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Data grid used for the analysis of the 55 evaluations

Descriptive information

Title of study/evaluation

Focus (geographic, thematic, process) Legal instruments covered

URL to online report

Main findings in relation to evaluation criteria

Relevance: (i) What do evaluations tell about the relevance of EU development aid interventions, in particular for the poor (women & men)? (ii) How do the evaluations interpret the notion of the added value of EU development aid vis-à-vis bilateral aid of the EU-member states and what are the findings and conclusions with respect to this added value?

Result with page number between [brackets]

(add further rows if needed)

Link to Dutch thematic priorities

Effectiveness – (i) What do evaluations tell about the ability of EU development aid to achieve results (main outputs) and realise the expected development outcomes and impact (including attention for gender equality)? (ii) What do they tell about the results of the EU’s political dialogue with partner countries?

Result with page number between [brackets]

(add further rows if needed)

Link to Dutch thematic priorities

Impact and sustainability: What do evaluations tell about the impact of EU development aid and the sustainability of outputs and benefits (including environmental sustainability)?

Result with page number between [brackets]

(add further rows if needed)

Link to Dutch thematic priorities

Policy coherence for development: What do evaluations tell about the influence of EU policies in other areas (i.e. trade, agriculture, security, human rights and migration) on the results and outcomes of development aid?

Result with page number between [brackets]

(add further rows if needed)

Link to Dutch thematic priorities

Complementarity: (i) What do evaluations tell of the results of initiatives to ensure coherence and complementarity of EU development aid with aid provided by EU-member states, other donors (including NGOs), the private sector and national government funding? (ii) Have coherence and complementarity between different EU-instruments (including EU trust funds, EIB interventions) been ensured?

Result with page number between [brackets]

(add further rows if needed)

Link to Dutch thematic priorities

Efficiency: (i) What do evaluations tell about the efficiency of EU development aid? (ii) What is known about the use of monitoring and evaluation to improve development effectiveness?

Result with page number between [brackets]

(add further rows if needed)

Link to Dutch thematic priorities

Does the report present any reflections that is of interest to research question 1, in particular reflections on the (un)intended consequences of policy changes?

(Overall assessment:) Does the report’s findings inform any overall assessment in relation to changes since the outcomes of the 2013 IOB evaluation? (see annex 2)


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The European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) is a leading independent think tank that wants to make policies in Europe and Africa work for inclusive and sustainable development.


The German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) is a multidisciplinary research, policy advice and training institute for Germany’s bilateral and multilateral development cooperation.


The Policy and Operations Evaluation Department (IOB) is the independent evaluation service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands
