would inrease up to one order of magnitude at

the largest masses for whih ionization is eetive,

m φ . 300

eV, if we assume

optimistially that all the energy of the emitted photons an be onverted into

ionization. The ionizationhistory onstrains ALP lifetimes muh longer than the

age of the universe,

τ & 10 24

s, whih means that only less than one ALP out of

ten millions an deay. The eet of the deay of a large population of partiles

has atastrophi eets, but only extremely small perturbations to the standard

osmologial senarioare allowed.

atrestinthe omovingframe. Thespetraluxof photons produedinthe deay

of adiuse pseudosalarpopulationis [31,137℄

dF E

dEdΩ = 1 2π

Γ H(z)

n φ (z)

(1 + z) 3 =


≃ n ¯ φ0

2πτ H 0

E 0

m φ /2 3/2



− t 0


E 0

m φ /2 3/2 #



wherethesubsript 0meansquantitiesatpresenttime,

n ¯ φ0


density if


would be stable, and

E 0

is the energy at whih the photon would be

seen today. The photon initialenergy is

m φ /2

and thus the redshift of the deay

is given by

1 + z = (m φ /2)/E 0

. For simpliity we assumed matter domination


O (1)

orretionsduetotheosmologialonstant. Totakeintoaount

theopaityofthe universetotheultravioletradiation,theuxhastobeorreted

multiplyingit by the survival probability

P (z) = e −κ(z,E )


κ(z, E) = Z z



H(z )(1 + z ) n H (z )σ ph


ion (E) ,



E = E 0 (1+z)


n H


σ ph





E 1s = 13.6 eV


Z = 1


The ontributionfrom helium photoionizationis not relevant. One weorreted


(EBL) spetrum reviewed in [40℄. We orreted also the mirowave range of the

spetrumsubtrating the CMB ontribution, whihis known extremely wellafter

the measurement of COBE-FIRAS. The EBL spetrum does not present sharp

features that eventually ould be reognised to be the ontribution of a deaying

partile. Therefore we require the deay photon spetrum to be lower than the

EBL. The region of parameter spae exluded by this omparison is plotted in

dullgreen ingure3.3, whereitis labelledEBL.The sameapproahwas already

used in referenes [39,40℄ to look for axions in the optial EBL. In the part of

parameter spae that an be onstrained in this way, the ALP abundane would

be the minimum onsidered

n φ /n γ = (3.9/106.75)/2 ≃ 0.019

. Sine the thermal

ALPswouldprovidetoomuhDM for

m φ > 154


onvenient toassume that ALPs provide theright amount of DM above this mass,

while below it the standard thermal abundane is onsidered. In this way, we

avoid todupliate the limitsin the region whih is already exluded, and provide

a bound that only implies ALPs to onstitute the DM. Of ourse this requires

some non-standard dilution of the ALP number density by additional

degrees-of-freedom above the eletroweak sale. The bound gets severely degraded in the

m φ = 13.6


eV range, where not only absorption is very strong but also the

experimental data are extremely hallenging and the EBL spetrum has only an

upperbound estimate. Of oursethese fats are losely related.


is to examine the light emitted in galaxies and large sale strutures. There, the

dark matter density is above the average, providing therefore an enhaned signal

for the deay produts. However, also the bakgrounds are above the EBL, but

anyway the deay photons should stand above the bakground appearing like a

peak. Searhes of axions in the visible have been presented in [38,39℄ and more

reently in [41℄. The limits from these referenes are plotted in gure 1.2 in the

blue bandlabelledTelesope. In[138,139℄ sterileneutrino darkmatterdeaysin

a photonplus anativeneutrino were searhed inX-rays with the samemethods.


exploiting neutrino searhes, and abundane when the thermal ALP yield gives

φ < Ω DM

. The exlusion bounds we obtained are plotted in gure 3.3, labelled

respetively Optial and X-Rays. We have also plotted in gure 3.3 the limit

obtained by galatilinesearhes inthe


-ray range fordeayingDM, labelling it


-rays. Wetookthedatafrom[140℄andagainweresaled themfortheALPdeay

mode. Anyway, onsidering that the region onstrained by


-ray observations is well above the

T fo > m Pl

line, it makes probably not too muh sense in our

thermal-ALP piture, but we showed it anyway for the sake of ompleteness. In



-ray region, a very suggestive yet tentative laim of a detetion at

ω ≃ 130

GeV appeared reently [141℄. Unfortunately, we an not relate it to deaying

pseudosalars, sine itan only be attributed toannihilating DM.

In these spetral analyses, the monohromati emission line aused by the

deay or annihilation is reonstruted, and its intensity traks the density







CMB Μ CMB y x ion

x ion

HB excluded

KSVZ axion

T fo

= E


T fo = m


Τ=10 17 s

0 2 4 6 8 10

10 15 20 25 30

Log 10 m Φ @eVD Log 10 Τ @ s D

Figure 3.3: Summarising pitureforthis hapterinthe

m φ



parameter spae.

All the boundsare desribed in thetext. In light green are plotted the bounds

relatedto CMB distortion,respetively labelled CMB y,CMB



x ion

. In

dull green are the limits from the lak of diret observation of deay photons.

They are EBL and Optial, X-Ray and


-Ray. We onsidered the ALP

abundane provided by the thermal prodution mehanism for all the bounds

in all the parameter spae but diret deay photon detetion in the

m φ > 154

eV range. Here, ALPs would be overprodued with respet to the measured

DM abundane,therefore


istaken forALP abundaneinthediretphoton

detetion limits. The orange region labelled DM overs the exlusion bound

through lensing observations. The highresolution of modern instrumentspermits

to extrat dierent spetra from dierent zones of an objet. The emission line

are thus searhed privilegingthe higher density regions.

The radiation produed by ALP deay, being proportional to the reli ALP

density, would be linearly sensitive to the partile ontent above the EW sale


g ∗ (T fo )

. The onstraint on

g φ

relaxes as

p 1 + new dof/106.75

with the

new thermal degrees of freedom with masses between the EW and

T fo

in the

m φ < 154

eV range. The new degrees of freedom do not aet the diret deay

photon detetion bound for

m φ > 154

eV, sine in this mass range we assumed

φ = Ω DM


Diluting neutrinos and nuleons:

limits from dark radiation and big-bang



pri-mordialplasmahas enoughtime toregain thermodynamiequilibrium. Thisdoes

not meanthatisnot possibletoobserveanyonsequene ofthis event. Thedeay

modiesthe photonabundane,and leaves unalteredthe baryonandthe neutrino

abundanesif neutrinoshavealreadydeoupled fromthe bath. The

baryon-to-photon ratio


and the eetive number of neutrinos

N eff ∝ ρ νγ

are eetively

diluted, and they an bemeasured through the analysis of CMB anisotropies and

the observation of primordialelementsabundane.

Afast estimateofthe entropy inrementdue tothe deay is auseful guideline

to understand the topis of this hapter. Sine neutrinos are not aeted by the

deayif alreadydeoupled, itprovesonvenient tonormaliseabundanesinterms

of the neutrino temperature whih redshifts as

T ν ∝ R −1

. So we dene

T ≡

T γ

T ν


∝ n γ

n ν


ξ ≡ T φ

T γ


= n φ

n eq φ .


The initialondition we use is

T γ,0 = T ν,0 = T φ,0 = 2

MeV, when neutrinos have

deoupled and

e + e

annihilation has not yet begun. A rst stage is dened by

T γ,1 ≃ m e /10

, when eletron-positron annihilation is over. Entropy onservation


e + e


T 0 7

2 + 2 + ξ 0

= T 1 (2 + ξ 1 ) ,




and 2 are the

e + e



entropy degrees of freedom. Beause of the

initialondition we have hosen,

T 0


ξ 0

are equalto 1. Considering the axion ase,fromgure2.11 wesee thatwe aredesribing anepohfarbelowthe dashed

line,whihmeansthattheyarerelativistiinthemassrangeweareinterested. We

assumekineti equilibrium,even if axions deouple during the

e + e


If axions or ALPs deouple before

e + e

annihilation, like neutrinos, they are not aeted by the entropy released in the annihilation. Photons are heated by

the standard amount, thus

T 1 = 11/4

, whilethe produt

ξ T

isonserved. On the

other hand, if they deouple during or after

e + e

annihilation they are heated, sharingsome of the eletron entropy, and thus we have

T 1 = 13

2(ξ 1 + 2) .


Ifpseudosalars are fully oupled during

e + e


ξ 1 = 1


T 1 = 13/6

. In general we have

11/4 < T 1 < 13/6

. Figure 2.12 plots the value of



the axionat

T 1


The eventual deay of a population of pseudosalars makes the entropy they

arry tobe transferred to the photon bath. In the ase that


never leaves

ther-mal equilibrium, we easily nd that the nal photon abundane is



the standard value. In the axionase, we have pointed out that this happens for

m a >

∼ 20

keV. In generalthe entropy transfer to photons depends ontwo

parame-ters, the initialpseudosalarabundane, parametrisedby


,and the eetiveness

of inverse deay whenaxions and ALPs beome non-relativisti.

Ifthe deay freezes-inwhen

T γ > m φ /3

, thepseudosalar temperatureathes up with the photon one whihhas toderease beause of energy onservation. In

this proess, radiationis simply shued from one form toanother and omoving

energy remains onserved. Using again neutrinos as a ruler, in our units the


ρ γ+φ /ρ ν ∝ (2 + ξ 1 4/3 ) T 1 4/3

beforethe reoupling. Afterreoupling


T ∗

, the pseudosalar temperature ath up with the photonone, thus we have

ρ γ+φν ∝ (2+1) T 4/3


is redued to

T = T 1 2 + ξ 1 4/3

2 + 1

! 3/4



Comoving entropy inreases by the fator

[(2 + 1)/(2 + ξ 1 )] T / T 1

. At the later


T 2

, when pseudosalars beome nonrelativisti and their abundane gets Boltzmann suppressed, the deay transfers the pseudosalar entropy to the

photon bath,heating it aording to

2 T 2 = (2 + 1) T ∗ .


Putting all together, the nal photon heating by pseudosalars reoupling and

adiabatideay is

S 2

S 1

= T 2

T 1 = 3 2

2 + ξ 1 4/3 3

! 3/4



whihis alsothe ratio ofthe entropy density afterand beforethe deay. Werefer

to this ase as equilibrium deay, sine it happens in a loal thermal equilibrium


If pseudosalars reouple non-relativistially and they dominate the energy

budget of the universe just before reoupling, their out-of-equilibrium deay has

more dramati onsequenes. The out-of-equilibrium deay an produe a vast

inrease in the entropy density, beause the energy whih is rst stored in the

mass of a non-relativisti partile is suddenly released as radiation. This ase is

illustrated by an analyti approximation tothe entropy generation [76℄

S 2 S 1

= T 2

T 1

= 1.83 h g ∗S 1/3 i 3/4 m φ Y φ (T 1 ) r τ

m Pl




h g ∗S 1/3 i

denotes anaverage overthe deay time and

Y φ ≡ n φ /s

. This formula

is valid if the deay produes relativisti partiles, and the energy densities of

all the speies other than


are negligible before the deay. The energy density

sales as

ρ ∝ R −3

for non-relativisti speies, while

ρ ∝ R −4

for radiation. A


long-livedenoughtosurviveuntilthepseudosalar-radiationequality. Thisonditionis

1 10 10 2 0

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

m a @keVD S 2  S 1

Figure 4.1: Photon densityinrease inour modied osmologyasexpressedby

S 2 /S 1


C γ = 1.9

. Solid and dashedlinesstand for hadroni andnon-hadroni

axions respetively. In the latter ase

C e = 1/6

. The thin blue lines show the

valueifweassume thatnoentropyisgenerated inaxion deay. Thevertialline

signals theendof

e + e


heavy pseudosalars deay early beause of the

m −3 φ

dependene of the lifetime,

while very lightpartiles beomes not-relativistilate.

In gure 4.1 we show using blak lines the resulting

S 2 /S 1

from a numerial

solutionof the set of Boltzmann equations for the axion phase spae distribution

and theneutrino, photonand eletron abundanesas afuntionof

m a

inthe ase

C γ = 1.9

, with and without the eletron oupling. The blue thin lines represent

just the inrease in the entropy density due to reshuing of entropy between

axions and photons, whih follows equation (4.6), ignoring the entropy generated

in the out-of-equilibrium deay. It is interesting to observe how dramati is the

eetof theaxiondominationonthe omovingentropydensity. Startingfromthe

very right, in the high mass range, we an observe how negligibleis the eet of

the deay, sine in this ase the axion population has already disappeared from

the bath when

T = T 1

. The value of

S 2 /S 1

inreases moving to the left, as the

The maximum value allowed in this situation is provided by equation (4.6) and



. Continuing to the left, espeially if no diret oupling with the eletron

is present,axions experienea periodof deoupling followed by reouplingdue to

inversedeay. Thevalueof

S 2 /S 1


ξ 1

isinreasinglylessthanone in equation(4.6). Finally, the out-of-equilibriumrange begins,and the blak and

blue lines diverge. Here,

ξ 1

tends tozero, and indeedthe blue lines approahtwo.

But the atual value of

S 2 /S 1

is aeted by entropy generation, and it is highly boosted if the deay happens late enoughfor the axiontodominate the universe.

Again, the additionalouplingto eletrons makesthe transitionfromequilibrium

to non-equilibriumdeay shifttowards lower mass.